

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:18:11 PM

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The defense was out of gas late.  Salt Lake had the ball for nearly all of the 4th quarter and it just wore guys down...  That and a costly roughing the passer call on Taylor that gave them 15 extra yards on that last drive, but no excuses. We have to win that game.

I've already told the team we could rest some guys, so nobody is going to have an issue since its not a benching, its rest.

GM Dazz

With the number 3 seed locked up and the division won I just think it's the way to go but I do hate losing games and momentum is important heading into the playoffs. You know what, we'll do this. I want us playing mostly starters but we rest Villanueva, Sauer is rested to protect his finger, we rest Black because I don't want to risk both of our starting CBs, we rest Nakamura because I don't want to risk him when Pope is already out and we put the backups in with a 21 point lead or if we go behind by more than 21. Let's go put on a show for the fans in the final week and have a division championship party. Cheers Coach and congrats on winning the division. You've done an excellent job so far and there's definitely more to come.

Strategy changes:
RB1: Robles
RB2: Papadimitriou
3rd down back: Villanueva

LDE1: Johnson
LDE2: Otto
RDE1: Obaje
RDE2: Sauer

MLB: Laney
SAM: Baumgartner
WILL: Moody

CB1: Bannister
CB2: Hussey
CB3: Gonzales

Lock in



GM Dazz

Your season ended with a loss that helped Seattle make it into the playoffs. Do you regret resting players in this one?

Not at all. That performance wasn't too different to how we've been playing lately and the lads that stepped in did fine. Once again we were excellent on offence and scored more than enough points to win most games but we've somehow managed to lose. People will point to the changes we made to personnel but when you look at individual performances almost all of those players we brought in played really well. The fact that the game went to overtime shows the team we put out was good enough to compete with Seattle so I'm not going to accept the media inference that we did Salt Lake dirty. I have to think about my own team and I think the close result and the injury to Marcus vindicate my decision to rest some of the lads. We should have won that game but Seattle were battling for their playoff lives and it showed in the end. I'm just disappointed that we couldn't cap off the season with a win for the fans.

You made the playoffs as the number 3 seed in the West. Do you think that's a fair reflection of your team?

If you'd offered me a division title and the 3 seed at the start of the season I'd have snapped your hand off. If you'd offered me it 4 weeks ago I'd have reacted very differently. We're disappointed with the way the season tailed off but there is plenty for the lads to be very proud of and the rewards of playoff football are well earned by the effort and attitude they've shown all season. This is year 1 of a 3 year project for me and the fact that we already have a division championship shows we're heading in the right direction. My only disappointment is that we won't get a chance to go head to head with Sydney. It would have made a great story but it wasn't to be.

How do you feel about your chances to make a run at the Impact Bowl?

GM Dazz laughs
What's the cliche... everyone starts 0-0 in the playoffs? Just the small matter of knocking off last year's Impact Bowl Champs to get things started. We'll give it our all and the lads will play with a lot of belief considering how we performed against the top teams all year. Hell, we're the 1 in Winnipeg's 15-1... which is very satisfying for me and the fans... so we're capable of beating anyone on our day. Do I think it's likely? We'll need to defend more like we did against Portland and Tucson and less like we did against Salt Lake and Seattle to make a deep playoff run but with Mazza running the offence anything is possible.



Like you said, we've proven we can beat the best defense and hte best team in the league.  That means we CAN beat anyone.  Now everyone has to perform their best and get us there.

GM Dazz

Absolutely. I think it's likely to be a shootout which always end up a bit of a coin flip but I like our playmakers on defence to give us the edge. The injuries at the end of the season give us a couple of headaches though.

Let's start offence. I know it's not injury related but I think Villanueva and Papa D need to be the 1-2 punch with Robles playing 3rd down. The question I have is at WR. Does Neumann slot in as WR2 to cover for Johnson or is he best used in the slot, which puts Matos at WR2?


I just got word that Marcus was reevaluated and he is actually questionable to play, so I'd leave him as the WR2, and if he can't play then I'd say Matos' more reliable hands are a better backup/coverage than moving Neumann into the spot.

GM Dazz

That's good news. I'll specify Matos as the primary backup but hopefully Marcus plays. He's been such an important player for us I hope he is able to showcase his talent in the playoffs.

I think most of the defence picks itself but none of the DTs have impressed me this year. Is there a preferred partnership in the coaching room? I brought in Ammons partly because I think he's got a high ceiling with the right investment in him and partly to shake things up. However my gut says we go back to Peacock and Vance.



We're all pretty disappointed in all of them this year, so whatever you feel is best.

GM Dazz

Yeah, significant change coming in that department in the off-season.

I was looking at creating a specific game plan for Vegas but it looks like they've struggled with containing the run mostly and that's something we're particularly good at so I think we just play our normal style. I don't think it matters what we try to scheme defensively so we'll just have to rely on players stepping up individually. As for rousing speeches... I've been here 8 times in 11 years and I've never noticed one of my speeches have any impact. Hell, I've given 7 speeches at this stage and won 2 games so I think I'll try leaving the motivation to people who are good at it. Good luck out there Coach and try to enjoy it.

Strategy Changes:


RB1: Villanueva
RB2: Papadimitriou
3rd down back: Robles

Matos to back up Johnson if Johnson isn't fit to play


LDE: Sauer
RDE: Obaje
DT1: Peacock
DT2: Vance

MLB: Nakamura
SAM: Laney
WILL: Pope (Baumgartner to cover if Pope isn't fit)

CB1: Bannister
CB2: Black
CB3: Hussey
CB4: Gonzales

Lock in



GM Dazz

GM Dazz heads down to the locker room at the end of the game against Vegas

Don't worry lads, I'll not keep you from the party too long. I know Coach will have congratulated you all on a hard fought win already but I wanted to make sure someone did the same for him. A playoff win against the defending champs takes so much effort and preparation and I know you'll all agree with me that the coaching team deserve so much credit for that. Let's hear it for the coaches!

That really was an epic of a playoff game out there. That Vegas team is ridiculously good and Larkin... the man's super human being able to eat so much punishment and still hit deep balls like he did. I heard it was a playoff record and most teams would have folded. Not you guys though. I've said it all season, there's just no quit in this group. You should all be very proud of what you did out there. Santos... Where's Santos Otto? That hit right at the end had me leaping from my seat along with 10s of thousands of fans around me. It's a moment that'll live with me for a long time. Papa D... someone give that man the game ball. 4 TDs and one of the most epic game winners I've seen in my whole HIFL career. That's stuff legends are made of. We'll be watching replays of that for years to come. So many great performances today!

I can tell you from experience that playoff wins are hard earned and pretty rare. This feeling right here is one of the best in the world and I imagine it only gets better the deeper you go. Savour this feeling now and celebrate tonight... but to not too much. Our reward is that we get to come back to work tomorrow and do it all again. I'm told it's likely to be on the road at Tucson. We already dominated there once this season so you know you can do it. Nothing comes easy in the playoffs though and they are going to be desperate for some revenge. I trust you lads to give it your all again. Let's go to Tucson and make it a Wolfpack Kinda House!

Strategy changes:

lock in



1. Mazza and the offense played a really good game, What more could this team have done in such a tight contest?

2. Is there anything you would do differently this year if given the chance?

3. Can Tucson beat Winnipeg, or is this the Arctic Foxes' Conference to lose?


GM Dazz

1. Mazza and the offense played a really good game, What more could this team have done in such a tight contest?

We could have defended much much better. How many times have I said it this season? We've scored more than enough to win 2 games in that one and somehow we've lost. I don't know how you lose having scored 40 and yet this isn't the first time it's happened to us this season. I'm absolutely fuming. In defence of the lads, we came into this game with Pope already injured and lost Obaje and Black during it and these are 3 of our key defensive players. I don't know any team that could cope with that. Having said that there are still things we could have done better and different choices we could have made. I don't want to take anything away from Tucson mind you. They were very good and Estates was absolutely the difference between our two games.

2. Is there anything you would do differently this year if given the chance?

All season we were excellent offensively but we relied on playmkers to make the difference on defence. The thing is, it wasn't just one or two players. Those playmakers were right across the defence and yet we defended as less than the sum of our parts. The individuals on the team were good enough to play a lot better than that so you have to look at the system and the coaching. This was not how a GM Dazz team defends. My teams are aggressive and difficult to score on. I can't tell you what a Terry Joseph defence looks like and that's a problem after a full season. There was no identity, no clear style and no real improvement as a group... though plenty from individual players. At the beginning of the season Terry Joseph told me that all we needed to be built to succeed was a player that can move the QB off his spot. I went and got Obaje who did exactly that for us. I agree that we were built to succeed. I didn't want to rock the boat mid season but maybe we'd be prepping for a game to ruin Winnipeg's season right now if I'd moved for Frisk or Graham when they became available.

3. Can Tucson beat Winnipeg, or is this the Arctic Foxes' Conference to lose?

I think they can with Estates in their roster now. Winnipeg aren't this unbeatable force you've all made them out to be. We beat them and we can't defend. I think teams have gone to play them with that impression that they're this historic team and have almost been beaten before a ball has been kicked. Tucson have plenty of offensive weapons and are really well balanced so I believe they can go in there with a lot of confidence and surprise a lot of people. I certainly hope so because I would love to see that team in Winnipeg knocked down a peg or two and have their "historic" season end in failure. But what did you expect me to say when I'm GM of Vancouver?

GM Dazz

Anna, could I see Coach Action please?

Coach, that was a real kick in the balls. Too many times this season we've scored enough to blow a team away and came out on the losing side. I know it's not time for talking coaching staff yet but the only defensive coach I want to see back is Anthony Stephens. His was the only unit that actually played to their ability. The season is easily summed up in that game. Offensively we've been excellent and I don't want to change much at all on that side but defensively it's been the worst season of any team I've ever managed and it's completely unacceptable. 

Here's how I see it, and please tell me if I'm wrong:
Our pass rush was pretty good with 2 top DEs and players from all over the team chipping in with sacks and pressures.
Our run defence was made of Swiss cheese and the lackluster performance from our LB group was in part due to the DTs being unable to create any holes for them.
We don't tackle well enough.
We were missing pace in our CB group which meant players got too much separation or were able to get away once they caught the ball. That in turn meant we couldn't play aggressively enough and we ended up with a bend but don't break but too often break anyway style.
Crowell was spending too much time having to do everyone's tackling that it left Gamboa exposed deep which is why we gave up so many deep plays.
We were able to remain competitive and to win the division because we have great defensive playmakers.

Does that about sum it up or have I misdiagnosed the problems in your view?



Its a pretty fair assessment, I'd say.

GM Dazz

Good, at least I know what I'm working with. We're a bit restricted financially due to some guarantees we're still under which is why I've reluctantly put Soriano on the market. I think Marcus will make a great WR1 and I've identified some targets to play WR2 so I'm confident we'll not see much if any decline.

Speaking of those guarantees, if we're stuck paying Amoah $8m then I want him contributing if we can get him to the right level. What sort of CB is he and do you think he has enough drive to step up with some camp focus?



Honestly, I think you need to talk to him and try to either get him to take a lower salary over a long time, some kind of 6 years at $2MM or something where he gets the money without bogging us down, or try to convince him to go back to the IFAF and back out of our deal all together to save us money because he isn't a starter and I dont think he ever will be.   No idea what GM Lucas was thinking bringing him in.

GM Dazz

Bugger. I appreciate the honest assessment and I'll see what I can do but I don't want to create issues with a disgruntled player in the locker room and worst case is we have one more year with him on this deal. I'll give your advice some thought though. Maybe Lucas wants him back now that it appears FG deals don't restrict trades. It's not something I would do often but with this being a guarantee I didn't agree I feel less bound by it than I otherwise would be.

I don't think there's anything else to discuss at this point so I just wanted to congratulate you on a very good season. There's plenty of room for improvement but a division title and a playoff victory against the defending champs is a great return on year 1 of a new project. Thanks Coach.



You could've cut me loose when you got here, nobody would've faulted you for starting fresh, but I'm grateful you gave me a shot.  We'll win a lot more games in the coming years, and I look forward to it.    Thanks boss.

GM Dazz

Anna, I don't have any contracts I'm looking to renew at this point so I think it's time I spoke to the owner.


Well, first year and a division title with a QB signing that not only won comeback player of the year but OPOTY and an MVP caliber season?   That's a tough act to follow unless you plan on having the cheerleaders wear nothing but whipped cream next season.

I'm sure it felt good to see your old team and my old GM fall out of the playoffs on top of it all...  yeaaaaah you hate to see it, but really, you love to see it.

So yeah, Good shit.  Very good shit.   Keep it up and lets push towards the Impact Bowl.

GM Dazz

I do like the whipped cream idea but I think we might get into some legal issues. I'll keep that one in the back pocket in case of emergency though. I have some other thoughts on how we can improve the team so I'm expecting to build on this start next season. Watching Sydney implode from a position of not really being able to fuck it up to it going so wrong they had to move continents... well you said it. I appreciate your support and I can say that after this season I have renewed confidence that we can put Winnipeg back in their box. I didn't like seeing them win the Impact Bowl again or seeing them win 15 regular season games but I bloody loved being the team to ruin their perfect season. Cheers.


Anna, apologies but there was 1 agent I wanted to speak to. Could I speak to Meadow Campanelli please?

Ms Campanelli, I hope you're well. I'd like to talk about your client Joe Ammons, DT. I think there's more to come from Joe and there are things about him that I liked in college that should have translated well into the HIFL. Unfortunately it seems like he hasn't had the help to develop into that player but I'd like to work with him some more to see if we can realise his potential. I can offer 2 years at $2MM at this point.


You know what, we'd rather play here where someone believes in Joe's potential over trying to get top dollar from someone who is just reading names off of the chart.  Forget about it. You have a deal.

GM Dazz

Excellent, thank you. Always a pleasure doing business with you.

Anna, that's us done for S17. A pretty good one I think but plenty of room for improvement. Thank you for all of your hard work this season. I couldn't do it without you.

Lock in


Hey,  Here is our team off-season primer.  It shows our current roster (including expired players and coaches but without their contract values) our current draft picks for the next 3 seasons, and our budget.



In the event either of coordinators get an offer for a head coaching position, I'd like to know what the max I'll have in my budget to retain them would be. PM me the figures when you think about it, and if we don't wish to retain them at all, let me know so they don't miss out on an interview out of loyalty when we don't plan to bring them back.



Boss, just wanted to reach out and see what you thought about a contract extension with an immediate raise.  We won the division and my salary is now lower than a handful of coordinators, so I'd love to work something out.

GM Dazz

I'm sorry but I'm not willing to discuss your contract until the bye week. If you're unhappy with that then you can of course resign and although I'll be very disappointed with that outcome I'll nevertheless thank you for your great work over the past season.



Damn.  Okay then.   I'm disappointed as hell too.


GM Dazz

Anna, looks like I'll be looking for a new Head Coach blind. The absolute nerve to come trying to hold me to ransom as soon as the coach scouting window closed. Coach Action was never my choice for HC so at least now I can go and get the defensive HC I want. Very annoying though. I'll get back to you with a list of coaches I would like to interview shortly.



I've already heard from Tommy Mazza, he's unhappy Coach Action is gone.   Lets hope you make the right hire to get everyone back on board after we had momentum going in our favor.


Hola GM Dazz, I appreciate you bringing me in for your first interview.   What can I do to show you I'm the man for the job?


GM Dazz

Mr Mantalban, it is great to meet you. I wanted to start by saying congratulations on your Impact Bowl and that historic season in Winnipeg this year. You and your team really did prove the old adage that defence wins championships, and I think we probably helped to prove that point as well. We could score for fun but too many times we would pass 40 points and still lose games. That is something that does not represent what a GM Dazz team is about and it's something I'm very keen to put right this season. Obviously you had a crucial role in building that almost unbeatable unit in Winnipeg so the first thing I'd like to know is what you think were the key elements that made that team so good and are they the kinds of things you can transfer to a new group of players?



We really cultivated a defense with high football IQ.  Our linebackers tackled well, our corners all had above average strength to go with their good speed and high agility.     Our starting safeties had great hands,  and our defensive line was very strong and explosive thanks to speed and agility.     

Those are the traits I like in players at those positions.    Speed, Intelligence, Strength.  They are the base of all success.

GM Dazz

You seem to be very clear on what you're looking for in your players and setup.

Despite winning the division and beating the defending champs in the playoffs I think we underperformed last year. We were fantastic offensively but our defence didn't perform as they should have. I'm keen not to over correct the other way. How do you see yourself running the team? Would you look to hand responsibility for offence to an experienced OC or would you want to set the direction for overall strategy?



I'd hope to find someone on the current offensive staff and if they are capable of keeping the offense from last year on track and keep that same style of play that was working well with Mazza, I'd prefer to do that.

GM Dazz

That makes sense. I've always looked internally when I've joined a new team as well. There's definitely something to be said about maintaining some form of continuity in coaching teams.

I only have one more question for you. I have worked with some excellent DCs who became great HCs, like Blitzer or Dos Santos. I've also worked with great DCs who struggled to make the step up, like Ken Graham or Darren Hall. All are fantastic coaches but for some reason that doesn't always make a great Head Coach. What do you think stands out about you that'll mean you join the first group rather than the latter?



I can't speak for the others on your list, but I can tell you that I know I am a strong leader, I am good at motivating those around me to be their best, and I think I showed where I helped Aaron Tibbett stay out of trouble in Winnipeg this year, I can keep troubled players in line.   Those are major responsibilities of a head coach, in my opinion.

GM Dazz

I think that list has just gotten a lot shorter. I've been impressed and I agree with pretty much everything you've said. I think we'd work well together but the only question I need to mull over is experience. We need to be delivering immediately so I just need to weigh that up against your undoubted potential as a Head Coach. I need to give that some thought. Thank you very much for your time.



Thank you as well GM Dazz. Take care.

GM Dazz

Anna, could you get Alberto Kidwell for me please?

Coach Kidwell, it's great to see you again. I was going to ask you to come and interview for the Head Coach job here in Vancouver but we've worked together before and I think we know each other well enough to skip that. I'd like to reunite if you're up for it. I have 2 years left on my contract so I'd offer a 2 year deal to match at $15MM per season.


Lets get to work. I've got a chip on my shoulder after being dismissed in St. Paul; I'm comin' for everybody.

GM Dazz

Their loss is our gain. Welcome aboard. It's fantastic to be working with you again.
