

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:42:14 PM

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KD is ready. RJ is ready.  We ready.

GM Gravedigger

Love the attitude. I say we let our guys play for the preseason. I want them sharp come game 1. And don't worry about KD's contract stuff. If I have to deal with it, I will.




Game's about to start.  We good?



I'm planning on setting the lineups unless you got anything crazy we're going to do.  Need to know ASAP.

GM Gravedigger

Nah man. You're the coach. Do your thing.


GM Gravedigger

1. What did you take away from this slate of pre-season games?

That I was right. This team has the pieces to win it all. We've got weapons on offense and defense. This is going to be a fun year.

2. Which player stood out the most to you from your team?

I liked what Sunday Ade did. This was his first chance to face HIFL competition, and he made some big plays. He could be a big weapon for us.

3. Did anyone surprise you and earn a starting job?

I think that's a question better asked of Coach Tarr. I think a GM dictating team decisions to the Coaches undermines what they can do with the team. They're paid to coach, so they get to coach.

4. Does the pre-season change your feeling about your teams potential this season?

Nope. Winning it all is still the goal.

5. Talk about your opponent for week 1, and what it will take to win.

Big game to start, not just for the in-state rivalry, but to get off to a good start in the division. We'll need to contain Lawrence, and looks like Diamond Starz could be a threat. Tough game, tough place to play, but we need to get off to a solid start.

I guess I should address the Keenan situation. I fully support Keenan Daley. He is a young man that fought back from what looked like could be a career threatening concussion issue, and has done everything that's ever been asked of him. I'm proud to have him on our team. If a contract issue arises, it will be dealt with.



A birdy tells me that a certain Bo called KD and talked him into playing the pre-season without having those talks with you about his contract.   Probably should get things worked out before week one.

GM Gravedigger

Yeah, I'm gonna get on that. I'll circle back with you once things are worked out.


Let's talk to Keenan.


Hey man. Let's just get to it... your contract situation. You want me to get this thing worked out now?



It would be one less thing I have to think about during the season, so I think it's helpful.

GM Gravedigger

You got it. You've done right by me since day 1 you were drafted, so I'll go get it done. Have a great game.


Let's talk to Drew Leventhal


Drew, let's get Keenan's next contract done. No need for this to hang over everyone.

How does 4 years, $30 million, $3 million bonus starting season 18 sound?



Well that was painless.  The only thing I'd like to add is that next year is Fully Guaranteed.

GM Gravedigger

That is a reasonable request. I'll file the paperwork now.



Thanks, Pal.

Good luck this season.

GM Gravedigger

Thanks, Drew.


Let's talk to Coach Tarr again.


Keenan's locked up, we're good to go as far as I'm concerned. You ready?



like Bone Crusher, I ain't never scared.  Like Archie, We Ready!

GM Gravedigger

Go get em...


All decisions by coaching staff










The league is really sent for a loop this week. If you have anything we need to do, just let me know but if not I've got nothing that can't wait.

GM Gravedigger

No, I think we're good on the on-field front. Sad week, for sure...

I better have a quick talk with KAC just so he knows what's happening from our side. Good luck this week, Coach.


Let's talk to KAC


Hey, man. I'll be blunt about this. I don't know what happened or what's going to happen moving forward when it comes to the legal process, and I won't presume guilt or innocence. But I think it's important that you focus on yourself right now, and make your way through the legal process without any distractions. What we're going to do is suspend you until the legal proceedings are finished. You really need to focus on things other than football for the moment, and this will allow that to happen. Get it all sorted out, and you'll be back on the field.



Damn, okay.  I'll try to get my attorney to get it squashed quick.

GM Gravedigger

Football is an amazing game, and we need you to win it all, but life has to take priority sometimes.


Coach, we're gonna suspend KAC until his legal issues are sorted. I think it's best for him and the team and should lead to fewer distractions. Other than that I think we're good. Let's turn some of these close L's into W's...

All decisions by coaching staff.


GM Gravedigger

Good afternoon.

Rough time for our league. The first thing I'd like to say is I am sorry to the family of BD for their loss. He was a great man, a gentile soul that was easy to get along with, but was a competitor as well. He will be missed by our entire league, along with his friends and family outside of football. That's one of the reasons I wanted to move our week 9 game to San Antonio. We don't want to lose a home game, but being able to pay tribute to a friend, and the chance to say goodbye to the franchise where some of us that are now in Oakland saw our greatest success, feels more important to me than playing a game at home. I hope we get the logistics worked out and make it happen.

As for the game this week, it's the same as 4 of our games so far. We're losing the close games. Yeah, we looked great against Dallas. It was a very dominant performance. But we have to make the plays that turn these losses into wins. It's not just one player or unit. It's everyone. We have to get on the same page and work like the machine we have the ability to be.

Sydney is going to be a test for us. Every game from now on will be. We've can't lose many more and make the playoffs. Our margin is thin right now, it's getting close to win or go home. I don't want to be in a spot where we can't make the run I know we can, so we have to start winning. Every week...


Hey, I know there is a lot going on, but it sounds like KAC is getting his court date moved up to try to get things settled as quickly as possible. From what I've heard talking with him, his legal team believes he'll get his licenses suspended and have to do some community service, but shouldn't be facing any jail time. Obviously he'll have to walk the tight rope for a while to make sure he doesn't get into anymore trouble, but we will either have him back at the end of this week before game day, or at the start of next week.


GM Gravedigger

So how should we go about this? Do I reinstate him so he can potentially take the field if things are cleared up? I understand the temptation to play him no matter what, especially with our record this year, but think it's sets a bad precedent if he's activated and plays before his court case is finalized...



Well, it's almost game time, we can make him active on the lock in under the condition that if his court stuff isn't finalized he will be inactive.. or we can sit him all together and see where it is next week, or we can let him play no matter what, but like you said, that's a slippery slope.

GM Gravedigger

I'm gonna activate him now, and let's sit him if it's not cleared up by game time. Go ahead and get back to prep, Coach.

GM Gravedigger

Ok, he's on the active roster again. Let's grab a W.


Knowledge Action-Carter is WR1 if court case is resolved. If not he is benched.

All other decisions by Coaching Staff.





  We are at risk of a $100K fine from our bonus pool if we do not get our press conference done in the next 24 Hours.

GM Gravedigger

We might get that fine, but I'll talk to the press now...


Good afternoon. Good win for us. As it was described, it was definitely a "must win" for us. We have lofty goals here in Oakland, and we need to start stacking wins the rest of the way. Offense played great in this game. KD was dealing before his hamstring acted up, and Hudson was great as well in relief. Thomson had a great game running the ball, and showed that we have more than one big time threat in the backfield. Cash and Sundae had big games at wideout as well. We had a really nice offensive game. Defense was stout as well. Hagan was a beast, McCool did a great job in coverage... overall we had a legit defensive effort. Just a well played game all around.

Playing at Alabama is never easy. Ortega is one of the best to ever do it on offense, and the same goes for Wilkinson on defense. We have to be ready to fight in this one...



A win we had to have, but so is this one... and the weird schedule having us face Sydney again next week, we're in a meat grinder right now.

GM Gravedigger

Not many easy weeks in this league. Bama might not be the monster they once were, but they are still a big time threat week in week out.

As always I trust you to make the adjustments you feel necessary. You've got work to do, so I'll let you get to it...


All decisions by Coaching Staff.


GM Gravedigger

Good evening.

We gutted out that win, and we needed it big time. Key guys missing from both teams made it a tougher road for both squads, but we were fortunate enough to do just enough. I still think highly of GM Pancho and the team he's put together. Those boys play hard and are a tough bunch. They are a credit to Alabama. I'm very impressed with what we got out of Hudson. He's played well each and every time he's been given the chance. That kid can play. KAC and Sheffield were big in the pass game as well, and Hagan was an absolute monster on defense. This was a much needed win, and maybe we can build on our momentum after this one...

Keenan likes to have fun, and I think that's all that happened down in Sydney. I don't think there was anything malicious about his actions, just a guy messing with the locals and their team. If something more serious comes out of this, we'll deal with it, but to this point I don't think it's anything that will linger or get worse. As for the game, we've got to beat them for the second time in three games. We had a great offensive showing last time, so that will be the plan for this one as well. Push the envelope offensively and put up as many points as possible...

Are there any questions?



You don't want your flag snatched, you don't want it between our QB's cheeks?   Don't bring it to our practice field, plain and simple.


GM Gravedigger

We matched up well with them last time, and I don't see any reason why we won't this time. Plus we've got some momentum going.

Is there anyone or any position on the squad you feel is underperforming so far?



Other than our record, our rankings are solid, I'd like to see us run the ball better but we're scoring points so its nitpicking

GM Gravedigger

Sounds good. I'll monitor the trade market to see if anything makes sense, and probably check in again before the deadline to make sure we're not falling behind anywhere on the field. I feel good about the roster as well, Coach.


All decisions by Coaching Staff




GM Gravedigger

................ sigh................

Another rough loss. Five losses this season, and we've had the lead in the fourth quarter in all 5. It's hard to isolate what is going wrong when everything looks in order other than the results. Neither team ran well at all in this game, but the two QBs were slinging it. If I want to say something that can be improved it would be the amount of sacks we allowed. Can't let KD go down 10 times. Our pass protection is better than that.

Emotional week coming up. I loved my time in San Antonio, and what we were able to accomplish as a team starting with a blank slate and crafting a team that won it all on the field. It was a tremendous experience and I appreciate the change to say goodbye. It's also bittersweet in that BD won't be there. He was such a great guy, and is truly missed not only by HIFL, but by anyone who knew him.

We're still in the hunt, as slim as the chance is getting. Got to win this one...



I know it's going to be emotional for you and KD, but we can't leave San An with a loss.  We got to put them in the rear view after the opening ceremonies.

GM Gravedigger

Agreed. This game should look alot like our game vs Dallas. Gotta put the hammer down and not let up...

These close losses are rough. I think this game and how our guys respond will tell us a lot about where we're headed the rest of the way.



We're on the same page.



Flight is about to leave, we good?

Actually, I got it.  Lets LOCK IN.
