

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:49:06 PM

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GM Bennett

Aye man, I respect that. I'll try to do what I can this offseason. If it don't work out we'll be happy to see him put there for us next season.

Alright second...Let's get Albert Biddle resigned my man.5 Years $10MM + $1MM Bonus with some incentives to boot. Such as Leads Team in Tackles $500K & Leads Team in Sacks $500K. How we feeling about that my man? You know me, I'm a negotiator let's talk.



Hey Biddle Biddle is lookin for the bag. We're talking $17.5MM

GM Bennett

For 5 years no incentives?


GM Bennett

We got ourselves a deal, my man. I'll get this paperwork sent over and I'll hit you up later this offseason.


GM Bennett

Alright Xeina let's get um....Mr. Scott Forrest on the line for his client Sherwood Emery.



$40MM a year for 5 years is the only deal I make before testing the market. 

GM Bennett

Wheeewwwwww buddy that's a bit too sweet for my tooth. Let's circle back in the off season on this if we can, Mr. Forrest?



Just like I like it.  Take care.

GM Bennett

Quote from: GM Bennett on June 20, 2023, 02:28:33 PM

Alright let's see if this next one ends up better. Xeina call up Steve Rosenhaus for me in regards to his client Ronnie Mazza.



Ronnie is seeking $15MM, Baby

GM Bennett

How long we talking? I'm thinking 3 to 4. If we do 4 I'd like to make that a mutual option.



4 is good with me. Option is fine.

GM Bennett

I say we got us a deal. Pleasure doing business with you.


GM Bennett

I think we'll do two more and we'll wrap this shit up. Call Anthony Campanelli for me in regards to his client Stacey Desimone.



Hi Howya doing, Mr. Bennett.  My name is Meadow Campanelli.  I'm handling my fathers business while he's on a fishing trip, so what I can do for you?

GM Bennett

Oh, well hello there Meadow nice to meet you.

I was calling in regards to Stacey Desimone. I'd like to extend his contract for 3 more years for $1M per season.



At this time thats not a price I can sign off on without seeing what else is out there for him.  I appreciate your time, we can talk again in UFA.

GM Bennett

Xeina can you call James T. Crain in regards to his client Richard Matteson?


GM Bennett

I was calling to see if Richard was at all interested in coming back for $5.5MM for 5 seasons? Is that something he'd be interested in or can we negotiate something they works for both of us?


GM Bennett

My man, I'll get that contract processed here shortly. Thanks Mr. Crain.

GM Bennett

Xeina, I'ma cut us off there. We'll be better to map put what we're gonna do this off season once we know what the cap is gonna be.

I guess it's time to talk to the boss.



Aye man, first off-season coming. I expect to see you put your stamp on this team so we can properly evaluate how you roll out.

Aight.  Lets go.

GM Bennett

I plan to do that, see what we can do this offseason. I think we gonna be focused on the draft more than anything. But I'll let you go I gotta go catch this PJ see what surprise I got waiting for m---Ahem. Never mind that, I'll see you then boss.





Hi there. Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place.




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I am now interfacing with your systems.  This will only take an estimated time of 45 minutes.












hmm... that is interesting.












Rerouting connection.






Rerouting successful!






Terminating link.






I am now testing functions within your system to ensure successful restoration of operations.






Your systems have been restored!


GM Bennett


I can see it Xeina....The Vision.




I see it too boss.  I put in he request to Mr. Lewis about going with that new color scheme as well. He's going to reach out to some branding and design specialists and see what we get.

GM Bennett

Oh word? Xeina, you're a miracle worker! We'll see how that goes, it'd be awesome if that goes through.




Got your budget notes, everything looks good but not knowing what anyone else is offering I can't recommend a price increase or anything like that. I wont know if its enough money til guys are signing.

GM Bennett

I hear you. I'm gonna go ahead and LO the money we are paying now and you txt me to let me know if we need to do anything else.




Hi there!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

11 Open Roster spots.

-250K Remaining Salary.

.5MM Remaining Bonus.

2.25MM Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

19MM Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.

GM Bennett


Just like old times...


Xeina it's gonna be doozy getting through these next few days. Let's try to see if we can get us some breathing room.

Let's get Amber Molina on the phone real quick.


Wes, what can I do for you?

GM Bennett

Ambz thanks for taking my call. I'm sure you're gonna hear from me a few more times this offseason but before I can or want to do anything I need to do some work on my end.

I wanna talk about our boy Christian Cassidy. Our man is on the final year of his contract but personally I don't want it to be his last. I want to keep him here as long as possible but right now I'm gonna need his help to do that.

Ambz, I wanna give Christian a fully guarantied extension but I want to ask if he is at all willing to taking a pay cut? I don't want to touch what he's making via the bonus pool. That $2M is his to keep unless he says otherwise. My focus is on salary. I have 11 roster spots to fill and I need the funds to to do it.

Before I got any further with what I am suggesting to offer...Is Christian willing to help us out in this regard and would he be interested in this sort of extension to remain in Atlanta?



Coming off of a career best season, he's definitely not in the mood to take a pay cut. 

He wouldn't object to a trade to someone willing to pay him $24-26MM per year in salary though.

GM Bennett

Understood, I had to try. I'd rather not trade em and I doubt a team has that kind of cap room at this stage in the game. If a team makes an offer I'd listen but I'm gonna try my best to keep this team together so he can still be with us for this season.

I had to at least try, thanks for taking the call Ambz I'll be in touch once I have the room.


Xeina, that was a bust. Let's call Mr. Forrest in regards to his client David Seymore to see if we can get something done there. In the mean time put a feeler out there to see who on the team is willing to help sacrifice a few mil's to help us out.




Oh sure, make me the villain..

..You got it, Boss.


GM Bennett, before you give me the sob story, let me tell you this.   I don't restructure and I feel I've made that abundantly clear over my career; BUT I am very happy you called me.  Saved me a call of my own.  I'd like to formally request a trade for David Seymore.  Preferred destination would be to Las Vegas, but if not them then Detroit; he enjoyed his 5 years there once upon a time. Long Beach or Rapid City would also be on his preferred list since he has fond memories of both organizations, but regardless neither of us loves being called and having your secretary elude to talks of taking a pay cut and it is a big turn off.

GM Bennett

Oh and hold off on any further feelers, Xeina.



Shwew, I was about to hit send on this team-wide memo.

GM Bennett

Sorry bout that.

We're still waiting to see if we'll get another call from some other teams about Seymore, but I can't wait any long to try to fill up this roster.

Xeina if you will, can you reach back out to Mr. Forrest in regards to Gunner Cole?


Mr. Forrest, apologies about earlier. I'm not calling in regards to Seymore right now. i have faith that a solution will be made that benefits everyone. I'm actually just following up on our offer we had for Gunner Cole to come in to be a back up for the season, $1MM?


GM Bennett

Thanks Mr. Forrest.


Xeina, can you call my man Bobby Shapiro for me real quick?


Bobby bayyyybbaaayyy!!! Hey my man I wanna bring Mel Briggs (OT) to Atlanta for a year, $1MM. Interested?



Times Ten, Buckaroo.  $10MM for the year unless you're guaranteeing a Championship.