

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:34:00 PM

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GM Metro

Normally when you say the scoreboard doesn't really tell the story it's 'cause you're on the losing end. We're lucky to have made it out of Seattle with the win; the elements conspired against us and that's contributory to the five fumbles but you expect that heading into the last quarter of the season and you look at some of the teams we may have to face and the elements could be at play. Ten penalties ... that lack of discipline is what costs you games this time of year. Defensively, they did a good job keeping Manning upright but Gordon Goulet, man, he's something else. We haven't talked much about him this year for some reason but he is the epitome of consistency and a big game player.  I was really happy with the passing game and offensively how we moved the ball but we created a bunch of negative situations for ourselves. That has to be the focus of our team this week heading into Dallas is cleaning that up. I know Coach Hoffman is going to have his boys prepared for this week and if we struggle to maintain our focus that's going to cause us some issues.


Bit of an ugly win coach but sometimes you have to take them. I know the elements factored in but if we end up having to go to Winnipeg or Vancouver we're probably in the snow and that's no better. Easiest way to avoid that is to get homefield advantage but we're going to have to win out, and get a little lucky for that to happen.  Focusing on what we can control against Dallas, I wanted to know if it was possible to see the splits for Lash in the 1st half vs. the 2nd half? We keep getting into the high 20's in terms of carries and I'm wondering if our average is being reduced by some carries later in the game with less tread on the tires and against defenses selling out to stop the run.


I can look at specific games, it just takes time to go through it and look at each play.

First half of this week: 15 carries for 45 yards

Second half of this week: 10 carries for 24 yards.   I just texted you the breakdown beyond that.

GM Metro

Perfect - I think against Dallas I want to tweak the ratios a bit to throw some more, keep the legs fresher for when we've got the lead and we're salting the game away. We've tailored to beat our opponent at their weaknesses too this point but I think, given where this team is, that we do what we do best and see if Micah can go on a heater with our weapons down the stretch. Agreed?



Definitely agree.  The chemistry they are building, Pierce and SJax with Larkin is great, If we get them to another level, defenses are in trouble.

GM Metro

Cool, let's up things 10% and see if that works. Thanks Coach.
Demi, that's all for this week.



GM Metro

1. Talk about this weeks game and result.
I think this is a rinse and repeat of last weeks conference; we got a bit lucky. 0/10 on third down isn't a great look; nor is eighty yards in penalties. We came out really hot in the first half and then limped to the finish line trying to put the game away. We knew Dallas would play us tight and we knew they weren't going to lie down and let us roll. You take the victory but with Tuscon on the schedule we can't have a 2nd half like that where we just take the foot off the gas and make a big play at the end of the game to hang on by the skin of our teeth.

2. With three games to play, what are you expecting to see from your club?
Victories; we've got a chance to lock up home field advantage for the playoffs if we win out. There's a ton of value in that, especially with the meat grinder that the west is going to be in the playoffs. To do that though we have to play good football; we need to execute, we need to finish. You have to treat these three games as playoff games if we want to put ourselves in the drivers seat.

Coach, another win, but an ugly one with that 2nd half. I know Coach Hoffman is a hell of a coach and that this game was always going to be a potential trap so hopefully how close it was serves as a bit of a wake up call. Happy with the passing game, especially the efficiency and obviously that is going to be our bread and butter but 0/10 on 3rd down isn't going to cut it this week. Was it just a function of good defense or did we get stuffed on a bunch of short ones in the run game again?



  here is our 3rd down looks this week:

3rd and 7 -- Pass broken up.
3rd and 4 -- Lash ran for 1.
3rd and 4 -- Larkin to Pierce touchdown
3rd and 16 -- Pierce drop
3rd and 6 -- Pritchard run for 4
3rd and 29 -- Pass to Carter for 5
3rd and 10 -- Lash run for 2
3rd and 16 -- Corbett run for -2
3rd and 11 -- Larkin to Pierce 19 yard TD
3rd and 10 -- Pass broken up
3rd and goal from the 7 -- Pass broken up
3rd and 4 -- SACK

GM Metro

That 3rd and medium really is the sweet spot. I know you'd love to have a little bit of balance there but I think we've got to be a bit more aggressive in terms of play calling there. I think we increase the pass ratios there and maybe even tweak a bit on 3rd and short. The only other item I wanted to ask about was using Cobbs exclusively on the outside this week against Tuscon. I know it means limiting the snaps for O'Donnell but I they've been more susceptible to pressure off the edge all season and I think that gives us the best opportunity. I think we go back to it against some teams with weaker interiors, but for this one, what do you think?



  That makes sense to me.

GM Metro

Perfect - let's adjust those ratios upward and see how the cards play out.





GM Metro

I think this week showed the importance of the bye week; every game was close and came down to the wire it felt like and shows the parity in the HIFL. The regular season's over though and now it's win or go home; the game changes a bit, the pressure's more; we know where we want to get too at the end of the day and now it's all about performing in the moment. I know our guys were watching closely and seeing what happens and really what playoff football is about. This time of year it's about capitalizing on opportunities and really taking advantage of momentum; we've got Portland coming to town and realistically the heater they're on is reminiscent of ours. I know there's a lot about Smarter football but they've been playing Playoff Football for the last few weeks and it's shown. We're going to have to execute offensively and take care of the football; limiting penalties and winning the turnover margin is going to be huge for us. We've got a ton of guys who can make that happen and now it's about doing it on the field. Come Sunday, we'll be ready.
Well Coach, now the game really begins. We've got a ton of momentum over the past couple of weeks but Portland appears to have peaked at the right time. Looking at them, they're just a good football team but I know we're better. I think forcing them into being one dimensional is going to be huge; they pounded the rock on the ground against Tucson and I think that showed in the 4th quarter. With that in mind, I think for the playoffs we keep Cobbs outside as I think our run defense is better with Ah Sam in the middle and I'm not sure there's much net loss in the pass rush. Thoughts?



  Cobbs gets more pressure outside anyways, so I think its going to be just fine.

GM Metro

Perfect - I see no need to tinker beyond that. We play our game we can beat anyone in this league. Let's do it Coach.




1. Congratulations on reaching the conference championship game, what does this achievement mean to you?

2. You've heard the comments before, "always the bridesmaid, never the bride."  What is it like to have that proverbial monkey on your back in this, your sixth conference finals appearance in the past 10 years?

3. Who do you think will win the Eastern Conference title game?

4. Who would you say is an unsung hero on this ball team?

5. What is it going to take to get this team to the Impact Bowl? 

GM Metro

1. Congratulations on reaching the conference championship game, what does this achievement mean to you?
It means we're one the best 4 teams in the High Impact Football League but that's not the goal. It means that we've got a chance to reach our goal though and that's important. We want to be Impact Bowl champions and we know we've got a heck of a football team standing in our way. They're looking at their own slice of history and it's going to be a really good game.

2. You've heard the comments before, "always the bridesmaid, never the bride."  What is it like to have that proverbial monkey on your back in this, your sixth conference finals appearance in the past 10 years?
I don't think about it; you want to be in the Impact Bowl and raising the trophy at the end every season. Sure, it's a footnote and makes a story but my focus isn't on the number of conference championships this team has been in, it's on this week, this game, and moving forward.

3. Who do you think will win the Eastern Conference title game?
No clue; and that's good for football. Miami is a deep team and they beat us earlier this season. St. Paul has the big play ability that keeps you in every game and GM Jon at the helm. I think both games this weekend are absolute must watch TV.

4. Who would you say is an unsung hero on this ball team?
This year, Gordon Goulet, which says a lot about our team. There's been focus on the receiving core and our pass rush but nothing about our linebacker play it feels like and Goulet still showed up as an All-Pro. He is a first ballot hall of famer and a legend of Las Vegas football

5. What is it going to take to get this team to the Impact Bowl?
I think we need to continue the momentum and playing like we have been. Last week against Portland was a great example; we protected the football, limited turnovers, and capitalized on our opportunities. Winnipeg is a great team, we played a heck of a game earlier this year so I don't think there's going to be any surprises. It's going to be about who executes their gameplan and who makes a big play at a critical juncture.

Well Coach, here we are. Great game against Portland and now Winnipeg. We ran the ball well against them in the regular season and I think in a perfect world we'd do what worked previously but losing Lash really hurts. While Pritchard has flashed down the stretch, I don't think we're sitting pretty if we're counting on him and Jarrett to carry the rock 20+ times this week. We can play it safe and stick with what we've been doing and hope for the best, but I feel like our best path despite their pass defense being one of the best in the league is to increase the pass ratio's a little bit more, especially early downs, change our focuses to be Passing focused, and make a couple big plays through the air and then let the defense carry us home. Our best against there's and let the talent settle it on the field. Thoughts?



With Lash on the shelf, I think that's the right path to victory.

GM Metro

Fair - I guess if we go with that do we need to look at what we do with our substitution patterns. I just don't have a good understanding of how some games we have 8 lineman record stats or backup's getting multiple targets; whether that's injuries or fatigue and want to make sure we hold up there and not end up in a bad position in terms of personnel at a key juncture.



Game flow, fatigue, injuries, they all play in.   Our current sub protocol is no lower than 60% and back in after they are back to 80% 

we can lower those nubmers and keep starters out there longer, but it could also mean a lower conditioning player is gassed and still on the field; its a risk vs. reward situation.

GM Metro

If you look at the starting 22, who's our lowest conditioning guys?



Chance, Martin, Ah Sam, Hernandez, Schuler, and Carter. 

GM Metro

That's good - but I think that shows we shouldn't make changes. I don't want to let Rich feast on tired guys. Only other question; Vincent Brice and Jeff Carter, what motivates them the most? What type of players are they at their very core? Is it championships? Is it money? Is it their teammates?



With Carter it's money and championships.    For Brice its Championships and Loyalty.

GM Metro

Thanks Coach. I'll note the uptick in passing ratios in the lock in.
Demi, Jeff Carter please.
Jeff, just wanted to take a few minutes to touch base. With John Lash out we're going to be chucking the rock even more than we've been lately. I know that there's a ton of chatter about S-Jax and DP and they're going to draw attention but that leaves a lot of opportunities for an unsung hero. Every championship team has one; you need guys to emerge and make big plays in the post-season if you're going to hoist the trophy. They may never have the national recognition but their legacy is always that game, that moment; talked about for generations, never having to buy a beer in town again. It then goes beyond seeing the flag fly, the ring on your finger; you are a legend, immortal. Other teams when it comes to free agency, they look at that championship experience, guys who've performed on the biggest stage of them all and they value that experience. Every team wants to be on top of the mountain and they're willing to pay extra for talent who's already been there.

That's my challenge to you; have the two best games of your life here against Winnipeg, and then in the Impact Bowl. Make that play, be that hero. Become a Las Vegas legend. Get bank in the off-season off the back of an Impact Bowl winning performance.

Up to the challenge?



Consider me properly motivated, my guy.  I'm ready to show out!

GM Metro

Let's roll!
Demi, Vincent Brice please.
Vincent, wanted to touch base before Winnipeg. We're going to be throwing the ball a bit more, even more than we have recently and I think that means opportunities for you to show up in the big time. I know the focus in the receiver room is on Pierce and S-Jax, they're going to go down as hall of famers but when you look at the annals of football history; the most famous reception ever isn't by a hall of famer, isn't by someone who's widely regarded as amongst the very best, it's a guy who showed up and put in the work and busted ass. Being a Stanford kid, you're probably familiar with Dwight Clark. He's not a hall of famer, Jerry Rice is still the best receiver, and that's not to say you can't reach those heights, but that's not in this moment. One play, one moment, over the next two weeks though, cements you like Dwight Clark. That championship ring shines just a bit brighter. Your teammates who you've been through thick and thin with will always remember that play, more so than any other in their careers.

We're going to need some big plays if we're going to win the next two weeks and I believe in your ability to step up and make them.



Give me a chance to shine and I'm going to do it on the biggest stages.  You can count on that.

GM Metro

Bet - thanks Vincent.
Demi, I think we're good to go.




Discuss whatever you'd like with/to the media...  If you have no strategy changes, you may speak to anyone you like and/or deliver your Impact Bowl pre-game Speech.  Your coach will add their own words for the team after you lock in.




Talk about what it feels like to win the Impact Bowl; discuss the game, and anything else you would like!

GM Metro


I don't even know where to begin, so I guess apologies in advance if this is scattershot.

I am over the moon for this team; this is the top of the mountain. This is what you dream about from the very nascent stages of your football career. You go to bed dreaming of making angels in the confetti on the field, of smelling like champagne far before you even know what champagne smells like and we did it. This team, man, they did it.

This team has battled all season, all playoffs, they never got down on themselves and it showed in the 4th quarter. The largest comeback in Impact Bowl history, every one making plays, stepping up and embracing and not shrinking in the moment. You have to love that the game swings on a big touchdown pass from Micah to ...

Man, what can you say about Micah Larkin. The guts on that kid. You see him before the game at that shoulder, every time he got hit and he just gets up and stands in the pocket and leads us to three touchdowns. That's cajones. That's a leader. That's a guy putting the team on his back in the biggest moment.

Anyways, a big touchdown pass, and then a big sack to knock them out of field goal range after driving a bit. It's almost poetic that it happens that way and it's my boy TWII. Can't really call him a kid anymore but I love him, he's been everything and more since coming to Vegas and to make a big play ... man.

Then Michael O'Donnell. There was a lot of salt about us going out and getting Timothy Cobbs but every other team had an opportunity to go out and get him, we made the move and he paid in spades. It meant O'Donnell taking a step back but man when we took that kid you knew he was a playmaker and how 'bout that. James Porter locking Max Ramos down. Jorge Mojica with a huge corner blitz. This was a game of big plays, back and forth, and our playmakers showed up.

And then for it to end with Danny Edelman making the tackle. That's maybe what I'm happiest about. I'm sure there's going to be headlines talking about the journey to get her and damn it's been one and there's guys who've been here every step of the way. Gordon Goulet has been the Captain of this team for forever and for him to finally get a ring ... Danny Edelman, soft spoken, always showing up and doing the little things that lead to winning. Leadership by example. Career Scorpion. Finally got his ring now too. Joseph Hernandez, you talk about a guy who across the league gets little fanfare but man, he has done everything we've ever asked for him, playing on the EDGE, weakside coverage backer, defensive end, he's a veritable swiss army knife and is just one of those guys who your fanbase loves and now he's got his ring too. Jarrett Corbett, bringing him back and seeing the Corbett jerseys return. Same type of player that just fits in with the fanbase.

I've got so much love for this team; we struggled last year no doubt. A lot of GM's would've pulled the plug, a lot of guys would've quit and no one on this team did. Bringing in S-Jax, bringing in DP, those two guys made a world of difference and helping us reset the culture, reset the offense and elevate us to this level. Those guys stepped up and were traded to a team that finished 3-13 and bought in and saw the future and this is it. They earned it, that risk they took paid off and I couldn't be happier for them.

Max Rhodes, Bo Action's a great coach but he's got company on that Mt. Rushmore with Coach Rhodes taking a second team to a title. He's brought a confidence to our team and worked through some of the adjustments; changed some of his style to adapt to the players that we've brought in. Mumbasa, Coach Ito, both got overlooked by the league but they've been great coaches for a long time. The work they do getting us ready game in, game out. We've changed some tendencies, the defense morphs and has different personnel but we're always executing and that says a lot about them as coaches.

Finally, there's a man who couldn't be here this evening but I'd be remiss to not recognize him. Knott Sting made a really difficult decision two years ago when there were people clamoring for a change at the top of this organization. Eight seasons at the top and we'd gotten to the mountain but never to the mountain top. We've had our disagreements but he had the fortitude to stick with me, trust the vision for this franchise, and now we've got another Impact Bowl trophy to show for it. I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to lead this franchise.

Now if you'll excuse me – we've got a flight to catch and a party to get too!



  Congratulations boss!!!  What an epic win!  WE DID IT!!!

Take it in and enjoy it.  Its not an easy climb but this time we finished the damn job.   Congratulations.

GM Metro

Demi!!! Thank you! You've been here as long as I have so congratulations go out to you as well. Could not have done this without you over the years.
Coach, what a game. What! A! Game! The party, the parade. Amazing. Congratulations to you too. You were the right man for this team; it took a while for it to come to fruition but I am certain of that. Now to run it back.


...That is what we need to talk about. I didn't want to say it pre-game and add pressure, but I'm wanting to take a few weeks and think about my future.  It might be time to call it a career.

GM Metro

I understand - take as much time as you need. Do you mind in the interim if we talk as if you will be back though and what the off-season may look like to run it back?


GM Metro

Perfect - first thing is coaching staff. Obviously we're going to need to increase the coaching budget; I have zero interest in letting Mumbasa or Michael May walk. I think the way Micah played down the stretch speaks to their skills and I think there's one more jump for Micah to take and Joseph Ito is the right fit for this defense. I doubt there are any objections there after winning it all.

My big question is personnel; I'm going to try and bring back Joseph Hernandez, and I know Martin/Porter aren't going to fit into our cap structure going forward. That leaves Jeff Carter as the last potential free agent of concern and I'd like your thoughts on him. I like the player and obviously wouldn't mind keeping him but I don't see him as the type we overpay for versus letting the market set his value and coming back to us. Would you agree? Or is he someone you think we need to retain?



I agree with you, Carter is an asset but only if he fits into the budget.  He isn't a guy we HAVE to have.   With Hernandez, He's been a great hand for a long time, so hopefully we work something out.

GM Metro

Perfect - my other question is around Brice and O'Donnell. I think they both stepped up in the playoffs with some big plays and the off-season/another camp I think gives them room to progress. When we talked mid-season we said there was room to upgrade their and obviously that's still going to be the case in a literal sense, but thinking in terms of roster gaps. Can we count on them to fill starting roles next year, or are we still likely one year away?



Ithink They will be ready.

GM Metro

Perfect - have a good couple weeks coach and we'll chat soon.
Demi, need to speak to Amber Molina.

Wanted to see what it would take to bring Joseph Hernandez back without him looking at free agency? I know we had talked about 4MM a year earlier and I know yesterdays price is not today's, but I'm wondering if that is still the case here, and if it is, whether we can adjust the cash flow to get him some money up front as well and save the cap on the back end.



GM Metro, Joe is really happy to have won a ring with you and the team, but we are going to test the market and seek $10MM per season for 2-3 years.



We'll speak again in the off-season.




Hey Champ! Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place.




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I am now interfacing with your systems.  This will only take an estimated time of 45 minutes.












hmm... that is interesting.












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Rerouting successful!






Terminating link.






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Your systems have been restored!


GM Metro

Perfect - Demi, once Coach Hoffman is here let me know and I'll come out to greet him.
Dean, it's been a long time. I'm really grateful for you taking the time to come here. I know you're work from previous time here and you always played us tough but it's been a while so I think this a great opportunity to talk shop. Kind of the first thing, what's your assessment of the roster? How do you think it fits your scheme? Based on it's composition are there things you'd either adjust in terms of your scheme, or that we'd need to address immediately in terms of personnel if we're going to run it back?




Congratulations on the Championship  first and foremost, GM Metro. Much deserved.

Now my opinion on this roster and what I would do with it, I would want to follow the same formula you used to win it all this season, so I would be looking at Coach Rhodes' schemes and his staff and look to emulate that same strategy.  Its proven to work, the personnel on the roster have used it and worked well in it, so why reinvent the wheel?

Obviously the staff budget is a big part of that to try to retain and promote from within the keep the core together, but I see that as very doable.

GM Metro

That works - I think the scheme staying flexible is a hallmark of Vegas. Offensively, we're going to bring back the same core, but defense is going to be the hard part. We'll likely never be able to replace Gordon Goulet and I imagine with the salary cap increasing and no franchise tag, that Porter is likely gone as well. I think Porter is easier to replace with our current depth and that may mean a shift a little bit. I want to keep our staff in tact as much as possible but I think we have to acknowledge the fact that both Mumbasa and Joseph Ito are under heavy consideration for other positions. If they do depart, how do you look to replace them? My preference is people with experience in the league, we've been burned often when we've gone otherwise. There's one name if we lose Coach Ito who immediately comes to mind with how our team is shaping up for next year.