

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:47:42 PM

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GM Gates

Excellent that is good to know.

Let's talk the defensive side of the football. I believe your preference is 4-3, which is mine as well. Would you be able to give me some more insight into your defense as a head coach? Do you consider defense a weakness of yours?



I prefer a 4-3 for sure, I don't have a big preference on aggressive vs. conservative, I just want a Defensive coordinator who teaches discipline to avoid bad penalties.

GM Gates

That's fair. I planned to invest a lot into the defensive side so hopefully we can be on the look out for that.

One last question from me. If there was one thing that set you apart from other coaches, one trait or one aspect you pride yourself in, what would it be?



I believe my attention to detail in game planning is my best quality.

GM Gates

Fantastic stuff.

Do you have any questions for me Mr Houser?


GM Gates

Excellent, Mr Houser.

At this time, I would like to offer you the job of Head Coach here in St Paul, on a 4 year deal worth $13 million a season.


GM Gates

Fantastic, coach. Welcome aboard. I will work on the budget for the rest of your staff so that we can bring in some great coordinators.


I look forward to it.  Thank you again.