

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:34:00 PM

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I would give some interviews to some of the more senior staff from each man's side of the ball to see if anyone is ready to take that step forward, specifically Michael May on offense and really all four of mayo, Barclay, and the Rhodes boys, but there are also a couple of former head coaches I think would be amazing short term coordinators to help our future guys gain more experience and knowledge.

What I love about Las Vegas is the culture is deep rooted.  If we continue to foster that culture then we will continue to have replacements in our staff because we are grooming them for that success.

GM Metro

Seasoning is my concern; I believe many of those you listed have bright futures but I am also cognizant of the pressure of repeating and not rushing people too early. The former head coaches too me is a bit of a stop-gap and if we succeed, they're not likely here for long and so provides a perfect transition and add's a few potential wrinkles to the mix. In the same vein, how would you feel about Coach Mumbasa being named Head-Coach-In-Waiting and mentoring him to take over eventually? Give him exposure to everything that goes into leading a team.




Oh, if we can have Mumbasa and/or Ito back, I'm doing that in a heartbeat.  I'm fine with that, I'm just assuming people are smart enough to see how great they are.

GM Metro

I am too - definitely some challenges for this off-season. Two other questions. First, when Hilton Keegan came in to the league he was supposed to be the next generational quarterback and from the outside looking in there was a ton of pass catching talent as well but it just never seemed to click; where do you think things went wrong there? Was he overhyped? Just not the right structure? Anything systemically that looking back you probably would have changed? Micah Larkin is the future of this franchise and so want to make sure that we acknowledge and prevent any potential pitfalls.




Keegan went a strange route and picked up a lot of bad habits before coming to the league.  When I took over we didn't get a chance to surround him with the right staff and honestly a lack of stability in the GM office kept us from ever addressing the issue.  My hands were tied up dealing with acting as the interim GM and everything that comes with wearing two hats, so he just didn't develop like he was originally believed to be able to.  A case of bad GM'ing ruining a players potential.

GM Metro

Fair - I think we've got that covered here in Vegas. Final question before I let you go - financials? What sort of deal would we be looking at to get you to Vegas?




This is my last stop.  Whether its 10 years or 3, I'm finishing up my career so I'm looking for 3 years at $10MM per season.



GM Metro

Thanks Coach - we'll be in touch.
Demi, can you let me know when Coach Mumbasa's here?
Coach, first and foremost congratulations. The turnaround we had on offense this year was incredible. The growth in Micah and our passing game really has us set up long term. I don't want to detract from that but I think starting off; what went wrong in Milwaukee? Obviously, working for that idiot GM Franchise doesn't really set anyone up for success, but that team went from the playoff's too bottoming out in two years. What do you think you could have done differently and what learnings are you bringing to your second run as a head coach?



I get that question a lot and I can tell you a few very easy answers.

2013.  Jackson, Booth, Jeudy at receiver.  Barbour at RB, and two five-star tackles.

2014.  Lose Booth.  a 2-star starting RB, and a 3-star and 2-star starting tackle.

2015. Lose Jeudy.  Haas at RB1.  Same tackles.

My offense was crippled by GM Franchise and as a result RoMar had no time and no weapons and we lost a lot of football games.

The biggest thing I learned, is if I'm going to be head coach, Im going to have to be vocal about who and what I want on the roster, and that's on God.

GM Metro

Understood - obviously we've got the talent here and I'd like to think I'm better than GM Franchise as a talent evaluator. I wanted to touch base on our run game this season; we obviously had some games where it clicked but for the most part it was a struggle. Do you think it's a talent deficit with Floyd/Lash? Was it a scheme issue? The line needs to be better run blockers?




I think Lash is better off as a change of pace/RB2 guy in the rotation, he gets gassed easily and a lot of times we saw him get a few big hitters early then just become a 1 yard plugger for 3 quarters.

Floyd, his motor wasn't the most consistent and sometimes it just felt like he checked out of games, which is a shame because he had talent.   While our line is generally better in pass pro, we didn't have any slackers in the run game, so I think it was mainly a combination of running backs not doing their part consistently and then amplified by when we would spread the defense out and they just weren't great running from the spread.

GM Metro

That's fair - one of the things I've looked at for this off-season is making sure we've got 3 backs who can tote the rock, but no one breaking the bank. Obviously none of those guys would be the stars/weapons you're talking about but I think we can bring in solid professionals. What did you take from Max this season working under him? What would you keep the same and what would you look to change or add your own flavor too?




I'd like to run outside the tackles more than we did with Coach Rhodes, he was more of a in-the-gaps guy and I think if we focus on speed and agility we can get guys in space to gain extra yardage.

One thing Coach Rhodes showed me though was a better approach to discipline.  He was firm, but never really loud.  I always saw guys having to scream at their players to be a hard ass but Coach Rhodes could just give a look and guys knew.   So I think that helped me grow.

GM Metro

Definitely; I think the time for people who yell and scream has passed. I also wanted to ask about the other side of the ball. I know Offense is always going to be your bread and butter but what about defense? Obviously offense is always going to be your bread and butter; would your plan be to abdicate the defense to a co-ordinator, and if so, what and who would be on your list assuming budget is not an issue, or are you thinking of being more like Coach Rhodes was and be involved in both sides of the ball, and if so, kind of walk me through your thoughts for the defense?




I'm not ignorant to the defense, but I don't enjoy it either.  I'm happy to work with the DBs here and there but I like the idea of a DC who can run his own show and produce his own results.  I'd love to have Coach Ito back on our squad if he doesnt get a HC position but if that didnt happen I'd be looking at a higher profile name, someone with either HC experience or elite defensive history, we're a destination, we'll draw in the talent.

GM Metro

For sure - Coach Ito is obviously my top priority but I'll be shocked if both of you aren't head coaching somewhere so it's good to get people's back up thoughts. That's one thing I've learned over the years is the best laid plans are often screwed up by the GM Rep, or something like that.

Two more questions; if you're the head coach, obviously we'll need an offensive co-ordinator. Who are you looking at and why?




My first choice is to promote Michael May.  He and I got along really well and he's a future head coach in my book.

GM Metro

Perfect - and the million dollar question, compensation. What sort of contract are you looking at?




Make me an offer and we'll talk, boss.



GM Metro

Thanks Coach - we'll be in touch.
Demi, I'm ready for Michael May whenever he's ready.
Michael, it's been a while, but first and foremost congratulations. The ring is just a little bit sweeter given all the Vegas legends on the roster and on staff this season. Getting into it - I know you've dipped your toes in a number of things since retirement which gives you a broad perspective in terms of the multiple facets that come with being a head coach so at a high level, what would be your philosophy and style as one?




Honestly Mets, I appreciate the invitation to interview for the HC position, but I don't know if I'm ready to take those reigns.   Running my team as owner and GM was a humbling experience and showed me I need to take things one step at a time.  I feel like I am ready to move into an offensive coordinator role, but as a head coach, I just feel like I'm not quite ready to jump that far back in, yet... I want the job at some point, but not yet.

GM Metro

I hear you and appreciate the honesty. One of the reasons I wanted to interview was that well rounded experience; I think that gives a great base for the future and sets up to be successful as a head coach. If you think it's a big step I respect that but was hoping I could still ask a few questions? Micah obviously took a big step this year and wanted to learn a little more about what your work with him?



he made a lot of strides, but I worked a lot on his IQ and processing.  Seeing the play before it happens and making plays with his eyes.  His accuracy and arm strength also saw some improvement from better mechanics, but his biggest gain was just his understanding of the game.

GM Metro

Awesome - that's good news. Obviously as we look forward, where do you think he can continue to improve and by how much? And how much of that becomes coaching vs. just the experience and repetitions to see it enough times?




His arm strength and IQ are still things we can build on.  Arm strength through better mechanics.  The IQ through more work in the film room and of course more playing time. 

I know as a QB myself, my coaches were a huge influence on my development, they see all 22 on the field when we can only see what we're looking at.

GM Metro

That's fair - two more questions. Really expanding on what you just talked about, who's really involved in that learning? Was it you this year as QB Coach? I know Micah spoke heavily of John Lynn being another set of eyes so assume he was involved? Is Coach 'Basa as the OC heavily involved? A true team effort? What's the structure we need to continue to emulate that you see as being successful?



Well, Mumbasa coaches teh entire offense, assigned me tasks for Micah and the other QBs, I worked on those tasks, and of course John as a mentor helped him along as well.  John was a shadow following me this year, he's definitely going to be looking at a QB coach job this season.

GM Metro

Thanks, last question - I know you said you weren't ready to be a head coach now but are looking to be ready for an OC job now. Do you have an idea, a timeframe, on when you think you may be looking to be a head coach and what experiences, mentorship, etc. that you need in that time frame?




It's more of a feeling. It could be next year, it could be 5 years from now, it just depends on how each season goes.  I'm confident I'm going to be a great head coach, I just want to make sure I'm rounding out my skill set before I get there.  Working under good coaches always helps obviously.





GM Metro

Firstly, thank you all for joining us today. I am extremely honored to introduce Dean Hoffman as the new head coach of the Las Vegas Scorpions. Having worked with Dean here in Vegas many years ago, and having faced him multiple times a season in Dallas, I know the character of the man and that his teams are always tough to play against. Further, his history with us and familiarity with the division and conference, and experience as a head coach give me great confidence that we'll continue to execute at a high level on the field and that he is the right man to lead the team as we look to repeat as Impact Bowl Champions.

Ladies and Gentleman, Dean Hoffman.



Thank you James, and thank you Las Vegas for welcoming me back with open arms.  When I was running the defense here a few years ago I wasn't able to appreciate some of the small things that make being a part of this organization so great, because I was working my way up the ladder and had my eyes on a head coaching job; but now that my journey has brought me back here I am looking forward to making the most of this final stop on my career path. 

When I coached at the University of Washington I told my players and staff to take in every moment, because one day it all comes to an end, and now that I am here, in this position, I want to give that same advice not just to my players and my staff, but to myself.

This is a tremendous opportunity for all of us to build on the great foundation laid down by Coach Rhodes before he retired.  I want to wish Coach Mumbasa and Coach Ito good luck in their new positions, the Rhodes coaching tree is strong and there is plenty of proof of that all around us. 

Its going to be an exciting run and the Scorpions will always bring the Sting!


Hello GM Metro,  this is Kate from the league office.

I just wanted to inform you that your trade with Sydney was voided due to Sydney not having enough off-season bonus money to complete the trade legally.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

GM Metro

Nothing to apologize for on your end; thanks for the heads up.
Demi, now that Mr. Porsche has taken over, I imagine at some point he'll set an introductory meeting between us. I can, obviously, make myself available to fit his schedule.




GM Metro, it's a pleasure to meet you finally.

Congratulations on your Championship last season.  As you know I watched from right down the strip as you won it all and all the while I was planning my bid to purchase the team.   Now here we are.  Make no mistake, my entire focus is on building a championship dynasty here in Vegas.   Las Vegas has a history of winning in the regular season, but now with your title win we start the championship dynasty on top of it all.

Now do you have any questions for me?

GM Metro

I believe we share the same goal. I have great respect for the team you built in the PFL, and believe that working together will be very beneficial for both sides and look forward to the opportunity. I do have two items; one more of a clarification and the other an ask of you.

1) I know that we can not complete trades with the Gamblers, but are there any other limitations imposed as a result of your ownership of both teams on interaction between the two franchises? One of the things I think is evident over the years is the value I place on information, data, and knowledge. I believe that there's a number of smart people in both organizations and leveraging them I believe presents opportunities for us both on and off the field.

2) Currently, there is a debt owed to us as a result of a trade last season with GM Lucas that was effectively a loan of 1.5MM for 3MM payable this off-season, and secured by a conditional first round pick. While the deal was made with Vancouver, given GM Lucas' resignation and immediate hiring by Sydney, I believe that the league, and other owners and personnel, would look down upon attempts to collect from Vancouver, vs. Sydney and that Mr. Irwin would have assumed the debts of, and responsibility for, Mr. Lucas. I attempted to collect on it but based upon his accounting error, that trade was made null and void, and hence, GM Lucas has indicated that he has no interest, and, or, ability to repay the debt based upon his new financial position. Obviously, this is Las Vegas and we have a reputation to uphold to collect our debts and from a team perspective, given some of our expenditures this off-season, I believe that 3MM is important. I was hoping you may be able to exert some pressure on Mr. Irwin in Sydney to ensure that he, or his hired GM, settle the debt that is owed to this organization immediately, negotiate preferential terms for future repayment (such as an additional 1.5MM on the current balance paid next off-season with further collateral pledged) or Sydney's first round pick in Season 18 being committed to our team as seizure of the owed collateral. 




When it comes to the Gamblers, we are going to be forced to act like they don't exist.   Obviously for my end of the house I will do my business from my office but my GMs cannot communicate in any form.  There will be audits and extra eyes all over especially in these first few years to prove we are legitimate, getting busted doing anything with the Gamblers will be a fast track for me being ousted and likely the end of the line for my front offices as well.

As for this Lucas and Sydney.. You leave that with me.  I can be pretty damned persuasive.

GM Metro

That makes sense and I appreciate you handling that. Given the eyes and ears comment, I believe it is likely best that we have an organizational policy that anyone in a leadership position, when, or if, asked about the PFL, that there answer is that they do not have the ability to comment on the PFL. Additionally, in the interest of transparency, I believe it may be prudent, especially this off-season while we're setting the foundation and have no history to leverage, that we do not participate in the PFL/HIFL trade window. Are those reasonable to you?




That seems like a good approach. Keeps any unwanted attention out of our offices, which is always a good thing.

I'm pretty hands off when it comes to the roster and staff, that's your department and I don't need to mettle. I'll get to work on that other piece of business we discussed and we'll talk again soon.  Call me anytime, Las Vegas winning another Impact Bowl is my number one priority, so I'll make time to talk.




Hey Champ!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

9 Open Roster spots.

45.1MM Remaining Salary.

12.5MM Remaining Bonus.

7.74MM Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

23.5MM Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.



GM Metro, if you'd want to do 2 year at $6MM for Peter Tucker, we're in baby.

GM Metro

Definitely, excited to have him on-board.
Demi, can we get Scott Forest on the line about Brian Ezell
Scott, hoping to bring Brian in as part of our d-line rotation. Could we look at 1 Year, 3MM?


We'll do that, since nobody else seems to be calling.

GM Metro

Mike Maker please Demi.
Mike, we're still interested in Cam Taylor as part of our running back rotation. Can we do the 4 Year, 2MM deal we offered earlier in the off-season?



We'll take that, just asking that he gets a shot at some return duties as well.

GM Metro

Sounds good to me. Thanks.
Demi, I believe Meadow Campanelli is still running the show for Anthony at the moment. Can you get me in touch with them in regards to Rex Mundy.
Meadow, hoping we can bring Rex Mundy on board to play a role on our defensive line rotation. Last year with Scott and Ah-Sam worked well and both did well this off-season - we'd like to repeat that again. 1 Year, 2MM and Rex hits FA again next year off a bigger platform.



How are you doing, GM Metro?

I don't think Rex could afford his annual Gabagool bill with that salary, he could take a little cut to come to Vegas, but $2MM is about $2MM too low.  We'd do a 1-year $4MM deal.