

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:17:09 PM

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GM Franchise

Sounds good. Yeah this is the only issue I'm seeing. Everything else is a well oiled machine. We just need to keep ahead of this and keep kicking ass. We're a championship contender this season. No reason to rock the boat with a non-issue.

GM Lucas

" Got it. I'm gonna get back to practice. If there's nothing else, we can lock this baby up unless you want me to pass any messages along"

GM Franchise

Yes, I wanted to congratulate Hardwick on winning the Eastern Player of the Week Award. Other than that we're good to go for the week.

GM Lucas

"I'll let him know on the bus that you had high praise for him on his accomplishments this week."

GM Franchise

1. Discuss your results

"I think we're headed on the right path. We had some tough games this week but still got in the win column so I'm not worried about it. Julius Hardwick winning player of the week again is huge for us. He's a tremendous player and a great leader for our team."

2. What do you think about the situation between Smokey Mountain and Texas

"I think it's an owner trying to manufacture a feud with a rival team and it's causing pointless drama for no reason. The pipes bursting incident is karma for the previous game so it's going to play out over the season when those two teams meet again."

3. How will you handle your injuries this week (If you had/have any. If not Skip question)

"Next man up mentality is how we roll. We have depth so we'll give the next players in the rotation extended minutes. However having four players out injured including Hardwick and Summerall is worst case scenario. We'll fight through it and come out stronger as a team when the playoffs are on the line."

4. What do you think about the All Star game options

"I think the options aren't enticing at all especially considering two of the places are involved in the drama this week. The third option is sponsored by bitcoin which is a scam. Just have it in Bar Harbor and it'll sell out in record time, bottom line."

5. Talk about any other news

"For our news we'll discuss it internally. Two players running into each other is a freak accident so I'm not sweating it long term. Hardwick being injured is a massive blow to the team but, that said, other players will step up and I believe in this team. We will continue to be successful. Speaking of success Minnesota needs some success from how bad their luck is. Dean Morgan needs to get the focus on his team instead of it being in him. That's going to cause problems for them all season long. Oakland needs to be humbled and I hope we're the team to do it. Manhattan is back on track but I'm wondering how long it will last. Too many big personalities on that team for it to not start up again. Seattle has drama too so it's definitely a regular thing in this league. Panama City should make Ava Swann the new GM. She's lovely and knows what she's doing compared to some other General Managers in this league. That said, expect big things from Bar Harbor going forward. That is all."

GM Lucas

"We gonna be short handed, but hopefully it's only one game. I'll own it, I should have sat them down, I just felt that we needed that game so bad I wanted them to be on the floor when the time ran out. I should have played it safe, I feel horrible, I let the ex-player in me get the best of my judgement. Throw me to wolves in the media if you need to, I can take it"

GM Franchise

I'm definitely not going to do that. We're going to take a next man up approach and start the most optimal line up for us to get through this rough patch. We'll be fine, I'm not panicking. However I do want to see us score some upsets while we're underdogs with the injuries. That'll be a big morale boost after what happened with the freak injury incident.

GM Lucas

"I'll whip something up boss"

GM Franchise

Sounds good to me. I think it's time to show everyone that we've got heart and depth. It's time for them to see we're a championship contender this season.

GM Franchise

1. Discuss your game this week

"We had a rough week but with the injuries we've had but we're early in the season. There's a whole lot more basketball to be played so I'm not panicking and neither should the fans. We will get through this rough patch and we will endure."

2. Discuss any game that interest you on your schedule for next week.

"This week we play Seattle and Oakland. I want to win both of those games. Oakland is the top tier team right now so that is a game that I want to win. It's time to show everyone that we're a team to be reckoned with."

3. Discuss any other news

"I saw the billboards but all we need to do is get through the next seven days and we're good on the injury front. Sucks about GM Bandit but that's one less problem to deal with for our conference. Sounds like Minnesota will be sold which is good for them. A lot of high scoring games this week. Esquire scoring 72 is on another level."

GM Lucas

"Word is Minnesota is shopping Chadwick, that dude is a game changer in the right conditions, just so happens, we have those conditions, just saying. When ever playmakers become available, coaches ear's perk up"

GM Franchise

Let's go all in for him. After our conversation let the secretary know to ge5 us contact with Minnesota and we'll bring him in. As for us do we have to Kane any adjustments or are we good to go for this week?

GM Lucas

"I understood "Let try and get Chadwick" everything else seems like poetry from a bottle...mind repeating that last part?"

GM Franchise

Do we need to make any line up adjustments based on last week's games?

GM Franchise

We got Chadwick so we'll definitely have to adjust the line up this week.

GM Lucas

"I think right now the only ones thinking about adjusting their lineups are our opponents, this was big boss"

GM Franchise

Hell yeah! I'm ready to win it all this season and I think this move just took this team to the next level. We avoid long term injuries and we're good to go.

GM Lucas

"We can work around parts we traded, I'm hyped to work with him. hopefully he see's us as a final destination and not a pit stop"

GM Franchise

Sounds good to me! Are good roster number wise as far as having a full roster or do I need to sign a player? Other than that we're good to go.

GM Lucas

"we def gonna need to sign a player to meet league 12 minimum roster spots"

GM Franchise

Okay I'll look over the available free agents and sign one that won't put us over the cap space limit.

GM Lucas

"Um..yeah ok, check it, I'll def get some one on this team and do this for you this once because you got me one hell of a baller but in the future if you are going to be expecting me to GM then you gonna have to make me assistant GM and give me a raise"

GM Franchise

That's true. Sorry just thinking out loud, I'll handle the GM stuff. I'll let you get back to practice and I'll handle that. Keep kicking ass, coach. You're doing great this season.


Rosita, can you get me in touch with the representation for SG Brian Seek  please, thank you.


Hello, I'm interested in signing your client SG Brian Seek for the rest of the season for $1 million with the option to extend the contract next season. Does that work for you to get him signed?

GM Lucas

"You don't have too, coach already instructed me to make a signing. He just signed SG Brad Smith which is a decent signing not the best availbe free agent but coach think his skills fall in line with what we do here. I am sending the paper work to the league office as we speak. Our roster is where it needs to be and sports radio is going nuts over this signing as fans absolutely love the trade, Anything else?"

GM Franchise

Nope, let's lock in and kick some ass this week.

GM Lucas

"Not bad GM Franchise, you made some moves at the right time. Brought in a killer to take us over the hump and we came a few minutes away from another title. I am not mad. Hell, I'm even more excited I didn't have to leave the Mediterranean and lace my shoes back up. Trust me, the thought crossed my mind, but it was hard dude, women from Morocco topless, I would be much more upset if I had to lace them up again. Either way. You good in my book. Now the challenge comes. it won't be that simple to just sign guys because they got nowhere to go. The IBA is breathing down our back and word has it a lot of stars are looking to leave for more money. Hope your charm is up to par to sway them to come and play for us. We are going to be able to release a few guys but understand that may upset people too. So GM's are in a tough spot. Good Luck'

GM Franchise

That's the plan, use as much charm as possible and go all in to keep our top talent here. It's a tough spot for sure but if I can keep the core guys and replace the guys we lose with players of equal talent levels we should be good to go to make another deep playoff run this season.

GM Lucas

"Look, what ever happens, I ain't coming back unless it's to hire a new GM, so don't make me come back. Ms Ahab will be my proxy for the season. Now, you see those two beautiful Norwegians outside my office, yeah, they are waiting for me, so peace"

GM Franchise

Sounds good to me, boss. Have fun with the Norwegians and hopefully there will be a championship trophy waiting here upon your return.

GM Lucas

"Welcome back, good job last season. But that's all done with now. First things first, for real Franchise, first day back and I have to remind you where my eyes are. Listen UP!, coach Long is a FA. He voiced his approval for wanting to return but that's strictly up to you. Just bring in someone who can get us back to the title. Also, Don't forget, Hardwick is owed 45 million this year. Not sure what you want to do with that, but you have four players on your roster and already spent 73 million, now I hear the league is raising the cap to 90 million, but still. If you can make it work, make it work if not, you can cut 3 guys without penalty. First, we hire a coach then you make decisions on cuts before the expansion draft. Here's your team sheet"

GM Franchise

Thank you for all of that great information. It's definitely going to prove to be helpful. Coach Long wants to return and I want him as our coach long term. Bringing him back is the current priority in the offseason. Can you cal, him for me please to get that started please, thank you.

GM Lucas

"Once we are allowed to start signing coaches, he will be the first person we call. he told us he won't take any calls until he speaks with us first".

GM Franchise

Perfect, thank you for that info. Let's get him on the phone and get his contract extension done.

GM Lucas

"Wassup GM Franchise, been waiting on your call. I'm ready to come back and give us another chance. So talk to me. What are the number's"

GM Franchise

I'm looking at 4 years for $7 million. Does that work for you?

GM Lucas

"That works, send it in to the office. Glad I don't have to tell the wife that we have to move. Another thing, not sure if you heard or not, I'm going to need a right-hand man. My AC just got the head coaching gig in Mexico. Now, either you can handle that, or I can make some calls and bring in someone to be my AC. How you want to play it.?"

GM Franchise

I'll let you make some calls. You would know better who you'd like to with with than I would. Bringing in a familiar face works good for us with coaching chemistry so that's another reason why this is the smartest move.

GM Lucas

"I got a few ideas, I'll make some calls, make some offers and then bring the sheet to you and let you decide if you want to bring them in"

GM Franchise

Sounds like a plan to me.

GM Lucas

"Let's give my girl Hannah Lapinski a shot in the big leagues. She's been coaching in DIII ball at Maine community college and just filed her paper to be available for hire. She's young but smart and coaches' offense. I could get her on board for 1 year at 500k. I think she'll surprise some folks"

GM Franchise

She's hired. Her surprising folks is exactly what we need and bringing in that element of surprise will do wonders in the right circumstances.

GM Lucas

"Thank you for trusting me, I can't wait to see what she can do, just send it to the LO and we can get started going over the current roster"

GM Franchise

Just League Officed it, we're good to go for the coaching staff.

GM Lucas

"Yes sir, now all we have to do is wait for the league to finalize the draft sheets and we can get our scouting on"

GM Franchise

Robitaille, can you get me in touch with Jerald Chadwick's representation please, thank you.

GM Lucas

"Who the hell is Robitaille?, It's Rosita fool, get your shit together. Next time I'll ignore you, anyway, he's on the line"


"Gm Vanchise, How may I get vich today"

GM Franchise

Hello, nice to see you again. Would Jerald take a 3 year, $20MM contract to stay here in Bar Harbor?

GM Lucas

"My Clizent is MVP, He-eh, led league wit 47 points Ze-game, Your team, went Ay-twenty ze-five and ze-nine when my Clizent came to Ze-Bar Harbor. Vender Ezquire, got Zenty tree Mizllion. My Clizent, wants Ze-twenty Zeven Mizillion , because He, likes Ze-Bar Harbor"

GM Franchise

Perfect, I'll take that deal. Pleasure doing business with you.

GM Lucas

"Very good, Zend it in"