

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:18:40 PM

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Team Information
City: Ashville, North Carolina
Conference:  East
Team Owner:  Cyrus Skinner
Team Secretary: Honus McSwine

Team History:
S1: Smokey Mountain Mist 36-45 (4th)
S2: Smokey Mountain Mist 28-53 (4th)
S3: Smokey Mountain Mist 23-58 (5th)
S4: Smokey Mountain Mist 35-46 (3rd)
S5: Smokey Mountain Mist 40-41 (2nd)
S6: Smokey Mountain Mist 31-50 (4th)
S7: Smokey Mountain Mist 40-41 (4th)
S8: Smokey Mountain Mist 50-31 (1st)
S9: Smokey Mountain Mist 43-38 (2nd)
S10: Smokey Mountain Mist 40-41 (2nd)
S11: Smokey Mountain Mist 40-41 (4th)

Playoff Appearances:
S5: 2016 1st Round
S9: 2018 1st Round
S10: 2021 1st Round


"Look'it here, a big mouth don't make a big man so don't go writing checks your ass can't cash. Be tough but fair because there are two types of people in this world, people who shoot and people who dig. This job here is for the toughest of sons of bitches so I'm not looking for no Namby-Pamby. To a man, we all make mistakes, the idea is to make them right and don't go digging for water under the outhouse if know whats good for ya'. This here folks of Smoky mountains and on both sides of Tennessee and North Carolina deserve a winner. We here at the Virginia Corners have worked hard to ascend up these here standings and make something of ourselves so show me you can bring pride to this here Mountains and you'll always have a seat at the table. " - Cyrus Skinner

GM Gators

(A goofy smile plastered across his face, Jimmy Gators nods as he listens to Cyrus Skinner and then speaks)

I hear you, sir. Yes sir. You don't have to worry sir, I don't write checks. I use online banking on my cell phone...it's super convenient, and good for the environment too.

(Awkward pause as Jimmy's remarks don't seem to land well with Cyrus Skinner)

Anyway, bro...I mean, Mr. Skinner sir...I really appreciate what you had to say about the people here wanting a winning team. I might not look the part, but I take winning like super seriously.

My brother Johnny and I have always wanted to be a part of professional sports. But he wasn't athletic enough. Probably ate a few too many waffles with too much maple syrup if you ask me, but our family counselor said "Jimmy, you can't make other people's life choices for them" or whatever.

So maybe he'll be a sports GM some day too. This is so cool!

I was super athletic but I tended to get....um...distracted. That's why I didn't make it to the big leagues.

So I'm really thrilled to have the opportunity to be involved in sports this way. I'm ready to get to work and get people "High on the Smokies."

GM Lucas

"Dead man tell no tales on that one. You and I are somewhat alike in that area of being distracted. Was many moons ago, a promising young Forward, Cyrus Skinner was leading all Smokey Mountain Valley high in buckets and rebounds. They called me Skinner the winner. But Ah' done made mistakes that put me here in this seat. Taking the coaches twin daughters and playing pop the pig in the barn was def one that side tracked my career. Second, I then went on a binge with some liquid courage I like to call Rye Whiskey and wanted to see if my neighbors horse could get drunk by finishing a bottle of rye in his ass, thus losing my eye. So you see here, Jimmy, can I call you Jimmy. Mistakes make us stronger if not smarter. So I say we done got a bit sharper and we both made good decisions to come and look for work in this here organization. As far as this here Smokies you speak of,  don't go messing around with that devils lettuce, I need someone focused on bringing some pride back to this here Valleys. When time is right, and this god-dog-it audit-majig is done, Ms Bella Suger will have all the info you need in good time, she good people so don't go sittin on a bag of nails with her. Now, sun tends to set a bit early for me these days so a nappin is in place. If you need anything, ask Ms Suger, Now, if we are done here GET!"

GM Gators

(Jimmy Gators listens enthusiastically. Though he's ready to say something about "devil's lettuce" he hears the gravity in "GET!" and thinks better of saying much.)

Don't worry about my focus, bro. I assure you I'm in it to win it.

I've got doubters to prove wrong, and an important job to do.

Enjoy your nap. I'll show myself out!

(Jimmy Gators leaves)

GM Lucas

"Well I'll be a beaver in the bush, where did the young man go, I had some information for him, I hope he left his number"

GM Gators

(Jimmy Gators peeks into the room. Seeing Cyrus Skinner is no longer there, he walks in holding a bag of Funyuns in one hand and a Mountain Dew in the other)

Hello there, Ma'am. You must be Ms. Suger.

Sorry if you were looking for me a minute ago. Mr. Skinner can be a kinda intimidating dude, so when he said "Get" I was like "Woah. I better get out of his way!"

Anyway, I like the guy. He's a straight shooter, you know!

But I was a little hungry, so I sneaked over to Hot Spot and grabbed a snack.

Very nice to meet you. How can I help you?

GM Lucas

"Well there you are, nice to meet you dear. What a respectful your man, that's nice. Not many respectful young men these days. Any hoot,  Mr Skinner IS a scary man, but don't take his rough demeanor to be anything more than good olĂ© southern tough love. It was so funny,  You ran out of here like a rabbit in a fox hole. And yes, he is a straight shooter, maybe not as straight as he was in his young days but still in all, he lays it down the way it needs to be. Yeah, Where was i again, Oh yes, Learn to slow down a bit young man, no need to have that northern nuances messing things up. Now, let's see, where was I. OH YES! I have your team sheet and some info ready to go darling.  SO.....

We are in pickle, the last folks who ran this team, signed some contracts that seemed to have gotten us in trouble with the league. We were given some penalties so we are above the cap at the moment. We are waiting on the league who are investigating the contracts. We hope that they can remove some of the penalties or we will only have veteran minimum contracts to sign. It's not a great situation, to be honest dear. I would totally understand if you wanted to pull your name for GM of this here team. If we can't get the league to void the penalties we will be in a salary cap mess the first season. But anyway, here is our team sheet. I'll get all the other sheets to you once we are cleared

GM Gators

Those pesky Yankees and their Northern Nuances!

Hey, I appreciate the advice. I'll try to pace myself a little.

Our financial situation sounds like a total dumpster fire. But I signed on the dotted line, so I'm here for the party. We'll just have to jump in and figure it out, and hope the league cuts us some slack.

Thanks for the information. Sounds like I've got some homework to do. I should've bought the family size bag of Funyuns!

GM Lucas

"Well if that isn't just the most delightful news. Glad to see someone wanting to face the challenge on not skipping town, that is what Skinner likes the most, and I'll make sure he knows it. I knew Skinner was on to something when he spoke about bringing you in. I'm gonna do my best to be here for whatever you may need, suger."

GM Lucas

"Hey there sugar, good news, the salary cap has been adjusted, we now got $16,462,296 million dollars in cap space. That just make me happier than a bee in a garden. Now, you go be smart ya hear, don't go put us in more horse poo. Here is your folder with the rules. Please email me the players you are interested and if you have any questions, I mean, ANY questions, you go head and ask me, sound good honey, great!

GM Gators

Well that's definitely good news. Not a ton of money to work with, but it beats being in the hole!

So let me see...I've got this list here. Bunch of names, height, weight, age and where they're from.

Do we know anything else about these guys before the scouting...Award winners? All conference? Anything like that?

I totally understand if we don't. Might be a stupid question. I'm just super nervous and don't want to miss anything!

GM Lucas

"Sorry Suger, can't say that I do. I'm sure all the information you need will come when you start playing around in that folder and talking to your coaches. All I know is that, my friend down there by the Florida Georgia line is always going on about her nephew and his good friend. I can't remember. I know one plays for Georgia and the other plays for Florida state but, honey, I can't remember their names. Too much Rye in your youth can make you a bit forgetful when you reach my beautiful age, I'm sorry, wish I was more of a help but I honestly don't know a thing about basketball, but let me tell you, ain't no questions stupid ya hear"

GM Gators

(Jimmy Gators scribbles "Georgia" and "Florida State" on a sheet of scrap paper, just in case it proves to be a workable lead)

Fair enough, Ms. Suger. I appreciate your helping as much as you can.

You know, it reminds me of something that guy I talked to at the convenience store the other day said: "Can't do nothing more than your best."

He's a wise guy. And he keeps that slushy machine running tight.

Anyhoo...Am I remembering right that I can talk to our head coach before I start with this scouting? It'd be nice to meet him and see how close together we are on player philosophy.

GM Lucas

"I take it you are the new GM, I'm Robert Murray, Ms Suger told me you wanted to meet me"

GM Gators

Hey Robert Murray! It's nice to meet you. I'm Jimmy Gators. Thanks for coming to see me!

So, yeah...I've got all this information I'm trying to make sense of. All these little eggs here for combine and scouting. And I'm hoping with a few questions answered by you I'll be able to whip 'em into some fresh tasty omelettes that can help our team keep moving forward.

(Jimmy Gators is momentarily distracted at the thought of omelettes, but regains his composure quickly)

My biggest question for you is about the team culture. What kind of guys you like having on the team.

So like, for example. If I can land a really great player...like no-doubt total all-star level talent...

But he's dramatic and has an ego higher than Mount LeConte...

Is that somebody you can work with? And keep him from being a locker room problem?

Or is it better to steer clear of that kind of baller, even if it means our team might have really good players, but no great ones.

GM Lucas

Well let me start by saying I'm glad you came with questions and didn't call me just to say high, so we are already on the OK side of things. Ok, I  prefer veterans guys, a bit older. They understand what this game gives them, they got a lot to play for, I don't need to baby them, they aren't on Toky Tik after practice or playing silly pranks on each other in the locker room. I need some men, some experience for when we do have some young bucks, someone else can teach them the ropes.

Now don't get me wrong, this league is full of some young serious talent, you can see how they carry themselves. They are quiet, they aren't always in the press airing out their dirty laundry for the world to hear. So you can land some really good talent that won't be a distraction, then by all means. Listen, I can coach anyone, if they can play and they can come in here and listen, learn and do their damn job then by all means, I want a goddam playoff game or two. Talent is talent so when you go signing checks my ass has to cash, ask them some simple questions about adjusting and being able to shut the fuck up and listen, you'll figure out what you need, don't let me stop you from doing your job because at the end of the day it's either your ass or mine, just know I don't have too much patience for baby sitting"

GM Gators

Note to self, delete Toky Tik from my phone later...

Anyway...aside from the profanity I like what I'm hearing man. And no, I'm not trying to censor you. We're all adults here. I won't talk to you like that, but I can handle it.

Just let me know if the grind of coaching is ever getting to your blood pressure. We'll try to find a way to let you get some of that tension out. I need you healthy so we can get those Ws. Do you like golf?

I'm starting to get off track. Hang on. You're right about you and me, you know. If stuff goes wrong then the dudes and dudettes will blame us! So it's you and me against the WBS world.

So what I'm gonna do is try to find you guys you can do your best with...so they can do their best...so we both have the best chance of keeping our jobs. I know Skinner the Winner wants a team the fan base can be proud of, and much like you I think that means no drama. Show up, work hard. I'll be looking for guys who hustle and can be selfless.

Looks like right now we've only got forwards on the roster. What do you think is the most important position on the court?  I don't want to mess any of the positions up, but what's the one where you'd be like "Listen, you idiot...you could botch the whole rest of the starting five but don't you dare mess this one up!"

GM Lucas


"Listen, don't mind my candor, I'm not a hard guy to work with so I respect if you prefer a more subtle tone, with that said, I am who I am. NOW, I don't think I would ever call you an idiot because it would be evident in how you carry yourself and right now I don't see one, let's keep it that way. You are right, it is US against the world. We at this organization have been somewhat successful over the years but to be honest, Last season was my first year as head coach and I don't like how we were handed the playoffs last year after being tied with New York. We wanted the one game play in and New York just forfeited it to us in order to sell the team. Real Bulls.... Horse Manure if you ask me. That didn't sit right with me after my first year of coaching. I knew we could beat New York because we took Panama to 7 games who then took Vancouver to 7 games. So everything about how last season ended stunk but the guys on our roster played hard. So listen, We have only started being successful when we started playing big ball. When we tried to do things the traditional way, it didn't work. When this franchise drafted Margues Merton and picked up Holden, everything changed. So the skinny of this conversation is, We. Need. A. Guard. Now, like I said there is a ton of talented guards out there in FA so a 6-6 guy like Mario Wright would fit in nicely, he's a bit on the older side, I believe he's like 34, 35 maybe even 37, not sure, in that area and he might cost a lot because he was one of the first guys to rip up his contract but that is the type of guy that would do well here. Maybe even 6-7 shooting guard Elton McClain, he's a bit younger but again, we run big ball here. So, you don't have to bring them in but I just gave you the type of guy that can work here. As far as the draft goes, same business, if you can find some big talented guards by all means, bring them in. So, the world is your oyster kiddo so let's find some pearls"

GM Gators

Boom goes the dynamite! That was a great answer!!!

Cut right to the chase. I dig it.

Big guys. Guards. Experienced is a plus.

You also filled me in on Merton..which was my last question...so I think we're done here.

Thanks Coach!

GM Lucas

"You got it son, I think Merton is looking forward to you call, so when you are ready. He's a good kid and the exact type of personality I like, he's straight to the point. So, just remember before we start the season, at some point touch base with him. Now I'ma sit back and just wait until you are ready to give me some names for this draft so I can gather some information for you"

[Leaves the office]

GM Gators

Miss Suger, could you have Margues Merton come see me when he can, please and thank you.

Margues! I'm Jimmy Gators, the new GM.

Pleasure to meet you. Coach says you've really moved the needle for this franchise. What do you like about being in the Smoky Mountains?

GM Lucas

" I like that the fans are laid back, passionate but chill. They aren't like these crazy New York or Seattle fans that love you one day and hate you the next, they let me be me, they let us be us. I love the fans and they show me love back so for that I play hard every single day. The guys who come on this team either get with the program on how this team works are they can go. I'm all about the team, coach let's us handle our business and he treats us like men, He let's us figure it out. No one here needs their hands held. It also helps Jeremy Raher is on this team who is also my boy, through and through. He got my back and I got his, always. "

GM Gators

That's cool, man! Yeah, I like that the fans are super supportive. My dream for this franchise is a team that represents these people and will make them proud. And I think the atmosphere you described means we're already on our way with that.

Where's that culture coming from? Did it start with coach? Did you bring it with you when you came? Some kind of combo?

I want to know where the goose that's laying these golden eggs is so I can keep that goose healthy, you know what I mean?

GM Lucas

"Like I said, Coach allows us to be who we are. He doesn't get in the way with some over the shoulder nonsense. When I got here, the coach that drafted me was a goddam tyrant, he wanted us all clean shaven and tucked in like some suit and tie business types.So I first let my play speak for itself, but even then, what we were doing at home meant more to him than what we did on the court it seemed like. Let's say I was happy to see that stick in the ass go. After that, I just kept doing me, the guys that came in after just kind of went with it. When coach came on board, he sat back and just watched how we flowed and managed from there. There aren't to many coaches that just coach the x's and o's without trying to change how the guys live, know what I'm saying. To many coaches out here want guys to walk the company line and walk around with a stick in their ass. That ain't us. As long as we perform and give it our all every game and don't act like freshman he don't give two shits about anything else. If a guy acts the fool then goes and shits the bed on the court, well then, coach gonna be on, in and all over that ass. The only games that should be played here should be played on the court and they should be left on the court"

GM Gators

I see. I see. I think I'm picking up what you're laying down...

You can probably tell by looking at me, I don't exactly fit the mold of normal GMs. So you don't have to expect suit and tie stuff from yours truly.

As far as I'm concerned, personality is a good thing. Long as your off the court stuff doesn't mess up what you do ON the court and doesn't give the organization a black eye...then what do I care what a grown man does in his private life?

You mentioned Coach won't suffer fools. I've got to bring in a lot of new faces to fill out this roster, and I want the great culture you're describing to stick, you know??  So if some guy came in and did start acting the fool does Coach have backup from you and the guys already here?

GM Lucas

"What a fool is to you and to me is subjective, understand. Coach don't like silliness but I mean, we still clown each other in the locker room. We give coach a bunch of riff because of those dirty sneakers he wears with his suit during games. We bust when he tucks in his button shirt in his jeans, we still have a good time because we respect each other at the end of the day. So if some guys comes in here with a different type of sense of humor making fun of dudes dead grandma's, or switches out the jock itch powder with baking soda, he'll find out how far he went, but that stuff is all good as long as he corrects himself, we'll set him straight. But if he come's in here thinking he's the shit, not listening, disrespecting, acting out during practice or if he breaks our locker room code of no cell phones or social media in the locker room then we gonna have a problem. Coach will let you know. But what ever coach decides we have his back"

GM Gators

Nice! That locker room sounds a-mazing!

Yeah, I was hoping you'd tell me if anybody stepped out of line it wasn't all on coach to wrangle him in. I heard on a podcast the other day that teams work better when the teammates keep each other honest, and it sounds like that's what you're doing.

Really appreciate your help in keeping this awesome Smoky Mountains culture in place.

All right man, I didn't call you up here to just talk your ear off. So I've got one more question for ya...

In your eyes, what's the biggest piece I need to figure out for this roster so we can get from borderline playoff contender to "We're in the playoffs, and you all are on notice!"?

GM Lucas

"Honestly, I'm not gonna sit here and tell you what we need because I'm a bit biased. The guys in that locker room are like brothers, don't get me wrong we understand the business but I personally can't tell you to go get someone who pushes one of my brothers on the unemployment line. That ain't me, talk to coach"

GM Gators

No, it's not like that man!

Look...I dig that you're loyal to your teammates. Absolutely. We need our guys to be battle buddies and have each other's backs if we want to get to the championship mountaintop, ya know?

But right now I've got like, a bazillion roster slots to fill. Nobody's going anywhere, I need to BRING IN some guys. And I thought you might have an opinion on which holes were the most important to focus on. That's all.

But I hear ya on wanting to let Coach do coach stuff, and you just go play ball. Fair enough!

If there's anything else you'd like to share with me, floor's yours and I'm all ears.

If not, I really appreciate your taking time to talk with me. And I'll let you get back to it.

GM Lucas

"We good here, I'm going to head out and try and salvage the rest of my off season before we get to the grind. But yeah, talk to coach about roster spots. Honestly I think we are one maybe two free agents away from making some noise but I could be wrong, aiight homey, PEACE!"

GM Lucas

"Okay, lookit here honey, things are aces up and are looking like we in for a hog-killin time which is a good thing, here in these parts darling. But we have to talk about the business at hand, the League deadline for early free agent offers is this Wednesday,  October 12th, 11:59 EST. Along with that, you have to tell me who you want to send to Summer camp. They have to be either a rookie or a 1st year player. Look at your roster sheet that I sent you and let me know by Friday October 14th. 11L59 EST"

GM Gators

Thanks Ms. Suger. I'll get that summer camp stuff to you in a New York minute!

I don't know exactly what that means...but everybody else in the office is so good with these fancy expressions I feel like I need to use a few just to keep up! (Jimmy Gators flashes a smile to show this is a good-natured attempt at humor)

To say it another way...I ought to have that to you sometime Thursday. Plenty of time before deadline.

I presume the Free Agent offers need to go to the league office so they stay close to the vest. Is that right?

Thanks Ms. Suger!

GM Lucas

"Ok, lookit here honey, I'll try and coral my southern twang a bit but I can't make no promises. Now, Your free agent offers need to come in direct message to me and only me and I'll get them out there for you"

GM Gators

Nah, nah, nah. I didn't mean it like that Miss Suger. I'm sorry it came out that way.

I love the dialect, even if I can't always keep up with it.

Between you and me, the free agency stuff should be securely waiting for you now. And here's that Summer Training material you asked for.

Mike Stoneking

  • Free throw
  • Court vision

JJ Wessel

  • Scoring
  • Court vision

You're the best Miss Suger. Thank you!

GM Lucas

"Well aren't you just the bee's knees there honey, Thank you and I'll send this to the offices and I'll prepare to make contact with agents."

GM Gators

Preseason Workouts
Mike Stoneking-- IQ
Wesley Ramsey--Endurance
JJ Wessel-- Outside Scoring

Team captain: Marques Merton

Positions: Coach's Decision
Offensive Schemes: Coach's Decision
Defensive Schemes: Coach's Decision


GM Lucas

"Well Suger, we came pretty close. I mean that first loss was tough. 0-2 on the preseason has some folks already crying a river. Listen, I believe in you kiddo. I don't much about this game so I have no words of wisdom except, from my old eyes, I can see we need a better bench. At least that is what i heard the guys on the radio say. Anyways, no two ways about it...Your team sheet is right here. All your information is there."

GM Gators

How did you feel about the sudden amendments to the salary issues the league was having. Did the change help or hurt you in your process.

Great question. Wow, giving me the tough questions right out of the gate. OK, I dig it. You're bringing your A game, I gotta bring mine. No worries...

So look...one time I was visiting some friends of mine in Virginia. And we wanted to go into Washington DC and see the sights. But the thing is, driving to get to DC means you've got to go through some crazy traffic. So the night before I mentally prepared for that. And then the next day we were driving up, traffic was awful. My friend even told me later, he was like "Dude, this was exceptionally awful today. Sorry about that." And I was like "Man, I was prepared for bad. It's all right."

So the financial stuff, for me, is in that same boat. Not long after I got my boots on the ground here I was told "Hey, we've got some financial stuff. You might want to cut and run. It could be really bad." But I said "Nope, I took the job. I'm here to see it through. Let's figure it out."

And it's the same with these league changes. I'm just rolling with the punches and trying to get my mind around how to work with it.

To be honest, I think the adjustments ended up helping me a little bit. I definitely think I have a better grasp of what we're dealing with financially than I did the first week on the job. We've had to fill a lot of positions, be careful with money, and try not to spend every last nickel because who knows what we're going to need to do as the season goes along. Overall, for the moment I think we're in a pretty good place.

What were your thoughts when you put your roster together and what are they now after two games.

Fill the roster. Get all the positions covered. Try to get some veterans in here who know what they're doing and can play the game the right way.

I also wanted it to be clear for the league, our fans, and the rest of the basketball world--here in the Smokies we aren't so concerned about having big names and pomp and circumstance. We want to build a team that's really a team. Works together. Plays hard. Plays unselfishly. Because that would suit our fan base: hard working people who don't need to be superstars. But they're hard working, trustworthy. I want to build a team here that our fans can relate to and be proud of.

Who surprised you and who are you hoping comes around?

Merton and Raher are both playing great. I don't know if I can call those surprises though, bro, because I already knew those guys were great and was expecting top flight stuff out of them.

But you know, we've had to bring in a lot of new pieces. And you just don't know for sure how things will gel together or whatever until they get on the court and get to working together. Thomas and Howard seem to really be picking it up quickly and making solid contributions right away. So I'm looking forward to seeing what else they do.

Obviously, I hope everybody will come along. We've got our work cut out for us. Looking forward to seeing the Stoneking Brothers push each other. Norvell sat out the preseason, coach's decision, and I'm totally cool with that. The guy's a veteran, he knows how to play. And we want to get the young guy's some game experience on the pro level, you know. So I'm excited to see what Norvell can do once the games count for real and he's out there.

Wessel too. I was so glad we were able to get him a roster spot. Had my eyes on him in the draft, just didn't really work out to take him when we could. Glad we could see him in summer league and put a roster spot in front of him. Great potential there.

What team do you think will be your biggest challenge in your division
No disrespect or whatever...our biggest challenge will be ourselves. We've got a roster together. Now we've got to unselfishly work together. Learn how to play our game and impose our will.

Every team is good. Any team can win or lose on a given night. Our biggest challenge will be keeping our wits about us and continually pushing ourselves to get better and better.

What do you think of your very first opponent
Panama City. Man I've heard some great things about Panama City.

I've got respect for every team we'll play. We know we've got to go out and earn every win we get this year, so you're not going to see me talk trash about any of these teams or take any of them lightly.

Any news around the league stood out to you.

Definitely noticed the Fender Esquire situation.

I wouldn't be surprised if the reason he didn't get any offers at first is because GMs only have so much cash to go around, and we knew some of these guys would be asking big, big bucks. Which is fine, they can ask what they want. They're world class athletes...

But for some of us GMs when you look at situations like that, whether it's Esquire or any other big name...if you're left with "I'll offer what I reasonably can, and they'll probably be offended" or "I won't offer, but then at least I didn't offend them..."

Well, you're probably not going to make the offer because you don't want to offend the guy. You know?

You guys brought some seriously good questions this time. I gotta go hydrate to replace all this sweat!

GM Lucas

"Do you think you have enough cap room to probably sign one of the players who may get signed internationally"

GM Gators

Hey, that's a good question!

We don't have the kind of coin lying around that's going to attract somebody who's money hungry, you know? But that's OK because our team isn't about money hungry guys anyway.

If we find somebody who's the right fit for our team and our culture, we still have enough money on the table I think we could make a fair offer. Then it'd be up to them as to whether they want to sign on the dotted line or not.

We just rebuilt the roster, something like 75% of the guys in here are new to the team. I don't want to talk about guys we didn't sign or haven't signed. I want to see what my guys can do and give them time to gel.

As the season goes along, I'll keep my eyes open...if the situation's right we'll see what we can do.

GM Lucas

" We do have some gold in the bag. I hear that good ol'e boy down by the 3 saddle ranch Howdy McSwine's son is looking for a shot. Higgins McSwine's his name and he Carolina Bred, corn bread fed young man with a nice touch. His pappa is not much a nice guy and unfortunately it shines a dull light on his boy, I do think the opportunity to play may be worth the coin in hand, maybe I would look into maybe not. That's your honey to do with what you will. Just thought I'd pass that along. If you just want to ride it out, then I'm ready to saddle up if you are pumpkin"

GM Gators

Wait a minute...a born and bred Carolina baller and I've never heard of him before?! I must've fallen asleep at the switch.

Anything else you can tell me about him Ms. Suger?

GM Lucas

"Well, Like that boy Morgan Jackson who just signed with Panama, he came from the national development league. Higgins is in the same boat. For a long while now, the NDL and the WBS have had respectful business relationship. After preseason, we open the books to allow any players who want to register for free agency to come on over. We also allow some of our players to head over to the NDL to get some playing time. Now that the IBS is poaching the WBS for talent, I'm gonna assume that the WBS reach some type of agreement to allow more of the NDL players to come on board. After preseason each year we have a boat load of new talent. Don't know if they turn into anything or not but, they are there, ready and willing"

GM Gators

Ahh. OK, that makes sense. Appreciate you staying on top of all that stuff.

If you can get me in touch with his representation, please Ms. Suger.

Maybe they can help me fill in the blanks and get an idea of what this guy can do.

GM Gators


This is Jimmy Gators, GM of Smoky Mountain Mist. Calling for Higgins McSwine's agent. Thanks for taking my call.

So like, I'll get right to it because I respect your time and everything...

Higgins' name has popped up on our organization's radar. I don't know a lot about him, but I'm curious and I might even have a roster spot for him. After all, I heard he's a Carolina kid, and we like having boys from North Carolina who can play ball and represent, you know what I mean!

So bro, just shoot me straight here. What else can you tell me about Higgins?

GM Lucas

"First off, that's my boy we talking about. I represent my boy, no one else. You wanna know about him. He ain't good, He damn good ya hear!. I reckon if you want to sign him, you gonna play him. See, my boy is a Tar Heel true blue but don't let that fool you, he a white boy but he play like them city folk if you get my drift. Now, I'm not about to let my boy go sign on to a team that bury him on a bench. I also understand he need to prove himself. So if you guarantee me, and I mean guarantee that you get him anywhere around 8-12 minutes a game, I promise he will work his way into that starting line up. But you got to give him a chance. I'll be watching. Now, what you about to pony up to sign my boy, we ain't greedy but don't go ahead and insult us now!"

GM Gators

All right, well it's my pleasure to speak with you Mr. McSwine, sir. Thanks again for taking my call.

First off...total respect for your confidence in your son and his ability to prove himself. You obviously care about your boy and want the best for him. I dig it.

Now..."prove himself" is the operative term. I can get him in the door, give him a shot. From there it's up to Higgins...how he plays and how he conducts himself.

All the playing time stuff is up to coach. I don't make any promises on how much anybody gets. But coach is a solid dude who wants to win, and I can guarantee with a capital G he won't overlook anybody who gives our team the best chance of winning.

I think I hear the team bus warming up outside, so I'll make this quick. My offer is 1 year, $1 million. We can revisit both those numbers halfway through the season. Let's get him on the bus and get this basketball party started!

GM Lucas

"I'm gonna go on a limb here because you want this here franchise in the Great State of North Carolina, my State of North Carolina to succeed and know it will with my boy. I like your offer to revisit this mid season. We'll accept and I'm gonna call coach myself to tell him the good news. Oh and my boy is already waiting by the bus, don't screw this up."

GM Lucas

"Hey Sweety, you want me to go and send this in for you. I just got a call from Mr. McSwine, he already faxed the contract over and needs you to sign it. I tell you, that McSwine can be a pain in the you know what"

GM Gators

So glad you see my vision, Mr. McSwine. I absolutely DO want this franchise to work and be something North Carolina and the entire Smoky Mountain region can be proud of.

I realize you're excited and proud for your son. Take it easy on coach, though. He's got work to do and needs to focus!

Higgins is in good hands and we look forward to seeing what he can do.

Thanks again.

(Jimmy Gators hangs up, just in time to hear Ms. Suger's remarks)

To his credit, can't nobody say the old man lacks enthusiasm!

Thank you kindly, Ms. Suger. I'll get things in to the League Office right away.

I know time is short, what else do we need to handle before locking in and hopping on the bus?