

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:17:09 PM

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Team Information
City: Bar Harbor, Maine
Conference:  East
Team Owner:  Noah Archer
Team Secretary: Rosita Ahab

Team History:
S1: Bar Harbor Storm 19-42 (5th)
S2: Bar Harbor Storm 17-64 (5th)
S3: Bar Harbor Storm 34-47 (3rd)
S4: Bar Harbor Storm 37-44 (2nd)
S5: Bar Harbor Storm 50-31 (1st)
S6: Bar Harbor Storm 54-27 (1st)
S7: Bar Harbor Storm 46-35 (1st)
S8: Bar Harbor Storm 31-50 (4th)
S9: Bar Harbor Storm 36-45 (3rd)
S10: Bar Harbor Storm 29-52 (4th)

Playoff Appearances:
S4: 2015 Championship
S5: 2016 Champions
S6: 2017 Champions
S7: 2018 1st Round


"Alright, listen up dude, I don't know if this business is for me or not anymore. I like basketball, used to love it but I would rather be out at sea scuba diving and exploring the great barrier reefs hoping to one day stumble across Atlantis. First I need a sub marine, That would be totally awesome, anyway, where was I. Oh yeah, Look, I've given a good part of my life up for this game. It's taken a huge toll on me and I had to walk away. I love my off-time and I'm just bumbed out totally when basketball season rolls around because I want to be involved but that means coming to shore and putting on pants. Maybe one day I'll lace them up again but for now, consider me retired. I became owner because I love my home town and want to give them something special. Don't waist my time, make me want to be here. Like honestly my dude, if we suck I might just sail off and never come back. You get only a one year deal with me, make it worth it and I'll stick around and extend your contract for how ever many years you need. Need my help, just ask my step-sister Rosita, I'm training her to one day take my spot, anyway don't expect quick responses from me because I'll most likely be it the middle of the Atlantic" - Noah Archer

GM Franchise

Hey yo, I'm GM Franchise and I'm looking to make Bar Harbor as a championship contender in this league once again like it was a few seasons ago. Going from 4th to 1st is my short term goal, long term goal is winning championships with a core roster that we build around.

GM Lucas

"That sounds good, I like the short term better. Keep me interested. Make this town happy and maybe, just maybe I'll come out of retirement and help you out. Now, any questions because once I leave I'll be in the middle for the ocean for the entire off season and you'll be dealing with my step sister who may be be a 10 in the looks department but she's a 1 in the patience department, and no that I just said wasn't weird"

GM Franchise

She sounds like some of my ex-girlfriends. Anyway I'll focus on the short term goal of winning the division and the long term goal of forming a core to build around that will get the team into championship contention in a few seasons if my contract is renewed. My one question is what does the roster look like currently? That will help with formulating a strategic game plan heading into the season.

GM Lucas

"Rosita will get you everything you need dude. Right now, kick back, Have patience, tour the city. Go grab some crab legs at the pier and have a pint. The league is still going through paper work of their own, we have this freakin non sense happening with the audits, I don't even know right now, anyway, we can't do any business until we get the green light. So hold tight, Rosita will get you everything you need, hopefully by next week. What I can tell you is that you have 2 amazing dudes by the name of Julius Hardwick and Mario Wright, they are cut from the same cloth, big men down low who do it all. This team is run through the big guys , I mean like for real, we have a 6'5 guard in Earl Tarver who also plays small forward. When they arrive get to know them. But, again, for right now, there's not much we can do except answer questions. Rosita is here all day and night so at any point just drop by or call and ask what you need to ask"

GM Franchise

Sounds good to me. I'll kick back, relax, and check out the city so I know where the bars are at. No more questions from me, I'll let you get to your business and maybe we can get a pint and some crab legs at one of the bars sometime.

GM Lucas

"Not sure if you noticed him walk out while you were staring at my tits but he's gone for now. Can we, please. Just keep eye contact. Thank you. O.K, listen the audit is over and we are back in business. So here is what you need to know. Some players we thought would opt in have opted out. A lot of star players had clauses in their contracts that allowed them to rip up their contract if league ownership contracts were amended. It was a kill switch tons of WBS stars added when they became a unionized. So we currently do not have Mario Wright under contract, but he liked it here so we might be able to sign him"

Now, You have two players left, the most loyal of the group is sticking it out and opting in Julius Hardwick wo is considered one of the best players in the league and a solid role player in Will Curry, yeah don't look so surprise, I love this game. I study it. One day, I'll be running this show so get used to it. The league has an amazingly Hard cap of 55mil, unfortunately I think Hardwick hung around because he loves it in here, he's making 40 Mil of our budget. Don't ask me, My brother loves him, go figure. You only have two players on roster and $9.014,920 to fill 13 other roster spots, do me a favor, make all your offers in solid whole numbers or halves, for example $10 dollars or $15, don't be dumb and offer $13.26 and make my job hard. Once the league has finalized all the players that opted in and opted out we will have a clear free agency list. Our coaches are in place but you'll soon meet them to decide their fate. The Sheet I am giving you has everything you need to know about and how we did last year, it also has info on the two current players on our team. Do with it as you will and sit tight for that FA list. oh, and Noah has approved me to spend a bit to get you an early look at that draft class, note, we have all our picks, you're welcome. Now, you have two seconds to grab one more glance as these babies [Grabs her breast] before I leave.


GM Lucas

"He there party guy, up here please, not sure if you heard, but the draft class is out. send all your potential scouting through an email(DM) All the rules on how to scout is on your Rules folder. Don't mess that up. You got any questions ask me before doing it"

GM Franchise

Will do. I will handle all of that promptly and efficiently after reading everything in the rules folder thoroughly.

GM Lucas

"promptly, efficiently, thoroughly...Wow, I like the words you are using, smart and efficient guys are hot , keep it up and maybe I'll go grab that pint with you sometime"

GM Franchise

Sounds good to me. Scouting is completed, draft is going to planned out with strategy and tactics in mind for all picks. Long term planning is essential to running an effective game plan for the team. Efficiency is the key to success. We get players like that and we will win.

GM Lucas

"Not a bad draft, but now we have more work to do. League deadline for early free agent offers is this Wednesday,  October 12th, 11:59 EST. Along with that, you have to tell me who you want to send to Summer camp. They have to be either a rookie or a 1st year player. Look at your roster sheet that I sent you and let me know by Friday October 14th. 11L59 EST. I know it's hard tp pay attention when the girls walk in the room but I hope you heard me"

GM Franchise

I hear you loud and clear. For the summer camp training, we will be doing the following.

PF Frank Driesell
- Rebounding
- Blocks

PG Rashon Coley
- Free Throw
- Scoring

I will be getting our offers in shortly. Figured it would be more prudent to get this done first and then bring in some more talent to put around them.

GM Lucas

"What the fuck dude, the players had caps. You offered 3 million more than the salary cap stated. This isn't gonna be good. I had to contact Archer who is currently out of the country to get on a zoom call with all the reps and the commissioner. I blame myself, I didn't check the offers before sending them, I could have caught this. My fault for thinking you read all the material in the folder I gave you. Normally there are penalties for contract issues but the league can't fine you for wanting to pay a player more, Buuuuuuut, this has created a shit storm. Understand, if that prick KGB exposes how much you offered and his client wins, this will set a precedent. No more partying for you until this shit is handled, "

GM Franchise

Shit is handled. In fact it worked out extremely well for us reputation wise with agents and players. We're good, I think everything will work out nicely considering how it started. I'm going to work on filling out the roster in a timely manner and avoid any more drama as it relates to player contracts.

GM Lucas


"Someone wants to speak to you..."

"Duuuuuuude, I don't know how this worked, but word around the league is that players are cheering you and owners want your head on a spike. I'm not one of those owners, in fact when I first heard the news I thought this would be a grand opportunity to now go out and sign a big time name. Listen, If I'm here in the flesh it's because I need to be here to sign some paper work and get my seal of approval notarized giving Rosita full authority on decision if I can't be reached. I was maxing man, middle of the Mediterranean, basking in the sun, spear fishing with beautiful...I digress. I don't want to have to hop on a plane to come here for silly owners meetings. Right now you got cart 'blanche to run this team how you see fit but if you do some radical non sense, you'll be dealing with Rosita until I get back, comprende amigo, now stop dicking around and go sign a monster, peace....I'm out"

GM Franchise

Got it, I'll get right on that and get a monster signed in short order. The team roster will be completed in a prompt and efficient manner.

GM Lucas

"Are you trying to give me a headache. Come on GM Franchise, you started off strong, let's not fuck this up. I've been running the numbers. You are over the 80 million dollar salary cap with ten players. The league is sending all paper work back like this because they know all you new GM's need some guidance. So let's work together here. I just updated your entire google spread sheet. Take a look at it. You may need to make some trades. We need a minimum of 12 players to lock in"

GM Lucas

"Excuse me, we only have 9 players and are 4, 760,080 over the cap"

GM Franchise

Yep, I came to the same salary numbers after checking on the contracts. Trading might be an option, I could also re-work Hardwick's contract to get us under cap and get us to a full roster. It will be handled hopefully more sooner than later.

GM Franchise

Rosita, can you get me in touch with Krillin Gobochov Babayaga please, thank you.


Krillin, nice to speak with you about extending Julius Hatdwick's contract. He's on the last year of his current contract and we need some cap space to sign some players so here's what I propose. My offer for this idea is a $30,000,000 per year 10 year contract starting immediately to keep him here for the rest career as well as bring in some talent to put around him and win some championships. Does that work for you to get him signed here to a long term deal?

GM Lucas

So you pupose I break vules. Amerikens like you make my ass itch. Vead the vules. No counteract over five years. So if you vant me to consider dis, then my client takes 30 million now, and vorty five next year, then we leave.

GM Franchise

I'm cool with that. You're a good negotiator and that's why you make the big money. I'm thinking long term here so breaking the rules would not be good so thank you for bringing that to my attention that it should be 5 years instead of 10. Only a foolish American like myself would make such a foolish mistake. It won't happen again. But yes, I'm cool with $30 million this season and also with the $45 million starting after this season.

GM Lucas

GM Franchise

Pleasure doing business with you.


Let's lock in and kick some ass this season!

Preseason Workouts (Chose three players and one trait to work on for each player)
Rashon Coley - Outside scoring
Derrick Izzo - Block Shots
Frank Drisell - Block Shots

Team Captain: Julius Hardwick

Positions: Coach's Decision
Offensive Schemes: Coach's Decision
Defensive Schemes: Coach's Decision


GM Lucas

"Not bad, good way to start. 2-0 in preseason. Not trying to be a Debbie downer but don't let it get to your head, it was against a rebuilding Smokey Mountain team and a Panama City team that is on Nuclear right now but a win is a win is a win. No fights on the court, harmony and peace in the locker room. Not bad your team sheet has all the info you need"

GM Franchise

1.How did you feel about the sudden amendments to the salary issues the league was having. Did the change help or hurt you in your process.

"It was a challenge for sure but we were able to make it work and despite some initial issues we were successful in putting together a solid overall team. The change helped us but made getting under budget a challenge."

2. What were your thoughts when you put your roster together and what are they now after two games.

"My thoughts were that this team is really good but also under the radar due to other teams signing big name talent. I love our roster, I think this roster can be highly successful, and this is going to be a winning team this season. The first two preseason games were a success but now that it's the regular season we're going to find out just how good this team is."

3. Who surprised you and who are you hoping comes around?

"Nelson, Brown, and Thompson all looked good. I think we just need some consistency overall and we'll be fine this season. Overall the entire roster looks solid and has good chemistry which bodes well for this season."

4. What team do you think will be your biggest challenge in your division?

"I'd say Vancouver because they're the defending champions and I think Oakland is going to be a problem too. They will likely be our biggest competition to be successful in the West."

5. What do you think of your very first opponent?

"Our first opponents are Texas and Smoky Mountains. I feel both will be close games and I think that we match up evenly against both teams. If we tweak our rotation a bit we should be highly successful this week."

6. Any news around the league stood out to you?

"Yeah a few things did. Firstly Oakland scoring 139 is great for them but it's the preseason. If they want to impress me they'll have to repeat that in the regular season, bottom line. Panama City only has themselves to blame for what is happening. If they would've hired someone like me they wouldn't be in this mess so that's on them. Minnesota might have a new owner soon which will be a big deal but they should focus on the regular season instead of that in my opinion. Tobias Brown is rolling right now and I couldn't be happier. I'm glad I signed him before someone else did. Gooch better worry about his team instead of my sixth man because if he gets distracted by something like that then it'll be long season for him. Brown is going to win that Award and mark my words we're going to use his comments about this for bulletin board material when we play them this season."

GM Lucas

"How do you feel about Jaruzelski being demoted to the bench after paying him so much money"

GM Franchise

We will deal with that issue internally but the team did win both games so to me it's only a minor issue that is getting scrutiny from the news media because we had a peaceful, harmonious preseason in comparison to other teams.

GM Lucas

"Good answer, that's exactly what they do. Don't ever take the bait. Wassup boss, look. You gave that kid a lot of cash, I didn't want to see him get hurt. He' had some injury issues in the past. That's it mainly. So, what do you want to do, roster wise. Honestly, I would rather use him as a 6th man, but if you want him in the line up, let me know"

GM Franchise

It's all good. We're definitely looking good in all scenarios. All we have to do is maximize team chemistry and minimize team drama. We do that and we can be a power player in this league going forward.

GM Lucas

"Let me know how you want to move forward. Want me to set lineup or if you want to set it. Let me know"

GM Franchise

Sounds good to me. I'll likely set it but I'll base it on the preseason stats. If that does not work then I'll have you set it the rest of the season. What's the vibe in the locker room currently?

GM Lucas

"Everyone seems happy and content for the most part. Even Jaruzelski was cool with me saving him. He's a team player, everyone else is making a thing because of his price tag but that dude seems like he would be the same guy with 13 million dollars or 5 dollars. Anyway, as far as the team goes, the guys got a taste of some b-ball and want the season to start already"

GM Franchise

I'm ready for it to start already, too. I think we're going to surprise a few teams who are either overeating themselves or are getting a lot of media attention. I think this team is going to be very successful this season if everything continues going how they are now.

GM Lucas

"Not sure if coaches are gonna let their teams overeat before games but I think I know where you are coming from, if you are coming from, from where I think you are coming from, then I agree"

GM Franchise

Yeah I meant overrate but yeah, I think we'll be good. Did any players stand out to you with their preseason performances?

GM Lucas

" I was a bit skeptical on Tobias Brown, you know, the summer league ain't really the pro's, a lot of guys in the summer league from IBS and NDL. But seeing him do his thing against professionals makes me feel a lot better that we have another hand we can trust, good signing"

GM Franchise

I love it. It's regular season time, let's kick some ass

All decisions are coaches decisions

Lock in.

GM Franchise

1. Discuss your week 1 results

"We split our games this week but we're at the top of the Eastern Conference. Hardwick is playing like the elite player that he is. Brown and Summerall have been playing great too. I love the team dynamic that we have right now. I flat out told everybody that this was the most underrated team in the league. Everyone on the team played well and I feel that we have the most chemistry team wise in the league. Basically we play as a team and that's why we will be successful."

2. How are you dealing with or trying to avoid injuries this so far?

"We are going to make that a focus. Izzo being hurt is something I don't want to see and I hope that it's not the shape of things to come."

3. Word is coming down from the league that no penalties will be handed out for the Scuffle between Hingle and Maryjan because no punches were thrown, your thoughts?

'My thoughts are that it's the right call. Penalties over shoving is soft. If they started punching fans or something like that then I could see there being fines."

4. After seeing your team play this first week, how are you going to approach next weeks opponents?

"No changes to be honest. We're playing team first, unselfish basketball right now and we're sitting at the top of the conference currently. If it's not broken then there's no reason to fix it."

5. Discuss any other news from around the league.

"McSwine added to the starting line up isn't as big of a story as Novell being sent to the hospital. That's the real story for that team. Nice to see that McCringleberry and Jovanovic are getting along well. That'll get the news media going with the heat between them. Nice to see everyone getting along this week. Kurt Berry, I hear you and I feel your pain. Our team is the opposite of where you're at with the team first mentality and things running smoothly. Hang in there, you will be out of there soon if you keep playing well on the court. Home teams played poorly this week. I'll be interested to see if that trend continues this week."

GM Lucas

" I'll take a split early on to find out what we are made of. Izzo will be fine but I'm thinking limited minutes to get him back. We won't have him for the next few games but he'll be ready sooner than later, and yeah, that kid Kurt Berry wants out of Panama City, hmm, pretty big, "


"Anyway, anything you want to discuss, go over or set up for the next few games"

GM Franchise

Yes, the first thing is the player rotation. Did the rotation work to your liking or do we need to tweak the rotational minutes for some players for the next batch of games?

GM Lucas

"Honestly, I like playing the hot hand when I can so I'm thinking throwing Tobias in and bringing Thompson off the bench. Hopefully we can capitalize on his early season surge"

GM Franchise

I agree with that. Let's do that and I believe that it'll be a great move to keep us on top of the conference rankings.

GM Lucas

"Great, is there anything else because I'm ready to get this week started"

GM Franchise

Nothing else this week. Let's do this!

All decisions are coaches decisions
Start Tobias, switch Thompson to the bench

Lock in.

GM Franchise

1. Discuss your week 2 results

"I love it! We're on a roll right now and nobody predicted this at all which makes our early season success all the more sweeter. Congratulations to Julius Hardwick on winning Eastern Player of the Week. We're at the top of the conference and I firmly believe that we will continue our success in our games this week. We're playing as a team and winning as a team. That is why this team has been this successful so far this season. Team first mentality is the winning mentality."

2. What do you think of the officiating getting tougher on fouls?

"Let the players play. In my opinion the fans want to see the players play and not see a bunch of foul shots but that's just me."

3. What do you think of Don Potus stating he would create a competitive league to go head to head against WBS if he couldn't purchase Minnesota?

"I think he needs to keep his ego in check. I'm not surprised but at the same time he can wait to own an expansion team at the same time if he waits."

4. Not many teams are showcasing defense, what do you attribute that too?

"Teams are focusing to much on offense. That's the whole problem. Defense wins championships and the teams showing the most defense in my opinion are the real legitimate contenders. With so many teams scoring at a high volume the teams that also are playing good defense are the ones to be watching as the top teams."

5. Discuss any other news from around the league?

"Yeah there's a lot to talk about this week. I do like the Nosh Archer idea. I'd love to see him win a championship with this team. That said we're playing like a well oiled machine right now and fixing something that isn't broken would be foolish. The technical foul on Brown annoyed me. Hopefully there's no more freak accidents for KGB. Morgan Dean sounds like he's going all in to win it all. So am I and if he makes moves we will to. I want to win it all and that's what Bar Harbor will do that this season. Redeal is a good coach and the switch this week proved that. Isenhour looked really good this week for the Grunge. Panama City is a hot mess. It's a shame that they don't have a GM who can make them as successful as we are here in Bar Harbor. Speaking of Bar Harbor we should be the host city for the All Star game. It would be great for the organization, our fans, and the local economy if we were chosen to host this prestigious event."

GM Lucas

"The guys are starting to hear the buzz about the fans wanting archer and I'm not to sure they appreciate it considering how they are playing. Unless something was leaked I don't know about, we are going to have to try and throw some water on this Noah Archer heat before it becomes a wildfire."

GM Franchise

I agree. We're kicking ass right now and we don't need ant unnecessary drama with the team. I haven't talked with Archer about returning so someone is instigating the whole story whether it be in the media or internally.

GM Lucas

" We should get ahead of this, we either ask Archer to address the media next time around or via satellite from wherever the hell he is OR you address it firmly. I'm gonna try to keep the guys focused and away from this distraction"