

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:27:04 PM

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Damn it I..  shit.  Yeah, that's on me... I just miss my boys, we had a chemistry man, and now look.  You know I'm right, but I get it. I shouldn't be taking it outside like that.

GM Justin

I understand that it was probably heat of the moment kind of thing, but we have to hold everyone accountable.  I appreciate you understanding.  With that said, bringing in some help for you was already on my radar and as I'm sure you've seen we have brought in Hickson and I am working on something else, so hopefully we will have the offense firing on all cylinders.


I saw the news, that's good to see. Glad you're a GM who isn't sitting on his hands when it matters.

GM Justin

Absolutely.  We just made another deal so I'm going talk with coach.

Lolly, coach Saint please.

Coach, just added Forest Walker, how do you think our receiving corps should lineup?



Nice retooling of the corps.  I think we go with Bobbitt #1, Walker #2 in 2 WR sets, but in the rest of our spreads we go with Hickson at WR2 and Walker in the slot.  Lonzo backing up all of them and bieng WR4, then Stanton, then Reynoso.


GM Justin

"We picked up a big win against a divisional opponent and solidified ourselves at the top of the division.  As you know, we made some trades to bolster our receiving corps and it immediately paid dividends. We have a tough game coming up against Miami, so this will really test where we are as a football team.

Leave it up to GM Rebel to get the other GMs in hot water.  I'm must say though, I'm slightly surprised it wasn't GM Franchise that messed up.  With that being said, we now have to be strategic in dealing with the threat that the PFL already is and is about to become."


Alright coach, Miami is on deck.  We went heavy on the run this past week, is that something we look to do again with Miami?



They have the #1 defense and are 11th vs the run and 13th vs the pass, so its going to be a tough day at the office either way.

GM Justin

Fair enough.  It will be business as usual then on the offensive side.  What is our current blitz ratio?  It seems that our pressure and hurries is rather low.


We run a more conservative defense overall. 

First and 10 - 8%
First and Short - 39%
First and Medium - 33%
First and Long - 9%

Second and Short - 22%
Second and Medium - 29%
Second and Long - 21%

Third and Short - 24%
Third and Medium - 35%
Third and Long - 20%

Fourth and Short - 28%
Fourth and Medium - 36%
Fourth and Long - 20%

Goal Line - 37%

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - 17%
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - 28%

GM Justin

Any objection to the following adjustments:

First and 10 - 25%
First and Short - 58%
First and Medium - 40%
First and Long - 20%

Second and Short - 30%
Second and Medium - 40%
Second and Long - 35%

Third and Short - 40%
Third and Medium - 40%
Third and Long - 25%

Fourth and Short - 28%
Fourth and Medium - 36%
Fourth and Long - 20%

Goal Line - 37%

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - 17%
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - 28%



You're the boss, we'll make it happen.

GM Justin

Alright, let's give it a shot. 

We'll make the following changes:

First and 10 - 25%
First and Short - 58%
First and Medium - 40%
First and Long - 20%

Second and Short - 30%
Second and Medium - 40%
Second and Long - 35%

Third and Short - 40%
Third and Medium - 40%
Third and Long - 25%

Fourth and Short - 28%
Fourth and Medium - 36%
Fourth and Long - 20%

Goal Line - 37%

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - 17%
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - 28%

lock in

GM Justin

1. Discuss your game and the results this week.  What stood out?

-We went out and took care of business like I knew we are capable of week in and week out.  We dominated, at the time, the best team in the conference.  When we are locked in and everyone working together, we will dominate every time.  We have talent at every position and when we play team ball and every one focuses on executing their assignment each and every play we will get results like this.

AMC handle business, Meek was damn near perfect, and our defense stood tall and stopped a very good offensive team.  A great game all around.

2. What is your take on the PFL/HIFL war?

-Unnecessary...I don't know how some of these GMs keep getting jobs.  They fu...mess up every where they go, but they still get hired.  Again...unnecessary.

3. Where you pro-Gates treaty or anti-Gates treaty, and why?

-I was pro-Gates treaty.  No matter what you do in life, you will never please everyone when a decision is made.  With that being said, I believe Gates put together a solid plan to end the war between the two leagues.  But I think it's funny that a lot of opinions being thrown out were from GMs of crappy teams...they can't even make right decisions for their own team...what the hell makes them think they can make the right decisions for the entire league.

4. What was your opinion on the choices of GMs selected for the summit?

-Oldfield was one of them....that says it all. 

5. What do you think of GM Pancho being voted in as interim GM Rep?

-I voted for Kirk, but I believe GM Pancho to be capable of handling the business that needs to be handled.

6. Discuss the news this week, anything that stood out, especially if it related to your team.

-I'm glad Harry is getting comfortable with the scheme.  He is a veteran whose experience and leadership I appreciate.

The PFL getting the TV deal is something that we should not gloss over.  It only makes them stronger as a league and will breed more competition for HIFL.

7. It is mid-season, who has been your teams MVP?  Who needs to step up and show you more in the final half of the season?

-AMC is our MVP and the frontrunner for MVP of the league.  He has transformed our offense into a dynamic combo of run and pass that is impossible to stop.  I'd like to see more from our defensive ends and the pass rush.  Coffey and LeBlanc are really good players whose sack numbers should be higher.  Some of it is scheme and game planning, but I believe those guys can sack the quarterback more than they have and I know they will step up to the challenge.

8. The trade deadline is fast approaching, what should fans expect from your office?

-Obviously we've already made some moves, but I don't expect to be making any more unless one of these fire sale teams make me an offer I can't refuse.

9.  Discuss this weeks game

-Orlando...this can be considered a trap game, but I believe our guys are just hitting their stride and will take care of business and do so handily.



What are we thinking with Stanton?

GM Justin

This is why I pay you the big bucks...do you think he's worth it? He is on the last year of his deal at 2n75m....he will get at least triple that from the PFL. If we want to keep him I assume he'll want an extension starting next season in the $7mm per season range. Do you think he's worth it?


Not my job to decide money, but I will say this was the first game this season he even got a snap, so we can endure without him.

GM Justin

Sorry, I may have worded that wrong.  I meant it in terms of is he worth keeping in general.  Not the money...but we are on the same page in terms of letting him walk should that be what he decides. 

Before I let you go and game plan for Orlando, I wanted to talk about our future.  We both are on an expiring deal, but assuming I am extended by Mr. Kiss, I'd want nothing more than to keep you as the coach of this team.  Are you on board?



We'd obviously have to talk dollars and cents, but DC is always going to be my first choice.

GM Justin

Absolutely, we'll revisit when it's time.  I'll let you get ready for Orlando.

Lolly, can you send in Shane Barkley please.

Shane, my man, how are you? Wanted to touch base and recognize the work you're putting in.  Only one interception, but leading the league in PDs.  You and Basham make a dynamic duo.



Just trying to prove I'm worthy of what I'm gettin'... appreciate you acknowledging me.

GM Justin

Keep up the great work, now let's go destroy Orlando.

Lolly, it's the middle of the season, did Mr. Kiss want to chat?

GM Justin

Nevermind, I understand our conversation will happen after the trade deadline.  With that being said, lets go ahead and lock in.

lock in

GM Justin

We beat the leather off of GM Rebel's jacket.  There isn't too much complaining after a 44 point beatdown of your opponent.  AMC went off, Meek was damn near perfect, the defense had 5 interceptions....only bad thing is we lost a couple of players to injury that we will have to contend with.  The injuries don't come at the best time as we have to deal with the two-time defending champs.  However, our guys have turned up their performance over the last few weeks and I've always said that if we are playing at the top of our game we are tough to beat and Winnipeg is no different.  I expect us to win this game.


Coach, toughest matchup so far this season.  I know they are a bad against the run and top notch against the pass, so is this a game where we ride AMC with 30 plus touches?


We definitely lean on him this week.

GM Justin

Alright well it's business as usual as far as I'm concerned.  If you don't have anything else I'll let you go.

Lolly, does Mr. Kiss want to chat?



GM Justin, sweet sweet work so far this season, You're on track to hit all of our goals, maybe not the trivial touchdown goal, but the rest seem very much in line for success!  That type of work deserves a sweet sweet reward!

I want to keep you here in my chocolate kingdom and I'm willing to offer you a new contract.  4 years, $4.5MM starting this year, so you will get a raise to this coming off-seasons pay, plus 3 more seasons after that.

GM Justin

You have a deal, sir.  I'm ecstatic to be staying in DC!


Oh Goody!  How sweet it is!   Send your new contract to the league office and lets get that big win and show Winnipeg there's a new top dog in the yard!

GM Justin

Yes, sir!  Let's do it!

lock in





GM Justin

Well a three game losing streak is definitely not cool.  And especially the last two games to lose on missed FGs.  It's a recurring nightmare.  However, I have faith in our team and that we will bounce back and take care of business to right the ship and win the division and make the playoffs.



Good to have you back in the building but man, special teams will never Not be a headache unless we find the next Sasser, apparently. 

...We're going to right the damn ship this week.   Lincoln is a team we should destroy with our passing attack and AMC's ability to force mismatches.

GM Justin

Agreed...I will be on the hunt for the next Sasser in the offseason.

Well lets go destroy Lincoln.  Push the petal to the metal and don't let up.  Let's make a statement.

lock in

GM Justin

We got back in the win column which is exactly what we needed.  With three games left, we need to rebuild our momentum going into the playoffs and win all three games.



...31-10 is nice, but you saw what I saw.   Suddenly Larry is struggling to kick it through the uprights and we can't have this shit, again.

GM Justin

Exactly...I'm about to send his ass to counseling.  If you have nothing else, I'll handle that and then lock in.  If you're good, please send in Lolly.

Lolly, can you tell me who the best psychotherapist is in DC and how much they are?


I think our best bet would be to work with Doctor Phix Mubrain.  He is highly regarded, but obviously we can't guarantee anything.  All in all it would be $970K

GM Justin

Thank you...will you send Larry Legg in.

Larry...I'm going to get straight to the point.  We brought you in this year to avoid what happened in the playoffs last season, but you've obviously have hit some type of wall the past few weeks.  Bottom line, we can't afford for that to keep happening.  I know you have the talent, which is why I signed you, so my guess is whatever is going on is between your ears.  With that said, I'm going to send you to meet with a renowned psychotherapist to see if we can get you back to kicking and making field goals.



Anything that helps avoid those painful misses; I'm game boss.

GM Justin

Good, now let's get you back on track.

lock in

GM Justin

Lock in for rest of regular season

GM Justin

"Division champs for the second straight season is a great accomplish to the players, coaches, staff, and fans.  We could have finished with the number one seed in the east, but we had the three game losing streak, however that is nothing for us to dwell on.  Instead, that adds more fuel to the fire and stokes our hunger to become Impact Bowl champions.  I am proud of this team, but our work is just now beginning.

As we all know, the playoffs are a whole new season and beast in their own right.  With that said, we just have to stick to the script, keep pushing the gas on offense and making sure we don't have any busted assignments on defense.  We are a team to be reckoned with and I am excited about holding up the IB trophy when all is said and done."

Coach, back in the playoffs where we belong.  I don't have any real concerns going in and facing London, other than possibly adjusting the defensive scheme to allocate for his running ability?  Is that something you think we should look at it, or just stick to what we've been doing?



I think this is a situation where we have to consider changes.

We traditionally run a pass-focused defense, so I'd say we move to Balanced to focus more on the scrambling of Doss.  I think we also have to focus on Waddle as our main skills player we try to gameplan to stop.

GM Justin

I trust your judgment and decisions coach.  I will be sure to include that information in the lock in.  I don't see the need for a speech at the moment, we all know what's on the line.  Anything else you want to discuss before we lock in?


GM Justin

Let's do it!

Lock in

GM Justin

We made it exciting, but we took care of business and got the win and now we're onto the next round.  I'm proud of our guys and how they rebounded after the AMC injury.  The guy was on a tear, 134 yards in the first half before he got hurt...he was on his way to a 200 plus yard performance.  But when he went down our guys didn't not falter, they rallied and now we're onto St. Paul.  This is our chance at redemption and that's all I'm going to say about that.  And I just got word before I walked up here, that we are getting Mattheiu back for the St. Paul game which is a big boost to our defense.

"Alright coach, St. Paul again.  They were top 10 in scoring and bottom 10 in points allowed this season and they gave up the third most yards allowed.  That tells me we stick with our game plan, unless you've got something else up your sleeve."



This one all comes down to one thing for me.

Beard and Ramos vs. Barkley and Basham.

Whoever wins that battle wins this game and goes to the conference championship game.