

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:27:04 PM

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GM Justin

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.  It's always a good feeling to sit before you after a victory.  It's an even better feeling doing so after a victory against GM Bone. With that being said, it is a bittersweet victory as we lost a key to our defense with Schofield going down. I'll take any questions.

I know the Smoke are in your division, but as a fellow GM, do you feel bad for what GM Bone and the Smoke are going through with all of the one score, last minute losses this season?

Hell to the no.  He needs to do his job better, that's what it boils down to.  Moral victories don't win championships, The most points on the scoreboard does and his team has a hard time doing that.

You have the Music City Kings coming up, do you have any fond memories of your time as GM there?

Absolutely, they gave me my first job in the HIFL and we did some good things in my short time there.  I hate to see that Franchise is their GM.  That guy is a walking circus who prances around like he's a savant of women.  That guy is higher than giraffe pussy if you ask me.  However...he is better than Bone.

That is all for now, we have to prepare for our next victory.



A giraffe what?! ...are you trying to get us fined?!

GM Justin

It's a French term that I learned from a friend. My apologies Lolly if I spoke out of turn. Please spend my apologies to the league



We got the firm warning, apparently our censors hit the button in time, but next time it will cost us, just be careful, Sweets

GM Justin

We got the best censor team in the HIFL.

Will you check with coach to see if he has anything he needs to discuss. If not, let's lock in.

GM Justin

"A great team victory and one our guys should be proud of.  We got down early in the game, but nobody panicked.  The team stuck to the game plan and executed and we won.  I am proud of Hubert Solis and his resilience and moxie.  He had the pick six and another interception, but he didn't let that deter him.  He kept going and along with AMC helped the offense move down the field and put points on the board.  Sam Rose had one heck of a game. 

We travel to London, which will be a tough game as our divisional games always tend to be.  I heard the chatter from that guy who can barely stay on the field, but that's all it is...chatter.  Bumping your gums in the media doesn't win on the field, nor does the woulda, shoulda, coulda routine.  Our guys are about business and I look forward to traveling across the pond and picking up another W."



IT wasn't pretty, but its ANOTHER win and one step closer to clinching the division and home field advantage throughout the playoffs.

GM Justin

At this point it's all about taking care of business. If you don't have anything to discuss, then let's go beat London.

Lock in

GM Justin

"Well not to much to say other than we got our as...butts kicked.  London was playing their Impact Bowl and we didn't come prepared.  Hard to win a game when you turn the ball over four times.  We had a chance to clinch our fell flat.  We have another chance this upcoming week and knowing our coaching staff and our players, we won't drop the ball again.



Hopefully that loss wakes up anyone who was on cruise control and it motivates everyone to shape up for the playoff run.

GM Justin

I hope so. Solis has struggled some the past two games. You think dialing up the run would help or let's keep going with what we got?



It is a possibility since AMC is such a talented runner, but Solis is killing them with a thousand cuts, if you drop it down to 800 cuts is it as effective?   That's a football philosophy question, so I'm open to change, but you know my preference is to go fast and to go often.

GM Justin

I hear you. You're the coach so we'll leave as is. Let's go get this bounce back win and clinch.

Lock in



GM Justin

We took care of business against Miami with a statement win. This whole organization knows what is at stake and knows there is no room for error. We have Milwaukee coming up and I expect another big game from our guys.



Call me Sponge Bob, 'cause I'm ready!

GM Justin

I've never seen it...but let's go

Lock in

GM Justin

We won as expected and our run defense did great. Now to finish the regular season we have to knock off Jersey. See you all in the playoffs."

Alright coach, to rest or not to rest?



I THINK we have homefield locked up because of head to head win over Cleveland, but another win makes any confusing tie breakers in the computers moot..

GM Justin

Then let's go get that win

Lock in



GM Justin

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the press.  I will be happy to take a few questions."

GM Justin, can you give us your take on the end of the season and how it feels to be the top seed in the east?

"Despite losing the close game to Jersey, we still finished as the number one seed in the east, so at the end of the day, I'm very happy.  I don't mind losing that game to Jersey, because I think it now sets the tone for us that the playoffs are here and we are going to get the opponent's best shot, no matter who it is.  We have a week of to rest, gameplan, and get our mentality set on the making a run at the Impact Bowl."

In the preseason, not many of us and those inside the league gave the Cobras a fighting chance to win the division, let alone be atop the conference.  What do you have to say to all of those people now?

"I gave our censor team the week off so I won't say what I really want to say.  However, I don't care about the outside noise.  We have a great coaching staff and a great group of players and everyone inside the Cobras organization knew what kind of team we could be.  I'm Ray Charles to the bullship."

You have the bye this week, but what do you think your chances are to make a run at the Impact Bowl?

"We have the talent and the team to win it all. Hands down.  Our offense is the best most dangerous in the league and can outscore anybody.  We are immensely talented on defense, but it's no secret that our defense has struggled this season and has given up a lot of points.  With that being said, we have the coaching talent, the player talent, and veteran leadership that I'm confident will get our defense to perform at the highest level in the playoffs.

And one last thing before I go.........Solis for MVP."



Congratulations on the 1-seed.  It proves our scheme and system are working.  We turned Solis from undesirable to undeniable and now we prove that against the best the league has to offer.

We're going to get everyone as healthy as possible this week and then go all in each and every week until we lift that trophy. 

I've got nothing, so unless you want to take care of anything, we can lock in for the bye when you're ready.

GM Justin

It's our time coach. I feel it. Let's get prepared to take Miami by storm

Lock in



GM Justin

Coach, this is the time we've been waiting for.  We know what is at stake and what we have to do.  Anything gameplan wise you want to discuss or change up before we lock in?



Its New Jersey, they played us tough both games but we know who they are.   It comes down to execution.  We need Solis to play his best, if he does we're unstoppable.

GM Justin

Well I trust you will have him prepared.  Let's go slay the dragons.

lock in



1. Another year, another game decided by a field goal.   Do you feel you could have done anything to put the team in a better position to win?

2. Hubert Solis and the offense played an phenomenal game, but defensively New Jersey moved the ball at will, GM Kirk has expressed his frustration with highly paid players not performing, do you feel this way about your defense?

3. Where does this team go from here?


GM Justin

1. Another year, another game decided by a field goal.   Do you feel you could have done anything to put the team in a better position to win?

"Other than trying to lure Omar Sasser out of retirement....no.  Our offense is loaded, we brought in talent on the defensive side during the year to try and address gaps."

2. Hubert Solis and the offense played an phenomenal game, but defensively New Jersey moved the ball at will, GM Kirk has expressed his frustration with highly paid players not performing, do you feel this way about your defense?

"I've said all year that our defense needed to be better.  As mentioned, we brought in some guys to try and help.  On paper our defense is really good.  But for whatever reason that hasn't translated to on field production.  But I don't put all the blame on the players. Sure, they could have performed better, but we could have been better coaching, and I could have been better at assembling the talent."

3. Where does this team go from here?

"We have to figure out the defensive side of the ball and find a God Tier kicker."



...Larry was asked to make a long kick, but the bigger picture of another loss revolving around a field goal just makes it hard to stomach.

We'll talk after the impact bowl.



GM Mike Powers

Thank you all for coming. First I want to thank Mr. Kiss for having faith in me and in my rehabilitation and giving me this opportunity.


It has been a long road to get to this point. Bear with my history lesson...I made my bones as a Manager in the wrestling circuit. My career pivoted when I made the jump to the now defunct FBL and became a General Manager for the first time. I found a new line of work that I discovered that I truly LOVED. Building a team, guiding its strategy, working towards the goal of a Championship - absolutely enthralling.

Following the FBL closing its doors, I became the GM in a variety of sports leagues, some that lasted, others that unfortunately didn't. The NBL, the PBL, the NABA, and of course, the HIFL. Football was always my first love, so the fit was instant.

Big Al Crowley over in Tucson - Tombstone at the time - gave me my first shot in the league and in the second season after GMs were installed in the HIFL, I helped lead Tombstone to the Impact Bowl, where we lost by 2 points. Coming so close, but not crossing the finish line flipped a competitive switch inside me to a new setting - "by any means necessary". That is why I crossed the line so far in my competition with GM Kirk. Bribes, fake drug tests, hearings...it all seemed okay at the time. Clearly it was stupid and reckless, and I rightly got the boot from Tombstone.

I felt so lost at that point, like I had thrown everything away. I thought I was done as a GM, I thought I was done in professional sports. Then, what I saw at the time as my angel, Miss Waters in Michigan gave me a chance. A shot to make amends and to do things the right way. And as the Monsters went deeper into the playoffs, and we reached the Impact Bowl, I thought that finally redemption was mine. The elusive championship was mine. Then, we lost to the Inferno by a single point. In the span of three years, I lost two Impact Bowls by a combined 3 points.

If that wasn't bad enough, sometime later Miss Waters unceremoniously traded me to Rapid City. Words can't express the betrayal that I felt. She was my angel - she gave me a hand up when I needed it. I took her team to it's highest point yet, but just because I couldn't quite get it over the hump, I was tossed aside like yesterdays diapers. That night, I drank - a lot. I unwittingly opened a door that too many people have walked through before me.

Soon, my marriage imploded and I'd pushed everyone important in my life aside. I was drinking after tough loses, I was drinking after big wins, then pretty soon I was just drinking in the morning to get up, at night to fall asleep, and sneaking swigs off a flask all hours in between.

That faithful night, I drank and drank and drank for hours when I was supposed to be speaking to the media. I eventually stumbled out, made a fool of myself, embarrassed the Barons organization, and said disparaging things about players who I was supposed to be a role model for. I was an embarrassment for sure...then Mr. Barone arrived and tried to set me straight. He tried to protect me from myself, and wound up getting hit by a bus that should have hit me.

Mr. Barone is a hero. I want to publicly thank him for his bravery, and I want to thank him for saving me. I am so sorry that my drunken buffoonery caused him such profound pain and suffering.

I want to apologize to everyone who I let down with my actions. The Barone family, Coach Dobbins, Milt McLendon, Haywood Young, Doomsday Miles...the entire Barons organization. The HIFL as a whole. The fan base. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry.

Ever since that night, I was in an intensive rehabilitation program. It will be hard, but I believed that I was ready to resume my career. I just didn't think there'd be anyone around to give me yet another shot. But Mr. Kiss surprised me and saw me for the man I intend to be, and not the man that I was.

So I stand here before you a man with yet another chance. A man on thin ice, but a man that feels grateful. Last time I stood before you all, I drunkenly said you can ask me anything. This time I am saying the same thing, but with a clear mind and full heart - sorry for the cheesy line. But I am here to answer any questions that you folks have for me.


"The DC Cobras have won multiple Impact Bowls in the past, but recently they have been a regular season power plagued by playoff nightmares.  Is this a team you see as "one piece away" or do you plan on a total rebuild?"

GM Mike Powers

Definitely not a full rebuild, but I'm not sure we're only 1 piece away either. So I'm not gonna stripmine the team, but I will be putting my own stamp on it for sure.


Hi GM Powers!  My name is Lolly and I'm your new assistant!   I'm super excited to see what sweet treats you cook up here now that you're apart of the Factory!

Mr. Kiss has already given you a contract, so no need to speak with him, but if you'd like to speak with Coach Saint or try to re-sign any players before we close out the season, you are more than welcome to do so. 

I'll be able to provide a roster/budget update for you once you lock in to close out the season, so yeah!  Welcome!!

GM Mike Powers

Thank you Lolly, it's nice to meet you. I look forward to our working together.

Before I get settled into the office here, do you happen to know if GM Justin kept any alcohol around? If so, I'd like it taken out immediately. It should go without saying that the workplace should be spirits free, but that's not the reality I'd been living in for a while, so I thought I'd better say it up front.



Oh its a good thing you asked,  The office is packed full, GM Justin definitely enjoyed using his paychecks to stock the mini bar...  uhh, I'll take care of that and get it filled with fruit and seltzer waters or something!   We have tons of candy, because yeah... the boss is THE Candy Man, but anything you need, you just ask ol' Lolly here, I'll take good care of you!

GM Mike Powers

Excellent, thanks Lolly. While you take care of that, I'll go down to Coach Saint's office. Do let him know I'm coming please.


Hi Coach, nice to officially meet you. I know you're itching for your vacation so give me your intel quick and blunt. Where are we strong, where are we weak, and what do you need me to do better than the previous regime to get us over the top?



Our strength is our offense.  I am a QB guru, If a QB has the traits I like we can make him thrive.  We have the best running back in the league in AMC, our receivers fit my scheme perfectly, and our tackles are great.   

Our biggest struggle is defensively, or secondary has problems. Basham and Coleman are great players, but we need to support him with an injection of youth and coverage skills at free safety.

We spent first round picks on Moses Battles at DE and Bert Alvarado at FS, both need work and time but they could be long term solutions if they develop.

GM Mike Powers

All good info, thanks. You mentioned QB traits that you like which allows you to coach them up. Which traits are those?



We throw in volume, so its not about deep shots like a Vegas-style offense.  So I want High IQ, High Accuracy first and foremost.  Arm strength is great, but its something we can survive only being average where with a deep-ball offense you need high arm strength over everything else.  I don't need a gun slinger, just a smart, accurate QB who can read the field and find the right receiver.

GM Mike Powers

Okay, thanks for that. Solis clearly did very well for himself and the team last year. But is he your perfect, prototypical QB? Or do you think we can find a better fit?



I mean, a perfect QB is still a guy who CAN go to all zones of the field, a Daily/Ortega/Owen/Maldonado type QB, but Solis works well in my system.  Not that I'm a GM, but I would also expect him to look for top dollar after a huge break out season.

I'd love a guy like Tyler Horan but he's staying in school. He looks like "the next great QB"

GM Mike Powers

Appreciate the insight Coach. We'll touch base again soon.


Can I speak to Eli Harris please?


Hi Eli, nice talking to you. I was pretty surprised to see that GM Justin didn't re-sign any players on expiring deals before he left. I wanted to touch base with you about your client Hubert Solis. He clearly exploded onto the scene last year, and I see no reason to break up the band. What're we looking at for an extension, assuming your client wants to return?



My man showed out at the right time, I'd love to hear what you had in mind.

GM Mike Powers

I was thinking something like this. 3 years, $18MM with an incentive - each playoff win will increase his salary the following season by $1MM. If he hits that incentive during the last year of his contract, and he doesn't re-sign, we'll pay it as a bonus payment once the league year rolls over during the off-season (out of the following seasons bonus funds).

What do you think, can we make this work?



Its something we are willing to consider, but not without testing the open market.

It's only getting us sniffing the outside of the top 15 in the league from last season, not even factoring other deals that go into effect this year.   I'm not saying its not enough, but I am saying its not enough to sign today.

GM Mike Powers

I'd push it to $20MM per year (with the same incentives) to try and get this done today. Does that get us over the hump?



I appreciate the effort Mike, I do, but I think its best if we see where the market is.