

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:50:33 PM

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GM Eli

"Hey, first and foremost I appreciate you being up front with what's important to you. So, I'm gonna be up front with you with what I look for in a lineman and what I think most of my peers will look for in a lineman first. When we compile stats and everything the first thing we look at is the number of sacks a guy allows. Last season was a rough one here in Cancun for everyone and when I look at your stats from Season 16 I see a guy who gave up 17 and missed an additional 13 blocks. If I'm thinking about paying a lineman, those are the first two places my eyes go.. not to the pancakes.

Now, in Season 17, you've only given up 1 sack and only missed 2 blocks. Sure, maybe the number of pancakes you've got this season is down from where you'd want it to be but you're doing the most important thing any GM could ask of his offensive lineman and that's keeping your QB upright. That's huge improvement. I mean absolutely monumental man. That's the growth you've made in one years time. Imagine where you'll be next year, with another year of growth under your belt.

I'm telling you, a guy that can reliably protect his quarterback? In this league? They get paid. The money is gonna be there.



Boss man, I appreciate that insight.  I hadn't thought about how my sack/block numbers were looking because I was hung up on my cakes.   Thanks for pointing that out.


GM Eli

"No worries my man. Sometimes all it takes is looking at things from a different angle and from where I'm sitting I'm thrilled with how you've been playing. Now, lets get you back to practice and keep working with the trainers to help you out with the knee. Appreciate you, Brady."


"Shakira, I'll see Jim Rosa next please. Thanks."


"Heyyy there's the engine to our defense, the guy that makes the whole thing run right. How you doin, Jim? Coach tells me you're feeling a little bit discouraged and I just wanted to touch base and see what's going on."



I wouldn't say discouraged, it's more like I'm just sick and tired.    Man, I can't eat rice and beans every day.  I'm tired of the poblanos, I'm tired of the chilis, the spices, the Carne' and the Carnitas; I just want a damn burger or a steak with some sea salt and pepper and not all this red spicy crap all over it. 

My stomach can't take it!   I'm on the toilet all the time!  You know that song "ring of fire?" My ass lives that life, man!

I'm just ready to get somewhere that I can eat some normal American food.


GM Eli

"Mannnnn... look at me. You think my pasty butt can handle the spice? I've been dying while I'm down here. The amount of immodium I've had to take... I should buy stock. So I understand the struggle. It's a little out of my purview, but tell me about the amenities we offer as a franchise. Do we have a chef or nutritionist planning out meals and things like that? If so, let me talk to whoever I need to talk to and see if we can't get some more traditional american fare on the menu.

And if we don't have that, I'll work to rectify that problem as quickly as possible.



We have a meal prep guy for like while we're in the building for practices and stuff, that's whatever, but I'm just talking about like the daily life once you go home from practice and all that. 

I need like a personal chef or something, someone who will keep me eating the stuff I like.

GM Eli

"Let me see what I can do. It might take me some time but if it doesn't happen this season I'll make sure it's top of the priority list this off season. In fact, if you want to cover the cost now i'll reimburse you with a 500K bonus this offseason to be paid before the draft."



I could get a good personal chef for that kind of money.  I'll take you up on that.

GM Eli

"Good deal. Might even be some kind of business opportunity if you guys hit it off well enough. You could finance a restaurant featuring the kinds of foods you're missing here in Cancun, with this chef handling the day to day for you. Just a thought. Would be a good way to set up income for when, many years from now, you wrap your football career up."


Food for thought, for sure.

Thanks boss.  Definitely feeling better already, other than this IBS I got going on from these damn tamales. 

Alright, I gotta go, unless you have one of those VIP bathrooms like I heard about in Myrtle Beach.

GM Eli

"Nah man, unless there's a secret button in my desk that opens a mysterious door to one of those. But as far as I know, all I got here is an office.

Good luck with the battle against your GI tract and the Nighthawks this week."


"Shakira, would you get Bobby Shapiro on the line for me. Thanks."


"Bobby, just wanted to talk to you about Jeremy Verdin. I'm content to activate his rookie option for another year but it's my preference to forego that in favor of a longer contract. What would you be looking for if that was the route we chose to go?"



I'm looking for a 6 year, $17MM per season deal for Jeremy.

GM Eli

"Assuming that's able to be split between salary and bonus, and starting in Season 18, you have a deal."


GM Eli

"Done deal. Always a pleasure doing business with you, Bobby."


"Shakira, would you get Coach Rhodes back please."


"Well, coach... I know I said I didn't expect to make anymore trades but here we are. The paperwork will be filed with the league office soon and we'll have Sean Burnett for at least the rest of the season.

Sucks to give up Peter Smith in the trade but ultimately the chance to get an elite caliber safety in here as we make a push in the second half in the season... I couldn't pass it up at this price point."



I'll tell you from first hand experience, trading a first round pick during his rookie season really destroys team morale and chemistry.   A lot of rumbling already starting.

GM Eli

"I hear you and I didn't pull the trigger on this trade lightly. But I believe Burnett to be a special player and the kind of player that can take this team from being in the hunt for a playoff berth to being in the hunt for something much more grand.

I had planned on coming down and talking to the guys, but if you think my presence in the locker room would only exacerbate matters I'll keep a low profile."



That's up to you, whatever you think is the best.

GM Eli

"I don't think it's the right moment. If anything, maybe the guys unrest and unhappiness with me will help unify them going forward. Maybe that's wishful thinking though.

We'll chat after the game. Good luck this week, Coach, and sorry for the unintended turmoil. Lesson learned now and one I probably shouldn't have needed."


Week 9 vs Alabama Nighthawks

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Gameplan Changes: Coaches Decision
Strategy Changes: Coaches Decision
Depth Chart Adjustments:

SS Sean Burnett to SS1

R A I S E   T H E

B L A C K    F L A G!

Lock In

GM Eli

"Well, the final score doesn't really reflect how closely fought a game it was and at the end of the day it doesn't matter how closely fought the game was. The end result was the Nighthawks had more points than us and we've got to live with that. We'll look forward to renewing the rivalry the next time we see each other.

I'm gonna tip my cap to Bruce as well. I don't know about the division running through Alabama or any of that. Hard to say something like that when you're sitting third in the division and are still below 500 on the season. But the battle for MVP and Defensive Player of the year certainly are running straight through Bruce Wilkinson this year."

At the mid point of the season, discuss your division and your placement in the standings: are you where you want to be and what is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?

"What's the old saying? If you're not first, you're last? That's how I feel about our division placement. As long as we're not seated in that #1 spot in the division then we might as well be in last. But, I'm not displeased with the way the team has played this year. We've established that we aren't pushovers anymore. Our defense has been rock solid and our offense, when healthy, has shown that they can score with anyone in the league.

I think what I'm most surprised about has been the struggles we have had in the first quarter of games. It seems to take our offense a full quarter to really get into the rhythm of the game. Once we're there we're fine but we do seem to start off a little slow out of the gate. Not sure what the reasoning is for that but I trust Mumbasa to sort that out."

Who is your MVP at mid-season and why?

"It's gotta be Pep. As he goes we go. When he is able to get after the QB it lifts our defense and sparks our offense."

How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year?

"B+. He was able to recruit a wonderful coaching staff. He has led the team and been straightforward with me when it comes to the good and the bad and ultimately he has been an integral part in changing the culture and conversation around the organization."

There have been rumors of some displeasure in the locker room regarding you trading one of this seasons first round picks, Peter Smith, away. Pair that with the rumored push for more power on the part of the HIFLPA...I have to ask. Do you regret making the trade and do you think you have seriously harmed your teams chemistry?

"Do I regret the trade? Not at all. My job is to field the best possible contingent of players by whatever means necessary. I can understand why the players are unhappy and I respect that. I can understand why the HIFLPA would want more control, and I respect that. I can even understand why some of my counterparts are hiding behind claims that they would never have done something like this. Though I find that ironic considering the ones saying that stuff are the first people to throw their players or coaches under the bus when things aren't going well, so it's a bit hypocritical on their part in my eyes. But I understand. Some GM's in this league have a habit of glorying in the mistakes and missteps of others while not being willing to look in the mirror. Of course, if they did that they'd see all the warts from all their failures.

Do I think I have seriously harmed the chemistry of the team? No. I don't. I think those guys still share the same bond that they always have. What I might have harmed is the interpersonal relationships that I have with each of them. Hopefully in time they will see that any decision I make I do with the best interest of the team at heart. I just want to win. I want to bring winning football to this city the same way that I have brought winning football to the teams I have worked for in the past as well. And I won't ever regret making choices with that goal in mind."


GM Eli

"You don't have to hold your tongue, Coach. If you've got something to say, good or bad, the floor here is always open for you to make your perspective and insight known."


Just a frustrating loss. When they had Bruce on Diaz he got beat 3 times, and we couldn't convert those late 4th downs which obviously made the score look worse, but 3-0 or 31-17, it doesn't matter. The Loss is there.

GM Eli

"We were right there. They just made the plays when it mattered and we did not. No moral victories, though. We need to learn from this and be better in those moments going forward.

Offensively, I think the moment might be too big for Chauncey Coward right now. At least to be featured as our WR2 if Yannick is out so I will be adjusting our depth chart to feature Francis as our WR2 if Morenau is going to miss time. Going by the training staff, though, we should have him back this week. Hopefully they are right.

I think we might need to tweak our run/pass ratios again because I feel like we've over-corrected from earlier in the season. I'd like us to be closer to a 50/50 split rather than the 60/40 run v pass that we've hit the last couple of games. Especially when our RB's have been a little hit or miss of late.


GM Eli

"Alright, lets get ready for Milwaukee."


Week 10 vs Milwaukee Barons

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Gameplan Changes: Coaches Decision
Strategy Changes: Pass % Adjustments
1st and 10 - 50%
1st and Medium - 45%
1st and Long - 55%
2nd and short - 55%
2nd and medium - 50%
2nd and long - 55%
3rd and long - 75%
End of Half/Game Winning - 35%
Depth Chart Adjustments:

WR2: Yannick Morenau
WR2 (backup#1) - Francis Phillips

WR3: Francis Phillips
WR3 (backup #1) - Dove Wheeler

FS1: Paul Brennan
FS2: Paul Baptiste

R A I S E   T H E

B L A C K    F L A G!

Lock In

GM Eli

"What a game. You know, when you find yourself drafting in the top five one of the comparisons and measuring sticks you set for yourself are the other teams around you. Milwaukee was in contention for the number one pick this past off season and so to get a win off them feels good, especially after we missed the mark against Myrtle Beach.

I was really proud of how our defense stepped up, especially. The Barons came in averaging almost 30 points per game and we held them to half of that. Just tremendous work on the part of our guys."

"How significant is the injury to Jeremy Verdin and your hopes for the season?"

"Jeremy has been huge for us since coming in from Seattle but we've got a lot of really solid talent at linebacker. It stings, especially with a team as gifted as Long Beach on the docket this week, but Harris, Fulcher and Wray should all be able to fill his shoes admirably. As I've said all season... when someone gets hurt we've got to have the next man up attitude and not let up."

"Shawn Simon is closing in on the career receiving yards record. You worked with Eugene McReynolds in Cleveland when you first came into the league. How do you think Simon measures up against the legend that is Eugene McReynolds?"

"Shawn's already got the record for catches and with just a few more yards he'll pass Eugene. I think he's even closing in on the touchdowns record. So... while I have all the respect in the world for Eugene and what he brought to the table, I think Shawn is definitively the greatest of all time at the wide receiver position. It's quite a blessing when you think of the caliber of Wide Receiver I've been able to work with in my time here in the league. From Eugene, to Max Ramos and now Shawn. We know that Shawn is a first ballot hall of famer, I'm just happy I get to be a party of that story."

"With the Florida Cup happening this week it's guaranteed that at least one of your division rivals will get a win this week. How important, then, does that make this road game with the Mermen?"

"It's important, for sure. We finally have drawn even with Orlando. We don't want to give the division back to them, or to let Miami back in the hunt, by slipping up. We certainly don't want to give Pancho and the last place Nighthawks any opportunities to draw closer with us. That's easier said than done, though. We've got a hungry Long Beach team coming off a loss that they'll surely think should never have happened. I fully expect them to be HUNGRY for a win and we've got to match that hunger. We've got to match that passion. We've got to match that energy and most importantly we've got to execute. We've shown that we aren't the pushovers that the Cancun organization has been in the past. Now, it's on us to show we're ready to belong among the big boys."



A gritty and gutsy win for our guys.  Now we get a very desperate Long Beach, I think its 4 straight losses for them, so everyone is going to be going all out to try to save their season.

GM Eli

"I'm starting to have some concerns about Ranco at right tackle. He's been getting beat pretty consistently the last couple of weeks and Long Beach made short work of Miami's offensive line last week so we know that they've got the capability to exploit weak links on the line. And while Gerardo Shrader comes to mind as a possible option to shift out to right tackle, I'm guessing he doesn't have the needed skill at tackle to do so?"



  You are correct, Gerardo doesn't have any tackle experience to lean on.  That being said, his pass protection is weak, so I wouldn't go that route if we're looking for pass blocking upgrades.

GM Eli

"Yeah we're going to have to work on that with him in the near future. All good, though. Let's just focus on being 1-0 this week and in the interest of avoiding getting caught up in trade fever, I'm going to get us locked in here shortly.

Just one thing to touch base on with our wide receivers, I feel like Francis Phillips has the kind of blazing speed that you want on the outside when he's on the field. Would Shawn or Yannick be better suited to work out of the slot in 3WR sets rather than having Francis in that role?"



Not really. We have three guys who operate best on the outside.

GM Eli

"Fair enough. If it doesn't help us to move anyone then we won't.

Good luck this week. It's a big one."


Week 11 vs Long Beach Mermen

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Gameplan Changes: Coaches Decision
Strategy Changes: Coaches Decision
Depth Chart Adjustments: Coaches Decision

R A I S E   T H E

B L A C K    F L A G!

Lock In

GM Eli

"Big win for us this week but a costly one too as I just got word from our doctor that Elijah Peppers is doubtful for our upcoming matchup with the Charlotte Crows. You all can speak with him to get a comment on how he's feeling if you'd like, but I would imagine he's already chomping at the bit to get his treatment in, get healthy and get back out on the field. I'll open it for your questions now."

"Before the year started most prognosticators had Long Beach marked as a team they expected to make a deep playoff run. Do you think this victory should raise the fans expectations for this Mutineers team or is this still a season where progress is the primary focus?"

"I know the team in Long Beach is in the midst of a tough losing streak right now but it's no secret I think the world of Jose Mackey as a coach and leader. He and I had a lot of success together in St. Paul and I would expect that losing streak to come to an end soon. But do I think this singular victory should raise the fans expectations? Not in an of itself. I think the fans expectations collectively should be raised off of our performance to this point in the season. We sit at the top of the division. We've shown we can win tough games against tough teams. I think the sky is the limit for us, quite frankly."

"Even with #1 overall draft pick Elijah Peppers likely out this week and maybe longer than that?"

"Pep's an elite defender, I don't think there's any question about that. He's tremendous and we'll miss him. But this is a team and not just one man and while he's recovering we're just going to have to have Marlon, DVH, Harry Macklin and Andre James step up and make plays for us from the defensive end position. Good teams. Great teams. Playoff teams. Impact bowl contending teams. They all find ways to win even when an important player goes down to injury so we're going to find out a little more about ourselves in the coming days and weeks. But then who knows. I wouldn't put it past Elijah to see the words doubtful on the injury report next to his name and him decide to silence the 'doubters' again."

"So you don't expect to be looking to acquire an additional defensive end in the trade market? Do you anticipate being active in the trade market at all?"

"No. I never say never but I expect us to be locked in and focused on our gameplan for the week before trade fever kicks off. We've got a good group here right now."

"Didn't you say the same thing right before trading for Sean Burnett?"

"I did, which is why I just said I'll never say never but I don't anticipate us being active in the trade market any more this season."

"Does it concern you that Miami is starting to find their form?"

"No. I'm not worried about what Miami is doing right now. We're focused 100% on this week and that means the Charlotte Crows have the fullness of our attention. Our rematch with Miami will come about in week 17. Tune in then. The only thing on my mind right now is going 1-0 in week 12."

"Roy Baker stated before the preseason that regardless of who was under center for the Mutineers this year, that player had no excuse not to play well. Yet only 7 teams have managed to score fewer points than this Cancun team. Are you concerned that you made the wrong choice between David-Allen Slinger and Lindsey Archibald especially seeing how well David-Allen has performed since arriving in Seattle?"

"First of all I'm incredibly proud of the way D.A. has been playing. I drafted him. I saw him work his tail off in St. Paul and then here in Cancun. So to see him playing well is something that brings me a lot of happiness for him. But, with that said, I think Lindsey has done a really solid job. It's essentially his rookie season and he's taken care of the ball and made all the throws we've asked him to. Really, you're only seeing the very beginning of what I expect to be a really bright, productive career."

"So no concern then? No regret?"

"None at all. I'll take one more question and then we'll wrap things up."

"Rumors are swirling about two teams potentially discussing a trade to swap their GM's. Do you think you might be one of the two general managers being discussed?"

"Do I think I'm one of them? No. I don't. I'm happy here in Cancun and I believe I have her full faith and confidence. But, really, that seems like a better question for Ms. La Llorona."


"Coach, great win this week but brutal to have Peppers go down to an injury, even if it only keeps him out for a game. I guess the question is what combination of our remaining defensive ends should be starting? Van Horn has never seemed like he's really had the production and I've noticed Andre James getting after the QB even if he's not turning those hurries into sacks. But obviously I want your thoughts."



James has a great first step and speed off of the edge, but he lacks the skills to shed the blocker and make plays.  Doug has great strength and has a better feel for the game, he isn't fast, but he can still make plays.  I'd go with him in this situation.

GM Eli

"Sounds good, Coach. I'd like to meet with the guys in the locker room real quick and then we'll lock in. Would you gather them all for me?"



"Guys, I told you this year was about changing the culture around here and while we certainly aren't finished by any means there were a few things I wanted to congratulate you all collectively on. As of this past week, this team here in Cancun has won more games in a season than this fanbase has ever gotten to experience. You want to talk about changing culture, it comes with a lot of firsts and you guys are the first Mutineers team to make it to six wins.

We've got some other firsts that we want to accomplish on our radar. First Mutineers team to not have a losing season. First Mutineers team to make the playoffs. First Mutineers team to win a playoff game and hey... lets dream big. First Mutineers team to win an Impact Bowl. The sky is the limit for this team. I believe in you all. Every single one of you.

Speaking of firsts, though... lets talk about a guy who embodies it. I'm talking about a guy who is first all time in catches. But not just in catches.. after this past week with this teams hard earned victory over Long Beach... he's now first all time in receiving yards as well.

Shawn Simon, where you at brother? We want a speech."


Wow guys, I can't believe this, I mean.   I walked on to Miami so I could play basketball and football and I thought I'd go pro as a basketball players, maybe I would've if UNC didn't whoop us so bad in back to back ACC and NCAA tournaments, but hey... it led me to working harder on football my senior year and then "boom!"   Orlando makes the call in the 6th round of the draft, and I was just happy to be on the roster.  If you told ANYBODY when I got taken as a tight end in the 6th round, that GM Phoenix had just drafted the future all-time receiving leader, nobody would have believed you... but hard work, dedication, great QB play, and some amazing coaches worked with me and look where we are... guys, the stats guys just told me that I'm 9 TD catches away from tying Burton freaking Tibbetts for the all-time TD catch mark too.

...I couldn't have done any of this without you guys, without my past teammates... all of it, it comes from the TEAM.

This locker room has changed over the last year, look around.   You see the hunger in your brothers' eyes?   That's the fire, the passion, the will to win that we all have to have to be champions in this league, and I am finally seeing in this locker room; and I freaking love it!

Lets finish this season strong and write our names in the history books.   Lets go into Miami this year for the Impact Bowl and Raise The Black Flags!!!!

LETS GO!!!!!

GM Eli


"Hey Coach 'Basa. Had a couple of interesting text messages come my way just before heading down to the locker room. Talk to me about Yannick Morenau and how you see him fitting into your offense and whether he's a player you like or one that we can move on from. He's not THE guy in our receiver room right now and I know for a guy of his talents that might rub him the wrong way.

Most importantly, do you think losing him right now would disrupt your offense in any way."



Honestly, Yannick hasn't lived up to what I thought he would be in my system.  He's a good guy, everyone including me likes him, but I don't think it rocks the boat if we move him either.

GM Eli

"If we move him we'll have another receiver coming back in return but rather than worry about that, do you think Francis Phillips is ready to step up into the WR2 role?"



I do.  I really like his game and his willingness to grind to get better.

GM Eli

"Good. I'm sure you've seen the trade that's sent Yannick out but brought James Wiese in for your offense. Lets work him in as our WR3 this week and we'll give Francis a shot to show he deserves to be our WR2 for the long haul."


GM Eli

"Good deal, Coach. Lets get a win this week.

Shakira, we're ready to go."


Week 12 vs Charlotte Crows

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Gameplan Changes: Coaches Decision
Strategy Changes: Coaches Decision
Depth Chart Adjustments:

WR1: Shawn Simon
WR1b: Francis Phillips

WR2: Francis Phillips
WR2b: James Wiese

WR3: James Wiese
WR3b: Dove Wheeler

WR4: Dove Wheeler
WR4b: Chauncey Coward

LDE1: Elijah Peppers
LDE2: Dale White
LDE3: Douglas Van Horn

RDE1: Dale White
RDE2: Douglas Van Horn
RDE3: Andre James

R A I S E   T H E

B L A C K    F L A G!

Lock In

GM Eli

"This was probably our best performance since my arrival in Cancun. I thought we played a complete game and outside of going down early in the first we controlled the game from start to finish. My thoughts go out to GM Lane and the guys there in Charlotte. I know what it's like to be in that position where there's little left to play for other than pride and you're just trying to get to the end of the year so that you can focus on the next steps. We were just there last year and thankfully the collective of talent we've brought in, and the culture we've been able to establish here this year, have put us in a position where we're leading the division and in full control of our fate.

I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the breakout performances of Francis Phillips and Uri Bitton. Those are two guys we have a lot of confidence in and to see them be able to go out there and showcase their talents the way they did, it's just a feel good moment for me and I'm sure for them and their families as well.

Defensively we stepped up even with having Peppers and Verdin out, but of course the real heartbreaker is seeing Jody go down with a significant injury. You never want to see anyone go through something like that and I can't stand up here and lie to you all and say that it doesn't impact this team. It does. But I expect our guys to respond in the same way they did against Charlotte, by stepping up and making the most of their opportunities.

But I don't need to sit up here rambling. Let's open it up to questions.

"With the news regarding Jody Smith's injury coming out, does your gameplan against the Silverbacks this week change at all?"

"I mean yes, it has to. Jody is one of one. You can't replace a guy like that but you can hope to fill in the space with adequate play that mitigates his loss. We've got every confidence in Marquise Hines and Austin Napier, but the guys behind those two have a chance to prove they belong in this league now and I look forward to seeing them step up.

Against a guy like Daley, the coverage has to be there obviously but more importantly you've got to be able to get after him, put pressure on him and force him into turnovers. That's a lot easier said than done. GM Gravedigger has two really stout tackles that help to keep Daley upright. The interior of their line is built well too, though maybe a bit more unproven. But they do a nice job of preventing the defensive tackles from forcing Daley out of the pocket and into the pass rush of the defensive ends.

That's probably going to be the key to the game, in all honesty. How do the respective offensive lines protect their quarterbacks? We saw this past week just how game breaking Ricky Tarr Jr can be. But I think we've got a better offensive line than Vegas has and as good as Tarr, Wilbur, Hagan and Simmons are I think we have the talent to help neutralize some of their attack."

"At the start of the season many in Cancun would have considered a seven win season to be a success. But if it happens that you finish the year with seven wins would you consider it a disappointment?"

"That's not even something we're thinking about. We're thinking about going 1-0 this week. When the season is over, we'll look back on things then but right now I'm not interested in answering hypotheticals."

"Do you intend to put Jody Smith on injured reserve to give an opportunity to another corner on the free agent market an opportunity?

"I'm going to talk with Coach Rhodes about all of our options but I don't think we'll be putting Jody on injured reserve. Our medical team currently anticipates a six to eight week recovery period and that would potentially see him back right at the end of the year or during the playoffs. So we're going to evaluate every possible recovery option and give him the chance to get into his rest and rehabilitation and get back out on the field for us this year. That's what I expect, but of course what I expect could change."

"So you expect to make the playoffs?"

"I'm looking to go 1-0 this week."

"But you mentioned the playoffs."

"Yes, regarding when Jody's projected recovery could see him return. It would be a shame if he got healthy and we managed to make the playoffs, but he was unable to play because I had decided to put him on IR. Right now, the team is focused on Oakland and getting the win there. It is going to be a tough matchup that requires us to play our best. Our minds cannot be anywhere else."

"What's your perspective on the performances of the players you have acquired through trade this season?"

"I think that guys like Jeremy Verdin, Marquise Hines, Sean Burnett and Dale White have all come in and showed why we made the moves to acquire them. We're really very happy with the dynamic that they have all brought to our defense. With James Wiese, I think as the season goes on he'll establish a connection with Arch and start to have a bigger impact on games. The relationship and trust that a Quarterback has to have with his receivers takes time. But they'll get there."

"Have you spoken with Luna at all throughout the season? Has she expressed to you her thoughts about this teams performance?"

"One of the things that I really appreciate about Ms. La Llorona is that she really wants to bring winning football to Cancun, and she's willing to let her front office do what they need to to make that happen without interference or meddling. It's no secret my first couple of seasons in the league were working with an owner who didn't know how to let his GM's GM, and decided to insult them when they no longer wanted to work in that kind of toxic environment.

But to answer your question, no we haven't spoken yet. Will we before the end of the season? I don't know. But I'd like to think she is pleased with the progress that we have shown so far but I expect that she's like me and wants more.

If there's no other questions, I need to get to back to my office and doing my part to get us ready for Oakland."


"Coach, before we even talk about the Jody situation let me just say... what a victory. We are cooking with real gas now."


It was a good win.  Good to see everyone doing their jobs.

GM Eli

"Indeed. But now I want to see what our defense looks like with White and Peppers on the field at the same time. Hopefully we get a glimpse of that this week against Oakland but I know it's 50/50 with Pep right now.

With Jody, we have a deal in place with the patreon initiative physicians but I want Jody to get down to about 4 weeks left in his recovery time before we contemplate using that. Right now we'll see how he recuperates on his own.

I know our DB's behind Napier aren't great, and even he's not really meant for the CB2 role, but who is our best option?"



It's an outside of the box idea, but I really like Travis Day's progress this season and his size and talent profile lend itself to an outside corner.  I think we plug him in at CB2, and keep Napier in the slot.

GM Eli

"Sounds good. I've noticed he's seemed to play well in the times he's gotten on the field so I'm glad that's resonating with you too.

We're at that time of year where we don't need to drag our feet on anything so lets just get out to Oakland and get another win."


Week 13 vs Oakland Silverbacks

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Gameplan Changes: Coaches Decision
Strategy Changes: Coaches Decision
Depth Chart Adjustments:

CB1: Jody Smith
CB1b: Marquise Hines

CB2: Marquise Hines
CB2b: Travis Day

R A I S E   T H E

B L A C K    F L A G!

Lock In

GM Eli

"It was a disappointing day against a very talented team. You know on a normal day if your defense scores two touchdowns you probably assume you've got a victory coming. That wasn't the case, though. We got manhandled on the defensive line even though we did manage to get after Daley. I think I heard a number like 85 pancake blocks against our guys. And on offense we struggled to move the ball at all. Really, I don't have words to explain any of it but I expect our guys to come back pissed off against Orlando in our own house this week.

I do want to put a stop to the nonsense about Elijah Peppers that's starting to float around. He's hurt. He's working to get back from that injury. Sometimes these things take longer we hope for but nobody wants to be out there getting after the quarterback more than that guy does. I don't know who these internal sources alleged to be making these comments are but I assure you they do not reflect this organizations feelings about him. That's if these vague nameless internal sources are even legitimate in the first place.

If there's nothing else, I'd like to get back to work."


"Well, that's the most pissed off I've felt coming off any of our 5 losses this season, Coach."