

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:22:04 PM

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GM Black Death

if he is not healthy, no need to push it,  I want him to fully recover, we going to need him if we want to make the push to playoffs, I would rather sit now and get 100 percent for later. so let's move Anthony Dawson into his spot and try to play a little more fast pace to get the win, your thoughts, Do you think that be the right move against Smokey Mountain

GM Lucas

"I say if we want to go fast pace, I would prefer Wilkinson, but you're the boss. If you want I can split time evenly with the two"

GM Black Death

You are the Coach, if you want Wilkinson, put him in. I have no problem with that, I trust your judgement, that why I hired you. Plus I want to see how he handles being in the staring lineup, my hope he rises to the occasion and picks up his game. My thought process is picking up the pace maybe we can run Smokey mountain off the court

GM Lucas

"Sounds good, Let's do this. I think he'll step up, hell, he better, or the media won't have any issues talking about that Melikis trade"

GM Black Death

if they do, the only one to blame will be me.

let do this


GM Black Death

fights happen. rivals get heated  , and both teams want to win so bad they get to a point where they will throw blows at each other and then something the league wants. but it still has to be managed. We can only let it go so far.  I expect the next time they meet, it going to be a really good game and one that the whole public is going to want to see.

I have to admire our Captain for wanting to get on the floor and help the team win. He is a leader and a baller that wants to win.  but I am not happy as GM, because I want him to be fully healthy before he gets back on the court, he going to be one of the pieces that going to get us into the playoffs. 

Zac Sheppard is interested in trade, that is something most gms will take a look at. He is a fine player and will make a great addition to any team 

GM Lucas

"Good evening GM Black Death, Lissette Labowski from first take on ESPN, there's some news floating around that Keely is looking to get into the next wave of games. Do you have any plans to mandate he sits out to recover or place him on the 10 day IL to prevent further injury?"

GM Black Death

No decision will be made until we have a report from the doctor, after that report the coaching staff and I will decide on the next course of action with comes to Keely's play time in the next wave of games. Hopefully, we will get a clean bill of health and this speculation will be a moot point.

GM Lucas

"Boss, Larry Keely would like to have a meeting with you"

GM Black Death

GM Lucas

"Hey boss, just wanted to stop in, I heard everything you said and I want to apologize for putting my health and the teams success at risk by playing. I'm just baller GM BD. I'll never sit out if I can play. I come from that old school ball playing where you play until something falls off. But I wanted to tell you I will do whatever is asked. I'm not one of these Primadona's out here who is too good to sit if I'm ask. If you leave it up to me i'll play but if you need to chill for a game or two I'm down. I just I want us to win."

GM Black Death

I am happy to hear those words,  you have nothing to be sorry for, I understood why you try to play,  you want to win. you want to complete, you have a champion mentality.  but your words tell me you understand what it is to be a leader. That means sometimes you got to step back. Concussions are a tricky thing, they are different than say ankle injuries or knee pain. sometimes the best way to recover from them is to rest and do nothing. but that is hard for players to do, especially one with a champion mentality like yours  I would love to get you back out there, but I want you at 100 percent, I not going to risk your long-term health to win games. don't worry we will get the doctor's report and see where you are at health-wise and take the right actions to get you back in court as soon as possible.

GM Lucas

"The guys proved they could win if I'm not in the game. They had my back out there so I am confident they could keep it going if I have to sit out"

GM Black Death

I am proud of them too, hopefully, we get a clean bill of health for you and get you back on the court asap.  Also, Captain, while you are here are there any other issues or concerns with the team you like to discuss with me? I want to know if there are ways I can improve the Quality of life for the team

GM Lucas

"As a team we are good but, if you are asking me if there are any issues, I wouldn't call it an issue because Berry and coach get along great, he's a baller, plays hard and comes to work. BUT, when it comes to the team, Berry is really to himself. Doesn't really talk to anyone so practice becomes a bit of a challenge at times. He ignores some of the younger guys, pretty much wants nothing to do with them. Great player, but very much on his own island. Again, he stepped up in my absence and I trust him with the ball so maybe that's just who he is or maybe you can figure it out with him "

GM Black Death

thank you so much for that, yeah it is something I will look into. thank you for the visit again Captain, I am going to get with the coaching staff and check what the doctor has to say. We will let you know what going to happen with the next set of games. like I said before hopefully we get a clean bill of health and have you suited up and ready to go.

GM Lucas

"I think I'll need a game just because the doc was advising me to rest last time. You can bet I'll be on the sideline cheering the guys on. Thanks boss"

GM Black Death

You are welcome.  Have a good day

Mr. Smith, can you get me Coach Jackson, please?

Coach, what did the doctors report on Keely say?

GM Lucas

"Says day to day. We should monitor his progress. Doesn't say sit, says more like, 2 to 5 days. But, without any hard indication or mandate from the doc, we have to either make the call ourselves or hopes Keely knows his body better than the docs."

GM Black Death

He came into the office and spoke to me saying he understood the need to rest for the long-term benefit of the team. He was proud of the guys for stepping up in his absence. So I do not think we will have a problem with him if we sit him down the next game. It works in our favor that we only got one game this next game cycle against Texas. much as I would love for him to be in the gamer, I think it better we sit him for the Texas game and have him ready for the rest of the season

GM Lucas

" I agree, I'll let him know. You gonna adjust the line up or should I. I'm cool with what ever you choose

GM Black Death

you set it coach, i trust your judgement

GM Lucas

GM Black Death

GM Black Death

1) Your thoughts on the punishments handed down for those who were part of the brawl between Texas and Mexico?

I don't have many thoughts on the punishment the Commish has got to do what the Commish thinks is right. this is basketball, not MMA, not wrestling. need to keep it civil and not break down into fights, because we will never finish a game.

2) What do you think about the announcement of a World championship All Star game?

sounds like it going to be a fun game. something the fans will really enjoy

3) Mention any other news if you like?

Of course, Kurt Barry would be upset, He is a competitor and wants the ball at the end of the game. but if Brown hit the shot we would not be talking about it at all, we would be singing the praises of Barry and his 54-point game.   in the end, I back the coach and his call, you tell it was the right move with Brown because he got a wide-open shot. sometimes, the shots just don't fall through the hoop . even when you are wide open..

GM Lucas


"Trust me, if Keely was out there, it would have went to Keely. I would make the same decision again, they were nearly triple teaming Berry. Thanks for the back up though, solid move by you and much appreciated"

GM Black Death

Your welcome coach...I believe Keely is healthy and should be back in the lineup this week. If we get back to winning Berry not really going to care about this game.

GM Lucas

"Agreed, Keely is ready to go"

GM Black Death

You set the line up and let's lock it in

Lock in

GM Black Death

1-Adress your team news

Coach Jackson made the right decision,  he felt that something was wrong and limited Keely and I backed him on that. The object of the regular season is to make it to the playoffs and that long road to make it there and I will not risk the long-term health of my player. Concessions are tough to get a handle and I would rather error on the side of caution every time, Coach Jackson was still able to help get 2 out of 3 wins this week so it paid off.  Barry is putting up MVP numbers.

2- Address one other piece of news

interesting to see Oakland in such trouble, but hopefully they can pull it off and get that once get the franchise back on track

3- What are your thoughts of the IBA starting this week? Will you be paying attention

I love it, I am always looking for new pools of talent. IBA will be another place where we can see talent on display and I will be paying attention. maybe it place where we can do future business with and bring  some of that great talent to the WBS in the future

GM Lucas

"I'm going to bring Keely along slowly. This coming week he should see like 20-25 minutes but if I see anything that makes me think differently, I'll take him out. Berry is doing his thing but I know it's wearing on him. We should maybe look to acquire some help if Keely's injuries take a set back"

GM Black Death

I am working on it, but have to  say it might cost us some of our youth if I can make it happen, coach, Is that something you can live with coach

GM Lucas

"I can live with that if you can live with whatever may be the results. Regardless I'm going to coach my tail off to make it happen"

GM Black Death

Good to hear. I make no promises, but I will try to see is I can get you another star .

GM Lucas


"Sounds good, just give me a heads up on who you are moving out so I don't work them into the game plan and pour all this practice into them"

GM Black Death

1-What are your thoughts of IBA opening week?

Looks interesting, I am always looking for new talent and this same to another place to find new talent ball players

2-Address 1 other piece of news?

I thought news story was wrong beating Vancouver Cap off a damn good week for us. This team same to be geling well together and getting better as the season progresses

GM Lucas

"Beating Van will go a long way, this team is hyped up and ready for next week"

GM Black Death

Sounds good to me. I like the progress this team on , we stay the course we on right now

GM Lucas

"We need to get Keely, or may i say, Keely needs to get in form. I that brother gets on his game, this division could look real different by All Star break."

GM Black Death

I am open for suggestions. Is this a mental thing or is he physical out of form .  Which one is it Coach?

GM Lucas

"Looks like a bit of both. He's playing with hesitation. He had some reckless abandonment in him. Now he's being very careful and don't get me wrong, he's coming from an injury but, unless he can find his form and shake the fear of getting hurt again, we might see a downturn. I'm going to do my best with him and see how it plays out. I'm going to give him 30 minutes. No more coddling"

GM Black Death

Go for it see how he responds. Hopefully that all he needs , but might have him speak to sports therapist if need be. Coming back from injury is tough to do. Let see if he can do it on his own but if that does  not work we can also get him some aid to assist him if need be.

GM Lucas

GM Black Death