

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:08:56 PM

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Now I don't usually like to do package deals because its bad business, but James Booth is an Oregon boy born and bread and he'll take your offer.

Walsh is looking for $13MM per season.

GM Josh

You got a deal for Booth.

For Walsh, we can split that up between bonus and salary and we got a deal there too.

Thank you for your time Mr. Crain



Absolutely.  Make it so.

GM Josh

Audrey can we get Steve Rosenhaus on the line.


Mr. Rosenhaus I wanted to revisit our talk from earlier this season about Odom. I'd like to see him suiting back up with us again and would like to offer him 20 mil split between bonus and salary for a 3 year extension starting next season. Does that work?



Make it $22MM an we'll skip free agency, baby.

GM Josh

We can make that work. I'll send it in.

GM Josh

While I have you here I'd like to bring Mock back. Would 8 m for 3 years work there?



Eh, I think the rest of my clients will see what free agency has to offer.  Unless you've got a big deal in mind.

GM Josh

We'll see you in free agency Mr. Rosenhaus.

Audrey can you please get me money Mike on the line? 

Mr. Maker I'm calling about Hightower. I'd like to see him here for another 3 years. Can we make a deal for 22 split between salary and bonus starting next season?


GM Josh

You got a deal. Pleasure doing business.

Audrey you've been a champ today helping me out and it hasn't gone unnoticed.

Can you get me Bobby Shapiro on the line.

Mr. Shapiro I'm calling about a few of your clients. I'd like to extend Segura and Briggs for 3 years.

Let's start with Briggs first. Would 14 mil across salary and bonus starting next season work?



Briggs would like to at least dip his toes into the free agency pool.

John Segura would re-sign for 3 years at $10MM

GM Josh

GM Josh

Audrey thank you so much, I think that will be a wrap on this part.

Let's lock in


  Cheers! Here is our team off-season primer.  It shows our current roster (including expired players and coaches but without their contract values) our current draft picks for the next 3 seasons, and our budget.



In the event either of coordinators get an offer for a head coaching position, I'd like to know what the max I'll have in my budget to retain them would be. PM me the figures when you think about it, and if we don't wish to retain them at all, let me know so they don't miss out on an interview out of loyalty when we don't plan to bring them back.

GM Josh

Got that all sent out coach. Let's hope we can retain and be competitive this year.



Hopefully Smarter Football convinces them they should stay.





Bottoms up! After signing our draft picks we have 11 open roster positions to fill with $36.45MM in salary cap and $4.5 in bonus available to do so. We require a punter but the remaining roster spots are flexible.  We also have $13.9MM in off-season bonus money remaining as well.

The experts over Pro Football Focus gave us a draft score of 82.4 which was 16th in the league.

If you have any questions, let me know asap.

GM Josh

Thank you. I think we're missing something here. Could be on my end. I have us at needing 9 spots with 18.45 salary and 2.5 bonus this season.



Send me your roster sheet on discord and I'll cross check it asap!

GM Josh

Audrey you've been a peach from getting that basket together for the pitch to Derion to arranging all the facility visits. I do want to make sure we're on the up and up.

I have us with 1 roster spot left 5.95m salary 4.5m bonus and 13.4m off season bonus left. Does that look right to you?

GM Josh

Audrey can we please get that financial confirmation following the new signing?  I'm sending the money to the league office now.



I've got us with A 53 man roster, 950K in salary, 19MM in international bonus, $4.5MM S18 bonus, and $8.65MM in off-season bonus.

GM Josh

Well hot damn that off season is a bit more than I had written down. Glad I checked with you. I want to thank you for all you've done this off season and helping me make sure we avoided the free for all hell. That said I'm gonna give you a little bonus. What do you think about an extra 150k this year to enjoy yourself?



Oh wow!  That would be swell!

GM Josh

Done deal Audrey.

Now let's say we make someone else's day and get them in a uniform.

Can you get me Mr. Crain on the line.


JT how you doing my guy?  I'd like to talk to you about Jesse Waterman, doesn't look like he's signed anywhere so I'd like to bring him on to join the practice squad and maybe earn his way to the main roster. Can we get him here for a year at 500k?


GM Josh

Pleasure doing business with ya.

Alright that gives us 1 guy to try and earn his way up and makes me feel productive at this stage. I'll work on our lock in sheet unless I have other pressing matters?



We are looking good! There might be some add ons to go with our lock in sheet, but you can get it all worked out and just sit tight until we know more.

GM Josh


1. Have A Drink On Me-AC/DC
Used as the team is making their way out of the tunnel to get the crowd and players hyped.

2. Beer!- Psychostick
The Chorus is used upon any touchdowns, interceptions, or defensive fumble recoveries.

PR Campaign James McCoy

We're playing off the name here and going with the Real McCoy. We'll have a video package playing to start the season showing off his time in college while Another Night by Real McCoy plays in the background. We really want to push his star power that he built up and show him as an explosive new member of the team. During our home game against Seattle we'll also use a portion of the funds to have a James McCoy bobble head night to the first 100 people.

lock in



Cheers! Here is our team report coming out of camp!