

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:50:33 PM

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GM Eli

I get it, trust me. The best I can offer right now is the evidence that I know how to build a winning culture, which can be seen over the past few years of my work in St. Paul. It wasn't all me, I had a lot of help around me to get us there. But, I think there's enough proof to show I know what I'm doing.

That said, I try to do right by my players. And if being patient about getting to that point of being around winning isn't something you want to keep waiting and hoping for, I'll do my best to get you to a team that has that level of success right this moment.

If it matters, though, I want to see you stick around here. You deserve to be apart of the good after enduring all the bad.


If a team comes knocking who has a chance to get me into the playoffs, you won't here me complain, but right now ya'll sign my check, so it's what it is.

GM Eli

Certainly. I appreciate your candor. I'm sure we'll talk again soon.

Lets see if we can't get you a win over Miami in the meantime. Thanks, Jared.


Shakira, the last meeting I wanted to take was with Morris Cooper Jr. Can you have him swing by my office, please.


Morris, you've been a wrecking ball this season and we're going to need you more than ever this week if we're going to shut down Maria Crews and the Miami offense.

But as we prepare for that I wanted to get to know you a little bit better. I have some ideas rolling around in my head about some potential off the field opportunities and I know that some guys really look for opportunities to grow their own personal brand.

If that's not you, that's perfectly fine. But if it is, I've got an idea I'd like to run by you.



I am all about that bro, I grew up in my dad's shadow as a kick ass baseball player in the NBL, so to step out and make my own brand, that would be pretty sick.

GM Eli

I have some familiarity in setting up players with brands that create a mutually beneficial partnership. Look at what Max Ramos has done since becoming the face of the Puma brand in the HIFL.

Anyway, one of my former peers in Johnny Gators has been rumored to be interested in growing the Bootleg Maple brand that he's so fond of. I think potentially partnering you with him, and providing some investment funds into the project, could lead to big things.

I can think of a former linebacker from my youth who made Coca-Cola brand that much bigger just by starring in a commercial for them on one of the biggest stages in all of football at the time. Pairing you with Johnny and letting you two grow that brand from the ground up together could be a spectacular pairing in my opinion.


Heh!   Bootleg Maple, huh?  Where I come from I know a thing or two about Bootleggin'

Funny, my dad always said to me "The wins will come Morris, the wins will come."  ...I never really knew what he meant, but I think this has the chance to be one of those wins.

GM Eli

My dad had strange sayings like that. In tough situations he'd always say "things are tighter than Dicks hat band" and I never really had any idea what that meant either but I'm sure there was some significance to it.

Anyway, I'll reach out to Gators or his intern and work out the details of getting you two connected in a working arrangement. It might take a week or two to fully get the ball rolling, but I'm glad this was something you were open to.

Now, lets go hunt some whales. Good luck this week.


Shakira, I'm sure we've got a number for Johnny Gators or his intern. I think his name is Frank. Anyway, can you get me in touch with one of those two please.


Of course, Jefe.


GM Gators

Yes? Hello? Who is this?

Pardon my ignorance, but Intern Frank just handed me the phone and said somebody in HIFL wanted to talk to me.

If you're calling about a GM opening I'm flattered. Sincerely. But I'm retired.

If it's something else I can talk for a minute, but I'm up to my armpits in research and development for GatorsAde. This is going to change sports hydration forever once I get it just right, and I believe I'm almost there.

GM Eli

Johnny! It's GM Eli. Formerly of the St. Paul Lynx. Currently with the Cancun Mutineers.

Listen. I don't know anything about GatorsAde but I'm sure it's going to be great. I was calling about your Bootleg Maple, though. I've got a kid down here that I think would make a wonderful business partner for you. I was thinking something along the lines of investing 500K each season that Morris remains here in Cancun. And in return, you use him as the poster child for your maple syrup.

What do you think? Can you hear me okay? The volume button is on the side of the phone... I SAID THE VOLUME BUTTON IS ON THE SIDE OF THE PHONE!

GM Gators

(Johnny Gators pulls the handset away from his face and surveys it and the phone base. With no volume button in sight he plunges his pinky finger into the rotary dial and gives it a whirl for fun)

Hi there GM Eli. Nice to hear from you. I imagine Cancun's a nice change of pace compared to St. Paul this time of year.

I introduced GatorsAde at the combine, but the GMs were too busy doing their jobs to realize what a product this is. I'm making it even better. The maple syrup we use to sweeten the drink isn't clumping up as much anymore. "23% less gritty" in our last experiment.

I'm sure you understand, this is my legacy I'm working on here so I have to make decisions like this carefully. I need a moment to think about it...

(Johnny Gators pulls a quarter from his pocket, flips it, and notices it lands on Heads)

OK, I think we can make this work. I appreciate your even thinking about me and Bootleg Maple syrup.

If you can give me your word this kid isn't going to do something on or off the field to embarrass me or YOSHI we can work something out.

$500k seems a little light if we're going to do this right, though. How about $750k per year he's on your roster, and I reserve the right to pull the plug immediately if he does something stupid?

GM Eli

You're a tough negotiator, Johnny. No wonder they liked you so much in Louisville.

750K per season he is with us is fine with me and I'm not concerned about him doing anything but I understand your perspective. As it stands, anyway, it's your business and the decisions about how to make the most out of this partnership are in your court, at the end of the day. So if you feel like pulling the plug is necessary, I'm fine with it as long as you're willing to give me a heads up before the news goes public.

I'll reach out again in the off season and maybe we can see about additional investments into the GatorsAde product as well. It does get pretty warm down here in Cancun, after all, and hydration is important.

Thanks for your time, Johnny. I appreciate you.


Shakira, I'm just going to double check some things and take a moment before we lock in for Miami. But I was reflecting recently on the fact that I don't know a whole lot about this organization or the history behind those who operate it. It might make it easier for me to better cater our brand, and the things we engage in when it comes to community outreach and such, if I knew a little bit more about Ms. La Llorona.


Of course, Jefe! 

So Ms. La Llorona comes from a television background.  She was a telenovela star during the early nineties and made a fortune.  She became passionate for American Football after moving to the States where she played the main role in a football based soap opera called "Third and Long"  She played Sophia Long and had three men who were all teammates competing for her love... long story short, it was a major success, I'm sure someone you know has seen it all and wonder how she could have ever chosen Colin over Alex. 

oh, lo siento, estoy divagando.

After she retired from TV, she got married to  Dellin Beltran and as I am sure you saw in the media, that did not go well at all... "buen viaje a la mala basura" I say.

Since then she's been doing her own thing.  mujer fuerte e independiente, you know?

GM Eli



Oh yes. Of course, absolutely. Thank you, Shakira. That helps. I will have to look up this show Third and Long after a long work day and make my own determination about Colin and Alex.

Have you worked alongside her this whole time? Or were you doing other things before starting your job here with the Cancun franchise?



Luna, erm, Ms. La Llorona is like a big sister to me.  She took me in when I needed help as a teen and I've been her personal assistant since she made it big in television.

GM Eli

Very cool. Well let's get ready for our rivalry week.

Would you pass these notes on to Coach Rhodes please.


Decrease pass percentage by 5% in all situations.
Have LB Sammy Davis mentor LB Michael Harris

Lock In

GM Eli

Never an easy week when you lose, especially when it's against a divisional rival. I was looking through this organizations history and found that since our inception we've managed one win against a divisional opponent. One. So when I see news about our fans not knowing the names of our wide receivers, I wish I could say that I was surprised but the simple truth is that we here in Cancun haven't given our fans much they want to remember. Still, I know that our guys are working hard week in and week out to change that culture. This regime has been here a grand total of six regular season weeks and in that time I can assure you the growth is there.

You see flashes of it in guys like James McGee, who put in a solid effort against Miami catching six of the seven passes that DA threw his way. If you want to remember a receivers name, start there with a young kid who is busting his butt for you.

You see it in the performance of the offensive line as they continue to build chemistry with one another, only allowing four sacks against a really nasty front seven that the Killer Whales have. Yeah, four sacks is four too many but when you compare that to how we performed in the first few weeks of the season, it's improvement and growth.

You see it in the heart and soul of our defensive unit with Junto and Morris making big tackles, defending passes, and giving everything they've got.

It might not translate to wins just yet. There might not be a lot of winning football this season. But we are putting in the work, and laying the foundation, for something that I promise you is going to be memorable in the best of ways. You might not remember our names now. But when we're done here there won't be any choice. We won't just be memorable. We'll be undeniable.

Until then, Cancun is going to be a place of opportunity but also a place of change as we figure out who, and what, works best for us. I would expect to see some new faces getting significant playing time in the coming weeks.

The goal will always be the same, though. Win. And that doesn't change this week against San Antonio. Regardless of who is out there on the field we're going to give everything we have to secure our second victory of the season. And once we get that second win, we'll give the same effort to get our third.


Coach, tough game out there in spite of some bright spots. I know you're pretty flexible when it comes to defensive playcalling so I have to wonder if we might be better off operating out of the 4-3 rather than the 3-4 just with the personnel that we have. What are your thoughts? And if we make that switch maybe we let Coach McKenna call the plays since the 4-3 is more his specialty and it would free you up to do more of the overall managing of the team, the playclock, and all of that.



Well, you're the boss and I'm flexible, so I don't mind that.

GM Eli

I don't know that I want to go that route, just thinking out loud about possible solutions to keep us from getting run on the way we have been lately.

Anyway, we put together a package to get Michael Harris on the field some but he hasn't shown up on the stats sheet. Is he actually getting the reps in I was hoping he would?


It looks like Judge has taken the job over, but we can get him back into the rotation if you want.

GM Eli

Nah don't worry about it. If he's losing out fair and square, let it be.

Would you excuse me, Coach. I need to speak to Jared Miller and it's urgent to a degree. Thanks.


Shakira, would you send Jared Miller up to see me, please. Thanks.


Jared, the news is likely going to break soon that we are trading you to a team that is certainly in the playoff hunt. I wanted you to hear that from me and tell you face to face that we are thankful for everything you've given to Cancun since you were drafted.


Appreciate it.  Take it easy.

GM Eli

Same to you.


Shakira, would you pass these new depth chart updates along to Coach Rhodes. Thanks.


Set Jack Ortiz to RB1
Set Leon Bell to RB2

Have the carry split be 60% Ortiz 40% Bell

Set WR James McGee to WR1
Set WR Sam Crawford to WR2
Set WR Gary Hutcherson to WR3/Slot Receiver
Set WR Robert Greene to WR4
Set WR Bryan Johnston to WR5

Set James McGee as Primary Receiver

Set DT Jim Rosa to DT1 in all formations
Set DT Marcus Jackson to DT2

Set DE Will Hargraves to DE1
Set DE Douglas Van Horn to DE2

Set SS Morgan Smith to SS2


GM Eli

"Not a pretty game for us by any means but there's obviously been a lot of turnover as we begin to prepare for the future of this franchise and putting ourselves in the best position for long term success. There's going to be growing pains the rest of the way the season as we continue to give different guys opportunities to show they belong. Like I've been saying all along... patience is a lot to ask of our fans but this season I have to ask it of them, and to trust that I know how to put a successful, winning team together long term.

As for the PFL, I'm not surprised to see they've reacted this way. We would be doing the same if any of the PFL teams had poached any of our players in such fashion so for once I can't fault Ace Profits or any of his associates for behaving the way they currently are. I'm not sure what GM Rebel was thinking when he made the decision he made but the fact that it is likely that many in the league will suffer due to his lack of concern, or perhaps lack of interest and desire to take his position seriously, is unfortunate.

To be honest, it's probably better for the Mutineers organization if GM Rebel remains in control in Orlando, quite frankly. History tells us eventually he'll implode and that's only going to be to our benefit when it happens whether that's this season or at some other point in the near future."


"Well, Coach, not much positive to come from that one but I know you're doing the best you can with what we've currently got. Still, I think we can muster a little better performance going forward from here."



yeah, we were not at our best.  Plenty of improvements to be made.



Jefe!  Señor Bell, Señor Archibald, and Señor Cooper are all being offered contracts by los PFL!

GM Eli

"Thank you, Shakira. I'd like to take care of these one at a time so would you first send Leon in to see me. Thanks."


"Leon, thanks for coming. I've heard that a team from the PFL has reached out to you regarding a contract and I wanted to both see where you stand, and for you to hear where I stand on the matter as well.

Given where we're at in the point of trying to cultivate a winning franchise, I think it's fair to say the likelihood that we're winning an Impact Bowl this season is slim. So, with that said, if you have an offer from another team where you think you have the possibility to win a championship, and that's something you want to pursue.. I completely understand and I'm not going to hold you back from that.

But, if you want to stay in the High Impact Football League we are glad to have you in a Mutineers uniform. You've been professional through this process as we try and get our young guys up to speed, and haven't complained once, so as far as I'm concerned if you're happy in Cancun, we're glad to have you but if you want to pursue other opportunities we aren't going to hold you back."


Man, they're offering me $28MM a season for this year AND next... that's a lot of dip.

GM Eli

"Yes it is. That's life changing money that I can't match. With the way our cap is set up, I couldn't even offer half of that to you for this season or next season.

But listen. Scott Forest is a good man who makes sure he gets the most for his clients. If they're offering you 28MM without him. Imagine what he'll force them to offer if you get him on the phone with you. Espcially after going around him.

Just a suggestion if you want to see that life changing money get even more life changing."



Shiiiit, I didn't even think of that.  Respect man, I'll talk to Scott about it and try to get that offer leveled up!

GM Eli

"Good deal, man. I'm happy for you and your family but if for whatever reason you change your mind, or don't like the vibe you're getting from whatever team has made this offer, then you have a Mutineers jersey with your name on it.

Hit me up if there's anything else I can do to help you out."


"Shakira, lets talk to our young QB next."


"Lindsay, my man. Thanks for coming up. So obviously I've seen the rumors that a team, or teams, from the PFL have offered you a contract. I wanted to get a feel for where your head is at on all of this because you know we think the world of you here in Cancun and think there is a bright future for you here."



I've got offers from Cincinnati and Calgary both offering me big money and a starting job the week I get there.  Can't lie, it's a real attractive offer.

GM Eli

"Yeah, I respect that money is one side of things. I think you know we want you here but at the end of the day this isn't about what we want, it's about what you want. And while I'm sure the offers that have been made are attractive on the surface, I know the young man that we stepped up and took early in the 1st round of the draft isn't someone who just wants things handed to him. You give everything you have to improving your craft, and more than that you give everything to earning everything you've got. That's the kind of competitor that's inside of you.

Cincy and Calgary can offer you the instant cash and an opportunity at the field right now. They can give you those hand outs. There's no denying that. But think about this. They've already undercut your agent Steve Rosenhaus, the same guy who had a hand in convincing me you were worth taking at the 12th overall spot. If they're willing to undercut him, a guy who has been by your side, looking out for your interest since before the draft, what do you think they'll be willing to do to you the moment you have a bad game?

When you've considered that.. then think about what I've done with the Quarterbacks I have had the pleasure of working with since I came into the league in Season 10. I made Caleb Smoak the highest paid quarterback in the league. I took Aaron Kitchen, who the rest of the world had given up on as a hot head, and gave him the tools he needed to take the next step in his game and become a superstar and he did just that, and got paid for it too.

And even since you've come here to Cancun I have made sure you have every opportunity to improve and become the Quarterback that we know you have the ability to be. How many extra minicamps and work sessions have we set up for you to take advantage of? Like I said. This isn't about me now. But it's never been about me, and I think if you look closely... you'll see how much that's true, how much we genuinely value you and how much the Mutineers Organization is all about Lindsay Archibald the man and the QB."



Yeah.. you know, at the end of the day, I just rather be here in Cancun than Cincinnati or Calgary, they are both cold.. and I'm a Florida boy.

GM Eli

"Good. I'm glad. And because of the loyalty you're showing to the team, and knowing that you want a chance to play... we've got some bonus money lying around. When the bye week hits i'll see if logistically a competition is something I can put together with you and DA to give you a shot to win it.

Thanks, Lindsay."


"Last one for the time being, Shakira. Would you get Morris Cooper in here please? Thanks, Shakira."


"Morris, the Bootleg Maple king. Talk to me about this PFL stuff and where you're at on it."



Hey boss.  I got a big check offered to me from Colorado Alpines owner Bronco Slinger.  You know, our QB's uncle.
He was offering me and DA both deals, DA's kept it quiet from what I've heard, but yeah.. $18MM a season is their offer, and they're 6-1.

GM Eli

"First... thanks for the heads up about DA.

You know, I think if you were a guy who wasn't loyal to the team you're on, you'd have kept that to yourself or wouldn't have even thought twice about telling me. I remember when we talked last you told me something your father always said to you. The wins will come, Morris. The wins will come. And I remember you reflecting that you didn't really understand what that meant at the time but I think I do now.. if you'll indulge my interpretation.

I think what your father was saying is that patience, persistence and dedication to finishing a job that you've started eventually leads to being rewarded. Here in Cancun we've started building something. You've started building something and the job isn't done yet. And while the wins aren't here yet if you stick with us... the wins will come, Morris. I promise you that. The wins will come."



Sorry man, I agree the wins will come, for me... but it's going to be in Colorado.

Thanks for the endorsement thing, but man.. that drink was disgusting, by the way.

GM Eli

"I'm disappointed but at the end of the day I understand."



"Shakira, would you send David-Allen Slinger in to see me."


"D-A, it hasn't been reported yet but I've heard from a now former teammate of yours that you've got a contract offer you're stewing on. Do you want to talk about it?"



My uncle offered me a deal to come in as an insurance policy in case Huerta left in the off-season, yeah...

GM Eli

"... that's... well that's not what I expected to hear. How's that sitting with you?"



I mean, if Arch is the future of the position here like he thinks he is, it might make sense, but I dont really want to sit on the bench, even if I'm getting paid well to do so.

GM Eli

I'm not gonna lie and tell you he's not gonna get a chance here and there to prove he deserves to be the guy. But at the same time I made a point to bring you here to Cancun. You've been our QB1 ever since. And just like we're working with him to improve his craft, we've been working with you to help you improve yours as well.

But if the family pull to Colorado combined with the competition with Arch here has you feeling like you gotta go. I respect it and I'll continue to be one the biggest believers in your ability and your potential. If it's up to me, though? You'd stay and keep leading this franchise as our starting QB.

GM Eli

And actually.. what I can promise is that there's ever a day where you aren't our long term starter.. I'll release you from your contract and you can choose for yourself where you want to go.



You know what, I appreciate that.  The staff here has been great and I enjoy working with the Reno's.  I'm good for now and yeah if the day comes where you want to make a change, if we can't agree to a plan, I appreciate the option of getting my release if I want it.

GM Eli

"Give me a name. Any name from the PFL that you want to play with. Give me one. I'm going hunting for us now."


GM Eli

"Lets see what we can do then, shall we."


"Shakira, would you get me the agent for PFL Wide Receiver Sean Fries, please. Thanks."


"Hello, this is GM Eli from the Cancun Mutineers and I'm curious about your client, Sean Fries, and his desire to play in the High Impact Football League. One of our guys here has mentioned him as the top guy he'd love to play with that's over in the PFL. If he's interested, I'd love to chat about long term contract options with you."



Gon' take a fat pay check to pull me outta New York, man. whatchu got?

GM Eli

"I've got sandy beaches, beautiful women, impeccable weather and an initial 4 year, 13 million dollar contract offer.

How about you?"