

Started by Talon, July 26, 2022, 12:22:43 PM

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GM Eli

Talk to me about your coaching staff. What are their strengths and weaknesses and are you comfortable sticking with them for another season?

GM Lucas

"What makes this coaching staff as good as it is, was and will be is that we all complement each other. We all excel in different areas. I coach offense, Douglas coaches defense, Holmes comes up with in game strategy and is part of player development staff and Romar is our has eyes for talent. Romar and Holmes are the reason we have Rico Arrington and why Rico is developing into the player we need at the position. So yes, I am very comfortable with my staff"

GM Eli

Good no need to change anything then. We'll get to work on putting the pieces of this puzzle together and hopefully get us a few banners to hang from our rafters soon. What style of play do you prefer? Do you prefer to play at a quick pace? Do you prioritize offense or defense?

GM Lucas

"With a healthy Derion we can change it up be he is a versatile as they get. We usually play fast pace on both sides of the ball to wear the other team down but can easily shift if needed. We tend to want to do both but just happen to go full steam ahead on scoring fast and scoring a lot, but!, that's when we had scorers with Mario Wright. We don't have Wright anymore and if Tart doesn't come back we may have to change our philosophy. First thing is first, get Tart back. Don't let Tarts age fool you. He was great coming off the bench but if this is going to be his retirement tour, he can easily start for us and give us that extra offense"

GM Eli

Thanks Coach. I'll get to work on resigning Tart right now.


Sherry, if I have read things correctly Larry Tarts agent is Tom Parker, could you get him on the line please?


Tom, it's GM Eli in Vancouver. I wanted to touch base with you regarding Larry Tart and bringing him back here for another run in Vancouver. I'm pretty new to the WBS contractual system and all so I'd like for you to tell me what kind of contract you're looking for for Larry."

GM Lucas

"Good afternoon GM Eli, I believe this is about Larry Tart. So my client will retire after this season just to be transparent about our future. Larry would like a legacy deal. Pretty much he will sign a team friendly deal to retire with the team he helped win two titles with in Vancouver and in some shape or form after he retires would like to come back and be part of Vancouver, either in the front offices, maybe an assistant coach. The only reason he's not retiring now is because he thinks Vancouver can make some real noise and he wants to go out at least tasting the bright lights of the playoffs once again. If this is something you think can work for your organization, we are ready to sign a 1 year 10-million-dollar deal to bring the Sixth man of the year back to Vancouver, I told him to ask for 15, just for some introspective about who Larry is"

GM Eli

He is willing to take 10 even though you advised him to ask for 15? I appreciate the forthrightness about this and so I think it is fair for me to meet you in the middle. 1 year, 12.5 million and after his retirement we will make sure he has a role with the organization still.

GM Lucas

"... A bit speechless at the offer, in all my history of dealing with owners, coaches and GM's, no one has ever offered more knowing a player wanted less. You just jumped to the top of my list of favorite GM's to work with so far. I won't forget this and I'm sure this will even further Larry's love of playing for this organization. Consider it done and send it in."

GM Eli

Gotta be give and take between teams, agents and players. If we work together everyone thrives.

Glad to do business with you, Tom.

GM Eli

Alright, Coach. We've got our squad now it's just a matter of plugging the guys in where they can thrive.

I was thinking a starting five that looks like this

PG - Conner Cage
SG - Ryan McCain
SF - Kevin Fuller
PF - Derion williams
C - Larry Tart

I think we'll send Cage and Kwame Jackson to the summer league and focus on those two plus Ragnar in the pre season, unless you think a different arrangement would be better.

GM Lucas

"We are a bit thin at guard ever since we traded away Rico. Kwame is farther away, skill wise but has a lot of good teachers around him. Why not send Ragnor with Cage instead. Ragnor is an absolute sponge and one hell of a hard worker. he may benefit more from camps for what we need at the moment"

GM Eli

I assume with both of these guys we work on their stamina and endurance? Or do you have other suggestions for summer camp?

GM Lucas

"Well, We have to choose one skill for each of them. Ragnor could literally benefit from showing him anything we need him to learn. For Cage, we have to be a bit more direct in our approach"

GM Eli

Okay so...

Connor Cage: Passing
Ragnar Northbrooke: Perimeter defense

Do you think that will benefit them? If so, let's roll with that.

GM Lucas

"Sounds aboot right, Having Ragnor become a defender is solid thinking, he has a motor"

GM Eli

Well we got some growth but would have loved to have seen one of them really improve. It happens, though. So lets focus on the pre season games. Lets continue to work on Ragnor on the defensive side of the ball. Cage and our third, I assume Kwame, can be left up to you.

GM Lucas


"Sounds good, do you want to set the line up or should I handle it and do not forget to tell which 3 players you want me and the staff to pay close attention too"

GM Eli

I'll let you handle the minutes and the lineup for pre-season and we'll discuss everything after pre season.

But I'd like for you to focus on Connor Cage, Ragnor Northbrook, and Kwame Jackson.

GM Lucas

"That's an excellent approach."

GM Lucas

"We split pre-season. I'm taking it slow after Derion's torn ACL last season, so I didn't play him much. He has a clear bill of health and looks ready, but I wasn't going to risk it in pre-season. Connor Cage looks good out there, but I don't see him starting over Fuller but he will be a contributor. Kwame has heart, but he is struggling. Ragnor looks like he is picking it up. I think, long term he'll do well as a solid 6th man who can do it all"

GM Eli

If Fuller is going to start at PG, then who are we starting at SF?

GM Lucas

"Well, Connors skill set allows him to play both PG and SF. He can handle the ball and is strong down low, even at 6'4, I assumed you wanted him at PF so we can get Blake in. But we can keep Fuller at SF, and sub Blake and Connor in at point"

GM Eli

Nah I trust your judgment. Let's go with Derion as captain and you set the lineups in the way you think is best.

GM Lucas

"Sounds good, just lock this in with Mrs Sherry and we'll be ready to go"

GM Eli


Ms. Sherry, we're gonna roll with Derion Williams being our captain, and let coach sort the roster and minutes out as he sees fit.

Lock In

GM Eli

1. Discuss your week 1 results. Who surprised you, good or bad. Any concerns?

Hard to be unhappy with the results of a 5-0 week. I was pleased with the way we performed across the board. Now we just need to build on this early momentum. Winning the first five is a good start but if we don't capitalize on this early success it will be a waste.

2. How are you dealing with your injuries (If you suffered an injury)

We're pretty healthy right now, thankfully.

3. Talk about changes if any you plan to make.

I don't see any need to make any changes right now.

4. After seeing your team play this first week, how are you going to approach next weeks opponents?

I'm going to allow my coach to coach. My impact on this team, for the most part, is done. I've built the roster. Now it's up to our coaching staff to keep working with our guys so that there is continuous improvement, and it's up to our players to go out there and execute.

5. Discuss any other news from around the league.

Tough scenes for GM Wayne with the Saviors slow start. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

GM Lucas

"Good afternoon GM Eli, Skip Bayless with WBS tonight, what do you make of the comments made by Seattle's point guard, Brandon Holbrook, he stated

"Vancouver's 5-0 start don't mean anything because they haven't played us yet"

Any comment?

GM Eli

I mean the kid didn't even play in all of their games. It could be argued that he doesn't mean very much to his own teams success. So he might want to focus on that before worrying about what we're doing.

GM Lucas

"It feels great to be back on top"

GM Eli

Now we work to stay here. I don't see any reason to switch things up this week. Just let the guys continue to build their chemistry.

GM Lucas

"Can't hit the brakes on a speeding car, so if you are ready, no need to go on aboot much. We are in top form, unless you have anything to change or talk about, I'd like to spend as much time as possible on game planning and preparing"

GM Eli

Sounds good coach. Good luck this week.

Lock In

GM Eli

Hello everyone. I just wanted to note the new story that talked about the heart breaking loss to Bar Harbor this past week. These things happen but you love to see a guy like Larry step up and take the sting off of things a little bit by showing that sort of leadership. It's a privilege to have him on this team but look, there are a lot of different things we could have done better to have kept ourselves out of the position to lose the game like that. So it isn't all on him. We just need to look at some film, see where we can clean things up and be a little more efficient both offensively and defensively, and we'll be fine.

Unfortunate to see what happened between Texas and Mexico City but to be honest, you kind of expect this nonsense out of a team lead by GM Wayne. I have no doubt that it will be taken care of professionally on the Mexico City side of things. But from the other side? I'm sure it'll be a bunch of making themselves the victim and so on.

No idea what's going on with AIME in Oakland but for the fans sake I hope they're not actively tanking like is being reported.

Any other questions?

GM Lucas

" Not sure how Derion got himself fouled out at the start of the second quarter. The ref's were being really tight with the whistle. Tart picked up 5 fouls and Ivan came inf or 20 minutes and picked up five fouls, we were playing aggressive because Bar Harbor drives the ball hard in the paint, but it was pretty ridiculous. I was arguing all night with the refs. A lesson on how to play Harbor next time. Silver lining, Ivan Drago really stepped up in Derion's absence, 17 points, 10-14 free throw shooting, 7 boards, 2 assist 2 blocks. Reall good night for the rookie"

GM Eli

Some nights things are just going to go that way. The fact that we found ourselves in foul trouble and without our star, and still managed to stay in the game well enough... proud of our guys effort there.

Glad we have the kind of leader in Tart that we have.

GM Lucas

"Tart's a champion at heart. Always has been, always is and always will be"

GM Eli

Who are you anticipating having fill in for McCain while he recovers from his concussion?

GM Lucas

"If we have to, I'm ready to let Drago start"

GM Eli

I trust you to make the adjustments you think are necessary. Lets go, Coach.

Lock In

GM Eli

Before I get to anything else let me apologize for missing my responsibilities with you all in the build up to this weeks games. I wish I had a better excuse than I was simply busy and distracted, but I am thankful for a top notch head coach who was able to hold things down with the team while my mind was elsewhere. Even so, you all deserve an apology without any qualifiers. So, I'm sorry and I will do my best not to miss again in the future.

1-Adress your team news

Our heart goes out to Derion. What a kid, though. To try and gut through something for the rest of the squad, something as gut wrenching has losing a parent is, I mean what more can you say. We love him here in Vancouver and we're going to support him in whatever way we can, and whatever way he needs us to do.

2- Address one other piece of news

"Being a Cleveland kid originally it's pretty cool to see Akron, which is just a few miles down the road from the suburb I grew up in and where I went to school for a year, end up in the top 25 nationally. I'll be rooting for the Zips to make Northeast Ohio proud."

3- What are your thoughts of the IBA starting this week? Will you be paying attention?

"I'm intrigued. I know some of their guys have been pretty outspoken in the media. But competition is a good thing. It will challenge us individually, and collectively as the WBS, to be at our best to ensure that we provide basketball fans with the best product in the basketball market.

Anyone have any other questions?"

GM Lucas

"Good evening GM Eli, Lissette Labowski from unsportsmanlike on ESPN, First off, I think speak for everyone here when I say deepest condolences to Derion and his family. Great young man like you mentioned. Derion makes Vancouver an instant favor to win it all every year he's with the team, and no disrespect to Panama, but does it concern you or is it a concern that without Derion, Vancouver seems to be a very, what some would call, a middle of the pact team"

GM Eli

Thank you for your condolences. When I speak with him I will pass them along.

To address your question, though... I mean clearly Derion is a tremendous talent but to call us middle of the pack without him is a poor assessment of the rest of our squad, honestly.

So I dont know how to answer your question since I disagree with and reject the premise its based on.

GM Lucas

"What was that aboot, was she serious. Middle of the pack. Some media people truly have their head up their rears. I will put that on the board this week so all the players can see what they think of us when one of our team members aren't around, Middle of the pack, Pssst"

GM Eli

It's bulletin board material, for sure. But lets make sure we keep the guys even keeled and just doing their jobs. We don't need anyone playing hero ball trying to prove themselves. We know who we are with Derion and without and in both cases we're capable of beating anyone in the league on any night.

More important than the bulletin board, though, lets make sure we're giving Derion all the support he needs.

GM Lucas

"We got two games this week, the first has Motor City coming to town which I am sure is going to be our biggest challenge to date. If Derion tells me he's ready to play and we are behind him. If he decides he still needs more time, then he needs more time and we will suit and give Motor City all we got. We should set a line up in the case Derion can't play. You can do it or I can do it"

GM Eli

I'm gonna trust you to set the lineups as you see fit. You coach, I GM. You've had our guys firing on all cylinders from the start and I see no reason not to continue to trust your judgment there.

GM Lucas

"Thank you boss, with that said I am ready to lock in"

GM Eli

Good. Then lets roll with the old cliche.

Coaches decision.

Lock In

GM Eli

1-What are your thoughts of IBA opening week?

I'll be honest with you all, my focus isn't on the IBA right now. My focus is on this team and especially on making sure the needed care is available if Derion needs it while working through the grief he's carrying on his shoulders. We went 0-2 this week with a lot of heavy emotions weighing on us. So.. again... I could care less about the IBA right now.

2-Address 1 other piece of news?

Listen, Coach was just expressing what all of us felt. We had a tough week, lost some tough games that we probably would have won under normal circumstances, and have a little soul searching to do. But this is a good group of guys and tough times are going to make a tougher team out of us. We'll use this low point to come together and become unbreakable.

Any other questions?

GM Lucas

"I want to apologize to you and the team, I put so much on Derion shoulders, when I should be opening the floor and allowing guys to step up. I'm running the same game plan out there because Derion carries on like the pro he is, but I should be taking the pressure off and allowing guys to step in"