

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:17:09 PM

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GM Franchise

We definitely will go in for that. Let's lock in, keep everything the same and then keep an eye on that as far as upgrades are concerned.

Lock in.

GM Franchise

1-Adress your team news

"Jaruzelski has been playing fantastic. I like the dynamic with him and Chadwick as the leaders on this team. Losing to Oakland definitely isn't ideal but at least we are starting to gel as a team which is what is needed. The rookies are developing faster than expected and we should be in good shape if we get one more vet added to the team to have the trio leading the charge."

2- Address one other piece of news

"Manhattan is in last place and Anderson is disgruntled. I'm keeping my eye on this because I think he's a talented player and needs an immediate change of scenery."

3- What are your thoughts of the IBA starting this week? Will you be paying attention?

"Not really. They're just starting up. We're like F1 and they're F3 for now. That can change over time but I've got business to attend to. I'm focusing on the Storm being successful, nothing else."

GM Lucas

"These next few games are going to be huge. We can either stake our claim and remind people who we are or we are going to have to make adjustments if we can't keep up with the Jones's"

GM Franchise

I agree with that. I am working on trying to add a veteran to the roster via trade if possible. Let's lock in, keep it the same, and then start the adjustments if needed in the next batch of games.

Lock in.

GM Franchise

1-What are your thoughts of IBA opening week?

"To me it seems like there's certain players who are dominating which is leading to some one sided games. If those players aren't playing each other then it's not going to generate as much interest. I think in time it'll be a big thing but that kind of thing takes time and it'll happen. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out."

2-Address 1 other piece of news?

"I'll say this much, if one of the other GMs would pick up the damn phone my story wouldn't even be there. Digger, I want to trade for Anderson. Get at ,e because it'll solve both of our problems, bottom line. Imagine if we do this move and my boss Noah Archer gets to not deal with this. I'll say it one more time, pick up the phone and let's trade, Digger. Both of us need to make this move and I'm down for it. The ball is in the Moguls' court. Changes are coming."

GM Lucas

"A storm is coming boss. Fans are upset, media is having a field day but, I say we man the ship with patience. We might be ok if my sources are correct. Speak to the locker room. They need to hear from you because right they hear you asking another GM for a player"

GM Franchise

Yeah that's a good idea. I'm about to lose it with how this season is going. Every time we get on the right track we get get rocked like what happened this week. This is a huge week for this team. If I can get the tired fired up we'll open up the biggest can of whoop ass this league has ever seen.

GM Lucas

"Sir, you got a call from one Ms. Zelda Cortes from Manhattan, if you want to speak to her, line 2"

GM Franchise

Yes, I can speak with her. I'll definitely take that call.

GM Lucas

"Good evening GM Franchise, as you might have or might have not heard, I am currently the interim GM of Manhattan after the release of GM Digger. I heard you call him out, something about leaving messages on his phone in which he never replied. regarding Deaundra Anderson. To think a simple call back and he still has a job. Anyway, the door swung and hit him on the ass on the way out while opening just enough for me to land this awesome job. Now, it is in the organizations best interest that we turn over every rock. Send your best offer us, leave me a message. We are looking for picks and or players and considering the levity and fragile state of the situation, a respectable offer gets it done. BUT! again, I will hear it and we will discuss finalization after we come back from this weeks games. Bar Harbor isn't the only team acquiring and all honesty, we would prefer not to send him directly to a division rival but if you have the best off on the table, then we can't walk away from it either. I don't plan on putting offers up against one another and I plan to get this done with haste"

GM Franchise

Sounds good. I will look over what we have available and base the offer in the message on that. I think both of our teams, despite being division rivals, we both need help addressing issues that are vital to team success. You trading Anderson will be fixed and us needing another veteran scorer will be addressed. It'll also put both teams in a position to challenge our mutual in conference rivals which benefits both teams as well. It's good strategy and tactics overall.

GM Lucas

"I must say GM Franchise, I heard some things about you and what to expect when dealing with you and I must say, I am relieved that they were wrong. I look forward to your offer. Just because our teams are rivals doesn't mean we have to be, Ciao"

GM Franchise

I'm just full of surprises. Thank you for the kind words. We definitely aren't rivals, that's for sure. I'll be out and about in Music City with my crew this week. I'll send you the offer after that, Zelda. It's was great talking to you and I'm sure we'll talk again.

GM Lucas

"So, are we sending any offers, ...I'll be at my desk, make sure you send it before you lock in"

GM Franchise

Gotcha. I'll talk to the team in the locker room then lock in. I do like that  GM. She doesn't bullshit which I like. I will send an offer but talking to the players first is the right call. I like thr coach, you, and your brother. I'd be disrespectful if I didn't talk to the players first before putting forth any offer.

GM Lucas

"Yeah yeah, just get to it and let me know when you are done.

GM Franchise

Will do. I'll talk to you in a bit and get everything accomplished before we lock in.

*GM Franchise walks to the practice court to talk to the team*

"Everyone, can I have your attention please. Gather round, I'd like have a team pep talk before this week's games."

*The team stops practicing and gathers around him to hear what he has to say.*

"Guys, it's been a tough season already and I think a lot of it was having a bunch of early games to start the season. This week was not a good week. I think you all are capable of opening up a can of whoop ass on the other teams in this league. All we need is consistency and momentum. If we can get that we can overtake the teams ahead of us in the rankings. Now I know I did say that contacting Manhattan about Anderson was something that's going on and it is. I feel, unless something changes, we need another veteran scorer to get us to the next level. That's the truth. I don't like trading but I will do it if it means getting us back to the Finals where we belong and it's option two behind keeping things the same and rolling with what we've got which is what I'd prefer to do. That said, here's what we need to do. We need to get back to how we were doing last season when we were raising hell throughout the league. I want other teams to see you across the court from them and I want them to fear you. I want them to see what I see. I want them to see the most dangerous team in the WBS. You all can do this. All that needs to happen is a string of victories to get us into the playoff race. You can do this, I believe this can and will happen. This is our fucking league and the only thing left to do is win the whole fucking thing. A Storm is coming, the WBS better batten down the hatches because when it hits they won't know what hit'em. Let's fucking do this."

GM Lucas


"Boss, let me get your ea for a minute. Look man, I'm a pro, I'm used to this game and what it does and everyone ain't built for it. I also love the transparency and how you got to the point, but we have a lot of young guys who either might be discouraged or now are gonna go out there and try and play hero ball to audition to play for New York. You telling everyone play hard but that you about to trade some guys, not sure if that much transparency to the newer guys in the league was needed but we'll see how it plays out, just don't be surprised if we have rookies out there heaving up shot and playing one on one"

GM Franchise

Thank you for letting me know. I'm trying to figure out where the problem is and get the team rolling again like last season. I think some of the young guys haven't been motivated but this is a double edged sword as you've pointed out. We'll see how it goes but I think we need one more guy to step up as a scorer and we're good going by how it's been looking.

GM Lucas

"I agree with you there, we do need one more guy to get these double and triple teams off of me if we gonna get back to the chip."

GM Franchise

That's the same conclusion I came to. I think we're good if that happens. I'll work on getting you some help and going for the title this season.

GM Franchise

Good talk. I'll let you get back to practice.


*GM Franchise walks back to his office*

Rosita, I'm back. Sent in the offer in a prompt and courteous manner. We are good to go for our scheduled games this week.

GM Lucas

"Well, congratulations, we now have Daundra Anderson coming to town as Manhattan's GM has agreed"

GM Franchise

Thank you! I'm hoping this works out for us. This could give us the spark we had last season and strategically it is a good long term move. We'll slot him in at starting PF to replace Linquist in the line up and put Sezgin in Drissell's rotation spot, the rest will be the same. We can make adjustments next week after we see how the game plan develops with Anderson in the line up.

Changes this week -
Starting PF: Deaundra Anderson
7th: Cam Sezgin
Everything else the same

Lock in.

GM Franchise

1-Do you think what Paulina Picasso said was tampering or do you think to much is being made about it?

"No, I don't think so. It came across like a person stating their opinion. There's nothing more to it than that."

2- What do you think of the season being shortened for what some are thinking may be permanent?

"I like it and it should happen. Losing BD was a tremendous loss for everyone in the league. We're all still in shock over what happened. In my opinion it's the right thing to do."

3-How do you view your team to this point?

"We're not where we should be but we will be more sooner than later after the trade for Anderson. That last game this week is going to be the norm. Get ready for it."

4-Address another piece of news

"I loved the Black Rock story where they won the game for BD. That was a great story to see happen. Motor Cory losing two in a row helps us out but that's not going to last. Lots in the news this week, but us being successful is the most important thing to me."

GM Lucas

"With everything that happened last week, The league gave us a mulligan after you made a trade that left us a man short on roster requirements which is against league rules. I took it upon myself to sign Jack Smith to a ten-day contract. Now O don't know who the hell he is, or was. But we no longer are incompliance with league roster and they are giving us before lock in to sign a guy. now I have Jack Smith on redial and he would take a million dollars which we have. Let me know how you want to handle this but DO.NOT.LOCK.IN.UNTIL.YOU.DO!. Oh and who in Davey Jones locker is Motor Cory?, Is Cory some bimbo you hooked up with last week. Get it together man"

GM Franchise

Yeah let's keep Smith since he's already in the system. Let's get him signed so we're good and can focus on the games this week.

GM Franchise

We're good there now. Thank you for the help, Rosita. You're doing a fantastic job. Can you send in Coach Long please, thank you.


Coach, how did the team look with Anderson added to the rotation? That third game was amazing and we weren't too bad in the two losses either.

GM Lucas

"It looks solid. It was good to get Anderson going, great to build his confidence. He had a real bad falling out in Manhattan so hopefully now that he's starting and rocking all those minutes gets him back in form. "

GM Franchise

I think it's going to work out nicely. Once he goes back into his old form we're going to be in very good shape going forward from how it's looking.

GM Lucas

"He'll be alright, or at least I hope so. if not, we might all be in trouble"

GM Franchise

Very true. I might chat with him and see where his head is at before we lock in. I'm hoping we can unleash him and go on the rampage the rest of the season.

GM Lucas

" Sup boss, coach said you wanted to speak with me"

GM Franchise

Yes I did. Firstly I wanted to officially welcome you to the Storm. We're all very excited to have you on the team this season. Secondly I want to see how you were doing and see how you are getting along after the trade here.

GM Lucas

"A little funky at first, I went down by the harbor, you know, just taking in the new scene, thinking maybe I ate one to many oysters, messed me up that first game. That second one, I was just getting my legs back...anyway, sounds like I'm making excuses, yeah man. I'm good here. I like it for the most part"

GM Franchise

That's definitely a good thing. I'm positive that you're going to be a big part of this team's success going forward. After how this season has gone the only thing we need to do is win the whole thing. That's why I made the trade to bring you here. With you here we're going to be a freight train from hell destroying everything in our path the rest of the season. I'm glad you're here and look forward to seeing you prove the doubters wrong in a big way.

GM Lucas

GM Franchise

Awesome, I'll let you get back to practice.


Rosita, can you send Coach Long back in please, thank you.


Coach, I talked with him and I think we're good to go. Let's lock in, keep everything the same.

Lock in.

GM Franchise

1.So who are you looking to choose for World All Star game

"Most likely Julius Chadwick for sure after Hardwick's comments. You want to call me me an idiot? I was smart enough to get of yo overpaid contract and retool with the extra finances plus getting Chadwick a contract extension. That's called good business."

2.Any other news

"I'm interested in meeting with the my boss man Noah Archer after the news story. That said I'm excited about how the team is doing now. We're on a hot streak since Anderson joined the team and it's looking like a smart long term move. I feel bad for Gilchrist in Manhattan. Hopefully he gets a change of scenery next season. And Mexico City better calm down about Anderson beating their Anderson for Player of the Week. We went undefeated and winning clutch in games is a factor in awards. If they won he would've won the award. However we went undefeated and that stole their thunder in a good way. Deaundra has been on fire and absolutely deserved to win that award, bottom line."

GM Lucas

"The boss is on his way up so buckle up"

"GM Franchise, I'm not here to waste time, I have two red heads waiting for me in my limousine ready to let me, well, I'm ready to go skiing. So, believe me when I tell you, I do not have time for posturing and long-winded answers. So, have a seat please. I have a few questions for you. Your answer helps me decide on my next move. So here is my first question. Do you think this team is set up for future success, past this season?"

GM Franchise

I'm the exact same way so I'll get right to it. With Anderson, Chadwick, Dunkatron, and AK-47 leading the way yes I do. That's the core we build around. We're 4-0 with all of them playing together on the court so far this season. I'm positive we have a winning combination here with them paired with Coach Long.

GM Lucas

"I am impressed that you are willing to make the moves needed when needed. I thought by now I would be GM'ing, coaching and playing for this team but you have managed to keep us relevant and competitive. So as bluntly and honestly as you can, if you were me, would you keep the Storm at Bar Harbor or move the team to another city"

GM Franchise

I like the small town atmosphere here but for the team to expand its global outreach and continue to stay as a relevant top level club a bigger market with more media and a higher tourism rate would be ideal.

GM Lucas

"What if I told you I could procure all that stuff for us. See, the most important thing to me, is this city. I grew up here, went to school here. Hit my first homerun literally and figuratively in this city, so giving back by acquiring this team is what I could do for this town and the people in it. I want to be able to leave something to this town when I am gone so I never want it moved or sold to some billionaire conglomerate that will ruin what the crabbing company before me built and what I have worked so hard to make relevant, both in my play on the court and my dedication. So, if I gave you a lifetime contract to stay in Bar Harbor and only Bar Harbor. Is that something you would want or can handle?"

GM Franchise

Yes I definitely want that. I do like it here and I think this team, the team that you built, is going to be the biggest team in this league. It's only a matter of time before the people of this city are used to being a championship contender every season.

GM Lucas

"Honestly GM Franchise, I hear a lot of good things about how you carry yourself around here. Ahab likes you and that's big considering she dislikes her own shadow. I love this team but what i don't love is sitting in the French riviera with two beautiful red heads and being interrupted by news from the ownership group about losing streaks or some guys said something stupid. The other morning I was having French toast served to me by a stunning Nigerian princess, overlooking the Eiffel Tower and I got a call from some reporter asking how I felt about you trading for Anderson and am I coming back to play. I mean, really dude. Anyway, I am handing over ownership of the Bar Harbor Storm to you. You have by the end of next season to find an owner or the board will liquidate and move the Storm to some crappy place like San Fransisco or Kansas City. I want you to do this Bar Harbor proud. This is your team for this season and next, just find an owner who will keep the team awesome. Can you do that GM Franchise.?"

{Tosses the folder with all the paperwork for ownership on your desk}

GM Franchise

I can definitely do that. I've got a lot of connections through my various associates and parties a lot of whom are in the business world. I'll find someone who will keep the team here and allow the team to flourish in Bar Harbor permanently. In fact that'll be in the ownership contract when they sign, the team doesn't move to another city ever. Thank you for the opportunity to handle this. This team will continue to be awesome for many years to come.

GM Lucas

"This is unprecedented. You will be the first GM/Owner of a team. Now you are responsible for everything. Bar Harbor and the great state of Maine will not be happy about my departure, they always thought I would come back and save the day, nah, I don't love it anymore. Anway, winning is the best deodorant, understand GM Franchise, just win. Now, we have a few more pieces of business to handle, after you sign those papers, you are going to hand them to Ms Ahab. Most likely, she may quit, why? Because it was her families crabbing company that first purchased the rights to have a team in Maine. She was primed and prepped by her family and the media in Maine built her as the next crabbing Aire and basketball queen of Bar Harbor. So imagine how floored she was when her dad, who at the time was the only majority owner, sold it to me and my group instead of letting her group become majority stake holders in ownership to own her family's business, he didn't even let her bid on it. He handed it to me the way I am handing it to you, except he had whiskey and I see you don't. Now if she doesn't quit and doesn't go to prison for stabbing me with the closest thing near her for not handing it to her, she may throw her hat in and tell you give her time to buy the team from you, not that nice by the way but at least i won't be stabbed. It's a roll of the dice to what she will do, How you respond after will go a long way for the future here. I am not against her owning the team but from this point on, it's not up to me. She would make a great owner because she loves this team, so keep that feather in your cap. Why didn't I give it to her?. One, she's been dying to get out the "OLD DAYS" as she put it, so I know her progressiveness will change things. That wasn't for me, but it may before you who knowns. Another reason I didn't go right to her is because, she doesn't like how you build this team, she's always texting me that I need to recommend rebuilding if by the world all-star game, if you aren't at least in second place, I should make you sell, sell, sell and start young and fresh. That is what she would do, nothing wrong with that but I feel it's only right that you finish what you started, that's why the board is giving you to the end of NEXT season to make a decision. Last piece of business,  so you should start signing because when I leave here, and whatever drama occurs with Ahab the last piece will be deciding who tells the press and when. Telling them now can get it out the way, allow people to process the information but may cause a distraction, waiting until later, may allow your team to focus on this week but things leak around here, especially if Ahab storms out of here, then Bar Harbor finds out through ESPN ticker, and good luck because how the fans will react in the games are a tossup. They may cheer you, they may boo you. So that's a lot on your plate GM Franchise. (SHAKES YOUR HAND) You now owner of the Bar Harbor Storm. Do us proud...oh and lose my number.....when you are ready, go hand these to Ahab, I'll be right near you. I'm hoping we can hug it out, but I get a feeling I may be ducking"

GM Franchise

Just winning is the game plan, I think we've got the team to do that. You're right, I don't have whiskey even though a lot of my ladies love Jack and Coke. I do have Cabernet though so I'll drink that.

*GM Franchise points to the bottles behind him*

As far as Ms. Ahab goes, thank you for all of the information and I will take it under advisement as far as any ownership dealings go. Hopefully she does shank you but if she wants that ownership deal that's bad PR for the team and won't look good so I think you're good as far as that goes. Sounds good to me as far as the team goes. We're in third trending upward to second after a Finals appearance last season. We got two great rookies to build around one of which was undrafted that's turned into a massive steal in Dunkatron. I can always point that out if needed since it fits her team vision. We'll announce it now because it leaking during the week or, worse during a game, would be a much bigger distraction than it being announced ahead of time. Rumors are a bigger distraction than just announcing it so I'll go that route. Good luck with everything. You'll have a great time in the French Riviera but before then let's hand this paperwork to Ms. Ahab and hope you aren't ducking.

GM Lucas

[After seeing the forms, she puts her palms down on the desk. She slowly looks up and stares a vicious hole through Noah Archer. With clenched jaw, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She slowly scans around her desk and starts reaching for the stapler but stops herself. Eyes begin to swell with emotion. She takes another deep breath as words look as if they  want to explode from her lips but she gets up, palms still firmly planted on the desk looking at the forms. With restraint, she nods,
smiles . She starts to reach for the knife on her plate from a lunch she had earlier but reaches over it and grabs her bag. Ahab walks towards around the desk towards GM Franchise and Noah Archer and shoves right past them to the door. She stops, turns halfway, A look of vengeance in her eyes "]

"Expect a call from my lawyers"

[The door slams behind her]

"That went well, looks like she'll be looking to either take ownership by force or put in a bid, not sure what it means but those forms are iron clad. OK, no one is bleeding, cops didn't have to be called. Not bad. now you just need to get a new PR secretary"

[Maintenace manager Lee enters the office]

"Sir, which of you drives a Charger Hell Cat?"

"That's mine, pretty awesome car right!?, you want to drive it, I can let you give it a spin. I'm a man of the people"

"Um...thanks, but I would rather give it a spin when it's not on fire"

"Shit!. Dammit Ahab, Franchise, handle your business I got to go. "

[Noah Archer sprints out the office yelling for someone to call the fire department]