

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:34:00 PM

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...now that you got that out of your system, we're on to Oakland.

GM Metro

I want this one now Coach. Not to say I don't want it every year but it feels more personal now. I WANT it.

Oakland first. I think we stack up well with our offensive approach and defensively; we shut down the pass. They're not going to beat us with the run. One thing from last week - the Larkin "runs", assuming those are all scrambles? Just checking in as it didn't cost us but after some of the issues we've had there in other games I'm acutely aware of that stat.



Yeah, we don't have any designed keepers anymore.

GM Metro

Perfect - I don't really have anything else this week unless the trade market gets back to reality. Anything on your end?



No, we're ready to play.

GM Metro

GM Metro

Thank you all for coming. Obviously, not the performance we were looking for at all, especially at home. We struggled to run the football which has been a common theme in our losses and really set us against the tide early on downs and makes it really tough to get long drives going when you're in 2nd and 3rd and long consistently. That's the type of game where sometimes your defense picks you up but you can't bank on that and we didn't get off the field often enough. Credit goes to the Oakland offensive line, Daley had clean pockets all game and Micah's feet were warm and that stands out with the interceptions and the stalled drives. Just poor execution on our part in trying to put together a complete sixty minutes.

We've been a bit of a whip-saw team so far this year and that speaks to some of the growing pains you're going to have as you integrate new pieces and add some young players to the mix but in the second half we need to be consistent. We need all 3 phases to show up each game; we've got a ton of talent on this team, a great coaching staff, but we need to put it all together to be not just the best team in Las Vegas, but the best team in the HIFL and pro-football. Still, we've got the bye week coming up, give us a chance to reflect on the first half and move forward into the second and make a run at it.


Coach, that sucked. Probably our worst performance all year in the running game that I honestly struggle with. The raw stats look like the line had an awesome game clearing holes but we went nowhere; three yards as our longest carry from a back isn't going to get it done and is a common theme in our three losses and it's not as if those games have been against stellar run defenses either looking at yearly totals. The bye and trade deadline coinciding is fortuitous though so we've got a chance to address some things as long as other teams play ball; I know I'll be working the phones all week but I did want to also look at our expiring deals and the depth on our team. What are your thoughts on Velasco and Shuler? Both are obviously sheltered a bit in their current roles but both are putting up great numbers in coverage. Is there a low-end #1, high-end #2 type situation there? Or we looking more at someone who cover a 2nd guy and a nickel?



From a raw tools perspective, Velasco has the look of a future 1/2, but his work ethic has been less than ideal, Mojica just started mentoring him and is trying to show him why its important to buy in and if he does, he will see his stock rising. 

Shuler has an amazing work ethic and competitive drive so if he keeps working he can get to that level too, but it could take another season before we start to scratch that surface.

GM Metro

That's good to hear - especially in regards to Mojica and Velasco. At some point in the next couple of weeks I'll make a point to have a chat with Ronald about that and see if we can help spark some desire in him to be the next great Vegas cornerback. Looking forward, obviously you've seen the Floyd trade, hard to give up a talented player but the games with negative yards are killer. Maybe hurts us against a Winnipeg but we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.

I think we start to throw the ball a bit more and take advantage of our skillset there and with that in mind I wanted to ask about David Pritchard. Missed blocks at the running back position scare me as that often means big hits on the QB but he's a big body and has some pancakes. Does he fit in pass-pro for us, or do we need to lean in on Jarrett and have him as the #2 in our rotation?



I think he's a good fit with a good ceiling when it comes to his blocking ability in the backfield.  He's worth keeping in his current role.

GM Metro

Perfect - last question heading into the trade deadline. We talked about adding some youth to the linebacking core going forward which I'm aligned with. I did want to see Joseph Hernandez and what your thoughts are? I want to keep him obviously for the leadership and flexibility, but do you see him as someone who's going to continue to be a starter for us or is he looking more so as a rotational piece going forward?



Joseph has been a grinder for us for so long, but I think he's transitioning into a situational player moving forward, and he knows that.

GM Metro

That's refreshing - sets a course for going forward. I got you a little bye week present. I imagine obviously Cobbs/Embiid are on the edge for the most part but I think we've got the ability to give them a few snaps in rotation, and in obvious pass rushing situations maybe get creative and look at leveraging one inside? Same thing where I think we can take a early down snaps from Ah Sam to Swanson to keep him around 50/60% snap count.



I didn't see a deal for Embiid  but Cobbs is definitely versatile enough for us to play inside, sure.

GM Metro

Perfect - thanks Coach. We'll check in after the bye.
Demi, can you let me know once Timothy Cobbs gets here. In the interim, hoping to confirm that our numbers match. Currently we have 16MM in salary and 5MM in bonus available.
Mr. Cobbs, it's a pleasure finally to meet you. I just wanted to personally welcome you to Las Vegas and let you know how excited I am to have you here.



Hey man, good to meet you officially, I'm excited to be in the building.. We're about to go on a run that nobody is ready for.

GM Metro

For sure - I'm excited for what we're going to accomplish the rest of this season. Let me know if you need anything to get settled. Thanks for stopping by.
Demi, can you get me Joseph Hernandez please.
Joseph, just wanted to check in heading into bye and see how things were going and get your pulse on things heading into the second half?


The loss stung this last week, they handed us a punch in the mouth but I think we're rallying around that.  We get the week to get back on track and then we take out some frustrations on Cancun.  We're gearing up for our first goal.  Win week 11.  Then our next goal is a two-game win streak.  Then our next goal is to beat everyone's ass on the way to our rematch with Tucson.  Then our next goal is to beat Tucson, then our next goal is to end the season on a 7 game win streak and roll into the playoffs.

We're taking it one day at a time, but we also see this as a chance to storm into the playoffs on a real roll.

GM Metro

Awesome - for sure. You've been a big part of this team for a number of years and I've got a lot of confidence in this group as a result of the leadership we have in the locker room. Get some rest this week - we'll need you down the stretch.



I'm all in to win a ring boss, anything you need from me, you know you can count on me to make it happen.

GM Metro

Appreciate it Joseph. Thanks for coming by.
Demi, I want to confirm our numbers following the trade deadline. We have 16MM in salary available and 5MM in bonus after we pay Mr. Embiid's performance incentive.

GM Metro

Sorry, that's 2Face's performance incentive.


I checked and we don't have a mister Embiid.. are you feeling okay?



OH! Mr. Obaje, yeah.. that's correct!

GM Metro

Thanks Demi - and I appreciate the concern but I'm well, thank you. Think we can get Amber Molina on the phone?
Amber, it's that time of year and I was wondering if we could potentially hammer out a couple of contract extensions. First, Joseph Hernandez. I want to make sure he retires a Scorpion. I'd like to do 6MM of new money over the next 3 years similar to what we've done with other players previously, and in doing so I'd like to get him some cash up front and make his current deal 12MM and then a 3 Year, 1.5MM deal starting next season to keep him in Vegas for the rest of his career. Would that work?


I don't mind the upfront money to lower his cap figure, but $1.5MM is too low for me.  We'd go down to $4MM per year.

GM Metro

Why don't we meet close to the middle? I can do 6.5MM in new money for 2 additional years. 12MM this year, and then 2 x 2.5



I'm not willing to budge below $4MM, that's already extremely team friendly. I'll be seeking $9MM when we hit the free agent market. 

We'll talk again in the off-season when the rest of the market is open for business.    Thanks.

GM Metro

Fair enough - we'll definitely talk then. What about Jorge Mojica then? Looking to add 3 years to his deal.


3 Years at $14MM per season and he's locked down.

GM Metro

Perfect - can we structure it as we redo his deal to 17.5MM this year, and then 3 years at 12MM? The same 42MM in new money, just with a better cash-flow for him and a lower cap hit for us?



GM Metro

In the words of Mr. Will Hunting, "how do you like them apples". We're ecstatic to add Timothy Cobbs to the lineup and excited about the opportunities this creates for our team going forward. We know it's going to be a fight down the stretch with how tight the top of the West is but this move represents the belief we have as an organization in this group and the potential we have this season.

It starts with Cancun. GM Eli is a good hand and I think this game obviously means a lot to Coach Rhodes. We talk about laying the foundation in the first half of the season and now it's about building on top of those so we're ready to go come playoff time. We do that against Cancun we'll be successful.
Coming off the bye coach and I think the one thing we'll need to do with the moves we made at the deadline is adjust our offensive ratios. I'm thinking 40/60 Run/Pass is good, we just need to make sure that we have formations set up to spell Lash so he doesn't get worn down in the first half of games but could we stretch it at all to like 35/65 and get the ball into Pierce and S-Jax's hands.



We can definitely do that.  Let me know how often you want the other backs in via percentage and I'll make the package adjustments.

GM Metro

I'm thinking we go 70/30 with Lash and Pritchard. Get's us to about 15 carries for Lash and 6 for Pritchard if we stick to our current plays per game average; at least for the first week or two. We've talked about our other rookies but not much has been said of Donn Brown, how has he looked in practice. I know their is a paucity of tackles across the league so I am happy to have someone that I feel can develop into a quality starter in reserve but want to make sure he's getting the development opportunities in practice etc. to get there.



He's a solid body, his strength is already near where we want it to be; but his work ethic does make me think he's more of a long-term right tackle projection.  As a swing tackle he's also great value for us but I don't see him developing into a left tackle.   Willis on hte other hand, despite lacking in the strength department right now, his technique is really good and his work ethic is high.  He has a better chance of a working his way into a starting role long term.

GM Metro

Perfect - thanks Coach.
Demi, I'm not sure who I'm supposed to be meeting with this week given Mr. Sting's suspension. Am I too assume it is business as usual?



Yeah... we're kinda on autopilot.  No worries for you this week boss.



You ever hear the one about the Scorpion and the Frog?

...anything else we need this week?






With GM Metro out of town this week for a family event, we are Autolocked.


GM Metro

We had a great week; I think you're continuing to see the team roll and that's important heading into the back stretch of the season. We did a great job defensively; that kind of performance is going to carry the day for us going forward and our offense played great complimentary football. There's still some things we need to clean up and make sure we stay sharp going forward; pass protection, protecting the football, execution in the kicking game. Seattle's going to present an interesting case for us; they've got some great talent and with the new owner coming on board obviously there's the chance to impress that can't be overlooked. We'll need to execute to come out with a victory; I think it's going to be a really good game.
Coach, thanks for stepping in last week. I don't think we have much to change. There's some questions I have around the passing game and strategy but I think over the last two weeks that is mainly a function of game flow versus our ratios. The one other thing is pass protection in the backfield – currently we're using Pritchard a bit in that role and he's taking some lumps which can only help him, but does Corbett offer, potentially, more in that RB2 role and when do we want to make that move?


If we're talking about it from a pass blocking aspect, Corbett is even more of a liability, but we can make a change and see if it pays off.

GM Metro

That's fair then - if that is the case that is my principle concern. It'd be great to see our rushing game performing a little more as we look to salt away games but I assume that is more of a function again of game script. Anything else you need this week coach?



Nothing major, I can try to tweak our run game to make it more productive late. We'll see what shakes free.

GM Metro

Perfect - thanks Coach.
Demi, Mike Maker please
Mike, calling about 2Face's contract. Too this point we've shied away from having incentives in contracts as a team policy and am hoping to amend 2Face's contract to fall in line with that. I'd like to pay his 1.5MM bonus for this year and next out of this seasons salary cap by making his salary 20MM for this season and eliminating the bonus from his contract. Assuming that is something you would be agreeable too?



So we're restructuring the deal to $20MM and 3MM bonus this season, and $17MM and 3MM bonus next season; just converting the incentive he just hit and the incentive he'll hit next year into salary now? 

As long as you're not trying to jedi mind trick me out of the $3MM bonus, I'll take that action.



If you're happy with it, LO it next week.