

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:43:52 PM

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GM Rebel

"Thank you."


"Justin Holt, please."


"Justin, as our captain, would you like to address the team before we lock in for the week? I know it's been a difficult stretch for everyone with the PFL, and I take responsibilities for my actions, but I think they could probably use some encouragement from someone who is in the trenches with them."



Absolutely.  I'd be glad to step up and say what needs to be said.

GM Rebel

"Ms. Harper, can you gather the team and the coaching staff, please?"

"Justin, the floor is yours."



Hey guys, take a knee and listen, cause I got a lot to say.

I was a 5th round pick.  You know what that means?  That means back in S4 I got a 1 year deal worth about $500K and I played my ass off to prove I was worth more than that. 

I won a ring as a rookie, 16 game starter, CB2 for the Nighthawks.  2 Picks, but they didn't want to pay me, so I hit free agency and signed a 3 year deal worth $4MM a year with the Lincoln Pride.  They were contenders, until GM Corbin took over and started drafting punters in the second round and trading Steven Crawford for magic beans.. I spent three years there, never complained.  I kept my head down, I grinded, I talked my talk on the field and I got 4 INTs a season and I signed with Orlando in that off-season.. 2017 I arrived here, and I nave never looked back.  This franchise means the world to me.  It's seen me play my career best with 7 INTs and 22 PDs, its seen me get no picks and struggle, but all that time the fans, the GMs, they stood by me and backed me up. 

...Loyalty means something, and yeah I know guys get traded, and things change on the fly, but some of you guys are strong arming the hand that feeds you and good for you, you're one of the highest paid at your position in the league now, but you know what you're doing?  You're hurting the rest of your team.   

The team is what matters man, Yeah, I want to ball out and be the best, but nobody notices the superstar on the 0-16 team.  They notice the star on the undefeated.  They notice the guy who makes plays while lifting up his club and making them better.   

If you don't want to be that type of player, then I think you should turn in your jersey, take that decal off your shell, and go sign with whatever PFL trust-fund team is out there, because if you want nothing but cash, there are better places to get it; but listen to me right now boys, if you to become a legend, not just on this team, but in this sport.  There is no better place to do that than right here in the High Impact Football League.  The HIFL is Pro Football at its best, and all y'all that are pissing on that because you want to get paid, you are all putting the wrong things forward.

What's done is done though, if you're on this 53, then you're my family.  I fight for my family. I die for my family.   And when we step out on the field against DC, its a scene straight out of Gladiator.  Us vs. Them.  Family has to have each others backs.   They can call each other out on their bullshit, like I just did, but at the end of the day, when the enemy is at the gates, we have to have each others backs. I just got one question.








GM Rebel

"Family indeed."

All decisions made by the coaching staff.
Lock in.

GM Rebel

"Another difficult week for us here in Orlando. It's difficult to win in this league without the distractions from the front office, so I'll take the blame for that."

"As far as the news is concerned, everyone wants to know what's going on with Jean-Luc Bellerose, and I just want to state publicly: we stand firmly behind Jean-Luc. We believe in him. Despite his struggles, he is an outstanding quarterback, and has all the tools to succeed in this league. He's going to figure out, I have no doubt about that."

"Any questions?"


"Coach, rough week. Do we have any answers regarding Bellerose or just have to work through his issues?"



Coach Harris and I both agree, he's just putting a lot on himself to make plays and when he's having to do that it leads to more mistakes.  He was able to sit back and feed off of play action with a strong run game last year, this year it's been Jean-Luc vs. the world basically. 

He'll be okay, hopefully he starts to make some corrections and fixes some of his tells to help keep the defense off balance.

GM Rebel

"Understandable. I'm sure moving pieces around haven't exactly helped in his development either. I still have confidence in him and sounds like you both do as well."

"I've done enough last  this week so not going to linger with much. Do you have anything we need to discuss before we lock in for the week?"



Only question is how much do you want us running with this makeshift RB corps?



I guess there is another question...

To be or not to be... THAT is the question.

GM Rebel

"Coach, we will leave that to you."

Lock in.

GM Rebel

"Another rough week."

"I get the pressure is on me to try and turn this thing around. We've done so before -- and we'll do so again. I'm confident in our guys in the locker room."


"Coach, we've got to figure out what's going on with Bellerose. He's in a big time funk! I know we've have some questions on OL, and our running game isn't the same, but he's clearly not the same guy he was last year."


Its been brutal, he's obviously in his own head a little bit, but it's just that the team isn't working.  Our offense is in disarray and I don't know the solution.

GM Rebel

"Well, we know he has the big arm. We're probably going to have to shift away from the run game at the moment — we don't have the offense to lean on it. Do you see a more quick strike passing game as the answer?"


We are currently in a medium/balanced attack in our pass style, I think we go outside and deep or short and balanced.

If we can live with the INTs and want more splash plays from Mendenhall we go deep and outside, if we want to go more west coast, then obviously we have to pass short and use everyone to off-set the lack of run game.


GM Rebel

"I think we probably run a more west coast system the rest this season."

Change passing to short and balanced.

Lock in.

GM Rebel

"One game at a time. A win is what we needed."

"Coach, I think this is our game plan. Quick strike passing, tough defense. Let's lock in for the week and keep it moving."


GM Rebel

Let's lock in for the remainder of the season.



GM Rebel

1. What was the best moment for you this season, and what was the worst?

"There weren't a ton of ups for us this season, unfortunately. We didn't perform like we were capable and I'll take the blame for that. However, if we're picking a bright spot, I'd probably say the week four win over Alabama. They have had our number over the last several seasons and even in a down year, we can crack a smile at winning a tough division game."

"The worst moment for us was obviously everything off the field. That was a major distraction for us and I'll accept the blame for that. If we're talking game wise, the blowout to Vegas hurt. It seems my teams always run up against GM Metro when I've dropped a metaphorical bomb in the locker room – and his teams have capitalized. Kudos to him and their franchise."

2. How does it feel to be done playing football while other teams advance to the playoffs?

"Frustrating. We've been able to put together some really good seasons since my arrival here in Orlando but we've bene unable to follow up on them and continue to compete. Coming off a strong season last year, we expected a lot but unfortunately just couldn't put everything together at the right time. I know the guys in the locker room are disappointed and so are we."

3. Who was your teams MVP this season?

"I think it has to be Djokovic Petrovic. He's a machine – he racked up a ton of tackles and fit right into our scheme. And the best part? He's only getting better."

4. How would you evaluate your coaches performance this season?

"Coach Hunter leads one of the best staffs in the league. I believe in consistency among the coaching staff and I believe we have a fantastic working relationship. I made it difficult on him; but he continued to lead the charge despite my shortcomings."

5. How would you evaluate your own performance this season?

"F. God awful. I failed all around."

6. What is your biggest take away from this season?

"We have to work on a few things – particular personnel. It was a flawed roster from the get go, and that was my fault."

8. What was this team missing?

"We've got to improve the OL play; and continue to develop a running game that we lost early in the season."

"Any other questions?"



Happy to put this season in the rear view... woof.

GM Rebel

"Coach, let's talk staff for a few minutes — Do you feel like we need a shakeup on either side of the ball?"


I think if we are going to lean on Jean-Luc we need to find a more conducive staff for his growth.

GM Rebel

"Which is your preference, coach? A more balanced/opened attack... or a more methodical offense?"


If we have the weapons to score points, it's nice because the defense isn't being asked to hold teams to 15 points per game to win.

GM Rebel



"JTC, please."

"JTC, we'd like to resign DE Joseph Sauer. 3 years, $12m salary, $3m bonus?"


GM Rebel



Kia Ora Boss! Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place




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hmm... that is interesting.












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Rerouting successful!






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Your systems have been restored!




Just waiting on my budget.

GM Rebel

We've submitted it now, coach. Go get 'em.



Received boss, thanks.


Kia Ora Boss!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

12 Open Roster spots.

1.1MM Remaining Salary.

4.65MM Remaining Bonus.

4.75MM Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

0 Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.

GM Rebel

"Can we get Mike Maker and Francois Bowles on a call, please?"


"Gentlemen, I've tried every way to not have to make this call but unfortunately, we've landed here. Francois has been fantastic for us for many seasons but we're going to have to go into a different direction. I hope Mr. Bowles latches on with a team with Impact Bowl aspirations; and I hope one day we have a conversation about putting Francois in the Stampede Ring of Fame."

"But for now, we're going to use our amnesty on Mr. Bowles. Best of luck, Francois."

GM Rebel

"AC in regards to RB Michael Jackson, please."

"1 year, $1m for Michael? Can we shake on that?"


Forget about it.  It's a deal.

GM Rebel

"JTC, please."

RB Jon Cobbs 1 year, $500k. Do we have a deal?


GM Rebel

"Eli Harris please."

C Dale Vega 1 year, $1m. Deal?


GM Rebel

"Mr. Bien, please."

We'd like to offer LB Octovio Muse and LB Motu Matu'u both one year deals worth $1m/season. Deal?



A dangerous game you play when you entwine two players fates...

For that I will say no, thank you.

GM Rebel

"Fair, I'll circle back. I apologize for the inconvenience."


"Steve Rosenhaus, please."

TE Leonard Meek - 1 year, $1m?


GM Rebel

"Pupi Saofaiga, please."

"We'd like to sign DT Joe Tekori for one year, $1m. Deal?"


GM Rebel

"Steve Rosenhaus again, please."

"We need a punter -- Richard Keyser. One year, one million?"