

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 08:31:23 PM

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Every time is as good as the first time, boss.  Every time.

GM Pancho

No better experience in the world than winning ... especially when you're opponent is trying as equally as you are.  Coach Tibbetts with San Antonio on the table - I don't think we'll have much to discuss logisticly short of any depth chart changes that may come to making some deals.

So for now I'll leave you be and report if there's anything to report.  Thanks for your time.


Rosa can we confirm the financials? I've got us with no room to spare in the salary department and only 750k available in bonus funds.  And while I don't ask this often.  Can you let me know what our tax bill will be at this point if no deals are made?



I'll send you my numbers jefe, we're off just a little bit.  I have us with 50K salary and $1.75MM in bonus.

GM Pancho

Thank you for checking my numbers Rosa - I see where I made the mistake and I see you have accounted for the new trade already with that bonus number.  We are officially synced up.

I'll be in my office working the phones but don't hesitate to interrupt me if anything comes up.  Thank you Rosa.


GM Pancho

Rosa I think that's going to do it for us.   We'll have 3 new arrivals coming in I want to make sure they are properly introduced and given a tour of the facilities.

Also send my regard to Ash, Melendez and Dew for me.

Here's the updated depth charts for the week so we can begin practicing under them and getting our new players reps.

Master Depth Chart Changes

SS1 - Carl Hawkins

CB3 - Tommy Corbin

LT2/RT2 - Robert Dew

Lock In

GM Pancho


1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?)

In this league you never want to overlook an opponent and while they aren't the same Knights who beat us in the Impact Bowl so many seasons ago they certainly had the same fight in them this past game.  Caleb Smoak gave us all the Smoak we can handle and then some ... but with the game on the line ... in winning time as I like to say ... Bruce Wilkinson comes up with the HUGE stop and clinches the victory.  Credit to the offense as well as we were down 21-10 in that third quarter but they held their composure and rattled of 19 unanswered points before San Antonio almost tied the game up.  This was the epitome of a team win so if I have to single out performances for the game ball then it this game goes to our team captains – Jamie Ortega, Oliver Giles, Pegasus Williams, Bruce Wilkinson, Timothy Dekker, George Vu.  Leadership like this keeps a team composed in difficult moments and helped us get that victory.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

First and foremost, congrats to Jamie Ortega – I don't ever want to take this man for granted so I won't dismiss a Player of the Week Honors.  Especially with what he could achieve if he maintains his pace at in terms of the rushing record.  Some headlines however, want to focus on the opposite side of that coin.  I understand the concerns about our passing game – especially with the news that we will be missing Oliver Giles for a couple of weeks.  But I simply point to the success we had this week as a testament that this team can win in ANY fashion.  Down 11 in the second half – and we kept marching down that field over and over.  Could this be replicated on other squads and get the same results? Probably not.  But that just again speaks to how special Jamie Ortega is.

3. With the trade deadline in the rear view, what move surprised you the most?

You'd think after being in this league so long nothing would surprise me – and yet I am still shocked by how some of these GM's evaluate talent and compensation.  Without targeting anyone specifically I think sometimes people get it stuck in their heads that player A should be moved and when the market doesn't bear fruit they settle for a peanuts offer and think they did a good job since they accomplished the goal of trading Player A.

I'd also like to tell GM Gooch that getting traded doesn't have to be seen as a loss. A long time ago I was once traded for and it ended up being one of the best things to ever happen to me.  Stay positive and keep working hard.

4. Tell us a player on offense and defense you want to see more from in the second half of the season.

With injuries – comes opportunities.  We have our primary receiver down for the next two weeks and I am wanting to see who in that WR or any player who gets thrown the ball to see who wants it and who can produce when they ask for it.  On defense, we just had some new additions via a trade and I'm looking to see who can make a play when it counts.  Steven Lord had a great game for us with a timely turnover – I'd like to see that kind of success become more consistent and he showcase that he can Lord over any QB.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

We get to host Tottenham this week and I get to reunite briefly with Steven Crawford and Lynwood Hunter. These two men were critical for the early success in my HiFL career but I know if I let them those two men will be looking to throw everything at us and beat us on that field.  So like I started this press conference I finish it the same way – you can never overlook any team in this league and with Lincoln Doss as their QB he has the skillset to make anything happen.

Coach with Giles out for the next two games at least – I wanted to talk about the men in the WR room.  Clearly I think Clark jumps to be our #1WR but I wanted to see how the rest of the depth shakes out.  I know Van Hoose has been getting consistent work but I wanted to know if now was the time to see if someone could/would step up like a LaRue or Reynolds or even Greene if we utilized him more in the passing game.



We're not deep at receiver, with Van Hoose moving to WR2 by default, we pretty much need to go LaRue and Reynolds next, but none of them are very fast; just faster than what Stephen Greene is these days.

GM Pancho

Coach I think we'll give LaRue the reps - give us an idea if we need to work on a more long term contract for the kid and let's see what he has.

We also at least for the next two games need to pick a primary receiver - think the obvious choices are between Clark, Green and Pegasus.  I'm inclined to pick Clark.  Maybe we can even run a few sets where Pegasus is in the slot and we have Coates be the man in the backfield but I'd hate to lose Pegasus protection back there.  Man can MOVE people.



I think Clark is the right choice for sure, and I agree; we don't want to take Pegasus out of the backfield too often.

GM Pancho

That's everything to discuss for this upcoming game.  Let's show those bats who really owns the night ...

Depth Chart Change

WR1 - Earl Clark
WR2 - Kevin Van Hoose
WR3 - Robert LaRue
WR4 - Troy Reynolds

Primary Receiver: Earl Clark

Lock In

GM Pancho


1. Discuss this past week.

Great team win this past week against Tottenham. I knew that their coaching staff would have them ready to play and they gave us a tough one but the biggest difference was on third down.  We held them to only a 1/9 conversation rate and we converted at a much higher clip.  Credit to Tottenham for not rolling over in the third when it was 24-7.  If I was there GM I'd see that as a positive.  But for Alabama the positive I see is the victory we had.  We ran the ball well, and while Jamie took too many hits for my liking, I feel like this is one the best games our offensive line has played.  The defense is really coming together and I think we are starting to rev up for a solid playoff run.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

"Anonymous source claims that Jamie Ortega receiving increased treatment on lower body as team continues to utilize QB on the ground at record pace" – this is news?  Well I guess the part about Jamie set on a record pace would be but I find it odd that it's necessary to include his treatment plan and that it be quoted from an anonymous source?  What's the implication?  Maybe I am just defensive of our star athlete.

3. Talk about your plans for this week.

Nothing gets easier in this league and we face a formidable opponent in the Dragons.  We also have to do it by going on the road.  Coach Swope said the Dragons are ready to defeat the Nighthawks.  I'm sure Coach Swope believes that to be true.  Everyone always believes their team can beat the Nighthawks – until we get on that field and perform.  If we stick to our gameplan and execute it to the level I know we can.  No team can match us on that field.


Coach Tibbetts another injury we have to deal with, this time in the LB corps.  With Eros out for the game I'm leaning towards giving Hildebrand most of his reps.  Maybe to help out with the depth we can get Thomas Miller or Lamar Rucker some reps at LB though I am not sure they have the knowledge of those positions.



Miller is a better fit as an emergency LB than Ruckker despite the size differences; hopefully Hildebrand can recapture some of that magic from last season and give us some quality snaps.

GM Pancho

I'll make those adjustments in the lock in but can you believe the words out of GM Stark's mouth?

"I just hope Ortega doesn't get too beat up, that guy is their golden goose, and they don't wanna rub the luster off."

What kind of shit is that!?  I'm going to put the league on notice cause I am not tolerating this again. Not after Atlanta. FUCK THAT.


You think that old gas bag was threating Jamie?

GM Pancho

Why make that comment otherwise?  Maybe I'm just letting him rattle my cage too much.  Good thing I'm not the one on the field or on the sideline.  Maybe I am overreacting.  Certainly I trust you out there to always have the players best interest at heart.

Depth Chart Changes

If Oliver Giles is healthy he returns as primary receiver and WR1 pushing everyone else down

[4-3 Defense]

LOLB - Jeffrey Hildebrand
MLB - Eddie Pope
ROLB - Richard Marino

[3-4 Defense]

LOLB - Marino
LILB - Pope
RILB - Hildebrand
ROLB - Wilkinson

[5-2 Defense]

LOLB - Pope
ROLB - Marino

SS Lamar Miller to be listed as LB in Depth Chart ahead of Knight and Siegel

Lock In

GM Pancho


1. Discuss this past week.

It got real close towards the end but we managed to grasp victory from the jaws of a tie.  Yeah I'm not sure my edit to the quote makes it any better either.  New Jersey is tough difficult opponent and we managed to stop them with all the momentum on their side.  Even if we didn't perform our best in the whole 4th when the game is on the line the players delivered.  The ability to shake off bad plays or that quicksand feeling and make ONE play – is the difference between a deep playoff run and a short one.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)
Jamie Ortega has always had the right mindset since he stepped foot in this league.  It's a shame he's hurt his hamstring but despite what these other GM's tell you the Nighthawks are more than just one player.  Genaro Lewis got a little taste of HiFL action and he performed well in the small sampling.  Now he'll get the experience of a full game against a division rival.  He has my and the coaching staffs full faith to perform well under pressure – he just has to go out and do it now.

As for other news?  I know there's lots of talk around the statistics this time of year and while I can go on about being the 2nd best rushing team or the team with the most sacks what I would like to highlight is that we are third lowest in the league in penalties.  That means we don't make mistakes that end up beating ourselves.  You want to beat the Nighthawks?  Won't get any help from us.

3. What is more interesting to you the PFL or the IFAF, do you believe either is a true rival or threat to the HIFL?  Who is your favorite player from either league and why?

I have plenty of reasons to be interested in both.  Certainly the PFL draws my interest because I'm always rooting for my boy ... nay ... my favorite GM Benjamin Wallace ... and the IFAF tugs at my heart rooting for my home country Mexico.   I don't see either as a threat to the HiFL and considering some teams engage with the PFL about player transactions I don't think I can call them a rival either – at this point football fans seem to be happy supporting all the leagues.  But as for a favorite player from either league – gonna have to point to Mexico's Juan Pablo Salgado.  Hell of a performance he had against Brazil, sorry GM Strike, in that victory and Juan Pablo spent some time with our coaches practicing and training.  Also a big fan of Dominic Guerrero and what he can do on a football field.

4. The bye weeks are through; five games remain this season; evaluate your team and season, if you still have a shot at the playoffs what does your team have to do to close out the regular season on a high note?

Shot at the playoffs? We're aiming for that #1 spot and we aren't able to play Cleveland directly to command our own future.  We've definitely improved on defense since the trade deadline and our offense has been consistently performing.  We are suffering injuries right now and that could change things but that is just part of the game. We have to adapt and overcome to not lose our momentum.  We just need to go out and execute the gameplan.  But we will definitely be one of the marquee teams in the playoffs looking to make a huge impact.


Coach, dealing with a few more injuries this week and it doesn't get easier with us playing Miami.  How do you feel the playbook should be changed with Lewis under center instead of Ortega?  I see the kid did well throwing the ball but not so much at escaping the pocket or running the ball.


Obviously Genaro isn't as strong as Jamie, but his speed is actually a little better; we could let him loose and try to run him more than anything; or we have to consider a very short pass game. He's not a deep ball thrower but he has a good IQ and decent accuracy.

GM Pancho

I'd like to put him in a position to succeed and I think we should trust his brain - I don't mind going to a shorter passing game for this.  But I'd still like to have him use that speed. 

I'm also concerned at the depth we'll have to dress with our Defensive Line - who would be slotted at DT behind Brandenburg and Messina if both David and Burke can't go?


Dele and Markham are next in line but obviously our edge depth is under sized to play inside.. our best option would be Bruce, but that hamstrings our pass rush, so Id rather be small inside than compromise our pressure we get with him on the Edge.

GM Pancho

Not much we can do there - and I agree I'd rather just send the LB's to help up the middle rather than move Bruce out of position.  Guess that's up to Coach Thigpen to call on that side.

Strategy Changes

Passing Focus: Short

Lock In

GM Pancho


1. Discuss this past week.

You ever lie on a resume and then actually end up getting the job?  I had a friend who would do that all of the time when I was growing up and it always worked for a bit until it didn't and then eventually his whole world would crumble around him and he would move on.  I'm reminded of that because the Nighthawks ... we lied to get on that field.  We said we were a football team with experience and then Miami punched us in the mouth put us on our heels and we never really recovered.  That was a full on whoopin' from beginning to end.

Yes we have injuries.  Yes, we have a rookie QB under center and with inexperience comes delays in decision making ... and you give a team like Miami the time to do something they will accomplish their goals.  It just felt like we were out there at half speed and got half results for it and that certainly is how it played out in the third half.

We certainly threw more than we wanted to but given Lewis threw the ball 43 times and didn't throw an INT I would say is actually something to commend.  The big test is seeing how he rebounds from a game like this.  Does he take it as a challenge and learn from this game or does it crush his confidence and now he gets in his own head.  Everything I've seen from this kid tells me he'll learn, adapt and improvise. 

2. Discuss any news that interested you.

Some might say after such a crushing defeat that now is not the time to discuss individual achievements.  But I have to agree with Mr. Woods and state that he can rest assured I will honor Jamie Ortega appropriately.  I mean I've set that precedent before when I celebrated Joseph Herzog and his career achievement ... really makes me wish the days when GM's celebrated other players were still here.  GM Jon was a good man, no a good GM but a great man,  for footing the bill that day. Anyways, I think it's important to stop and celebrate the achievements in what can be a bit of a rat race.  Otherwise what's the point if we are just always looking towards what's next?

Speaking of the days when GM's and opposing players got along .. it really pains me to hear what GM Eli said about Caleb Smoak.  How does one may say "I'd rather spend the time devoting my energy to something deserving of my attention and that is the ability of this squad to win games that are ugly." Only to in the same breath turn around and say "... It is interesting to hear Caleb Smoak talk about writing his Hall of Fame speech when one of the bench marks for a Hall of Fame career at the Quarterback position has been Impact Bowl victories.  I hope when the time comes he isn't disappointed" So let me get this right – a man who is your "rival" and has been VERY public about throwing shade at you and your players – gets nothing in return and you want to take the high road.  But someone not even on your radar expresses an opinion about his own career accomplishments and his goal of going into the Hall of Fame, which he most definitely is a HoFer – gets the unnecessary and uncalled for shade thrown his way?

Which brings me to my last bit of news.  Be the change you want to see in the league.  I stand here and applaud Alesana Tuilagi's story.  To come from abroad and to be a part of a training camp – to being swapped around multiple teams and not finding time at his position – to making the transition of being a swiss army knife player – to having a truly legendary season.  THIS STORY – is why I love the HiFL so damn much.  It gives opportunities to those who are willing to bust their ass and work hard.  I look forward to congratulating him in the final week of the season in person AND winning that football game.

3. If you could will your team into fixing or improving one thing, what would it be?

That's easy – I would will us into being immortals so injuries and fatigue wouldn't even be a thing.  We'd be limitless.

4. You going to win this week?

Bet it all on Black ... and Gold


Tough loss Coach.  Just didn't seem to have it that day.  Cancun should be an easier matchup than Miami but we definitely can't abandon the run that way.  Did the short passing game allow them to stack the box more or did we just shit the bed?



A little bit of both, they bet on us making that change and when they stuffed the run and got the lead, we were in no man's land, and for as great as we are, we aren't used to playing from that position.

GM Pancho

  Well let's see how the kid does against Cancun.

Lock In


GM Pancho


1. What stood out to you about your team this week?

It's easy for me to be disappointed after a loss this close towards the end of the season but since you asked me what stood out I am going to say in the three games he has started so far I have seen a positive progression out of Genaro Lewis.  He has shown poise in the pocket and with more time will continue to build out his football IQ.  Through the first three quarters we were playing very well but in that 4th, which I always dub winning time, DC put a hell of an effort into making that comeback.  We needed to sustain more drives on offense to keep them off the field but we just couldn't convert. 

2. Discuss any news that interested you.

Remind me to send Tony Brossi a gentle ointment of petroleum jelly since he's so butt hurt.  Should sooth that right up.

No instead I want to discuss the division.  We have two games left and both are divisional opponents.  We need to take care of business on the road to control our own destiny with the last game of the season being against Orlando.

Our goals are still within reach.  Win the Division, Win the Conference, Win the Championship.

3a. (if you are still in the playoff hunt) What makes your team more deserving of a playoff spot that the other teams competing against you?

Deserve ain't got nothing to do with it.  We earn it, every game, every quarter, every set of downs, every play. 


Coach I have to say I like what Genaro has given us in these short three games.  Sure the kids got a lack of experience but I really feel he has the tools of being a capable starter one day.  Going forward with Lewis in the future where do you feel he needs the most help in our training camps for the seasons to come?



Arm strength and accuracy are the biggest.

GM Pancho

Noted Coach and we'll work towards that next season. But this week let's kick some ass in Cancun.

Lock In

GM Pancho


1. What stood out to you about your team this week?

Dominating performance against Cancun but let me be real for a second.  Our goals aren't about dominating the Cancun's of the world.  Our goals are higher. Our goals are loftier. So, while it feels great to get the win and put ourselves in a position to win the division and possibly the conference for the last week of the season.  That being said what stood out the most this week – was the clean bill of health we had coming out of that Cancun game.

2. Who has to step up this weekend in your eyes?

We all do.  Everyone's got a clean bill of health and Orlando gives us everything we can handle every time we step out on that field.

3. What does this final week of the season mean for you and your team?

It's the difference between us falling into the playoffs and us setting the tone for the playoffs.  Some people might look at that and say that's a win win scenario.  But I think of the possibility of the Stampede celebrating a division title on our field in front of our fans - - - UH UH SON!  I don't think so.


Coach this is a huge game for us.  While I hate to see it I have to admit the Britt injury definitely works in our favor.  No chance Devlin is gonna hold his own against Diaz or Wilkinson.  I'm feeling a bit old school – I'm thinking about releasing the hounds ... I know that possibly makes us weaker on the run defense but if we increase the pressure maybe we meet them behind the line and disrupt any handoffs.



I agree, we send it and dare them to break our tackles in the backfield.

GM Pancho

That's the gameplan then.  Only other piece of business I have is when I should schedule the celebration of Jamie Ortega becoming the all time leading rushing TD leader.  My thought is to have it done before the game where we walk out on to the field and give him a special recognition - he gets an acknowledgment from the crowd - pop off some fireworks - play a video tribute - and then give him a token [bracelet, chain, plaque] commemorating the special achievement.  Really get the crowd fired up to start the game.

I don't want it done at halftime because that's the time for you to reflect and make any adjustments. 

If you would think doing it before the game would be a distraction then I understand and I could move it post game.  Any preference coach?



I like pregame; he is a pro and will be ready to battle, but it gets the fans in the stands early and it gets the entire team fired up.

GM Pancho

Always good to get your approval Coach.


Rosa? Can you come in to my office real quick.

I wanted to coordinate the celebration for Jamie Ortega and here are a few ideas I have I have jotted down.

Video Tribute

Speeches from Coaches and Players
- Brigham Young [Offensive Coordinator who suggested we draft Ortega]
- Jon Rudino
- Raul Darnell
- Noah Rose
- Curt Robles
- Jose Mackey
- Burton Tibbetts
- College Head Coach
- Jamie Ortega Family
- Student Athletes that his charity/foundation have helped
- Anyone on the current roster that wishes to participate

Highlights spanning his first rushing TD in Pop Warner Football to College to his first Pro rushing TD - other individual accolades such as MVP wins - team accolades such as Impact Bowl wins - ending with his highlight breaking rushing TD record

I also wanted to contact John Spurgeon as the previous record holder if he wouldn't mind presenting a plaque commemorating his achievements as well as a large check with a donation to his foundation.

I'd also want a huge fireworks display to hit during the presentation but most importantly I would like to coordinate a donation to Ortega's charity/foundation to continue to help underpriviledge student athletes

I've set aside 750k to make this happen.  Do you think that would cover the costs of what I want done? Or do we need to up the budget?


$750K works just fine, sir.

GM Pancho

Excellent - I've sent the expenditures over to the league office.

Also here is the updated gameplan against Orlando concerning the blitz ratios - see that it gets to Coach Tibbetts


Play Caller: Defensive Coordinator
1st and 10: 55%
1st and Short: 55%
1st and Long: 55%
2nd and Short: 55%
2nd and Long: 55%
3rd and Short: 65%
3rd and Long: 75%
4th and Short: 65%
4th and Long: 75%
Goal Line: 60%
Last 2 Mins (Ahead): 70%
Last 2 Mins (Behind): 50%

Lock In

GM Pancho



1. Talk about the final week of the regular season and this week's match up.

I've been out on this stage beaming with pride and I've been on this stage running my mouth from on high – but this might truly be one of the most humble outings you will ever see of me on this stage.  First and foremost, congratulations on an MVP caliber season to Tuilagi.  And not just to Tuilagi but also to Felton Sumner ... you don't get to 413 rushing yards all on your own.

But what feels like the end is only a nightmare.  And despite how scary and terrifying nightmares are ... nightmares end.  Out of this nightmare a new dream will be born.  That dream begins by visiting an old acquaintance in Atlanta.

This isn't the same Atlanta that used to share a division with us however.  New owner, new look, new philosophy.  This is an Atlanta team that has made an eastern conference championships.  Most importantly they are a test.  Are we worthy of living out or dreams?  Because on our field they sure are going to test our resolve. 

So now we lay our heads down to sleep ... but are we choosing to have a nightmare ... or to dare to live the dream.  The great thing is it's entirely up to us.  I still like those odds.

2. What will it take for this team to win the Impact Bowl?

A rebirth.

Any further questions?


GM Pancho

Shit is right Coach.  But just like shit it wipes right off and you toss it in the bowl and flush it down the drain.

I think it's safe to say I'll be changing the blitz ratios back to what they were before the Orlando game.  With Reed listed as out for the game who do you feel more comfortable starting at Guard? Jimmy West or Jack Lewis and what do you see are the differences between them?


I think Jack Lewis is the better pick; he's more ready to play and has better blocking skills across the board even though West has freak strength, Jack has the footwork.

GM Pancho

Last bit of depth talk before the game Coach - let's assume the worst and Corbin misses the game along with Lord - how does our CB depth chart shake out and who would you want listed as possible CB2?  Are you considering any of the rookies like Huggins or Walters or would you prefer the more seasoned veteran Garland?



Walters, Huggins, then Garland in that order.

GM Pancho

Okay now that we have the gameplan figured out let's head to the locker room. I want to talk to the team.


Gentlemen gather around.  I know we are hurting boys because that game last week was the worst loss in our franchise history.  But that was last week and that's over and done with.  It's up to us to decide if that loss sticks around with us for a week or for the entire off season.

I said coming out of training camp "I just love the smell of football in the morning!  This time of the season GM's tend to have the most confidence because so much is unknown.  A blank canvas and we all think we've painted a masterpiece.  Time to find out whose right and wrong."

And we found out we're not a perfect masterpiece.  We've got a few blemishes. We've got a few bruises.  But name me a football player this time of year that doesn't.  But we are one of the lucky few teams whose time has not run out on them.

So what are you going to do with the time you have left?

It's YOUR time to shine.  The moment is NOW.

Clocks ticking boys.

GM Pancho leaves the floor open if anyone wants to say anything ... otherwise he points to the wall with the game plan for the playoff game against Atlanta

Passing Focus: Balanced


Play Caller: Defensive Coordinator
1st and 10: 35%
1st and Short: 35%
1st and Long: 35%
2nd and Short: 35%
2nd and Long: 35%
3rd and Short: 55%
3rd and Long: 65%
4th and Short: 65%
4th and Long: 65%
Goal Line: 50%
Last 2 Mins (Ahead): 50%
Last 2 Mins (Behind): 50%

Depth Chart Changes

Starting RG - Jack Lewis

CB Depth Chart - George Vu, Steven Lord, Tommy Corbin, Cleo Walters, John Huggins, Anthony Garland

Lock In

GM Pancho

1. Talk about the game this week.  What went right and what ultimately went wrong?

Yes, we lost.  But let me put that aside.  I saw some of the biggest grit and determination I've ever had in a group of players on this playoff team.  There is no reason we should hang our heads in shame at that performance.  We dealt with more adversity than any other team and they kept answering the 10 count and refused to stay down despite we had every excuse in the book.  The parts that went wrong – were just out of our control.  "it ain't ballet" they always say.  And we suffered key injuries not just to Ortega but to Lewis as well.  Mr. Hart stepped in and did what he could so we make no excuses. 

But we did lose and that wasn't the goal.  But that's on me not on the players.  If anything this has shown me just how important depth truly is and to be ready for anything.  But on this day – Atlanta was victorious

2. When you look back on this season, what are some of the words you would use to describe the season?

Challenging.  Gratifying.  Infuriating.  Such is the way of the HiFL.  The highs are high and the lows are low – but we keep coming back from more because there's no greater feeling out there.
I'm not ready to pull a GM Jon and ride off into the sunset - I want more.

3. Who was your best player this season?

Bruce Wilkinson was tremendous for us and was a constant presence for us not just on the field, but in the locker room and out in the world.  Definitely a candidate and my vote for Defensive Player of the Year.

4. Grade the job you did this season as well as that of your coaching staff.

I give myself a C.  I only achieved one of the goals my owner gave me – I didn't achieve my early season prediction of 12-13 wins – but we got real close with 11 and made the playoffs.  To me that's an average season for the Nighthawks.  We can do better and we will do better.

5. What is next for you and this club?

Healing and an off season where we try and address the areas where we have fallen short of. 

Any further questions?



That one hurts.  Losing Jamie, Losing Genaro, losing the game...  shit.

GM Pancho

I think I've done you a disservice Coach Tibbetts.  I feel like I have tried to mold you into a Jon Rudino instead of letting your system be the one we run.  Really it's a credit to you that we've been as successful as we have been.

So I'm not sure if the time is now to have that conversation or after the playoffs are over but we need to go over our roster and I need to know what you want this roster to reflect your style of coaching.  Because the one thing I know for sure is Burton Tibbetts is the Head Coach I want.



I appreciate that boss, we'll do some reflection and make a plan after the Impact Bowl.

GM Pancho

Until then Coach Tibbetts.


Rosa can you see if Mr. Woods has time for me?


Mr. Woods I have to apologize not for how we performed but for the results.  While I may have every excuse in the book for why we didn't succeed in the wild card round - I don't have any excuse for why we played in the wild card round to begin with.  It's because of me that we dropped the ball in week 17 and it's because of me that we aren't still playing right now.


GM Pancho, I am obviously disappointed.  Disappointed in Orlando surprising us and winning the division.  Disappointed in losing in the first round of the playoffs, Disappointed that we have not won a playoff game now in two seasons... That is not Alabama football, and you know that.

GM Pancho

I'm disappointed in myself sir.  I not only fell short of your goals but my own.  You are correct that I have not delivered and you were correct in wanting me to address the run defense earlier this season.   Rest assured there will not be a third season in a row of us not winning the playoffs.  If you want me to guarantee it - I do.



I appreciate your confidence.  Momma always said that a confident man could manifest his own destiny... I don't know about all that, but I trust that you will bring us back to our standard.

Have a nice break... see you in the off-season.