

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:34:00 PM

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The biggest standouts to me have been Thomas Oliver and Shane Christie.  Shane has been performing really well on the ground and Oliver is our longest contracted receiver and has performed well when he's on the field.  I think both are earning more time.

GM Metro

Shane has been awesome and is already getting touches and I know that rotation ebbs and flows from game to game. Do we look to make Oliver the #2 WR over Grover? Do we also look to make him the primary? I lean towards doing the former but Mulkey has done well for us and is also a long term piece for us I hope.


I think putting Oliver and Mulkey out as our top outside guys and giving Grover some play in the slot and with less pressure might help everyone.  Keep Mulkey as the primary read, we don't want to overdo the changes, but it could give them all a different look.

GM Metro

Sounds good to me - let's give this week a go with those changes. I have nothing else this week so let's get to it.

Oliver to WR2
Grover to WR3

Lock in.

GM Metro

1. Discuss your week 6 results
We sucked on offense – we held a team to ten points and lost and that's unacceptable. We held Winnipeg, with Patrick Owen and their receiving core to ten points and lost. We barely cracked two hundred yards. You look at this team and see all the close games we're playing and look for a spark but after six weeks you are what your record says you are and that's a one and five team who's struggling to score touchdowns. That's going to be my focus going forward but it's going to take some time evidently.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.
I would say Keenan Daley's concussions are big news. He's one of the top players in the game and having him on the field is good for the sport. At the same time though – we've learned a lot about TBI's over the past ten years and the long term impacts they can have on a players health. I don't know the inner workings of the situation but you know with the kind of competitor he is that he's going to want to be out there and play but that's where the GM and the medical staff have to be the responsible party and protect him from himself.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)
Home game against a good Miami team. I would say we still defensively have the advantage over every team in this league but you we've got to figure out a way, at least a couple of times a game, to string a drive together and hit pay dirt. Without touchdowns you're not winning football games.


Well Coach – that was ugly and really now I think we've got to take an honest look at this season and the team we've got. Offensively this isn't working; it's been headed downhill for the last two years and while I'd like to say this is rock-bottom, I don't know. That's on me as we've sacrificed making big additions on that side of the ball over the past couple of years. I think we really need to look at the entire core offensively so the first question; do we turn the keys over to Micah with the core that we have right now or do we continue to let him develop in practice and protect him and then next year once we add some weapons for him?


I know it's not a fan favorite opinion, but I think Micah gets the most out of watching as much as possible this year.  Maybe a start or two at the end of the season, but right now I think he's better off learning from the sidelines.

GM Metro

Ok - I am fine with that. The next question becomes support in the QB room? Is Marcus the guy to help teach him etc. or is Lynn a better mentor? How do we get Micah the right people in the QB room?



Lynn is a more natural mentor, he's got great leadership and is a team player.    Marcus isn't bad I mean he's a great leader and isn't selfish, but he's also not ready to groom someone to replace him, he's more focused on playing the game than mentoring someone else.

GM Metro

Understood - so if there is a business decision to be made there that benefits both us and Marcus it's something that may be for the benefit of the team is what I'm hearing. What's your thoughts on Coach Marshall? How do well do you guys work together? I know the performances offensively have been underwhelming but what's your honest evaluation?



I think she is a fine young woman and up and coming coach, but I feel she is probably best suited either in college or as an assistant staffer right now and not as an OC.  She's been our weakest link unfortunately.

GM Metro

Fair - I think there's a lot of opportunity the second half of this season to show growth across the board. I know a number of teams are looking at some of our guys on expiring deals and so I do think there's going to be some turnover to create those opportunities for people. That doesn't mean throwing in the towel and I'm going to be aggressive if the right players present themselves. One last thing before you go - Matthew Grover? Is he a veteran presence we look to retain? The reason I ask is I know he wasn't ranked highly as a captain in the off-season but I want to make sure we have someone who can mentor Mulkey/Oliver etc.


He doesn't have the mentor gene.  He is a cooperative guy but he isn't made to be a tutor or mentor even as a veteran, he's just not that kind of player.

GM Metro

Fair - that's good to know. I don't have anything else but really appreciate the time this week. Thanks Coach.
Demi, Marcus Mariota please.
Marcus, tough start to the year so far. I know it's not been easy, coming out of training camp there were some lofty goals that I know you had personally and we had as a team and I take the blame for that not surrounding you with the talent necessary on offense.


It is what it is boss, in the end we play with the teammates we have, we work to elevate them, and we play to win the game.   That's our jobs.

GM Metro

I appreciate that. I know I truly appreciate your leadership and the locker room does as well. That has been evident since day one here and I can't say enough good things about you. With that in mind I wanted to have an honest conversation. This year we're probably not making a push for the Impact Bowl; I am happy to continue to have you start games for this franchise this year but long term this is going to be Micah Larkin's team. I am happy to have you going forward but I wanted to respect your tenure and standing in the league and so if you want to make a move elsewhere to compete this season and have a better shot at a platform year heading into free agency I want to do my best to make that happen.



I appreciate that consideration GM Metro, and if a team loses their QB and has interest in me I'd be willing to make a move, but if it doesnt happen. I'm happy with my contract and being in Vegas, so it's cool.



GM Metro

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)
We were in the game through three and then let it slip away with a couple bad possessions defensively. We've struggled to put together complete games and that's been the story of the year. This isn't fun, this isn't what we wanted and I know the guys in the room are giving everything they have to pull us out of this tailspin but fundamentally, I think the guy who needs to do a better job is me. At the end of the day my chair is where the buck stops and for Las Vegas to be 1-6 is unacceptable. We've had a lot of good times recently but not good enough to make up for these bad teams. I think the next ten weeks are about putting us in a position to build upon things and make sure this doesn't happen again.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.
I think the Ricky Tarr Jr. story is interesting. I think that the fully guaranteed deal is a huge incentive to players and giving them control and when they feel like that control is being wrested away from them you can't help but feel hurt. They are taking on all the risk and that security has to mean something to them and if it doesn't then really that's a lack of trust between parties and you start to worry long term about the ability to put stock into peoples words.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)
It doesn't get any easier with Alabama. This is supposed to be THE marquee matchup in this game; I know Coach Rhodes has a history against Alabama and we want to win. Even when things aren't going right you need to create those moments that give you a foundation going forward. This could be one of those moments.


Well Coach, again, we play three good quarters but we just aren't clicking. Finally the offense showed up a bit with a couple splash plays but to give up 15 unanswered in two and a half minutes – that hurts. Alabama is a huge game, just in general and in primetime never the less. I know it starts with stopping Ortega and we've struggled against the run all year. I know if we had the answer for "how" to stop it things would probably be different but I imagine with the linebackers we have we've got a chance to maybe make a few plays with their athleticism?


Hey boss, the media is asking for a statement on Bannister's comments.

..I'm interested to hear that too.

GM Metro

Thanks Demi and Coach. I'll get something out.


We have been made aware of comments from Daniel Bannister previously this week. I appreciate Daniel's commitment to excellence and desire to win. Both he and Coach Rhodes have had a ton of success in this league and the losing streak that we're on is going to lead to a lot of frustration. There is a standard to be held to as a Las Vegas Scorpion and that is both on and off the field, in good times and in bad. As per team policy any further action will be handled internally. There will be no further comment on the matter.


We can get back to Alabama Coach but I want you to know you have my 100% support. I know there's going to be frustration in the room but we can't let that boil over. In the past we've done a good job making sure that things are handled internally first and there's not distractions but that's a lot easier to say when we're winning. I'll have a conversation with Daniel but on top of that I have to do a better job and make sure I communicate to the team our path forward just as much as looking at putting us on that path. Agreed?


Agreed, and appreciated.   With Alabama, the run defense is a big weakness surprisingly, so I think we have to commit to Floyd and Christie pounding the rock.

GM Metro

That's fair - I think there's some splash play potential there too as they're weak at corner, or at least not as elite as some other teams. Oliver had a big play for us last week - I know you talked about his growth and work effort a couple of weeks ago but I wanted to ask more about him and long term what he brings to the table, especially in the context of trying to add that group. Obviously I'd love to have that top end stud that does it all but if we're talking the sum of parts I see Mulkey as a sure handed safety blanket and then Oliver long term gives us what?


  I see Oliver very much as a Chris Boatwright in Charlotte.  I don't think he has the speed to become an elite receiver, but the ceiling of a 1200 yard 8 TD receiver seems about right.

GM Metro

That's fair - there is still significant value there long term for us though. I don't have much more - anything else you need from me coach?


GM Metro

Thanks Coach.
Demi, quick question for you, what is the maximum fine allowed under the CBA for conduct detrimental to the team?


We can fine up to three game checks without a suspension, if there is a suspension without pay there must be league discipline attached, or we can suspend without pay for one game and with pay for the remainder without any recourse.

GM Metro

Thanks - and that is something we league office as well. Correct?


GM Metro

Thanks Demi. Can you call Daniel Bannister in please?
Thanks for coming up Daniel. Wanted to give you a chance to address your comments in the media this week.



Yeah, I probably shouldn't have put Coach on blast in the media, but they asked what was wrong with this team and the buck stops with the head coach.  Our offense is ass and putting our defense in a bad way, its his job to figure out how to fix that and it hasn't happened.

GM Metro

I appreciate the honesty. I have complete confidence that everyone in that room is working to turn things around and pointing fingers in the media is contrary to that. I know that frustration creeps in but the last thing we want is dirty laundry aired in the media, that is not what the Las Vegas Scorpions are about. That being said - there needs to be accountability for our actions. As such, we're going to be fining you one half of a game check for conduct detrimental to the team and you're going to see a snap count reduction as well for this week. Any questions?


Shit, that's fair.. I get it, I just hope they prove you right.

GM Metro

I appreciate it Daniel. Thanks for your time.
Demi - there's a big trade coming. I'm just waiting for the league to process the deal and then I've got two moves I need to make and then we'll lock in.



GM Metro

Thanks Demi. Coach Rhodes please.
Coach, obviously some big changes. I know that we moved out some talent but adding Pierce should at least give us a spark on offense and allows us to build a rapport going forward. I think this is how our guys slot in for now but I am interested once Chance acclimates himself if he can push Hardwick.

Primary Receiver = Darren Pierce
RB2 = Jarrett Corbett
WR1 = Darren Pierce
WR2 = Dennis Mulkey
WR3 = Thomas Oliver
RG1 = Roger Hardwick
RG2 = John Chance
DT2 = Marvin Swanson
CB3 = Dennis Nelson
CB4 = Daniel Bannister

Run/Pass Ratio = 60/40

I want to quickly address the team before we head out but then we're good to.
Guys, I don't think I have to tell anyone in this room how much it sucks to lose. I know this season hasn't started like any of us wanted it too. There's a certain set of expectations and we haven't met them to this point and that starts with me. Someone once said you are what your record is and there's some indelible truth to that; we can sit and point fingers and lay blame, we can look to the exits of a lost year, but that simple idea misses something in my opinion.

It's a bit presumptuous in that it misses the fact that there's a lot of people in this locker room who have won a lot of football games, there's championship pedigree in this room and that doesn't dissipate over night. Just because we're struggling doesn't change how I view this football team as long as we're putting in the work, buying in to what we're trying to do as a team, being accountable to ourselves and personifying winning behaviors.

I want to be clear, whether we're 1-6 or 6-1 that is my expectation for everyone in this locker room and that doesn't change going forward. The next nine games are about building on our successes and continuing to improve as a team. If we're not making a run from the back, there's something to be said for playing spoiler starting this week with Alabama. Let's get to work.


GM Metro

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)
We took an Impact Bowl contender to Overtime but just like what seems like every week we couldn't finish the job. It's no longer I think about someone stepping up to prevent a loss or a single thing we could do better, it's about executing each play and making it so that at the end of the game it's not relying on that one single play or us getting to overtime. It's about making incremental steps to get to where we want to be.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, also what are some of the stats and/or stat leaders that have surprised you at the mid-point of the season?
Jorge Mojica getting some recognition is great, he's a good football player and someone who really has improved over the years and put in the work to get there. Beyond that we were really happy to be able to welcome Darren Pierce to the fold. It's hard to move someone like Emery who is an incredible player and only getting better but Darren brings an element to our offense that we're missing and doing it now gives him a chance to develop rapport and get familiar with our system.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)
We've got Oakland coming to town and they've got their mo-jo back after a big win in St. Paul. We're very familiar with Keenan Daley and we need to do a good job of keeping our QB's upright. Beyond that – we need to execute. We're close, you can feel it, we just need a break at some point.
Coach, it was close but that really only counts in horseshoes and grenades. Obviously the missed field goals hurt but we had a chance to make a stop with less than 2 minutes as well. It's hard losing like this where it's so close. I'm thinking we make the switch to Carlos for the next two weeks to see what he's got in that kicking role. Beyond that, I think the question becomes how do we integrate Pierce effectively into the offense. Obviously he's one of the best receivers in the league and so I think we can begin looking to stretch the field vertically more than we have so far but want your thoughts on how best to accomplish that?



  He is very much a player like Fowler who should primarily be outside but we can slot into the slot a few times per quarter just to see if we get a match up on a backer or a slower safety to exploit them. 

Also, trading Bannister sent a message to the locker room, I don't think anyone will be murmuring about the staff's ability to make adjustments in the future.

GM Metro

Definitely - I think there's more to come but we're going to create opportunity and bring people in and give them a chance to compete and see what sticks going forward. Speaking of adjustments and Pierce, how do we go about adding more verticality to our offense? I know Claire's scheme is more focused on the short and intermediate stuff but I think as we add talent we need to stretch the field. Is that something you can work to install in the gameplan?



  I can be a little more hands on with the game planning, sure.

GM Metro

I have a feeling that'll be for the best. The other question I wanted to ask about long term is looking to probably set up a rotation at a couple of spots to get a look at different players, especially as we're evaluating trade options. Do we just basically clone our formations as Formation 1 and Formation 2 and then you guys handle the rotation of players at a defined clip?



  That is definitely the easiest way, in my opinion.

GM Metro

Sounds good - the last thing I wanted to ask about was Danny Edelman. The stats don't necessarily paint a pretty picture for him defensively. Is he losing a couple steps? Is it just the stats being what they are and he's getting dinged for catches allowed when he's the closest man in zone? What's the story?



  I think wear and tear is catching up to him.  He's struggling to make plays in the pass game and even break up some routine balls.. Unfortunately we probably want to think about replacing him next season if possible.

GM Metro

 It'll be a difficult conversation with Danny but it happens to everyone. I still think there's value to his experience and ability in the return game that has flashed this year though. I guess it also begets the question on whether we think Isaac Thompson has the potential to be a long term starter and we should give him a look with some snaps the second half here?



  He and Danny are close in overall ability these days and I like the kids work ethic, I think he's worth investing some snaps in and seeing if he can contribute.  He's not as fast, but he has better hands and a good grasp of the defense from an IQ perspective.

GM Metro

Sounds good - I'll have a conversation with Danny but well look to make some changes there. Thanks Coach.
Demi, Darren Pierce please?
Darren, I just wanted to welcome you to Las Vegas. I imagine there's a bit of a shock in the move but I wanted to express how thrilled I am to have in you here. I know this season hasn't been what we had expected but I think allowing you to build chemistry with Marcus and Micah this year really sets us up long term. Is there anything you need from me at the moment?


  Na, I'm good man, once it was clear Seattle wanted me gone I went into motivation mode.. I'll haunt them forever if I can.

GM Metro

That's what I like to hear. I'm excited to see it. Take care.
Jarrett Corbett please Demi.
Jarrett, I know it came in a loss but on a personal level a hundred yards and a paydirt is a heck of a return performance. It was good to see you back in the Red and Gold, and now for the first home game. I just wanted to check in and welcome you back to the fold.


  It's good to be back.  The fans gave be a big welcome and I'm excited to see so many of my jerseys in the crowd still.