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Started by GM Lucas, June 08, 2023, 01:15:07 PM

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GM Gooch

How did I miss this? You can still go even if you aren't a rookie?

GM Gooch

I see what you are saying now. Sorry Coach. Just had to wrap my mind around it.

We send McSwine (Mid Ranger Jumper) and Lucas (IQ) to preseason training and send DP to summer ball. Does that sound good to you?

GM Gooch

Coach Wallace, I'll let you handle penny and I'll send you the training camp after.

GM Gooch

Let's do this for camp:

McSwine (Mid Ranger Jumper)
Lucas (IQ)

GM Lucas

GM Gooch

Let's go Stephen Scott and just work him how you see fit.

GM Lucas

"Do you want to set the line ups are should I?"

GM Gooch

GM Lucas

"Thank you, I'll start getting things ready"

GM Gooch

The players I mentioned were for training. I want us to put our emphasis on Fender, Lucas, and Troy.

GM Lucas

"Excuse me boss, I'm a bit confused. So our rookie went to BK Summer camp. Now it's preseason and you tell me three guys you want me to focus on. Pretty much give them a regimen, design some plays, stuff like that to see where they are and if they have grown or can grow some more in that area. You first told me McSwine for his jump shot, Lucas for his IQ and said I could work with Stephen Scott on how I see fit. Now you want me to put emphasis on Troy, Fender and Lucas. So I need to know which three."

GM Gooch

I thought there was a difference in training and a difference in emphasis. My apologies.

GM Lucas

"Sorry the confusion, yeah training, focus. To me focusing on players and working with them is a part of training. But again, sorry for the confusion. So let me know which three to focus on and or what you want me to focus on and we'll try and get these guys ready

GM Gooch

Let's focus on Fender, Lucas, and McSwine. We've already worked on Lucas's IQ and McSwine's shot, so I trust you with wherever emphasis you want to go with for the three.

GM Lucas

"Great. Can't wait to get the season started"

GM Gooch

GM Lucas


"We see what it looks like when Lucas and Fender get on a roll, I worked on IQ with Brendan so he could get his footing, spacing and patience down and the kid grabbed 20 boards, 7 assist against Black Rock. Berry and Fonseca started going tit for tat and it was a show, so much so that no one noticed Fender scoring 30. What I found to be telling was both Fender and Fonseca each had two assists that game, and they were to each other. Now in the second game against Mexico, things were a bit different and experienced really showed. Mexico looks like a real good defensive team. So much so, they held Lucas to 5 points and his frustration boiled over and he got fouled before the half. I mean we had just went through a great work out session, but I guess it didn't stick or maybe he is just that type. We'll have to keep an eye on that. Fender, even with all of Mexico's defense was able to put up plus 20 and that's because of is own trash talking skills, got under their skin. He got both Sparks and McFadden in foul trouble because he just was messing with the two rookies. But Lucas, We need him, if he's going to foul out we aren't going to win many games. Let's hope we can get the output Morgoone gave us, that surprised me. So, now we get ready, let me know who is going to set this line up. "

GM Gooch

I liked what I saw, too. A little concerning against Mexico City, but it is the pre-season.

Do players improve on their IQ during the regular season?

GM Lucas

"I would hope so. It also depends on the players. Some guys absorb information faster than others. Some guys understand plays and formations more than others. So, depending on where their ability to learn and develop is what will determine how much better they get in those areas"

GM Gooch

Sounds like that's what we'd better hope for.

Let's lock in. All decisions are yours. Let's make this a great year.

Lock in

GM Gooch

1. Discuss your week 1 results. Who surprised you, good or bad. Any concerns?

Big victory for the game of the week right out the gate against a good basketball team in the Mist. I'm pleased to see we are gelling together. Lucas had 19 minutes of game play before he hurt his ankle and put up some good points. Fender is doing a great job as our general and our bench played very well. Who could ask for anything more?

2. How are you dealing with your injuries (If you suffered an injury)

Lucas has a sprained ankle, but should be fine in a few days. We have a great staff that will be working with him.

3. Talk about changes if any you plan to make.

It's too early in the season to make any changes. I've liked what I've seen so far.

4. After seeing your team play this first week, how are you going to approach next weeks opponents?

We are going to play Motor City basketball. We play our game, we don't adapt our game to play someone else. We play the best we can play to the best of our abilities.

GM Lucas

"Pretty good way to start, Lucas will be fine before the next game"

GM Gooch

Excellent. That is good to hear.

I really liked what I saw out there. Does Fender really seem to be rallying the team as the captain?

GM Lucas

"Let's not get too excited just yet, I wouldn't go that far. I did see some high fives and fist bumps from him towards some of the younger players including Fonseca. Let's see if the fives are high and the fist are bumping after the first loss, winning is the best deodorant."

GM Gooch

I'll keep my excitement tempered, but I am pleased with what I see.

Let's go out and have another great week.


GM Gooch

First things first, what happened with Texas and Mexico City was uncalled for. I think everyone is to blame. The players acted in an unprofessional manner, the fans acted in an unruly manner, and I don't like that kind of basketball. There's nothing wrong with tough basketball and sticking up for your teammates, but there is a problem with provoking fights and taunting. I hope both teams got this out of their system and that their fans won't repeat their actions by throwing trash at professional athletes.

We've had a good start to our season. We are playing very good, team basketball and that's what we are about in Motor City. We are gelling as a team and that is what is most important. We are getting better each week. That is key. We have a great coaching staff and it seems like the players are adapting to our game play well.

Real shame what is going on in Oakland. The fans deserve better.

GM Lucas


"Texas always thaught they were the bad boys of the league, it's good that Muertos woke them up. I just hope this isn't a sign of two teams that are going to run rampant and look to put some guys down. Anyway, we got three games ahead of us, Mist, Freeze and Harbor. That last one will be one to watch for because Fender hates Bar Harbor since his rival with Noah Archer. If there is any of these games he will want to win it will be that one"

GM Gooch

Harbor will be a real challenge. GM Franchise has done a very good job putting that team together.

Do we need to worry that Fender will be out of control against them and we could replicate what happened between Texas and Mexico City?

GM Lucas


"He's been playing great, I can't say if we need to worry because he hasn't done anything to warrant that concern, it's a wait and see, maybe you should have that discussion with him"

GM Gooch

I know he's a bit eccentric, therefore, I don't want to have a talk with him over something he's exhibited no signs that there will be an issue. So far he has been a model citizen.

It looks like Margoone has fallen in line and is doing a good job passing the ball. Is he meeting your expectations?

GM Lucas

"He's solid and he's a pro, but right now with the way Mitchell and Fonseca are playing it's hard to get Margoone the minutes. He's been a there when we need him and I will try to get him more playing time or you can just let me know how many minutes you would like to see him get and I can move things around to make it happen. Maybe you want to talk to the OC Keith louis, he draws up the minutes and I approve them"

GM Gooch

Gotcha. I'll keep that in mind as we go forward. I still think it's a bit too early to make changes. Especially with us playing well.

Let's go pick up some more wins. I think we have it in us.

lock in

GM Gooch

2023 Season

1) Your thoughts on the punishments handed down for those who were part of the brawl between Texas and Mexico?

I hope it was enough to make sure nothing like it happens again. It really was a black eye on the league.

2) What do you think about the announcement of a World championship All Star game?

I think it's great. The best in the world facing off with another league's best. The fans are the real winners in this. I'm excited for it.

3) Mention any other news if you like?

Fender and Lucas both made the news and I'm proud of both of them. Lucas getting the player of the week nod and Fender saying he wants to win a championship. That's the kind of leadership I want here in Motor City. It was a great week for the Machines.

GM Lucas

"The Grunge will not easy, we have to make sure we get overall performances from our other starters, and we are going to need our bench to be solid. Grunge are a complete team from starters to bench."

GM Gooch

They will be a challenge for us for sure, but I don't think we play a style of basketball that "looks past" anyone. Each game is of utmost importance. Let's show them what we have this week.

I'm pleased with how the team is playing, aren't you?

GM Lucas

"Im seeing growth from Fender I didn't expect. With time winding down he could either take the game winning shot or pass it and he drew the double team and passed up the game winner to hit his open teammate. That's huge. Dare I say, he's stepping up as a leader. That is what has us where we are"

GM Gooch

It was a beautiful play. Absolutely beautiful. I'm going to talk to the team and then we will be ready to lock in for the week.
I want to start by saying how incredibly proud I am of each and every one of you. You have shown remarkable leadership and are playing some truly outstanding basketball. Your hard work, determination, and commitment to excellence are shining brightly, and it's a joy to watch you on the court.
What you've achieved so far is no accident. It's the result of countless hours of practice, teamwork, and dedication. I believe we have the best team in WBS and the best coaching staff in WBS. While other teams put a black eye on the league, you have displayed not only your athletic skills but also your character and sportsmanship, which are equally important. Your leadership on and off the court is inspiring, and it sets the tone for our franchise as a whole. You're not just winning games; you're setting a standard for excellence that others can only aspire to achieve. The way you support each other, communicate, and make split-second decisions on the court is a testament to your teamwork and synergy.

Remember, success is not a destination; it's a journey. You've come this far because you've never stopped pushing yourselves to be better, individually and as a team. It's times like these where we feel invincible that we can't lose sight of our goals and our vision. Stay humble in victory. Respect your opponents, the officials, and the game itself. Your sportsmanship reflects the character of this team, and it's a part of what makes us special.

My challenge for you is, as the season continues, to remember to savor every moment. These experiences will shape you, not only as athletes but as individuals. Embrace the pressure and the competition. It's in those moments that champions are truly forged. I believe that we are going to be champions. You are a team, a family, and together, there's nothing we can't achieve.

Let's continue to play Motor City Machine basketball.
Lock In

GM Gooch

1-Address your team news

I agree wholeheartedly with Fender. The fouls he took would've been technical fouls if not ejections on other players in the league. I'm proud of the composure that Fender kept after the game got out of hand with hard fouls. Fender has been a great captain for our team.

2- Address one other piece of news

It's good to see Lucas getting the praise that he so richly deserves. This team is a brotherhood, as our Captain said this week. We all work together. A recognition for Lucas is a recognition of how well this team is playing today.

We defeated a very tough Seattle this week. GM Josh has done a great job with his team and I wouldn't be surprised if we end up seeing Motor City and Seattle playing for the championship this year.

3- What are your thoughts of the IBA starting this week? Will you be paying attention?

Of course I'll be paying attention. I'm a fan of basketball. They are going to go out and give it their best. I'm here to see it for sure. I look past the bravado and trash talk and want to see what they put on the court. They have talent for sure. It makes us really look forward to the World All-Star Game.

GM Lucas

Good afternoon, Skip Bayless here of Skip to sports on ESPN. I think it's great that Fender is showing some decorum maybe a sign that players like Mitchel may be rubbing off on Fender, in a good way of course whereas in the past he might have blown his top, but on the other end of the spectrum do you worry that a player like Fender may be rubbing off on a player like Fonseca. We saw Fonseca making hand gestures, staring at the sideline and jawing with fans after every three-point shot. Obviously, the young man is feeling more confident, but for his career, as short as it has been he's never even made a peep on the court. Can I have your take on that if you will?

GM Gooch

I'd see it as a sign of confidence in a big game and nothing more. Lucas is a respectable young man who takes care of things on the court.

I can't get in his mind, but I imagine watching your captain get fouled hard 3 times really gets the competitive juices flowing.

I don't not condemn his actions and I just feel he was "feeling" himself in a hostile environment.

GM Gooch

Let me rephrase, I used a double negative. I do not condemn his actions as this is a one time incident that had a lot going on.

GM Lucas

"I feel like we have two different teams, I feel our starters are professional and our bench is a crew of street ballers."

GM Gooch

What makes you say that? I noticed in the last game Margoone didn't want to pass the ball to Fender when he was open a few times. Is that what you are talking about?

GM Lucas

"Well when Fender, Lucas. Lie and Mitchell are in, we are moving the ball, following called in plays, watching the clock when Morgoone, Scott and Smith comes in, then we are high tempo one minute, Iso the next. Alot of bravado and high flying. It's not necessarily a bad thing because it definitely throws off any defense trying to figure us out. Seattle was playing full court press, once Margoone came in with Smith and Scott they realized that had to go half court because Margoone's handle and dribble is out of this world, he's a street baller learning to play pro, If he had a better shot, Oh My!."

GM Gooch

Sounds like it's playing in our favor.

Keep up the good work, Coach. We're playing really good basketball. I'm proud of you and our team.

GM Gooch

2023 Season

1-What are your thoughts of IBA opening week?

From the clips I was able to see, there were some great basketball games played. Cease Fire scoring 72 points was pretty incredible to see. Former WBS star Julius Hardwick had a great game too. I'm all for guys being able to make a living and I don't view the IBA maliciously. I view them as a competitor that provides an opportunity for worthy players to get to do what they love, and that's play basketball.

2-Address 1 other piece of news?

Motor City looks great out there. But we have to stay humble. We have to play our basketball and not get on the hype train. We have a great captain in Fender, and our players are playing as a unit. We continue to do that and we will continue to succeed. I believe in this basketball team and believe we have the team to win the championship this year. I'm happy to see Troy getting his flowers this week. He's playing great basketball.

Zac Sheppard to the Grunge is a good trade and fans just need to calm down. Sheppard played an important role in our championship run last year in Oakland. Let him get settled in before you start breathing down the guy's neck and putting pressure on the GM. Give it some time.

GM Lucas

" We got three games against teams that are starving for wins, they are dangerous, so we need to keep our head on straight"

GM Gooch

Absolutely. The second we lose our hunger, someone is going to get us. Let's stay hungry.

Margoone has really been stepping up lately. Do you think he is a player worth investing in long term?

GM Lucas

"He's coming around under the guidance of Mitchell but make no mistake, he wants to start. I'm not sure he would want a long term commitment unless he knows he was starting. Maybe he changes position if and when he realizes how much he contributes from his current role, but I don't get the sense he's there yet, at least from what I hear and see in the locker room"

GM Gooch

I appreciate the heads up. I don't believe he's ready to start for us right now, based off of our starting 5, so I'll keep everything you said in mind.

That'll do it for me this week, Coach. Let's keep playing Motor City basketball.