

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:30:56 PM

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GM Dario


1. Talk about the results of your game this week.

This was a Yuuuuuuuuge team win for us on the road at the Great State of Lincoln. We're down a few guys and had some other guys playin' in positions they don't normally play in,  yet we still generated good offense, still generated pressure on the Defense and we played as if we belong to be at this point that we're at. I think the biggest thing about this team right now, they — We — have no fear when it comes to hangin' with any team in the league.

No, we're not gonna get a lot of notoriety or accolades.
Yes we're kind of flyin' underneath the radar right now.

But at 3-1 there's not much radar you can fly under. The experts may say that KC is an anomaly right now, But 3-1 is still 3-1. The Stats don't lie. We're gettin' contributions from all three phases of the game and as Coach Graham pointed out to me, Our only loss is an overtime loss by a field goal that we did have a chance to win.

As for this game, big shout out to Jacob York. Coach Graham likes to call him our Swiss Army Knife. And anytime he has the ball in his hands, he's a threat to take it to the house, and dang if  he didn't show that in the First quarter with that 96 yard kickoff return for six.
Big shout out to our defensive front seven and Coach Shoes. We went into this game missin' both of our starting defensive ends, pickin' up a rookie off the street to fill and playin' a couple guys out of position. No, we didn't generate any sacks this week but did generate hurries &  knockdowns.  Our defensive stat sheet wasn't pretty. There were no style points in this game, but the defense stepped up and did what it needed to do to keep them out of the end zone. That's been the biggest factor this year. We've been able to take these scorin' threats to three points for the opposition instead of six. We showed it this week, as Diesel hit 4 field goals. Change the score from field goals to touchdowns and we're blown out but instead the D held ground, kept Lincoln at bay and we walked out of there with a division win

2. After 4 weeks, is the team performing as expected, and where do you feel you need to improve most?

I know everybody thinks that Dario's crazy but, just like past years,  I genuinely believe that our team is as good as any team in the HIFL.  This year is no different. I think we're performin' above everybody else's expectations of the Kansas City Bruins but I think we're right on the level that I expect to be every year. We're still fightin' some injuries. We're still not perfect in all phases of the game, but we ARE better than we have been in previous years. This is all about the team and about us doin' what we have to do to get Kansas City back to the prominence that it belongs. There's places we can improve but I definitely believe that the arrow is firmly pointin' up on this team.

3. We are getting into trade season, are you one who would like to get a deal done before the flurry at the deadline, or do you prefer to wait?   ...Also do you see yourself as a buyer or seller this season?

A lot of the experts question some of my choices - with trades, with draft picks, with contracts - but I am a firm believer that if I can improve the Kansas City Bruins, I will make a trade. Right now, we are not lookin' to be a seller. We've already made one trade this year, sendin' Daniel Tate to San Antonio. We picked up an extra pick for next season as part of it. Right now, we're down a defensive lineman or two, so I may be lookin' at some offers, but unless those offers improve our team drastically, I am going to hold firm with the players that I wanted and signed from the start. So I will never say never to a trade, but I may say No to a lot.

4. Rumor has it the HIFL and PFL have quietly discussed a trade window, what is your opinion on that possibility?

I think if the two leagues have a small window-  that's fine. Anythin' is possible

5. How much stock do you put into International Football, is the IFAF something you pay much attention to?

I probably keep a lot more stock in the IFAF than other General Managers do mostly because of our workin' relationship with the Egyptians but I believe that there's a lot of players in a lot of different places that are HIFL quality, It's simply about siftin' through all raw rock to see if you got a diamond or sapphire just a piece of quartz.

6. Talk about this week

We're on our much-needed Bye week this week. We've got three players down. Hopefully Campbell should be back to full strength, Big Bear may be back after another week or so., but Gary P is gonna be out for a good portion of the season. We need to heal and heal quickly as best we can with our Medicine Men doin' yeoman's work.

I do plan on talkin' with our Egyptian Brothers from Other Mothers as we come into #IPSSZN.

We have a few guys that are comin' up on contract years so I may be talkin' with the agents about that. But I will say this, just so I can #KeepItCrystal with y'all.  I am not under contract for next year. Coach Graham is not under contract for next year but we are still going to plan and play and work as if we are both gonna be on the SkyBear's team next year. But I am not gonna deal with any extensions on myself until after the season is over - whether that is the end of season, the end of the playoffs, or hopefully at the end of the Impact Bowl.  But until then I'm a Kansas City Bruin and I'm gonna plan to be a Kansas City Bruin.

7. Talk about any other news if you would like.

Speaking about our Egyptian Brothers from Other Mothers, Big Shout Out to Hamadi Hazem that game-winning field goal to keep the Pharaohs undefeated for the year.

I'm not sure what they put in the water in Las Vegas but if you can bottle it and sell it to all the teams on defense, I think you make $1 billion very quickly. The Gamblers pull up 17 Sacks this week and T2 has put up somethin' like 1276423482904 Sacks this season. It's just wild, Baby!

Got a chance to watch that Auburn vs Georgia game. Nice pick-six by Flanagan and Hughes did a good job of keepin' them clean all the way to the end.

Now- Who's got Questions, Baby?!?


"Number two scoring offense but the 32 ranked pass defense and 31st overall defense in yards allowed.. do you think you can sustain this high powered offensive output to mask your defensive secondary's struggles, and do you feel the turnovers are sustainable to off-set that yardage allowed?"

GM Dario

We're very much a bendy-but-don't-breaky defense so far. But We do lead the league in tackles, hurries, passes defended and interceptions. We're plus 7 in turnovers and 10th overall against the run. I think if we can get on the Plus side on Time of Possession, then that will help us on the defensive side of the ball.  We're playin' with Fire at the moment, but until we get burned, we're gonna keep playin'...

Anyone else?


What a way to walk into the bye week.

GM Dario

Definitely nice to see the plus side of 500 for a change. Kudos to your staff Coach. We've got a bye week that we desperately need to try and get healthy.

Campbell should be back but I'm more concerned with BigBear.  We did a bang-up job against Lincoln, but the longer we're down two starters, it's just gonna make it harder to stay above 500.  How did the DE snap count pass around for Wiley, Levin, Cochran, Fullerton and Martino?



Fullerton 32. 30 for Cochran, 88 for Levin, 46 for Wiley.

GM Dario

Levin had the most plays?  Interesting to note.  I know CC didn't have any stats but gettin' 30 plays is still good for a first HIFL game.

There was a question in the presser about the secondary and the defense in general. I'm not too worried about what we have, but is Coach Shoes playin' our guys to compensate for Big Bear and Plunkett being out?


Explain what you mean by playing our guys..

GM Dario

Sorry Coach. I left out the work "Back"

Last season, we played more of a softer zone and tackled the catch more than being' aggressive with the Pass Defenses and picks.  We did generate a lot of hurries and knockdowns, includin' 8 from Wiley last game, so are we still playin' as aggressive as we did in the first two games, or are we playin' Alcantar, Brookins, White. & Navarrete back a bit to counter the injuries?


We're still playing aggressive with  a balanced focus, mixed coverages, and matching the personnel to the offense's.

GM Dario

Gotcha, Coach. We'll keep dancin' with what brought us here.
Talk next week, Coach, and can ya send in David Thomas on your way out?


David, good to finally get a chance to talk to you, kid. So, you know me, I'm just doin' my best to #KeepItCrystal on all stuff SkyBear. I wanna apologize for puttin' a lot of undo pressure on ya by bein' a first rounder. This was one of those times where I saw what ya did as a Senior at UCLA and thought it would translate into somethin' more.

Instead I got someone who was a 1 star Corner, the LVP of trainin' camp and, I quote from the Coachin' Staff, " Not a fast corner, not a strong tackler, only okay agility and strength.. decent hands but overall he is really, really under developed for his draft position. Honestly this guy could turn out to be the worst first round pick in recent memory".

And that's all on me, so I'm gonna apologize for puttin' ya in that position.

But there's one other remark that I wanna touch on from the Coaches. "... has an okay work ethic and motor, and a great personality...  "  Now ya know I'm always good seein' Great Personality, so, if ya are up, I wanna see if we can't make some Chicken Salad outta this.

I'd like for ya to become the first Brand Ambassador for the Kansas City Bruins. There's a catch with it, so hear me out. I still have one step I gotta sell our friends from Egypt on... A cultural exchange- We're plannin' on bringing ' in two from their team on the IPS, and I wanna send you to work with their players and coaches, and spread the word and the ways of the SkyBear. We'll pay for all expenses so no dimes come outta ya pocket.

I'm sorta gettin' the cart before the horse here but if I can get them to go on this, are ya my guy, Ambassador Thomas?


  ...and this don't change my salary as a First round pick, right?

GM Dario

Doesn't change a dime, David. That contract is solid. 

You'll stay on our roster durin' the weeks ya are over there for salary cap purposes. We'll set aside $250K bonus money from the team to cover all expenses, so neither you nor the Egyptians are losin' a dime in this.

Think of this as an Extended Trainin' Camp with a chance to learn more playin' skills from another set of coaches and players, as well as the cultural and interpersonal skills of our Egyptian brothers and sisters, if they agree to my proposal.

So if you're a Go on this, I'll have Shay make the call to Cairo and see if they'll be on board with this as well.



  Know what? I'm down for this, sounds like a pretty cool thing, just lay off the whole "re-reading my negative accounting report" thing, it's bad for my morale.

GM Dario

Dario takes the report, lights it on fire then drops it in the trash. He lets it smolder for a bit then pours a bottle of water on the fire, extinguishing the flames.

That's the last we're ever gonna see of that report. I'll make the call to Cairo now and will be back in touch with ya in a few.

Appreciate your confidence in this, David


Shay. Shay. Shay!  Will you get the rep from our brothers from other mothers in Egypt on the line. Dario's gotta sell this good.


Greetings from the SkyBear, my friend. It's Tylen Dario from Kansas City. I hope things are well for you.  So I've got a proposal for ya in regards to the International Practice Squad.  Last year, we hosted OTs Quasshie Khaled and Hannah Said in the states, and both have worked out very well as bookends for your offensive line this season. So I would like to inquire on two players and offer a unique proposal as well.

I would like to check on the availability of SS Isma Soliman and WR Assem Ahmed. We think both would be potential assets for next year and this would give us a good look at both players. And I'd like to send CB David Thomas from our team to yours as part of a cultural exchange and to get David extra practice reps. We feel the exchange of players and personalities could benefit both Kansas City and Egypt in the present and future.

Kansas City will pay $250k from our Bonus Funds towards expenses for the cultural exchange so that your group has no financial burden as part of this exchange.

If the players are financially available, does this seem like a possibility that we can make happen?


We do not have the depth to spare a wide receiver this season, but Isma is 32 and ready to spread his wings. We have 3 senior strong safeties:  Bassam Abdelrahman is 34 and has been playing for this team for over 190 fixtures with 848 career tackles.  Kasto Fawzi has been in a more reduced role of late but he too is 34 and has played in 175 games for us, he would benefit from a few more snaps while Isma is gone.

A suggestion I may offer would be to also consider Isma Salah.  He is a RB/WR/TE hybrid but gets little usage in our system.  He has great speed and size, so you could possibly let him work in various positions and show his value.

We will send both Ismas your way for $1MM.  Plus you send us the $250K for expenses for your exchange player; and if it all goes well then we can extend our agreement beyond this year.

GM Dario

I like the sound of that offer, sir. I'll draw up the necessary paperwork and have Shay handle the travel particulars for Soliman, Salah, and Thomas.

I appreciate the effort and willingness to work with the first of hopefully many exchanges between our two franchises.

Thank you.


Shay, sometimes it's good to roll the dice. I'll send over the specs to the league office, if you'll contact David and line the rest up.

If you can get me Bobby Shapiro on the line, I wanna make one more roll while the dice are hot.


Bobby Baby! It's Dario in SkyBear country.  Teddy Marks is in the last of his rookie deal and I'd love to see him stayin' in KC Tones. I'd love a 3 year extension starting in S17 for 9M plus 2.5M Bonus if that's good with you and Theodore.


GM Dario

Appreciate the deal, Bobby. Good to go.


Shay, I think it's time to cash out for the week.
No reason to gamble on anything else for now.

Enjoy a little vacay from the grind.

We got Lots still to do this season.

Locked In Baby!

GM Dario


1. Talk about the results this week.

A very fruitful Bye week in Skybear Country. We took part in the first ever Talent Exchange durin' the IPS Season. We signed Teddy Marks to an extension. I used my flame-retardant trash can once again, and probably the best thing - we got a little bit healthier.  Campbell looks to be back for London. Big Bear is very doubtful though and Gary P is out indefinitely. So we're not whole just yet, but gettin' better every day.

2. Talk about any news that involves your team.

Love that swagger A-Mac is bringin' to the team. I like that onus that he's bringin' to say it's a W Lock against London.  I'm not gonna call him out for doin' it. In fact, I'm 1000% behind my QB1.  To Quote that Stoned Pimp from Detroit: "It ain't braggin' if you can back it up."  Time for us to back up A-Mac this week.

3. Talk about any other news if you would like.

OH BOY! Where do ya wanna start?

Bennett traded to the ATL is just an odd occurrence. Don't know what happened in STP, Don't wanna know either. But just a WOW type of circumstance to be gone in 5 weeks.

Our Brothers from Other Mothers stayed Undefeated in the IFAF. YUUUUUUUGE TEAM DUB after losin' Ali early in the game.  Good to see them continue to be #Walkin' this season.

How about Kenny Todd in the Steel City showin' out off the pine against the Black Tips. Atta Boy KT!

4. Talk about this week.

As noted earlier, we play London in our Wigwam this week. I know Ashby of London isn't happy with A-Mac's rant and anythin' can happen in the HIFL, but I do like our chances on gettin' to 4-1 on the season. The Harrier O is a Big Play Offense with Pond tossin' some major bombs but I'm confident that Coach Shoes is gonna dial up some pressure, especially on 3rd and long, plus we'll let Coach Cannon work our O to full boat. If all that happens, with the SkyBear's Blessin', it's gonna be a Happy Night in Kansas City.

5. Anything else you'd like to discuss?

We gotta lot to do still, but I'm open for Questions, so let's shoot.



London coming to town, lets deliver another win at home.

GM Dario

Definitely need to do just that, Coach. 

On our injury front, if Campbell can go, I think we should play him. Silver has done a bang-up job at TE2 but Campbell just outsizes him and it should help in our heavier sets. If he can't go, Silver will just keep playin' TE2.

BigBear is Doubtful and, not to look too forward beyond London, we ARE gonna need him later than sooner, so I wanna keep him inactive this week. Maybe we can get back for week 7 or 8. Gary P is obviously done for the time bein'. Hopefully we'll have him back for the last quarter of the season. We'll just keep the same D lineup we had against Lincoln.

That bein' said, I don't wanna upset the applecart of our team too much, but I don't think you would be upset if we grabbed another CB, am I right?  I gotta gut feelin' we're playin' with fire after Alcantar, Brookins and White. No slight on Nav, Jacob, and Stuart but they just aren't CB2s or CB3s if we lose one of our triplets. But the trade option is near nonexistent for now. I did find a couple vets that might be available.

I know this is classic T-Shirt "I Coach, You GM" stuff, but would it hurt to kick the tires on a veteran CB?

Also, I know you said previously that Silver has pretty good hands as a FB2 or fill-in TE2, how is his runnin' ability? Would we be better with Kozlowski as a RB3/RB4/Heavy Jumbo RB with Silver at lead blocker or vice versa? Just spitballin' an idea here if we can get a CB to sign.



Im not sure what vets are on the market, the PFL being around really leaves the pool shallow.

GM Dario

Combin' through the HIFL and PFL Stat 1Q sheets- I found these 3 didn't have a stat this year- doesn't mean they're not on a PFL team, but they're not on a HIFL team

Charles Arnold, David Chong, Richard Tuggle

Lookin' at the rest of the Free Agents, none look to be an upgrade over what we already got.  If you wanna have Shay check through the PFL rosters, we can try our luck with one of the three, if they're free.



Tuggle is in the PFL, the other two are available, sure.

GM Dario

Gonna call an audible here, Coach.

  I went back through to see if we could deal on a future pick, and we can, so we did. I don't like movin' a player that we just got, but Davis is a vet and knows it can happen. So we've got Kurtis Coughlin to help in the secondary.

Where should we slot Coughlin in at- CB2/CB3/CB4?



He could probably be our CB1 based on his perceived overall rating compared to Alcantar and Brookins, but I don't know him that well

GM Dario

Let's go with who we know then and slot him at CB4 for the week.
We can get him up to speed on the calls against London.

Other than that, I don't have any questions about lineups or strategy.
We can lock it up shortly. Thanks Coach.


Shay, would you please place a call to Drew Leventhal. 


Drew! It's Dario Baby!  So I wanna talk to ya about Walter Rivers.

He's in the last year of his deal and I wanna keep him in KC for the foreseeable future. He was drafted by Kansas City, he's one of the few that I held onto when I got here in Kansas City, and I really don't want to see the Voodoo Child outside of Kansas City.

I'd like to extend him another 2 years at 15M Salary and 4M Bonus.



We'll agree to those terms, sure.

GM Dario

Glad to hear that. Appreciate the signing.


Shay, I need Coach one last time before we get ready for London.

I meant to ask you after talkin' about Coughlin about your thoughts on how we could use Silver. Is he just a FB/TE Hybrid because of his blockin' & catchin' ability, despite his small stature?  Could he be used at RB in a pinch or is Koz a better play as a Tailback, if we happen to get shorthanded by injury?



Silver has no business touching the football as a runner.

GM Dario

Classic. Eff the Sugar Coatin', Coach!

Ok.. Let's get ready for Londontown.

Lineup changes-
Keepin' this the same:
Wiley to DE1
Levin to DE2
Cochran to DE3
Fullerton to DE4
Martino to DE5

TE2 Scott Campbell
TE3 John Silver

CB1 Alcantar
CB2 Brookins
CB3 White
CB4 Coughlin
CB5 Navarrete
CB6 Owens
CB7 Cantwell

LB4 Dalton
LB5 Martino
LB6 Michel

DE BigBear inactive (Coaches Decision)
DE Plunkett Inactive (Injured)
CB Thomas Inactive (Egypt on Loan)


GM Dario



GM Dario walks into the press room, still in uniform. Shay is standing at the doorway.

Afternoon everyone.
First off, I'd like to let everyone know that dinner is on me. 
Shay, could you have the waiters bring in today's meal.

Shay makes a waving motion and in walk about a dozen waiters, all carrying multiple covered platters.  Each member of the media has a platter placed in front of them, and the last one is placed in front of Dario. 

Thanks Shay. 
I took the liberty of makin' sure everyone has their favorite meal today. 

Dario takes the lid off of his platter, showing a blackened  piece of fowl , with all the trimmings. 

While y'all are eatin' your faves, I'll be eatin' crow.

He takes a quick slice off the side and eats it. 

Tastes like chicken.  But I digress.

This isn't chicken. This is crow. 
And I'll be the first to say that's all I should be eatin' today. 
We came out last week with all the swagger and moxie lookin' at this game. 
And London did exactly what they needed to do- Smacked us in the mouth. 

You cannot let any QB in the HIFL go 28 of 33 and expect to win.
You cannot let your opponent have 37 minutes of possession and expect to win.
You cannot go 1 of 10 on 3rd down and expect to win.
And you cannot have your top wideouts get 8 TOTAL catches and expect to win.

Yet all of those things happened and we didn't win.
We still has a shot at the end but we didn't deserve the win if we did pull of a SkyBear miracle.

So, kudos to everyone in the Harrier franchise.
You deserved that win.

He takes another bite of his 'crow' 

BUT..... I do wanna thank London for givin' us a little bulletin board material with that TikTok on the 50.
   That's gonna be playin' on a loop in the locker room, the weight room,
and everywhere in the facility, so we can make damn sure that it doesn't happen ever again. 

So there's plenty to talk about -

Seattle RoMar lookin' like Classic RoMar.

Interestin' to see Gates and Brandy chattin'.
There's plenty of great athletes on this earth, regardless of gender,
that would look good in a HIFL Uni.

Haynes... is... not... human...

Worley in Lincoln was not on my HIFL Bingo Card, but we've seen him once already,
and we'll see in later on in the year.

And I've not see the replays on the late hit with Bruiser,
but a bench clearin' brawl in the HIFL is gonna cost someone some dollars.

Dario takes one last bite of his dinner then slides it to the side.

Let's look at this week for the SkyBear's team.
Hmmm... Travellin' to the 'Peg. 
And they took an L last week as we did.
So that means a 4-1 Arctic Fox takes on a 3-2 Bruin for 1st in the Midwest. 
Anyone have that on their HIFL Bingo card at the start of the season?
10 extra bonus points if ya did.

So we're headin' north, still a little shorthanded on D but the opportunity still remains. 
Last week, we got punched in the mouth. This week, we need to do the punchin'.
If y'all are finished with dinner, I'm free for questions, or we can just call it a day.


Hey boss, we need to decide where we are paying the $100K for the catering.. from our bonus pool now or from your off-season bonus at the end of the season?

GM Dario

Let's just do 100k out of the bonus now. We may need the extra in the off season. As much as I like Blackened Chicken, I hope there won't be many more of those this year.

After that's handled,  I need Coach Graham please.


Coach, not exactly how we drew up that plan against London. Am I right to say that it was Time of Possession that killed us?



Not converting on 3rd down sucked, we should've extended a few drives but came up short.

GM Dario

We've got a bigger challenge ahead this week- Patty Owen and Winnipeg. A real chance to show we've takin' the next step and bump into first in the Midwest with a Dub.

Last week, they abandoned the run against Vegas , and relied on their QB primarily. Should be change up anything on Coach Shoes' schematics to sell out to defend the pass? Or can we force them somehow to stay in pass mode?


I think they're going to be happy to pass against us, we're giving up the most yards per game in the league.

GM Dario

So we've got two ways of thinkin' here. Either we can change our offensive tempo to very slow and try to grind out the clock to keep the ball away from Patty Owen- or we can change up our defensive percentages and basically play pass 100% of the time. if we go with the offensive option, can we sustain the offense enough to keep pace with their offense? If we decide to go with the Defense, do we have enough player capability to aggressively attack their blocking' schemes and jam up their receivers? 

I know this falls under the "me GM you Coach" idea, but I know we're a bit outmanned and outgunned so We've got to come up with some creative solutions to try to steal a win in the 'Peg



I think griding them down and running is smart. They are 3rd vs the pass and 28th vs the run.

GM Dario

I got that noted, Coach. So it looks like that the blessin'  of the Skybear have helped us get Gary P back for Winnipeg. But BigBear is still doubtful for the game. If we start Plunkett at DE2 to work against Downing at RT,  who fits best at DE1 against Williamson if BigBear can't go: the bigger Wiley, the better conditioned Levin, or the unknown Cochran?  And can we sub more often on defense to keep fresh bodies out there or is that just situational?



Its definitely Wiley.  Levin subbing behind him because of the conditioning concerns.

All we can really do to rotate more is to do packages with each as a DE1 in the chart then set the percentages to what you want.

GM Dario

No need to overcomplicate things. We can just go with Wiley at DE1, Levin is his backup. Plunkett at DE2 with Cochran as his backup.

In the secondary, are we still solid with

Alcantar CB1
Brookins CB2
White at the Nickel
Coughlin at CB3/4
Navarrete, Owens and Cantwell as the reserves

Or do we have a better matchup with changes made on the outside or nickel?

I don't think we need to make any changes with Brandon or Avila . Driver does cover well but I don't think he's an upgrade over Brandon at this point, correct?



Yeah I think you've got it there as listed.

GM Dario

So other than a Tempo change, bump the percentages on the run, gettin' Gary P back, it's just typical SkyBear football this week?

I know I'm probably pickin' nits here, but the last time we went North, they laid a double 7 on us... and this one's for first in the division. It would be a Yuuuuuuuuge feather in the headdress if we can quiet the 99.99% that don't think we gotta chance here, even if it's just a puncher's chance.



Absolutely.  Lets hope Alejandro makes clutch throws and the RBs have a big day.

GM Dario

Then let's do the dang thing!!

Tempo to Very Slow
Run percentage up 15%

LDE1 Plunkett
RDE2 Wiley
RDE3 Levin
LDE4 Cochran

DE BigBear Inactive

** Locked In Baby!! **

GM Dario


Tough loss for the SkyBear's team this week up here in the 'Peg.  The scoreboard showed us losin' by 14 but lots of positives to come from this game.  Creativity on offense as we tried to limit Winnipeg's touches. Jeudy and Rivers on some end arounds, and we tossed the ball around well. A couple of miscues from Alejandro, but overall, we did what we wanted to do with the ball. But we just couldn't get to Patty Owen. No Sacks on the day. No Hurries on the day and only 3 knockdowns. Great pick by Patrick to squash a scorin' chance, but we couldn't capitalize. We went into the game hopin' to try every trick in the book to overcome the odds, but we just didn't get all the right plays. 

Not all is lost though. We're still 3-3 on the season though and still with eyes ahead, not behind. We've got a statement game on the road with the Alohas of Pearl Harbor. Not sure which QB we'll be seein' but we just gotta play our game and not worry about the other side. We need to get back to Square One with things and try to start a new winnin' streak.

Rough week for our Brothers from Egyptian Mothers as they look their first L of the season. I'm thinkin' they'll be looking to start streakin' some Dubs as well.

Tough news for Dom G South of the Border, but maybe he'll get straightened out  for next season.

Some fantastic games on Saturday with Oregon stayin' #1, Houston pullin' the upset, and how bout that Busch kid from the Sooner State. 26/0 for the season and the kid's got at least 1 more year to play before he's HIFL-bound.  Helluva resume to work with.

So if there's nothin' else...

Oh wait.  Yeah, that HIFL/PFL thingie... ok let's discuss here.

I don't know how it started or happened, but it happened. Was it intentional or accidental? Only one guy knows for sure and it's not me. Are there gonna be retaliations? Probably. I figure the Office and our GM Rep will do their best to limit things, but it's probably gonna get worse before it gets better. Will it affect the Bruins? I hope not, but if it does, we'll figure out what we can do after the dust settles. This HIFL/PFL thing has always been a powder keg, with both sides holdin' lit torches. A torch fell and now BLAMMO!

Not very insightful or educational, but BLAMMO is the appropriate verbiage here.

Any Questions?


Coach, we're still a 'B+' team. We just can't seem to get the 'A' game rollin' consistently.  I'm definitely up for goin' back to the basics to see if we can't get to the Plus Side of the W/L Column.  It does look like we're back to full strength, so I'm guessin' Jorge's injury wasn't major, but he just wasn't available for the remainder of the game?



Yeah, that was the case.

GM Dario

Well , it could have been worse.

So, we are at 3-3. We've got a stretch of winnable games coming up before the trade deadline. And I know most won't see us as a playoff team, but I think we can scare a few people if we get there. 

With Coach Cannon and Coach Shoes, are there any position upgrades on their wish lists that we might or need to be able to make to get up above our current B+ level?