

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:35:13 PM

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I believe in ball control.  The HIFL is full of explosive offenses and we've seen that the majority of defenses can't hold teams under 3 TDs.  So the offense has to help, you do that by getting first downs, by chewing up the clock with a lot of good blocking and good running backs, and you limit the number of times the opponent even has the ball to try to score.  Mix fewer possessions with timely defense and turnovers and you can cripple the most explosive offenses in the league.  Its defense through offense.

GM Evans

That sounds like a very interesting idea. Do you have enough knowledge of our current roster to develop an opinion on whether or not we'd be well equipped to run that kind of offense?



I love the running back room,  Sora and Kang are a two headed monster that reminds me of Chris Allen and Cleo Rickard when we were making a run at the Impact Bowl in Oakland back in the old days.   There is plenty of talent at WR to make plays especially off of play action when the run game is established, and honestly Danvers can even be a weapon in the running game too possibly.

The o-line looks great, need to fortify the tackles, but that interior is perfect for what I want to do.  I like the offensive make up but obviously QB/T are vacant and they are important parts of the game.   But in this offense you dont HAVE to have an elite QB, just a very good starter, high IQ, accurate, and calm.

GM Evans

I like the sound of that. Losing Melvin was a big blow, I'm just not sure I can afford his contract this season. Regardless, shoring up tackle is definitely a priority of mine, as is finding a new quarterback. That's a trend for me, unfortunately, but I have some ideas.

How will you approach defense as a head coach?



I believe that a true bend-don't-break defense is important.  Yardage doesn't mean much to me, but points is where its at.  If we force field goals and punts we're in a good place.  I'd rather have a team of 4-star players on defense than 3 guys who are five-star and then a lot of 3-star starters.   Balance the depth chart, make sure there are no glaring holes, and if they can keep the offense struggling in their limited times on the field, its a good day.

GM Evans

I like what I'm hearing, George. Thank you very much for answering my questions. Did you have any for me?



The only question I have is if you plan to take a tackle early in the draft, as a former #1 overall pick, Id love to help take a high round draft pick and help him become a hall of famer, it's what I do best.  I'd love to see a first or second round pick on a high upside high quality tackle, and then a late round pick on a high upside flier to give me a chance to mold them both into the future of the team.

GM Evans

Unfortunately we don't currently have any picks until the third round, but I'm doing my best to remedy that. Whether it be through the draft or by other means, I'll certainly do my best to get a young, coachable tackle for you.



That's all I can ask. It wasn't a deal breaker, just a request.   Thanks.

GM Evans

Great! I think I'm ready to roll with your plan. I'm contracted through Season 21, so what do you say to coming on for the same time frame? A 4-year deal at $13m?


I like the sound of that!  Lets get to work!





Hello, My name is Baela and I am here to replace Kiara as your secretary and assistant.   After signing our draft picks we have 14 open roster positions to fill with $8.9MM in salary cap and $7MM in bonus available to do so. We require a kicker but the remaining roster spots are flexible.  We also have $1.05MM in off-season bonus money remaining as well.

The experts over Pro Football Focus gave us a draft score of 78.6 which was 32nd in the league.

If you have any questions, let me know asap.


GM Evans

Oh! Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, but what happened to Kiara, if you don't mind my asking? We worked together for five years and I didn't hear she was leaving, hope everything is okay.

And I did some checking, I have us at $5.05m in off-season and have corroborated with the office. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

Let's never discuss this draft score again.



Kiara is still with the organization, but she received a promotion up to the Senior Vice President of Media relations, so I took her position here, you'll see her around for sure.

GM Evans

That's fantastic, good for her. I'll be sure to congratulate her when I see her, thanks for filling me in.

Now that we're almost to the free for all, Baela, I'd like to make sure we're on the same page. Can you look through my figures and make sure we match?

I have us with the following:

- 3 open roster spots
- $6.4m salary
- $7m bonus
- $16.82m international bonus
- $2.65m off-season bonus

Does that look accurate?


For me to check with the league office to confirm, it will cost us $100K from either our off-season or S18 bonus but I'm happy to look into it for you if you want to send in that payment.

GM Evans

Apologies, no need to do that I'll just double check and trust my own math. Cross your fingers for me.

GM Evans

Okay Baela, let's get down to business. Can you get a hold of Bobby Shapiro for me?

Bobby, with a couple of young bucks under center this year, I wanted to know if Jonathan Wright was interested in coming back to Lincoln for another year or two to lend his guidance. I'd like to offer him a 2-year contract for $2m, with $1m in bonus, with the second year being a player option so he has that extra freedom. What do you think?



I'm surprised you got through on my hot line, its ringing off the hook!!!  That being said, we'll take that deal.

GM Evans

Well I'm glad I got through then, congrats on all the good business. And thank you, happy to have Jonathan back. I better take advantage while I have you, if you don't mind.

I was hoping Joseph Grubb, the Tight End, might be interested in coming to play here in Lincoln. I'd like to offer him a deal for 3-years, $2m.



Absolutely.  Just dont make it a rookie option, if you catch my drift?

GM Evans

Ha. That's fair, apologies on the language. Thank you, sir!

Baela, can we get the Campanelli's on the line?

We'd love to have Daniel Downing continue here in Lincoln if he's open to it. I'd like to offer him a 3-year, $2.25m deal.



REXY!! THE DON IS BACK!   And FUGGETTABOOOOOUTIT!  You gotta' deal my boy!

GM Evans

Hellll yeah, Anthony! It's fantastic to hear your voice, and a pleasure doing business as always. Hope we have a chance to chat again soon.

Baela that should wrap things up on the free for all. I'm considering extensions for the players we obtained from Dallas, so I'll let you know if I need to talk to anyone else when the time comes.



Fantastic, I'll be here if you need anything.

GM Evans

Baela, can we get Bobby Shapiro back on the line, please?

Bobby, if you're not too busy, I was calling to discuss Henry Fagan's future. We just acquired him in a trade from Dallas, and I know he hasn't had a chance to shine there due to the front office's mismanagement. I want to make sure his future is secure and he can showcase just how great he is. Before I talk numbers, I just want to see if that's something the two of you are interested in. Full disclosure, the extension would need to keep his S18 salary where it's at, but with higher pay for any future seasons.


Henry values security and the chance to play, so if you're offering that we're happy to listen.

GM Evans

Great, he'll definitely have both of those things now that he's here in Lincoln.

I'd like to start by offering a 4-year contract starting in S18, with S18 staying at $3.5m but S19-21 being for $7m.



That sounds perfect.  Lets make it happen.

GM Evans

Thanks again, Bobby.

Baela, we're all set for training camp. I've put together a folder with information for the coaching staff, make sure to get that to them. I've also put together some information about some public relations stuff we'll be doing this season, so be sure to get that information where it needs to go as well. Thanks so much for hitting the ground running with me this off-season, I look forward to working with you more.

"Game Time" PR Package - $400k
Starting as soon as possible and running through the first quarter of the season, we want to air a commercial package whenever and wherever we can. We can make television, radio, streaming, and internet versions of the advertisement, with some tweaks to make sure they fit the proper medium. In general, the 30-second advertisement will feature some of the insane clips of Roddy "Gamer" McCormick tearing it up for Canada in the IFAF last year. We'll make sure to include a look at all of his statistics, including: "nearly 3000 yards and 18 TDs with only 2 INTs in 12 games." Make it obvious that Gamer is coming to lead the Lincoln Pride for the next several years, and that it's now "GAME TIME!" in Lincoln. We can make various versions of the ad with different highlights so that it doesn't get boring for people as it should be overplayed as much as possible in the week leading up to our first home game of the season.

Pride Week - $500k
This year and, hopefully, moving forward, we want to build up Pride Week even more than we have done in the past. Use part of the money to create even more merchandise and gear to sell, but we should also have a week-long festival utilizing the parking lot, certain areas of the stadium - though leaving the actual field and stands alone, as well as any of our nearby local partners to have an incredible festival/party and safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community throughout the week. Make sure that local area businesses have plenty of time and knowledge beforehand to take advantage of the festival with booths or special deals or what have you. We want to use this week to strengthen our bond with the LGBT community as much as we use it to build up the city of Lincoln and our local partnerships. If possible, I'd like to reach out to Lincoln Pride legends Glitz & Hammer to see if they'd cap off the event with an incredible performance. Perhaps we can also have other Pride legends - such as Ervin Edward, Matthews Borders, and Hector Houser - come through on other days and do whatever they want - meet and greets, public speaking, really whatever they'd like to do; making sure to schedule it around their own responsibilities if coaching other teams.

Our own players should also be available for these types of things, with each day having a different focus or event for fans to get to experience members of the Lincoln Pride. Artavious Diesel could perhaps host a live version of his Twitch stream, for example. Maybe some strength contests with the stronger members of our team, like Hank Ramsey and Carl McConnell. Throwing contests against Gamer, speed tests with Sora, Kenny, and Melissa, et cetera.

I'd like this year's version of the event to be the biggest yet, so if you don't think this is enough money to deliver on my vision let me know what you think a good target would be and I can add more money from our regular season bonus once we get back from training camp. I haven't chosen a week yet, I'll be sure to do that once we get an official schedule release for Season 18.