

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:35:13 PM

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GM Evans

Deal, thanks Mike.

Now about your client Arthur Jarrett, the linebacker, how about 2 years at $1.5m?



I'd do one year at $2MM

GM Evans

Understood, I'll sign the paperwork.

Eli Harris, please.

Mr. Harris, I'd like to bring Peter Thiel in to back up Shane Olsen. How about 2 years at $1.5m?


GM Evans

Little more than I wanted to spend, but let's get your boy paid.

Kiara get my buddy Drew Levinthal on the line.

Drew, I'd like to bring your client Brandon Harlow in to back up Carlos Rodriguez at strong safety. 2 years at $1.5m?


GM Evans

Great, thank you sir!

Bobby Shapiro, please

Bobby, I know your client likely wants a strong contract despite getting paid from another team, but I don't have a ton of money to spend. Even still, I thought I'd see if Kenneth Kang wants to come play RB2 here in Lincoln for 1 year at $2m. If that's not enough, I understand, but I had to give it a try.


I'll keep it in mind, but right now I've got to shop around.  Kenny has nearly 4500 yards rushing over the last 4 seasons, 20 touchdowns and another 600 receiving yards and he can return kicks with the best of them.  He's worth more.

GM Evans

I completely understand. Keep me in mind, and I'll keep you in mind if I end up with more money than I expected. Thanks, Bobby.

While I have you, can we get Raymond Santos to stay here in Lincoln for another 2 years at $1m?



A pay cut?  ew. No thanks.

GM Evans

Sorry, Bobby. I was looking at the wrong line on my sheet, I meant for things to stay the same when I said "another 2 years at." So let me amend that to 2 years, $1.75m like I initially intended.



...I'll do this year.

GM Evans

Sounds fine, thank you.

Amber Molina, Please.

Ms. Molina, a pleasure as always. I have a couple clients I'd like to keep here in Lincoln for a couple more years. Let's start with Roger Morris, 2 years at $1m?



We're seeking $1.5MM but to stay in Lincoln, We'll sign for this year.

GM Evans

Alright let's do the deal for this year and we'll revisit next off-season and I can hopefully get you guys a little more to stick around longer.

What about Luke Morris, can we get him to stick around for another year at $1m too?



I'm sorry, but no.  He's seeking $5MM for this upcoming season.

GM Evans

Oh, dang. Big jump. Understood. I'll check back in before filling my last roster spot to see if you want to stick around at my price, but best of luck!

Get the Contract Negotiator for me, Kiara.

JTC, hoping we can continue our relationship with Franklin Sanderson. Looking to keep him in Lincoln for a couple more years at $1m.



...not a fan of multiple years at the bare minimum, we'll do 1 year.

GM Evans

I understand. Let's get that signed for now.

Scott Forest, please.

Mr. Forest, we'd like to bring Jenny Blades into our cornerback corps. 1 year, $1m?


GM Evans

Great! Til next time.

Benny Russo, please.

Mr. Russo, we'd like to bring Storms into our linebacker corps. 1 year, $1m?

GM Evans

Gail Storms, excuse me.


Not the ideal salary, but I think we're good to sign and prove Gail deserves a place in the league.

GM Evans

I expect her to, can't wait.

Steve Rosenhaus, Kiara.

Steve, have a few things to discuss with you. Let's start by keeping Daniel Steiner here in Lincoln. 2 years at $1.5m?


GM Evans

With Harry Bethea leaving us this year we need a new fullback and my crew was impressed with Jonah Johnson, let's bring him in for 3 years at $2m?


GM Evans


Alright now, final order of business. Let's make Shane Olson the highest paid free safety in the league like he deserves. He's on the last year of his deal, and I'd like to keep him at the price he's at for this year to help us finalize the roster, but starting next year and the following three raise his salary to $16m with $4m bonus, which I believe pulls him out in front as the highest-paid FS. To lay it out more clearly:

5-year deal
S17: $14m, $2m bonus
S18-21: $16m, $4m bonus




Done Deal, Baby. Shane's looking forward to finishing his career in Lincoln.

GM Evans

Fantastic. Thanks, Steve. Have a great rest of your off-season.

Kiara, Eli Harris please.

Mr. Harris, I'd like to sign your UDFA DE Tim Leyva for the standard 1-year, $500k.


GM Evans

Great, same for wide receiver Terry White?


GM Evans

Thanks, Mr. Harris. Have a good season!

Kiara, lets get Ms. Molina back on the line, please.

Ms. Molina, it's GM Evans again. I'd like to sign your UDFA WR Willie Bustamante for 1 year at $500k, sound good?


GM Evans

Great. Looking forward to having him. Just wanted to check in one more time on Luke Morris, OT, since time has passed and I'm almost full up. I can offer 1 year at $2m but I can't come up to your $5m asking price. I said id check in though so there's my final offer.



Sorry, but Cleveland beat you to the League Office for Bustamante; so he is signed with the Mustangs.

Luke isn't signing for less than $5MM, sorry.

GM Evans

Ah. Shame on both counts. Have a great season.

Bobby Shapiro, please.

Bobby, I'm hoping you can fill out my last three roster spots. Let's start with your UDFA WR William Pickering, 1 year, $500k?


GM Evans

Great, and your UDFA OT Dave Shelly, 1 year, $500k?


GM Evans

Fantastic. That brings us to the final order of business. Kenny Kang. You said you'd keep us in mind and I said I'd keep you in mind. It's my final roster spot. Are you guys willing to take the deal laid out earlier - 1 year, $2m?

If not, what is the price point you're looking for?



The lowest I could go for Kenny is $5MM

GM Evans

I need a strong vet like Kenny to help Sora acclimate to the HIFL so I really want to bring him in. Could you do the $5m tag for 3 years?



That's a little tougher, because I feel like he's worth more, BUT...  Lets do it.

GM Evans

Phenomenal. I'll send in the paperwork and hopefully we can get him even more in three years. Thanks, Bobby.

Now comes the hard part. Get me in touch with Mr. Jackson, please.

Mr. Jackson, this isn't a call I relish having to make. I like taking care of your boys and they've made a huge impact on my team the past several years, hell we just retired two of their jerseys. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to pay Yourhighness Schumacher what he's making right now while he continues to develop, but we would love to keep him here and keep helping him become the star you and I both know he will become.

So, I'm asking you guys to consider renegotiating his contract to be heavily incentivized rather than salaried, so that we can keep him training under our excellent coaching staff. But we'll still give an opportunity for him to work back up to his current contract. Since he's now our fourth-string cornerback this season, he'll be utilized much more on the return teams, so that's where I've focused the incentives, but tossed in some defensive incentives as well just in case.

First, for the contract:
4-year deal, years 3 and 4 mutual option
S17: $3m
S18: $5.5m
S19: $7m
S20: $7m, $1m bonus

Incentives (for S17 and S18):

  • $250k for passing 250 punt return yards (which he hit in S16)
  • $250k for passing 250 kick return yards (which he hit in S16)
  • $100k for any punt or kick return touchdown
  • $500k each if he leads the league in punt return yards, kick return yards, punt return touchdowns, or kick return touchdowns
  • $100k for passing 25 tackles (which he hit in S16)
  • $100k for each interception (of which he hit 2 in S16)
  • $100k if he gets 1 or more sacks (which he hit in S16)

I know it's a bit convoluted and a lot complicated, but this was the best way I know to try to keep your client here, which I think is the best for all involved. But I understand if it's not a deal you want to make.



Trying to Persuade me with some fancy charts and figures ain't gonna happen today, Not with THIS big balla' 

You signed the deal my man, less you want me comin' to you to restructure in year two with my own boys, you better step off doin' the same to me.

GM Evans

I get it, I just wanted to try to find a way to keep him here in Lincoln instead of parting ways early. I wish him the best of luck elsewhere. Have a great season, Mr. Jackson.

Mike Moneymaker, please.

Mike, I'd like to bring your client Ralph McCaffrey, the cornerback, to Lincoln this season. 2 years, $3m?


GM Evans

Great! Seeing as that was my last roster spot I should probably call it a day, but I have one more order of business to talk to you about.

I feel like we finally found our quarterback, and I don't want to go to another off-season with a QB on a 1-year contract. You and Worley open to a contract extension before I lock in this off-season?