

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:20:32 PM

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GM Gravedigger

That's a vision I like. Athleticism and versatility is what I like to see on the court, and it will help build a winning team here in Manhattan.

How does a 2 year, $750k contract sound?

GM Lucas

"That sounds good, send it in and I'll be in the next plain to NY

GM Gravedigger

Glad to have you on board, Coach.


Let's talk to Dustin Gilchrist's representation.


I'd like to get a new deal for Dustin done. He's still a big part of what we want to accomplish here in Manhattan. How does a 2 year, $15 million deal sound?

GM Lucas

"Dis not good, no bad, but not good. My clizent vatches Elton McClain, eh- get vifteen million and eh- he vatches Cardinal, eh...get zeventeen, my Clizent has done more. He vants 18"

GM Gravedigger

2 years, $18 million? Fair offer. You have a deal.

GM Lucas

"Very Good, Zend it in"

GM Gravedigger

Let's bring Coach Bedard in...


Coach, time to get back to business. First off, I wanted to hear your thoughts on this year's roster, and the assistant coaching staff...

GM Lucas

"Right to business, that's what I wanted to hear when I walked through those doors. Now, when I heard Fender had no intentions of coming back, it was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. My emotions were racing fast and furiously. On one hand, losing a guy like that doesn't make your team better...EVER!. But, losing a guy like that can make your team better, just in a different way. It wasn't easy GM Digger but nothing worth having is. So now what, I look at our roster and we brought back our core of Anderson, McCringleberry and Gilchrist. Drafting Tart was a good move especially since you picked up the veteran Stewart. He'll do well learning behind him. But now we get to talk about Melikis, not sure how you pulled that off. I guess right place at the right time. What you was able to do this offseason put us right back on track. We should be in the driver's seat in this division. Now our staff. Thank you for bringing back Adams, we click. I think Wilkins is one hell of a scout and I'm sure he was hand that pushed for Tart because he favors athletic versatile guys who can play. Bratton, well, he does a lot of listening. He has a good head for this game on both sides of the ball but it's no secret he wants to be a head coach so I feel like I'm training a guy on how to beat me next season. Either way, he's a good guy and can offer us a lot but he ain't sticking around.

GM Gravedigger

Thanks for the insight, Coach. I also think we're ready to make a run this year.

For our summer camp, this is what I'm thinking we do:

1. Abasi Tart: Shooting
2. Matt Allen: IQ

GM Lucas

"That works, It will definitely benefit both of them"

GM Lucas

"Reports are in. Time to roll. Let me know which one of us are going to put the line up together for preseason and don't forget to tell me who you want me to keep an eye on"

GM Gravedigger

As we ease into the preseason, I'll let you make the calls on lineups and strategy. We can discuss as the season progresses.

Starting Five Leave up to coach
------(If you are choosing your teams minutes, the bench will be organized by minutes)
------ (This will be the guys who do not play)

Captain: Dustin Gilchrist

Preseason Training
1. Abasi Tart - Passing
2. Shannon Bestor - Shooting
3. Jonathan Maxwell - IQ

Choosing in game strategy:

Perimeter Focus. Leave up to Coach

Defensive Strategies: Leave up to coach


GM Lucas

"We just might be the benefactors off a problem we all created, a good problem I might add. Jelani looked incredible. I'm not going to lie, he's always been a baller, but if he comes to the season with that fire, we won't even miss Fender. Now, with that said, he's probably going to want to start, and he should. Tart is coming along. Playing some solid defense. Bestor, well, The kid is good with the ball, doesn't make mistakes and very aggressive but seems limited on offense. He just may be a solid 7th or 8th guy to have. NOW, I think Maxwell is ready. I know we have Anderson but Maxwell looked real good. My worry with Maxwell, when he was up against the veteran Ausler, his inexperienced showed. So we keep an eye on that. You got some decisions to make. I'll make the call if you need me to but we have a lot of guys who can be starters on other teams.  There are no good problems, but I wouldn't consider this to be a bad problem to have"

GM Gravedigger

Let's stick with what you think for now. If you can navigate a roster with Fender on it, then you got this no problem. If somebody isn't getting the time they want in a few weeks then I'll look into roster moves.

Give 'em hell, Coach.


All decisions by coaching staff


GM Gravedigger

1. Discuss your week 1 results. Who surprised you, good or bad. Any concerns?

Up and down results in week 1. No concern as of yet, it's a long season. I'd rather be at our best in the playoffs than now. Pretty balanced effort from our team. If I have to single one guy out, I'd say Maxwell played well. He could be an asset at Center.

2. How are you dealing with your injuries (If you suffered an injury)

No injuries for our team

3. Talk about changes if any you plan to make.

I trust our coaching staff to make the adjustments that will optimize our team. As I said earlier, lots of time to figure it out.

4. After seeing your team play this first week, how are you going to approach next weeks opponents?

Same way. Work on our rotations, figure out our optimal play style, and do what we can to put some wins on the board.

5. Discuss any other news from around the league.

I tip my cap to Vancouver. 5-0 is a nice start.


Coach, you feel like the rotation is more settled than it was before the season, or still a work in progress?

GM Lucas

"I like what we have at the moment. There isn't anyone out there that is going to come in and make us world beaters so we play the guys we got and that should be good enough to win games. "

GM Gravedigger

Gravedigger is sitting in his office, going over stats from the past few games, when a Moguls' staff member knocks on his door...

Staffer: Sir, are you going to do your press conference this week?

Digger: I already did.

Staffer: Sorry to contradict you, sir, but you didn't do your presser. That was last week.

Digger: Really?

Staffer: Yes.

Digger: Whoops. Guess I should get on that...

Staffer: There's no press here to talk to, sir.

Digger: How long have I forgotten about this? Game ended a few hours ago...

Staffer: It's been days, sir...

Digger: Well... shit. I'll write up a statement and send it out...


Not the start we wanted, obviously. Through 8 games I would have said we'd be 6-2 or better, but that didn't happen. We're not getting the results we want, but there's a lot of season left. This team is still an absolute title contender, and will be a threat come playoff time.

The fight was unfortunate. While I'm not opposed to physicality on and off the court, you have to know what's appropriate and not cross the line. The line was definitely crossed, and I support fines and potential suspensions.

I don't like that social media users are throwing down threats at McCastle and Mexico City. It was an issue among players, and will be dealt with as a league matter. Fans should not get involved with league business or threaten the safety of our players.

I applaud Seattle for starting out 5-0. That's the start we wanted, but weren't able to pull off. Best of luck to those guys the rest of the season.


Not getting the wins, Coach. How's the morale in the locker room?

GM Lucas

"I'm thinking right now a talk with the captain might do you some good"

GM Gravedigger

Good idea, I'll get back to you.


Let's talk to Dustin


Cap, I wanted to get your take on what's going on with the team. How's the morale, any personal issues, anyone having problems with playing time? Any insight you can give would be appreciated.

GM Lucas

" As the captain I can handle locker room issues, I did it last year with that clown Esquire. That's not the problem, what is becoming one, is that there are guys here who feel they should be getting more or as many minutes as other guys starting. Last season, Anderson was our starter and did great, but you traded for Melikis and coach thought Anderson coming off the bench would be great for us, except he didn't speak to Anderson about it. So if you ask me, start there"

GM Gravedigger

Yeah, I'll talk to him. You good other than that?

GM Lucas

GM Gravedigger

Thank you for your input, Cap.


Let's talk to Deaundra.


Big man, I hear you're frustrated with the season so far. I'd like to hear about how you're feeling...

GM Lucas

" Not sure if it's frustration or disappointment. Last season I chose Manhattan over Vancouver, mainly to have a chance to play with my boy Dustin but also to be in the city I love, coming from Long Island and all. We did some good things last year in spite of all the distractions. Then we come to this year and I'm ready to get this going again and find out the guy we just traded for ends up with my minutes. I'm a team player, but that felt like a slap in the face. I mean coach couldn't even pull me aside and let me know. A day before the start of the season I see my name as 6th man. I don't know man, didn't feel right, that's all I'm saying. I'm not some young spark plug who comes off the bench. I need my game to heat up. look, I know coach is solid man, but that move is beyond me. "

GM Gravedigger

Would you be willing to sit down and talk to him so we can clear the air?

GM Lucas

" No offense boss, that's your job. I let you know how I felt. Again, coach is head strong and solid man. I like him a lot, but, I need to be starting. Here, there or anywhere if you get my drift. "

GM Gravedigger

Ok, I'll see what happens this week and go from there. I appreciate you giving me your honest feedback.


Let's talk to Coach quickly.


Coach, Deaundra wants to start. Do with that information what you will. The lineup is your decision, and if we need to move him then I'll make a move.


GM Gravedigger

1-Adress your team news

First off, I'll address not speaking to the media last week. To be honest, I was so disgusted with the prima donna bullshit bringing our team down that I decided not to speak to anyone, be it the media, the players, coaches, or team ownership. Last year we had issues with Fender, but everyone left it at the door and did their jobs. This year we have a guy that decided to bring his issues to the court, and it's killing this team. Anderson didn't need to request to not be a part of this team anymore. His ass is done here.

2- Address one other piece of news

I respect what's happening with Oakland right now. Being complacent is a recipe for mediocrity.

3- What are your thoughts of the IBA starting this week? Will you be paying attention?

I think it's important to pay attention to other pro leagues and the college game. You never know where your next upgrade will come from...


Coach, I'm on Anderson. He's done.

GM Lucas

"Last year the kid was aces, this year, I guess he figured with Fender gone he would start, but I never thought it get to this. Last year we were showed maturity, we grew as a family here, but seems like he doesn't want to be part of that family anymore. So if we are going to trade him, let's do it. We need to try and get some assets back, at this point any warm body wanting to play will do. I hear the owner is going to start fining him which is going to make things worst. If you can't find a partner, I suggest talking to owner and trying to find a resolution. We should not be in last place"