

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:49:06 PM

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GM Adam Wrong

That's how the song goes.

Have we got any options do you know for a low intensity pick up game?



The big schools are all playing this week, but division II Georgia Southwest would love a chance to play a friendly.

GM Adam Wrong

Perfect. I shall set something up to allow a 2nd string team in a low intensity practice game to get some reps in.

Anything else to discuss this week?


GM Adam Wrong

OK Ms Watson, could you put me in touch with a representative from Georgia Southwest please?



  GM Wrong, Coach Dale Link from the Hurricanes of Georgia Southwestern State, how's it going?!

GM Adam Wrong

Hi Mr Link, absolute pleasure meeting you.

During our bye week I was hoping to run a low intensity friendly to sharpen my fringe players.

Naturally keep it light and friendly to minimise injury but would be good for both of us.

What do you think?



I've got a pair of kids looking to make a name for themselves and get some recognition, I'd love to let them showcase themselves in this type of atmosphere. 

How much of a donation to our athletic program are you thinking?

GM Adam Wrong


GM Adam Wrong

I'll get that all locked in as soon as possible. Great work! Many thanks.


Mike Maker please

Mike, AMC is having a great season with us and I was wondering where we stand on him signing a deal beyond this season? Is he interested in an extension?


That would depend on your contract figures.  Lets hear it.

GM Adam Wrong

Considering he's the dual threat for us now, I want him to stay and he deserves another stint with us. He also deserves to remain the Running back on a high salary. What I would propose is this...

3 years, 17.5mm with Bonus money as follows...

500k for 1000 rushing yards in a season
500k for 500 receiving yards in a season
500k for playing in an all star game
1mm for OPOTY top 3 placement in the voting.

So that would take him to a maximum 17.5mm and 2.5mm BP. While the Bonus money is less than his current deal, he doesn't need to raise his profile anymore as he's established as an amazing Offensive enigma.


Huh.. we definitely aren't interested in taking a pay cut.  We're pulling in $21MM per season right now, and you're offering a potential $20MM per year in this deal?    Not going to cut it for us, partner.

GM Adam Wrong

OK fair my apologies for any offence caused.

How about the same deal but we turn the 17.5 into an 18.5 and the all star bonus is upped to 1mm?



How about we come back to the table in the off-season before free agency starts and see where we all stand?

GM Adam Wrong

Absolutely fine with me. Have a good day.


James T Crain please!

James! I'd very much like to keep the Mazza's together next season so Ronnie staying on is something I'm very keen on.

Would a 3 year, 9mm deal something that would keep him on in Atlanta?



Ronnie is interested in a return, if the season ends on a high note, but for right now he'd rather focus on football than contracts.

GM Adam Wrong

Fair enough, speak to you in the post season!

Amber Molina please.

Amber! Can we discuss an extension for Jerome Pugh please? 3 years, 9mm?


We're currently seeking $15MM per season to extend, GM Wrong.

GM Adam Wrong

I will respectfully decline that for now and return to talk to you in the off-season hopefully.


Gary Fedora please

Gary, we have our friendly lined up with Georgia Southwestern State. I'm about to LO the finances.

Obviously I don't want a high intensity game so we minimise the injuries and let's completely rest anyone that is borderline able to play.

Let's also give Tommy the game to rest up and let's have Manning getting some solid reps in.

Any questions or concerns?


GM Adam Wrong

GM Adam Wrong


1. Discuss your weeks results

We got a nice game to keep sharp against a highly underrated college team. It was a pleasure to work with them and I hope that some of the guys we played this week have solid careers

2. Discuss any news that interested you, what do you make of the recent GM moves around the league?

Well the managerial merry go round is in full swing. GM Gooch seems to have come out smelling of roses in joining a division rival in Louisville who has a lot of potential and a fair bit of draft capital and has left Seattle who will be keen to rebuild their reputation but will have their work cut out.

3. Rate your teams activity level this week when it comes to the Trade deadline, should fans have their notifications on for a big deal, or is it likely to be quiet?

There's a strong chance I'll be buying in but it will depend on what's on the table. I have no need to sell but the timing of the bye week sees me now playing catch up with Music City

4. How safe do you feel you are right now, is your job secure?

I don't think my job or any job is secure. Mr Lewis clearly wants results and our division is a competitive one. I always feel under pressure. It'll be interesting to see who is sat where at the end of the managerial musical chairs music stops.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?

Louisville now and GM Gooch will want to make a bright start. I sincerely hope he doesn't


Ms Watson, can I have a financial report please


Hello sir!  We have No money remaining in salary and we have only $250K in bonus money.

GM Adam Wrong

Same as my calculations thank you.


Gary Fedora please.

Gary, how was the scrimmage game? How did Manning get on?



I just sent you my notes on the weekend.

GM Adam Wrong

Excellent stuff. Very interesting.

Louisville have a GM who cares now and with MC going top of the division I'm naturally a little uneasy. Do we need to switch anything up do you feel going into this game now?



GM Gooch might care, but that team is still a bag of ass... we're fine.

GM Adam Wrong

OK I've made a big trade.

I've probably paid a little over the odds but have brought in a top level Linebacker to stop that run game.

Where do we factor him in?


He is now our top linebacker and our LB corps is looking complete.  I think we can plug him into the middle and shift Diego outside and we are in a great spot.

GM Adam Wrong

Excellent stuff. I'm hoping that will improve our run defence.

Do we need to change anything else this week based off of the scrimmage?


GM Adam Wrong

Perfect. I'll let you get back to it.


Timothy Manning please

Tim, how's it going sir! How did you find the scrimmage?



It was good.  Good weather, good to get some reps, it was cool.

GM Adam Wrong

Nice! It was good to see you getting some decent reps in for us. Keep putting the work in sir!


Bradley Rivera please

Bradley, every piece of feedback I'm having back about you is glowing. You are doing a sterling job young man and its a pleasure to have you on this team.

How have you found your rookie season so far?



I told everyone that I was going to transition easily to the pro game and I think I'm proving it.   I know linemen don't get no love in the award voting, but I think Im right up there in the ROTY discussion, if you know what I mean.

GM Adam Wrong

Your performances are certainly pushing you into the conversation. You've been doing an amazing job. Well done.


Jonah Bird please.

Jonah, you've made an incredible start at center with us and you have made a positive impact on the o-line along with Bradley.

How have you found your start here?



Loving it man, always dreamed of playing in the HIFL and after I went to a summer camp run by Ronnie King I knew I was going to make it; so I just keep doing my best to play like him.

GM Adam Wrong

Good man! Keep it up.


MLB1- William Garnett
MLB2- Junior Barden

ROLB1- Diego Brown
ROLB2- James Davis

LOLB1- Albert Biddle
LOLB2- Enrique Moore

Lock in

GM Adam Wrong


1. Discuss your weeks results.

We ground out a win against a Louisville team who were put to prove themselves against a new GM. One man for us gets the accolades and its AMC and his 4 Touchdowns.

2. Discuss any news that interested you.
Seeing a lot of players, coaches and fans going for "all in" or "now or never." Is interesting because there's going to be a lot of disappointed people come the off-season.

On the flip side our friends want us to string 2 wins together and I for one don't want to let them down.

3. With the trade deadline in the rear view, what move surprised you the most?

None to be honest. Seeing some teams selling up makes me think that some GMs are looking at a longer term trades involving themselves

4. Tell us a player on offense and defense you want to see more from in the second half of the season.
Offensive wise I want to see Tommy deliver with the targets he has in front of him. Defensively I want to see my new investments deliver and push us onto the end of season and beyond

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?

Music City time again and whoever wins this will be in a huge position to take the division. We won once and I want to meet the fans' expectations and get us back to back victories

Coach, we made it look hard but we got the win. Nice work


I guess tough as woodpecker lips means something to a GM Gooch team, definitely more fight than we wanted, but a win is a win right now.  We're looking good. 6th in rushing, 11th in defense, 12 in offense.. Its a solid spot.

GM Adam Wrong

It's a good position to be in but our division is tighter than a nun's chuff.

How do MC measure up in comparison


We're 12th in scoring and 11th in defense, bottom 5 in passing and 6th in rushing and defensively we're top 10 vs the pass and bottom 5 vs the run.

They are 19th in scoring, 3rd in defense.   bottom 10 in passing and 12th in rushing; 13th vs the pass and 2nd vs the Run.

GM Adam Wrong

So I guess we keep AMC in his flexible role to keep them on their toes and to not let them rest?



I think its the best way to use AMC, so definitely.

GM Adam Wrong

Perfect and defensively i know its early days but did we look OK with the changes? With Brown injured do we move Biddle to the Right and Barden into the Left?



That makes the most sense, and I liked what I saw so far.

GM Adam Wrong

Any other concerns before we lock it up for the week?
