

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:47:42 PM

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GM Gates

Excellent that is good to know.

Let's talk the defensive side of the football. I believe your preference is 4-3, which is mine as well. Would you be able to give me some more insight into your defense as a head coach? Do you consider defense a weakness of yours?



I prefer a 4-3 for sure, I don't have a big preference on aggressive vs. conservative, I just want a Defensive coordinator who teaches discipline to avoid bad penalties.

GM Gates

That's fair. I planned to invest a lot into the defensive side so hopefully we can be on the look out for that.

One last question from me. If there was one thing that set you apart from other coaches, one trait or one aspect you pride yourself in, what would it be?



I believe my attention to detail in game planning is my best quality.

GM Gates

Fantastic stuff.

Do you have any questions for me Mr Houser?


GM Gates

Excellent, Mr Houser.

At this time, I would like to offer you the job of Head Coach here in St Paul, on a 4 year deal worth $13 million a season.


GM Gates

Fantastic, coach. Welcome aboard. I will work on the budget for the rest of your staff so that we can bring in some great coordinators.


I look forward to it.  Thank you again.





Hey Yo, After signing our draft picks we have 20 open roster positions to fill and we have $11.65MM in salary and $250K in bonus available,  . We require a two linebackers and a punter but the remaining roster spots are flexible.  We also have $2MM in off-season bonus money remaining as well.

The experts over Pro Football Focus gave us a draft score of 80.8 which was 25th in the league.

If you have any questions, let me know asap.

GM Gates

Thank you for all that excellent information, Elsa.

With free for all starting, could you get me Bobby Shapiro on the line please?


Bobby! I wanted to talk to you about one of your clients, undrafted free agent FS David Villarreal. I'd like to bring him in on a 1 year, $500K deal. Can we do that?



Everybody wants a piece of the big Ship today!  You've got a deal.

GM Gates

Thanks Bobby.

Let's double down here.

What about LB Edwin Huggins. Same offer for him? 1 year, $500K?



Money Money, Yeah yeah!  Lets do it.

GM Gates

Excellent, Bobby.

Let's get crazy here.

I'm looking for a third QB and looking at your client Eugene Dewitt. Would he come on board for 1 year at $1 million?



If you keep buttering me up like this we'll need to get a room.   You've got a deal big fella.

GM Gates

Well you never know!

Thanks as always Bobby.


Elsa, can you get Rich Hope on the line?


Rich, pleasure to speak with you! I wanted to discuss bringing a client of yours, UDFA RB Jesse Whitten, here to St Paul.

1 year deal worth $500K work?


...GM Gates its good to meet you.  I consulted with a friend of mine and he says this is a fair value for a UDFA, so we'll agree to that price.

GM Gates

Appreciate it Rich.

Take care.


Elsa, Eli Harris please.


Eli! I wanted to bring your client G Jason Hernandez here to St Paul.

1 year, $500K for the UDFA?


GM Gates

Thank you Eli. Pleasure as always.


Elsa, can we get in touch with my man Bobby Shapiro one more time?


Bobby! Glad to speak to you again!

I wanted to ask about LB Michael Parker. Would he be interested in coming to St Paul for 1 year at $1 million?



$1.75MM is the lowest we're gonna go.

GM Gates

That's fair. Unfortunately just don't have that kind of room right now.

But while I have you, would Michael Moody be interested in playing here for 1 year at $1 million?


GM Gates

Ah dang.

Thanks anyways Bobby.


Elsa, Eli Harris again please?


Eli, wanted to touch base about your UDFA client T James Stewart. Would he do a 1 year, $500K deal here in St Paul?



Sorry, he signed with Music City and was still listed on the free agency sheet.

GM Gates

Ah my bad Eli.

While I had you I wanted to revisit LB Diego Brown. Would he do 1 year at $1 million instead of the two year deal I offered earlier?



Diego isn't signing for less than $4MM.

GM Gates

That's fair Eli, I just wanted to follow up from phase 2.

Take care Eli.


Elsa, Steve Rosenhaus please.


Steve, I wanted to check in on UDFA T Julio Powell. Offer is 1 year at $500K.


GM Gates

Thanks Steve. Take care.


Hopefully one more call, Elsa. Let's call Amber Molina.


Amber, how's the off season treating you?

I wanted to inquire about a client of yours, LB Antoine Hedrick. Any chance he'd be interested in coming to St Paul on a 1 year deal worth $1 million?


GM Gates

Thanks Amber. Pleasure as always.


Well Elsa, I think that fills our roster. Thank you for all your hard work.


GM Gates

As confident as I am in our numbers, Elsa, being so close to the cap makes me want to double check so I don't screw the team over.

I have us with a full 53 man roster, $400K in available salary, $0 bonus money, $0 International bonus money and $300K off season bonus money.



Looks like we have a full 53 man roster, with $400K in salary cap, 0 in international bonus, 0 in S18 bonus, and 3.4MM in off-season bonus.

GM Gates

Awesome, thanks Elsa. Glad we were able to compare our numbers and come out with the same.

For now I think it's time to lock in.


Lock In