

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:50:33 PM

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GM Eli

"I agree. I thought in general our defense played well. We had a lapse on special teams and gave up really one big play to Morenau. But to be honest it's going to be hard on any offense when seemingly every drive you're starting inside you're own five. That said, I'd like to see us perform better on the offensive line. Have Coach Reno and Coach Newman really challenge those guys to step it up this week.

Other than that, I know Miller and Slinger both were fired up for this game. Did either of them take advantage of that extra pep in their steps?"


They both had some personal goals they hoped to reach, but unfortunately neither of them reached those marks.

GM Eli

"Unfortunate, but hopefully that just motivates them to work even harder to achieve them eventually. Either way, I thought they both performed admirably given the circumstances.

That's all I've got for this week, Coach. I'm going to chat with David for a minute and then we'll lock in and get going for the Cobras."


"Shakira, would you ask David-Allen Slinger to stop by my office please? Thanks."


"David, I just wanted you to know that the effort you put in this past week against Amsterdam didn't go unnoticed. You took a lot of abuse and kept grinding even in the face of abysmal field position on nearly every drive. I was proud of how you gutted that game out in spite of it, even if we didn't end up with the win.

I've asked Coach Rhodes to have Coach Reno and Newman do their best to rally the offensive line but after the resilience you showed in the pocket this past week but I think your voice is one that needs to be heard by them as well. Hold the boys accountable. This is your squad."


Hopefully the figure it all out.  I'm not a big ra-rah guy but I'll play hard and show them I'm in it to win it.

GM Eli

"Don't think there's any doubting that after last week my friend. Anyway, just wanted to make sure you're aware that kind of effort and grit wasn't going unnoticed on my part.

Good luck against the Cobras."


GM Eli

What stood out to you about your team this week, any surprise performances good or bad?

"We'll start with the good. For the second week in a row we played a squad with Impact Bowl aspirations close. That shows that we aren't that far away from where we want to be. We're developing chemistry and learning to play together. The next step will be learning how to finish games. The offense, especially Leon Bell, was a bright spot for us.

As far as things that need improvement, not getting any pressure at all on Meek is going to make life really difficult on the defensive backfield and that proved to be the case today. To be honest I don't know why we've got players talking to the media speaking about who they're better than when, as a defensive unit, we got worked and couldn't even make Michael Meek sweat, let alone actually put him on the turf. So those are some issues we're going to need to correct going forward."

Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

"I already spoke to our news. I appreciate the confidence that Jim has in his own abilities but lets work on striking fear into the hearts of our opponents. Lets make offenses wish they could just stay home rather than come face to face with our defense before we start beating our chests.

Better yet lets win some games and make the playoffs. Until then, I think we need to keep our mouths shut and worry about figuring out how to walk the walk rather than just talk the talk."

Talk about your next match up, how do you win this game?

"This one hits a little bit closer to home for me. Jose Mackey, the offensive coordinator for the New Jersey Dragons once again, is someone I consider one of my closest friends in the game. I know that in spite of being a little bit banged up he's going to come up with a game plan that will test out defense and that's not even getting to their head coach in the legendary Joan Swope.

It's going to be a tall task, simple as that. It's another measuring stick game and we'll find out soon enough if we're improving as we hope to or not."


"Coach, regardless of what the doctors say I think we need to sit Slinger for the week and give him a chance to get fully healthy. In his stead I think we give Matt Artopoeus the start and keep our rook from getting himself killed. What are your thoughts?"



I'd agree with that, I think keeping Lindsey off the field in his first year if possible is the best course of action.

GM Eli

Good. Now, with our rookie DT... bust him in practice this week. We're giving up 40 points and he's worried about a guy in Cleveland that hasn't recorded a stat this season?

I'm not about that. We're gonna learn this season, even if it's the hard way.



Absolutely.  He needs to learn to do his job and block out the rest.

GM Eli

"This team has been a joke since its inception and that perception is going to end this season and it starts by breaking those kinds of habits. So I appreciate you taking care of this.

I did have some ideas if we're running primarily out of the 3-4 rather than the 4-3 but I'm not sure if the guys have the skillset to make it happen. Anyway, my idea was to have Rosa anchor at the nose tackle and then shift Miller out to end when we're in a 3 man front on the line. I could give Jared some position training at DE, but if he has zero familiarity with the position currently I don't want to bother. Just trying to figure out ways to get our best players on the field more often."



I was already working on the same package adjustments, giving both chances to play outside in the 3-man in a few rotations, and seeing how it worked out.

GM Eli

"Great. I'll let you continue to sort that out.

Lets see if we can't get ourselves a win against New Jersey."


QB Matt Artopoeus to QB1
QB Lindsay Archibald to QB2
QB David-Allen Slinger to QB3

Any other changes are coaches decision.


GM Eli

"Good to see everyone, as always. A lot going on recently and I'm sure you'll want me to comment on some of the social media happenings. I'll get to that eventually but first I want to just reflect on the game we just played. I thought we played well but just don't seem to be able to put together a complete game of football quite yet. We're working toward it. On offense when the passing game clicks the running game seems to struggle, and vice versa.

Defensively we got after Duke better than we did Meek but in the second half we just could not make enough plays to get off the field when we needed to. There were some costly penalties in key situations where we've just got to mature some. These are the growing pains that, unfortunately, Cancun fans have never seen the benefits of given where we've been as an organization prior to my arrival. I know it's tough but these are things we have to go through in order to get to where we want to be. It's asking a lot of our fanbase to endure it, but I promise long term it will be worth it.

I don't want to speculate on the draft at all at this point. Elijah Peppers is an amazing talent and he's going to be a wrecking ball in this league. But there's a couple of problems I have with the mentality of striving to get him. Number one, we don't know if he is even going to declare for the draft after the college season is done or if he's going to return for his senior year. And two, we want to win and build off of that success. You can't win AND have the top pick in the draft unless you have some decent luck or happen to take advantage of one my less perceptive peers. If we end up there, so be it. But it will never be our goal to get the 1st overall pick in the draft because of our record. It's just not going to be how we operate.



"Regarding the drama between Aaron Kitchen and Willis McNasty, both of whom I was responsible for bringing to St. Paul and both of whom have achieved a lot of success together, I just think that what we're seeing is a result of the hyper competitiveness that they both embody and the fact that they both hate losing. Sometimes that gets expressed in negative ways but the trade rumors that are swirling regarding either man are ludicrous, honestly. I will be incredibly disappointed if I see a notification pop up on my phone telling me either man has been traded. Aaron is one of the most underappreciated, underrated Quarterbacks in the league and Willis McNasty is among the top 3 running backs in the league. Losing either of those guys will only hinder my former employers Impact Bowl hopes.

With that out of the way, lets just say I am excited to play the Stars. I like their GM and I think they've gone about building things the right way. I'm excited to see how we measure up against them and, even more, I'm excited to see Slinger back in the pocket and showing out for the league."


"Coach, that loss kind of stings. Feels like we let that one slip through our fingers."



Agreed and London has played much better than their record indicates, so we are in for a fight.

GM Eli

"We'll definitely be in for a fight against them but we've got to get through Tucson first. And I'm not going to lie, Coach, I'm a little bit bitter about a playoff loss from a couple of seasons ago being brought up again this week.

If the boys on defense haven't been let off the leash yet, lets make sure they are this week. I don't want Doug going into next week thinking about mine and my squads loss two years ago, I want them thinking about everything we put them through this week. Get after them. Hard.



We definitely won't hold back.

GM Eli

"Good. Now, if we made a switch from Duckett to Moody at right tackle what would we be gaining and losing from a talent perspective? I noticed statistically last season Moody missed about half as many blocks."


Moody is slightly less powerful, but is our most agile tackle so he can move his feet well.  IQ goes to Moody, but run blocking technique drops badly in that swap, the rest is pretty even.

GM Eli

"We'll give it another week before I pull the trigger on that change but if Duckett gets abused again we're going to give Agustin a shot.

At running back is there any way we can increase the percentage of the carries that Jack Ortiz is getting. I'd like to find a way for him to get anywhere between 5 and 8 touches per game."



Yeah, I was trying to see how the fatigue and committee decisions would work without making specialized packages and it seems that we need to build those packages to insure we get guys the touches we want.   I can definitely do that if you just throw it into the lock in.

GM Eli

"I'll get on that and have it for you in just a few moments. I'm probably going to put together a package that has Michael Harris in at LB as well just to start getting him some opportunities. Not sure what, if any, his snap count is looking like since we've got him pretty deep on the depth chart currently."

GM Eli

"Alright, here we go. Please implement these specialized packages."

Package Name: Set Sail (use 25% of the time)
QB: David-Allen Slinger
RB: Jack Ortiz
TE: Bruce Miller
WR1: Joseph Hickson
WR2: James McGee
WR3: Sam Crawford
LT: Richard Finn
LG: Brady Trujillo
OC: Stephen Fournier
RG: Gerardo Shrader
RT: Louis Duckett

Package: The Brig (use up to 25% of the time)
RDE: Jared Miller
NT: Jim Rosa
LDE: Douglas Van Horn
SAM: Morris Cooper Jr
MIKE: Junto Saito
WILL: Michael Harris
JACK: William Fulcher
CB1: Phillip Johnson
CB2: Leonard Schofield
FS: Roger Wolf
SS: Robert Dawson


GM Eli

"Hello again, friends, hope you've had a good week. Lets talk some football, shall we?"

"After your fourth loss in a row, and in a game where things were never really close, were there any positives that you saw?"

"Yeah this one stung a little bit. Tucson is a legitimate Impact Bowl contender and I was hoping to see us keep things close but at the end of the day that is a team, and a staff, that has been together for a while now. They've gone through the growing pains and now they are bearing the fruits of their labors. We fought hard, even being down by such a large margin, all the way to the end. We were just out matched on this day.

Still, there were some bright spots. Morris Cooper Jr deserves an acknowledgement for his efforts on the defensive side of the football. I loved what we saw out of Jack Ortiz offensively and while DA isn't the sort that is going to be the rah-rah type of leader when you see someone take the sort of beating he did, eating another 9 sacks, and still kept getting up and getting after it... it's motivating. I love the grit that he's continually showing."

"In previous weeks you have said that you always go out and try to win, and even expect to win. So would you say the team is performing below your expectations and where do you think you need to improve the most in order to start meeting expectations?"

"We always will demand winning attitudes out of our guys. If you aren't going out onto the football field playing to win, and expecting to do so, then you shouldn't be out there. That said, I think we can all acknowledge that we have a lot of growing and development to do to get to where we want to be. We need to rise to the potential that we know we have. That starts in the weight room, in film study, and out on the practice field. If we do those things perfectly we're going to improve and then things will begin to come together in the games that count."

"Trade season is upon us. Do you expect your organization to be active in the trade market and if so, as buyers or sellers and how soon do you plan to get involved?"

"My phone lines are always open and I will always look to improve our team in the short term, and in the long term, through whatever avenues are available to us. How soon something like that might manifest itself? I don't know. At any point up until the trade deadline I imagine. Does that mean we'll be buyers, sellers, or remain neutral? I don't expect us to be out there buying players that are on the final year of their contracts and expending our draft capital to do so. Not unless a can't miss player wants out of the situation they are in.

But are there instances where we could look to make a trade to acquire more draft picks? Sure. If someone comes knocking I'll listen."

"There are rumors swirling that the HIFL and PFL could be negotiating a transfer period, or trade window, between the two leagues. How would you feel about something like that?"

"I think any business with Ace Profits is bad business."

"Some have argued that the IFAF has been picked clean of the players in their league that have the talent to make it in the High Impact Football League. How do you feel about the IFAF?"

"I love it, personally. I enjoy seeing guys be able to have the option to represent their country rather than playing for a corporate squad. So I'm certainly paying attention to it. We've got a partnership with the Israeli team and we look forward to building upon those ties in the near future."

"London have suffered a lot of heartbreak this season. Do you think this has hurt their morale and do you see it as a realistic opportunity for the Mutineers to get their first win of the season?"

"First of all, I think their morale will be just fine. Coach Crawford was a tremendous leader of men when he played football and I know that has not changed since he took on coaching responsibilities. Do I think they provide a realistic opportunity for our first victory, though? Absolutely. I would believe that regardless of who we were playing. London, Amsterdam, St. Paul, Alabama. Or any other team. It doesn't matter. We have a chance and if we play to our potential, we can make the most of those chances."

"There's a lot of negative buzz surrounding your former team. Is this anything you'd like to comment on further?"

"I'm not behind the scenes anymore so I can't speak to what went on there in St. Paul this week. I'm sure that the league will get to the bottom of it eventually. I will say that on teams with high expectations, the weight of those expectations can sometimes create tension and if that tension isn't managed properly.

Some would say it's more important to have a braggadocios GM who talks mindless trash every single week. And maybe they're right. Maybe that is what is needed.

But then, when that snow globe gets shaken up and everything is chaos.. maybe what you need is a little professionalism, eh?

In short, I have one simple question.

Miss me yet?"


I think if we see our guys start converting some of these pressures into sacks, we'll make some nice strides defensively.

GM Eli

"Yeah, this year is certainly one that is going to call for patience at times but also one that likely will call for change at times too. For the moment I think the defense is performing admirably enough with the talent that they have.

I'm going to tweak some things on the offensive line and hopefully help DA not get killed in the pocket so much. It may be the case that he's just holding onto the ball for too long waiting for routes to develop or guys just being covered but I think we should at least search for other solutions as well before we settle on that being the issue. I know Coach Reno will be working with him on getting the ball out quicker to help the guys on the O-Line out as well.

I do want to ask about play distribution on defense, if that is information you can provide me. I want to know what percentage of the time we're lining up in the 3-4 vs. the 4-3 or other formations."



I can give you our defensive play data and you can do with it as you please.

QuoteOff. Formation   Play   Def. Formation   Count   Avg Gain   TD   Int
I-Formation   Backs Out   3-3-5 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
I-Formation   Backs Out   4-3 Defense   1   7.00   0   0
I-Formation   Backs Out   5-2 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
I-Formation   Counter Left   3-4 Defense   1   2.00   0   0
I-Formation   Counter Right   3-3-5 Defense   1   2.00   0   0
I-Formation   Counter Right   3-4 Defense   2   1.00   0   0
I-Formation   Dive Left   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   Dive Left   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   PA Strike Out   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   Pitch Left   3-4 Defense   1   5.00   0   0
I-Formation   Pitch Left   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   Pitch Right   4-3 Defense   1   -1.00   0   0
I-Formation   RB Post   3-4 Defense   1   26.00   0   0
I-Formation   Sweep Left   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   Sweep Right   3-3-5 Defense   1   4.00   0   0
I-Formation   TE Deep Out   3-4 Defense   1   17.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR ComeBacks   3-4 Defense   1   5.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR ComeBacks   4-3 Defense   1   7.00   0   1
I-Formation   WR Fly   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR In   3-4 Defense   1   14.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Out   3-4 Defense   2   5.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Out   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Out   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Short In   3-4 Defense   1   11.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Short Out   5-2 Defense   1   4.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Short Out   Nickel Defense   1   6.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Skinny Post   3-4 Defense   1   7.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Skinny Post   4-3 Defense   1   -6.00   0   0
I-Formation   WR Slants   3-3-5 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Backs Out   3-4 Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Backs Out   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Draw   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   FB Deep Out   3-4 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   FB Deep Out   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Jumbo Power Sweep Right   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Late Read   3-4 Defense   2   4.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   PA Bomb   3-4 Defense   2   5.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   PA Bomb   4-3 Defense   1   9.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   PA Bomb   5-2 Defense   2   3.50   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   PA Pitch Out   3-4 Defense   1   7.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Pitch Right   3-4 Defense   1   18.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Play Action Max Protect Fade   3-4 Defense   3   2.33   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Post   3-3-5 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Post   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Short In   5-2 Defense   1   7.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Short Out   3-3-5 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Short Out   3-4 Defense   2   3.50   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Short Out   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Square In   3-4 Defense   2   3.50   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Streaks   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Streaks   Quarter Defense   1   5.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   Sweep Left   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE Jumbo   TE Post   3-4 Defense   1   40.00   1   0
Two TE Jumbo   TE Post   5-2 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Backs Out   3-4 Defense   1   23.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Backs Waggle   3-4 Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Crosses   Quarter Defense   3   2.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Curl Flats   3-4 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Pro-Set   FB Deep Out   3-4 Defense   2   11.50   0   0
Pro-Set   OffTackle Left   3-4 Defense   1   18.00   0   0
Pro-Set   OffTackle Right   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   PA Dagger Ins   3-4 Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Pitch Left   3-3-5 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Pitch Left   3-4 Defense   2   2.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Pitch Right   5-2 Defense   1   10.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Pitch Right   Nickel Defense   1   7.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Skinny Posts   5-2 Defense   1   15.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Sweep Right   3-3-5 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Pro-Set   Sweep Right   3-4 Defense   1   2.00   0   0
Pro-Set   TE In   3-4 Defense   2   -3.00   0   0
Pro-Set   TE Out   3-4 Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   TE Skinny Post   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   TE Skinny Post   5-2 Defense   1   -7.00   0   0
Pro-Set   TE Skinny Post   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Double Posts   5-2 Defense   1   4.00   0   1
Pro-Set   WR Out   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Short Out   5-2 Defense   2   3.00   0   0
Pro-Set   WR Short Post   5-2 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Shotgun   Counter Left   3-4 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Shotgun   Counter Left   Quarter Defense   1   2.00   0   0
Shotgun   Counter Right   3-3-5 Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Shotgun   Dive Right   3-4 Defense   1   5.00   1   0
Shotgun   Draw   3-4 Defense   2   3.00   0   0
Shotgun   OffTackle Right   3-4 Defense   1   3.00   1   0
Shotgun   OffTackle Right   5-2 Defense   1   -2.00   0   0
Shotgun   PA Hooks Out   3-4 Defense   2   16.00   0   0
Shotgun   Pitch Left   3-4 Defense   5   2.00   0   0
Shotgun   Pitch Left   5-2 Defense   1   10.00   0   0
Shotgun   Pitch Right   3-4 Defense   2   4.50   1   0
Shotgun   Quick Slants   3-4 Defense   1   9.00   0   0
Shotgun   Quick Slants   4-3 Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Shotgun   Quick Slants   5-2 Defense   2   4.00   1   0
Shotgun   Quick Slants   Quarter Defense   3   4.33   0   0
Shotgun   RB Post   3-4 Defense   1   10.00   0   0
Shotgun   RB Rub   3-4 Defense   2   12.00   0   0
Shotgun   Sweep Left   3-3-5 Defense   2   4.50   0   0
Shotgun   Sweep Left   3-4 Defense   2   -0.50   0   0
Shotgun   Sweep Left   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   Sweep Left   Quarter Defense   1   6.00   1   0
Shotgun   WR Curl Flats   3-4 Defense   2   -2.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR In   3-4 Defense   4   11.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR In   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Out   5-2 Defense   1   16.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Read   3-4 Defense   2   16.50   0   0
Shotgun   WR Read   5-2 Defense   1   20.00   1   0
Shotgun   WR Read   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Short Out   3-4 Defense   1   36.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Short Out   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Short Out   5-2 Defense   1   12.00   0   0
Shotgun   WR Slant   4-3 Defense   1   34.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Counter Left   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Counter Left   4-3 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Counter Left   5-2 Defense   2   0.50   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Counter Right   3-4 Defense   1   17.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Dive Left   Quarter Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Left Cross Right Split   3-4 Defense   1   7.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   OffTackle Left   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   OffTackle Left   4-3 Defense   1   1.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Pitch Left   3-3-5 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Pitch Right   3-4 Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Quick Slants   3-4 Defense   1   5.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   RB Dart   3-4 Defense   1   9.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   RB Rub   3-4 Defense   1   5.00   1   0
Shotgun 4 WR   Sweep Left   3-4 Defense   2   17.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   TE Deep Out   3-4 Defense   2   -4.00   1   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Curl Flats   3-4 Defense   3   14.67   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Curl Flats   Quarter Defense   1   12.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Out   3-4 Defense   1   14.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Out   5-2 Defense   1   10.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Read   4-3 Defense   1   11.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Read   Quarter Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Short Out   3-4 Defense   2   8.50   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Short Out   4-3 Defense   1   16.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Short Out   Quarter Defense   1   23.00   0   0
Shotgun 4 WR   WR Slant   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   Bubble Screen   3-4 Defense   1   8.00   0   0
Spread   Bubble Screen   Dime Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   Counter Left   3-3-5 Defense   1   12.00   0   0
Spread   Counter Left   3-4 Defense   1   2.00   0   0
Spread   Counter Left   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   Dive Left   3-4 Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Spread   Draw   3-3-5 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   Draw   4-3 Defense   1   3.00   0   0
Spread   Draw   5-2 Defense   2   -0.50   0   0
Spread   Outs Under   5-2 Defense   1   16.00   0   0
Spread   PA RB Out   3-4 Defense   1   13.00   0   0
Spread   Pitch Left   5-2 Defense   1   14.00   0   0
Spread   Pitch Right   3-4 Defense   2   2.50   0   0
Spread   Pitch Right   4-3 Defense   1   12.00   0   0
Spread   Pitch Right   5-2 Defense   2   3.50   0   0
Spread   Quick Slants   3-4 Defense   2   3.50   0   0
Spread   Skinny Posts   3-4 Defense   1   4.00   1   0
Spread   Slot Drag   3-4 Defense   1   4.00   1   0
Spread   Slot Read   3-4 Defense   2   6.50   0   0
Spread   Sprint Left   3-3-5 Defense   1   5.00   0   0
Spread   Sprint Left   5-2 Defense   3   0.00   1   0
Spread   Sprint Right   3-4 Defense   1   -1.00   0   0
Spread   Sprint Right   5-2 Defense   1   1.00   1   0
Spread   Sweep Left   3-4 Defense   1   11.00   0   0
Spread   Sweep Left   4-3 Defense   1   -2.00   0   0
Spread   Sweep Right   3-4 Defense   5   9.80   0   0
Spread   Sweep Right   5-2 Defense   1   -1.00   0   0
Spread   TE Quick Out   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   WR Drag   3-4 Defense   4   10.50   0   0
Spread   WR Drag   5-2 Defense   1   4.00   0   1
Spread   WR Drag   Quarter Defense   1   7.00   1   0
Spread   WR Out   3-3-5 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   WR Out   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Spread   WR Out   Quarter Defense   1   13.00   0   0
Spread   WR Slants   4-3 Defense   2   0.00   0   0
Spread   WR Square In   3-4 Defense   2   12.00   0   0
Spread   WR Square In   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   Corners   3-4 Defense   2   10.00   0   0
Two TE   Corners   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   Corners   5-2 Defense   1   9.00   0   0
Two TE   Corners   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   Counter Left   4-3 Defense   2   3.50   0   0
Two TE   Counter Left   5-2 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   Dive Right   3-4 Defense   2   1.50   0   0
Two TE   Dive Right   Quarter Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   OffTackle Left   3-4 Defense   2   3.00   0   0
Two TE   OffTackle Left   4-3 Defense   1   6.00   0   0
Two TE   OffTackle Right   3-4 Defense   1   5.00   0   0
Two TE   OffTackle Right   4-3 Defense   1   2.00   0   0
Two TE   OffTackle Right   5-2 Defense   1   9.00   0   0
Two TE   PA Quick Screen   3-4 Defense   2   22.50   1   0
Two TE   PA TE Outs   4-3 Defense   2   6.00   0   0
Two TE   Pitch Left   3-4 Defense   5   -1.20   0   0
Two TE   Pitch Left   4-3 Defense   1   12.00   0   0
Two TE   Pitch Left   5-2 Defense   1   14.00   0   0
Two TE   Pitch Left   Quarter Defense   2   8.00   0   0
Two TE   Pitch Right   4-3 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   RB Out   Quarter Defense   3   9.33   0   0
Two TE   Sweep Left   3-4 Defense   4   0.25   0   0
Two TE   Sweep Left   4-3 Defense   1   11.00   0   0
Two TE   Sweep Right   3-4 Defense   5   3.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Clearout   3-4 Defense   3   8.67   0   1
Two TE   TE Clearout   4-3 Defense   2   5.50   0   0
Two TE   TE Outs   3-4 Defense   2   14.50   0   0
Two TE   TE Pick   3-4 Defense   2   2.50   0   0
Two TE   TE Post   3-4 Defense   2   9.00   0   0
Two TE   TE Post   4-3 Defense   1   11.00   0   0
Two TE   WR Out   3-4 Defense   1   0.00   0   0
Two TE   WR Out   4-3 Defense   1   14.00   0   0
Two TE   WR Skinny Post   3-4 Defense   3   0.00   0   0

GM Eli

"Thanks, Coach. That's the data I was looking for. I'm going to take a look through this information and let you get back to working with the guys this week. I need to meet with the Israeli representatives to see about getting some of their guys here practicing with us."


"Shakira, would you get me the representative from the Israeli camp that I need to speak with to organize getting a couple of their guys here to practice with us? Thanks."


Hey Hey.. what's rockin'?

GM Eli

"Good to speak with you. I wanted to see if we could get a couple of your players out here to practice with us this season. The players I had in mind were RB Uri Bitton, WR Peter Masarweh and SS Ariel Mor.

If you have other suggestions though, I am open to them."



Okay, lets talk about them.

Uri... Uri is a 28 year old former #1 prospect for us.  He has 5 years under his belt with us, 3 years he was a full-season starter with over 100 yards per year and 33 TDs across that time but the last two seasons he had some injury problems.  In S14 he only played 10 games but rushed for 1040 yards and 10 TDs.  Last season he was limited to 10 games again, this time rushing for 946 yards and 7 TDs.

So far this year he has been healthy and with two years left on his contract, he is starting to look at his future.    The biggest issue is at 3-1 you are asking us to give up our top running back for 6 weeks. While we have a relatively soft schedule during this time we do play the Samoans during that stretch which is a very big game.   

That being said, if you want him from us we would have to ask you to pay $4MM.

We can discuss everyone before you decide, or we can work one at a time. I'm free all day.

GM Eli

"Lets talk all three of the guys I mentioned before I make a decision. I don't want to undercut what you all are trying to accomplish and want this to be a mutually beneficial partnership."


Peter is a veteran, 33 years old and 10 years ago he was our #1 prospect. 9 of his 10 seasons in the IFAF have resulted in 1200+ yards receiving including massive 1900 yard seasons in 2018 and 2020. his streak was broken two years ago when he got injured around this time of the year and missed the last 12 games of the year.   For his career its 14,031 yards, 113 TDs and a career 95 yards per game average.   He's done it all, 5 time all-world; but never a chance to win a championship.  He is ready to either win a championship here or to go to another league and chase a title with a contender.  We'd let him join you if you'd pick up half of his salary, so that would be 3.75MM.   Full disclosure though, I don't think you are a team he'd consider signing with at your current state.

GM Eli

"Lets pass on Peter, then, since I agree I don't think we're currently in a position where we can offer him what he wants. Perhaps we can revisit the potential of him coming to Cancun if he's still with you next season as I fully intend for us to be contending for a championship by year 3.

The last one that immediately jumped to my mind was Ariel Mor, the strong safety."



Ariel had to earn his stripes with us. His mother is Croatian so he made his first starts with their national team after coming up in our U20 system.  He played for them for 4 years then was out of football in S13.  He joined us two years ago and started off and on before taking over the job outright this year.

He would be a great candidate to join you this year on the IPS.  He's affordable as well. $1MM and he's ready to make the trip.

GM Eli

"That works for me.

I'd love to bring Uri in... but I also don't want to take him from you all with things going so well. Is there a way we could pay the fee you asked but you all keep him and just provide us with some scouting and the opportunity for him to make the jump to our organization in the off-season if it is something he desires?

If not, then if you've got a couple of guys on either side of the ball you think have potential and would like to see them get some extra practice in with our guys, I'm open to that as well."


If you don't mind spending the $4MM, then we can spare Uri for those weeks, it'll let me spend some cash to maybe bring an old dog out of retirement and back onto the field, at least against Samoa, but yeah man, lets shout it out loud!

GM Eli

"Yessir. I'll file both of those with the league and look forward to seeing both guys on the practice field soon.

Reach out to me if there's anything I can do to help you guys out going forward."


"Shakira, will you pass the following information onto the coaching staff. We're ready for London."


OT Agustin Moody to RT1
OT Louis Duckett to RT2
OC Bruce Harris to OC1
OC Stephen Fournier to OC2

Any other changes are coaches decision.


GM Eli

Talk about the results of your game this week.

"It was a great team win and one of those games that is culture building. Through the first four weeks we've been in most of the games we've played in and just not found a way to close things out. This week, we got a lead and let it slip away but managed to pull things out in the end. That's what winning teams do, and proving to ourselves that we are capable of that is important. A big learning moment for us and a boost for our fans as well, getting to see the squad win on their home turf."

Talk about any news that involves your team.

"I appreciate Lindsay and the hard work he is putting in to develop his game and I have no doubt in my mind, should he be called upon to make plays for us, that he will do just that."

Talk about any other news if you would like

"Honestly, I'm a little disappointed to see Ms. Snow moving on from my friend Wes so quickly. But Atlanta is getting a talented general manager and I'm sure that makes the other GM's in the division unhappy."

Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)

"It's a big game for us, honestly. It's our first taste of division football and we go toe to toe with the cream of the crop in the Killer Whales. I got a first hand taste of what playing the Killer Whales is like last season and there is no shortage of talent on that roster again this year. We are going to need to be at our very best if we want to come away with a victory."

Anything else you'd like to discuss?

"You know the other day I was thinking about that old national news story about the Chinese spy balloons that flew over North America I think it was a year or two ago. We never really got any information about what those balloons were actually doing and after the accusations made against the ownership group in New Jersey earlier this offseason, maybe that's something that should be looked into a little more closely. I would hate to think that the integrity of our game was being toyed with.

Anyway, I'm sure everything is completely above board there with the Dragons, of course. But it would go a long way to reassuring fans that this was the case if there was a transparent investigation to clear the air. No pun intended."

GM Eli

Coach, great game. I was really proud of how the guys fought even after giving up the lead late.



Great to get our first win as a team. Now to build on it with a strong showing against Miami.

GM Eli

First taste of divisional football here. Honestly, this is the biggest reason I came to Cancun after leaving St. Paul. I wanted to be the guy that upset the apple cart and toppled the endless reign of Alabama and Miami.

I hope the guys are riled up for this one.


After that win it gave everyone a little spark and yeah a road trip to Miami with a chance to make some noise, it wont be hard to get them motivated.

GM Eli

That said, how has Lindsay's comments gone over with the locker room and especially D.A.?


The locker room is so new, overall, that it's just been another thing someone has said.  There is no real established hierarchy yet so there are plenty of guys chirping that they could do better.   

Slinger is a competitor and so is Arch, it's healthy.

GM Eli

I'm glad for that. We've just made a deal to pick up some extra draft capital and a guy I believe has a reputation for being a strong leader in Sammy Davis.



I'm familiar with Sammy, he was a part of my fathers turtle racing ring...

GM Eli

Hey, the past is the past and a guy willing to break a few rules here and there might bring a little swagger to the locker room that we can use.

Beyond that, since you have some familiarity with him, do you think he should slot in ahead of any of the guys we've got starting for us currently at LB?


Honestly, he's probably at the bottom of our depth chart. A good mentor, but not much more at this stage of his career.

GM Eli

Lets have him mentor Michael Harris then.

That's all I've got for the week, Coach. I think I'll check in with a couple of the players but you're free to get back to working with the boys.


Shakira, would you have Jared Miller stop up to see me, thanks.


Jared, since you're one of the few remaining guys from the previous regime I wanted to touch base with you and see how you're feeling about being here in Cancun and the direction the team is headed in. Do you feel like the things that are most important to you are being taken care of, or at least that the future looks bright to accomplish those things?


I'm going to be real with you, because that's who I am, man... I went to Notre Dame because I wanted to play for a prestigious college and have a chance to win every year.   That's what is most important to me, Winning and Being a part of a team with a history of winning.   So being in Cancun the last two years and some change has just been brutal.  It kills my motivation and just isn't fulfilling me.