

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:49:06 PM

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GM Bennett

Alright Coach, I believe you answered just about all the questions I needed. I still have one more Coach to speak to before I make a final decision on who I am going to hire but I can definitely say you have surprised and impressed me more than I already was before we sat down to talk. I appreciate your time and getting to know you.


Xena, let's get our last candidate here please.

These coaches aren't making it easy on me. I'm sure the next one won't either.



GM Bennett

Ain't that a bitch....

Alright, I don't wish to interview anyone else.

Xena, can you give Coach Freese a call please?


GM Bennett

Coach Freese, I'd like to formally offer you to be the next Head Coach of the Atlanta Underground.

The contract length will be 3 Years mostly because that's how long my own contract has the possibility to be. If I am to possibly be out of a job by next season it'll give the whoever takes over a chance to have a HC for at least 1 more season or let's say I lose this job year 3, it'll give you the freedom to go elsewhere if you don't wish return without me being here. I don't mean to say that as I assume that's something that you'd do but I think a clean slate for the new GM and you most importantly with me being gone...I'd also like to spare you from someone who might come in and fuck something up that we may end up building together here...

Anyways, I said too much there. I apologize. But with a 3 Year Contract worth $14MMM.

Anyways I think with you being comfortable with the current state and the path we are set on here in Atlanta as a team who is in the middle of a bit of a rebuild but also wants to be competitive, I believe that a Coach who is comfortable with both veteran and young talent is key for a team such as this. You fit that description, Coach. During our interview I was worried about assumed weakness of you coaching young talent maybe but you certainly cleared up that worry immediately during our conversation. Also with you being one of the top tier coaches in the league it insures that we will have a great chance to achieve our goals of building a championship caliber team, nurturing young talent and having a team that can challenge for the championship.

I know, I didn't have to say all this for a simple contract offer but this is who I am Coach, I say what I feel and what's on my mind. I just want you to know just how honest of a man I am.

So...What do you think?



As another Archie famously said... 

"We Ready"

GM Bennett

Welcome to the Underground, Coach.

I'll do my best to secure your funds for you to fill out the coaching staff this season as best I can while still having enough to try to fill out the roster as well.

In the meantime I'll let you get moved down here in Atlanta and settled into the new role. Look forward to working with you.