

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:51:17 PM

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  We're pretty far apart there Kirk, we're looking for closer to $15MM per season.

GM Kirk

That's probably fair for the player people keep telling me he is, but telling and showing are two different things. 8 is already generous for what he's done on the field up to this point in his career. I'm open to including a pay bump linked to sacks. 8 per year but it jumps to 15 the following years of his contract if he gets 15 sacks? I don't have league stats to hand, so that sack number is up for discussion.


  We might entertain that if we don't get a better offer on the open market.

GM Kirk

Understood. I'll contact you again after we see how this 2nd half of the season goes.
- Player Rotation: Mostly Starters
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass Coach's decision
- Depth chart & strategy changes:
Play St. Felix in the slot.
Create a short yardage package with Hanson in the slot.

Lock in

GM Kirk


1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?)

I can't believe that went to overtime. We dominated the game in every category and then collapsed in the 4th quarter, but the guys dug deep and found a way to finish it off. We've been in too many of these tight games and too many 5th quarters. Even without our supposedly intense training, we're probably the hardest worked team in the league. A few things stood out to me from the game. 1. Boatwright is absolutely vital to our offence. He has his critics, idiots, but our passing game is transformed with him on the field. 2. I think Vardy made up for all his career yards lost from runs in that one game alone. If he keeps running like that, Ortega will have a new superman contender. In all seriousness, it constantly amazes me how he's able to take the game on his shoulders and find a way to force the team down the field. He's a dream QB for any GM or coach to work with. 3. The o-line has really stepped up the last few games, although they have had to work themselves into the ground to get there. Vardy has gone from running for his life to having time to pick an open lane and run downfield. Hopefully we can get the balance right to keep them at this level while also keeping them on the field. I'll talk more about that later. As for the game ball, Vardy obviously deserves it but I'm giving it to Eugene Harris. He missed one kick over 40yrds but nailed the rest and all of his XPs. For a punter filling in, he did a great job. Particularly with that awkward 4th quarter kick when the Monsters had all the momentum. Clutch stuff. We're all proud of him.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

I've had a suspicion for a while that the players' conditioning isn't good enough and I guess now I have the proof. We'll have to work the lads a lot harder in preseason to get them where they should be and maybe stricter instructions around nutrition and personal training plans in the offseason. No more wild weeks in Vegas during their time off if they can't get fit for the following season. I have sympathy for most of the o-line and for Longoria. They've had to carry players through games and work extra hard to keep our QBs healthy. We'll look at what we can do to improve balance of their workload. As for Conover, Searcy and Sturdivant, how the f.... how is it possible to be fatigued when you never get on the field? If sitting on the bench is too tiring for you, maybe you should just sit on your lazyboy at home. I hope you lads aren't too tired for the trip to your local job office. Conover was just recently given the chance to be our starting centre and he's blown it. And before the HIFLPA get up my ass for cutting those workshy wankers, I want to point out that their fatigue is not an injury, it's laziness. But in this day and age, maybe laziness is a syndrome or protected lifestyle choice or something. I forget, which colour on the pride flag represents bone-idle wasters? Sturdivant and Searcy are rookies for f.... flip sake. A rookie complaining about being tired is a rookie without a future. Don't they do any gym work in colleges anymore?

As for other news, the one that struck me was Thomas Holt's ambitions for the season. If anything, I think he's selling his defence a bit short. I know I shouldn't praise rivals, particularly that GM, but the Kings have a defence that any of my Dragons teams would have been proud of. They're a fantastic unit. If that GM ends up down south in Cancun, the vultures will be circling the Kings and I will be chief amongst them. I just love the way they play and the results they're getting on the field. That's a championship calibre defence anchored to a bottom tier offence. If they can get a proper offence there, the Kings will be scary. Let's hope they don't ever figure out how to do it.

3. With the trade deadline in the rear view, what move surprised you the most?

That GM Franchise didn't trade Keith Blackburn to me. I gave him a great offer and he was trading everyone else on his roster. Oh, well. Maybe I'll have better luck in the offseason.

4. Tell us a player on offense and defense you want to see more from in the second half of the season.

Randall St. Felix on offence. We're going to give him more chances in the slot to show us what he can do and we hope he'll repay that faith with a big 2nd half to the season. On defence, I'd like to see more from Joe Ammons, and he's made a good start on that. We didn't take up his rookie option but that doesn't mean we don't want him. I think the HIFLPA hasn't done the league's young players any favours by pushing the rookie option to $5million. It puts far too much pressure on 1st round guys to be great straight away. Some have greatness within them but aren't ready for $10million+ contracts. If Joe can keep playing the way he did this week, we'll be talking to his agent before the end of the season. I'll give you one more name to keep an eye out for: Keith Montoya. We've eased him in so far, but I think he's close to ready for a lot more responsibility and time on the field.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?

Have you seen our injury list? We're going to get our pants pulled down. It's ridiculous that we have an Impact Bowl contender from the other Conference on our schedule a year after a losing season, anyway. Our one hope of defying the odds is that Vardy has a point to prove to that city and he could have one of those miracle games he's capable of producing on occasion. We've already seen it this season when he was getting sacked all the time, so why not this week? That's our one potential advantage and route to upsetting Vancouver.
Coach, the players are whining. I like the old Chinese proverb of "you coach, I GM"... it's more beautiful in the original Chinese... but I guess I should talk to you about it. Any changes we need to make, other than replacing the whiners with free agents who would be grateful for the work?


We increased our training when you were wanting to see more improvements, clearly some of these little boys can't handle a man's workload, so we'll scale back; but I agree.. anyone who is complaining doesn't realize how miserable life is as a free agent, or playing for those scabs in the PFL.

GM Kirk

I guess a team meeting is in order. Gather everyone up and I'll meet you on the practice field.
Alright ladies, gather round. I've seen the injury report and the whining in the press and I've listened. It seems that we've been pushing you hard and now some of you want a game off because you're tired, or perhaps you chipped a nail. Coach says he'll back off. I'm not the only one who noticed, though. GM Lucas is calling us Charlette in his press conferences. He thinks you're a bunch of girls. How can I correct him and stand up for you when you're acting like a bunch of girls. Only you can force him to say our name and the name of this great city with respect. So, put down your hanbangs and man up. You've shown you're not as good as a lot of these other teams, so you need to work harder, not slack off. You train until you puke, rehydrate and do it again. There is no fear on this team. There is no pain on this team. There is no defeat on this team. In short, there is no mercy in this dojo and if you can't cut it, I'll cut you. There are a lot of things I'll tolerate, shield you from and help you with... just look at the sleep studies and fucking chapel I've built... but laziness is a bright red fucking line for me. Understood? Now, enough standing around clutching your pearls, get back to work before you have Mr. Crowe coming down here to kick your asses. Captains, we'll have a meeting in my office in 30 minutes.
Right captains, now's your chance to say your piece.


Well, I understand why you're upset with the team but I think insulting everyone as a group isn't likely to help matters much.

Your comments like clutching your pearls or to put down your handbags was pretty offensive, very tone def for todays society, I mean if I want to carry a hand bag to the locker room, I have that right to do so without being ridiculed, so I think you are a little out of line.

I get it boss, tough love, I know you say things for a reason, trying to make the team come together and be better, I know exactly what you're doining.

I've spent a lot of my career around different types of GMs.. GM Phoenix, GM Jon, GM Gooch... but man I've never had a GM call out the locker room because he's over working people... crazy.

I'm playing well, the team should be following my lead, period.  I'm not phased by some sissy boys being too tired to work, that's a you problem, not a me problem, and I know my man John Freeman agrees..


GM Kirk

Christopher, you can come to work in a dress and high heels for all I care, just as long as when you suit up for practice or game time you are 100% focused and giving the team everything you've got. I'm an old-school guy and use old-school language because that's how I grew up and I'm too old to change. I've got no worries about you, though. Or you, Fabian. I get what you're saying, but some of these guys on the team need a kick up the ass. Sam, all I did was ask the coaches to get you all up to scratch and apparently working you hard was the way they chose to do it and I'll always back the coaches. We have the best in the league. Coach Bond has said he'll step it back, but I need all of you to make it clear that easing off training to keep you in peak condition for gametime doesn't mean anyone can slack off. I think I made that clear in practice, but you all know what motivates the locker room better than I do. If anyone needs my words softened for them, then put your arm around them and do that for me. Anyone who needs their ass kicked, you do that too. I suspect Bryce and John are up to that task.

Anyone who doesn't want to be here and work hard needs to be identified and moved on in the offseason. That's why I was so harsh on everyone. If you know anyone, or any one of you, who doesn't want to be here to work as hard as it takes to win championships, I need to know the names so I can find them a more suitable, permissive environment for next season. My door is open this week to listen to complaints or requests but after that we are laser focused on winning this division... we are currently tied for the lead for... and getting our young squad much needed playoff experience. This season is a building year, but after it's over we're making a big push for the Impact Bowl between now and the end of my contract. That's my ambition and hopefully it's yours, but we can't be carrying dead weight. I don't know how to say that in a fluffy cuddly way, but I hope I've been clear, and you can pass the message on in however it needs to be delivered.

I hope that clears things up and eases your concerns. If not, you can stay behind and press your case. Otherwise, please get back to training and help me get the rest of the lads on the same page. We fight hard for each other, for the badge and for the fans. Fuck that cunt in GM's office. We'll show him who's a pussy. OK?



GM Kirk

Right, you can get on with it. Ms. Mormot, do you know where I can find a list of free agents?

GM Kirk

Actually, I think I've found it. Can you contact Amber Molina for me, please?
Amber, I'm looking for a reliable Center who I can trust. Vernon Caraballo fits that description. I'll have $1million to spend for the remainder of the season, assuming my free agent list is accurate and he's currently without a team.



We'll sign that deal.

GM Kirk

Thanks, Amber.
Ms. Mormont, I'm pretty much done here but I'll leave my door open for any players who want to come by. I wouldn't be surprised to hear from the league office, either. If nobody is waiting to see me and the league office isn't after me, just let me know and I'll lock us in for Vancouver.



GM Kirk

One thing I almost overlooked, ask Coach Harris to see me.
Coach, if Kelly and Hill both miss the game I guess Gossett gets his shot and then which of Rogers or Vance steps across?


I'd go with Vance if we have to.

GM Kirk

Hopefully one of the guards can suit up.

- Player Rotation: Balanced
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass Coach's decision
- Depth chart & strategy changes:
Caraballo in C1.
Add Vance to the G depth chart in case both starters can't play. Everything else is next man up.

Lock in

GM Kirk


1. Discuss this past week.

I think the league should look at the balls they use in Vancouver. It seemed they were coated in teflon this week.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

I agree with Vardy, but I'm running out of breath and motivation to keep trying to get a tune out of this roster. A total reset coming in the offseason, think. Maybe starting with me and the coaches if we have another game like that. I have never had a roster with less fight in them and, despite the undoubted talent, it might be the worst team I've ever put together for that reason.

3. Talk about your plans for this week.

Does it matter? If the players can't be arsed to even get into range for a single field goal attempt to save face in a shutout, it doesn't matter what plans we have. I can't play the game for them.
Coach, I thought going balanced would get everyone some rest and end the team's fatigue. That didn't work at all and we just got humiliated instead. I'm at my wit's end with this lot. Talk me off the cliff, because another dalliance with a rival league is looking tempting.


I'm disgusted.  We backed off training to rest, we tried to spread the workload around and still some are complaining of being tired.. but more importantly than that, I think the locker room is just at each others throats, everyones looking for someone to blame.

GM Kirk

I think we have some money left in the budget. Take a day off and take the lads to a fancy paintball place or something. Get Brito and Freeman to shoot any problem players in the bollocks. That last bit I'll leave to coach's decision.

GM Kirk

Before you go, send Brito, Ammons and Oakman to see me.
Lads, while everyone else has been wilting, you three continue to lead the way. When I'm looking for players I can count on, you three stand head and shoulders above the rest. Bryce, I don't need to tell you how good you've been. I just want to ask that you try and drag Sanderson up to your level. I keep hearing talk about how good he is, but I'm sick of players who are all show and no go. Speaking of which, Oakman, you're making Brownlee look like a punk. His agent came to me with all sorts of demands, but he's not fit to tie your laces this season. Have a word with him and I'll have a word with your agent over the next few weeks. Same with you, Joe. You've been a different player over the last two weeks. Tell your agent to keep his phone on. Great work, men.


We'll do our best..  you really want us to sus out the snowflakes at this paint ball thing?

GM Kirk

No, that was just the frustration talking. Coach told me it seems like you're looking for someone to blame, when that person is clearly me. I'd go myself so you could all go after the right target, but I don't think I'd make it out in one piece. It's supposed to be team building, but if anyone starts causing trouble I'm sure I count on you to shut that shit down. Besides, the stats will tell us who the snowflakes are at the end of the season and those players won't be coming back. Have fun out there, stay healthy and I'll see you in Portland.


Thanks for clearing that up and for the chance to try to get things gelled.  I've got a plan so hopefully it works.

GM Kirk

That's good to hear. Good luck with your plan.

- Player Rotation: Mostly Starters
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass Coach's decision
- Depth chart & strategy changes:

Lock in

GM Kirk


1. Discuss this past week.

Better than the week before, but the same as every other week. I've run out of unique ways to talk about the same result over and over again.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

I'm glad to see the players have found some common ground. I won't accept any credit for that. We have great captains who take it upon themselves to get the roster through tough spots. Brito in particular. He's the captain of captain's in my mind.

3. What is more interesting to you the PFL or the IFAF, do you believe either is a true rival or threat to the HIFL?  Who is your favorite player from either league and why?

I don't have the right vip subscription services to answer this question. I am a big fan of Ulrich after working with him here, so he's my favourite non-HIFL player. He'll find his way back to the big league before too long. That South African QB, Bandile Ndlovu, clearly has heart considering the year they're having, so he's probably #2 on my list after this week. But honestly, I don't know anything about those leagues other than what's in my weekly news report, and those reports don't say much at all about them.

4. The bye weeks are through; five games remain this season; evaluate your team and season, if you still have a shot at the playoffs what does your team have to do to close out the regular season on a high note?

I think my opinion of the team and season have been pretty well reported. There are bright spots, but I'm mostly disgusted with the way things have gone. I just didn't put a balanced roster together and the weak links have snapped week after week. There's a sketch of a good team here, but it's going to take a lot more work for that to evolve into the masterpiece we're all working towards.
Coach, more of the same, but at least we looked good for a quarter or two and everyone is healthy. Let's get this season over with.

- Player Rotation: Mostly Starters
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass Coach's decision
- Depth chart & strategy changes:

Lock in

GM Kirk


1. Discuss this past week.

It's a lot easier to come out here after a win. Obviously I won't be entirely happy until we're holding teams to under 20 points, but you a GM Gooch team is going to fight to the very end, no matter how big of a hole you put them in early. We didn't keep the ball particularly well, but we were efficient in the use of the possession we had. Crenshaw had the highlight reel plays, but Carmona showed he has a nose for the endzone, Large put in the sort of performance we expected from him when we signed him and Brito did Brito things. Overall, you've got to be happy with that.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

I've seen first hand how Brtio has developed into the leader of this team and I'm glad others have noticed. He's always led by example on the field but now he's taking on the role in the lockerroom as well. He's the kind of player who you can make the heartbeat of your team for a generation and I hope we continue to see him grow and solidify his name as one of the top talents in the league.

The Rapid City job is one a lot of GMs are going to be fighting for if it becomes available in the offseason. That's a team on the brink, like New Jersey were when I took that job. If I wasn't already working for an owner I respect above all others, I know I'd be actively pursuing that job. But Mr. Crowe put his faith in me and, despite things being a bit slower than I expected, I think we're on the right track to building a team he and the city of Charlotte can be proud of.

3. If you could will your team into fixing or improving one thing, what would it be?

I would will us into being better pass rushers. I think our o-line is playing a lot better than earlier in the season, but our d-line is not getting the pressure we need to help the guys behind them. Considering the reputations of one or two of the guys on the line, I'm at a bit of a loss to explain the problem. Brownlee showed us a little more this week and Oakman has been consistant since arriving, but getting even more out of them is currently at the top of my list.

4. You going to win this week?

It's a long shot against that Cleveland defence. I would have fancied our chances a bit more if they hadn't just dropped a game they would have expected to win. There'll be no catching them sleeping after that. With the talent we have, there's always a chance. Just got to play our best game and see how far that takes us. What a confidence boost it will be if we can take a win away from a playoff bound team!
Coach, great to get another win. If we get another this week, we might still be just about able to dream of an unlikely playoff spot. More likely, we need to plan for the future. On that note, for the last 4 games, I want to give starting minutes to Ammons and Montoya as I don't think the players ahead of them will be returning. I'll sort that out in the lock-in. Do we play Montoya ahead of Bryson or Sanderson. I figure we should only keep one between Bryson and Sanderson. I wish Sanderson had made it an easy decision considering he'll still have a couple of years on his contract, but he has really disappointed me this season. Does Coach Patricia have a particularly strong feeling about either of those two?


Since we do have the extra years on his deal, I'd keep Sanderson playing just to see if he does show us more; Bryson isn't interested in returning next year from what I gather, so I'd go with Montoya over him.

GM Kirk

Alright, we'll do that.
- Player Rotation: Mostly Starters
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass Coach's decision
- Depth chart & strategy changes:
DTs are Carter and Ammons. Freeman #3
Montoya swaps places on the depth chart with Bryson.
Sanderson to play better than he has to this point.

Lock in

GM Kirk


1. What stood out to you about your team this week?

Brownlee finally woke up to the fact that he has to earn the sort of contract he's demanding. Other than that, the thing that stood out to me is that this team isn't good at anything. Can you put your finger on one thing we do well? I can't.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

Daley should have been sidelined for the season months ago. Don't ever sign for GM Digger if you value your health or don't want kiddie fiddlers in your locker room.

3. 3 Weeks to go, do you make changes or are you ready to roll with what brought you to the dance?

Changes. Season's over, so time to see who stays and who doesn't.
Coach, that was yet another terrible performance. Why is Vardy dinking and dunking now? Open the playbook. Run aggressively and then vertical, aggressive passing from playaction. The skills players and QB are built for deep bombs. Let's go back to that, even if the sacks pile up again.


Understood. I'll try to make the changes if its on our end.

GM Kirk

Whatever we were doing at the start of the season was working better than what we're doing now. I think most of the changes we made were to protect Vardy... and you can't say that's the wrong decision considering what's going on in Oakland... but I think we can take more risks with only 3 games left. I'm going to try to sign 2 contracts and then lock in for the season. If Vardy gets injured, play Porter for the remainder of the season even if it's just a small injury. Alright, time to make some calls.
Ms. Mormont, get me Mike Maker, please.
Mike, I'm ready to do 15 for Browlnee if he's willing to sign a long term contract. 5 years at least and I won't FG it, before you ask.


  Hmm, some of your comments to the media haven't sat well, let's talk later in the off season.

GM Kirk

I'll be honest with you Mike, if I'm giving $15million to a free agent DE in the offseason, it's not going to be Brownlee. I'm offering the deal now because he's shown sparks of being a good player and it saves me one extra item on my to-do list. I'm offering $15million, for 5 years now but that expires at the end of the season. I don't mean to push you or play hardball, it's just the way things are with the salary cap pressures other teams will be under and the players going into FA. I understand if he wants to hold out, but I'll be shocked if he gets more than half that figure in free agency.


  Sounds like we will see who is right.

GM Kirk

I'm right, but good luck to you. No hard feelings on my end. I'll even keep a spot open and offer him his current terms when everyone else's roster is locked in. Speak to you soon, Mike.
Ms. Mormont, I won't do any more of this. How many years of Free Agency casualties do there have to be before agents understand it's a wilderness, not an oasis? Remind Bond to open the playbook and be more aggressive and we can lock in for the season.

GM Kirk


1. When you look back on this season, what are some of the words you would use to describe the season?

We're going to look back on this season as little as possible. A completely wasted year and most of these players won't be returning next season, so there's no point giving it much thought. Onwards and upwards. It would be tough to go backwards. Worst season of my career.

2. Who was your best player this season?

Bryce Brito. It's not even close.

3. Who was the most disappointing player for you this year, and why?

Other than Brito, there's not a player on the team who played to the level I expect of them, so you can pick any name you like. This season was a collective failure, so there's no point in singling any one player out for blame. That's over now and we start fresh in the offseason and anyone still here gets a clean slate. Put this abomination behind us and begin the climb back to the top of our division, where we belong.

4. Grade your Coaches this season, will they be back next season?

The coaches did fine. You can't polish a turd and they had to put up with constant meddling from me. Bond and Patricia will be back but Jerry Harris is a head coach in waiting, so I think we'll be looking for a new OC in the offseason. I hope Jerry gets his shot here in the HIFL because he's ready and he's exactly who you need if you're a pass heavy team, which this league is full of.

5. What is next for you, do you see yourself back with this club next year?

I already had this conversation with Mr. Crowe. I took responsibility for our failings and handed in my resignation but he threw it in my face and challenged me to fix my mess, saying he still had confidence in me. So I'll be here. We're drawing a line under this disaster and building a winner. Rome wasn't built in a day, but I got Tucson from last to the playoffs and even this team from last to best in the East in one offseason. I've done it before, so it's just time to do it again.



Relieved to hear you are not leaving; we'll spend the off-season rebuilding no doubt.  Anything you need from me before I set off?

GM Kirk

What offence do you want me to build? We've tried it my way without success, so what style of offence do you favour? Give me the blueprint and I'll get you the players. I'll ask the same of Coach Patricia, so if he's spoken to you already you can save him a meeting and pass the details on to me. I know he's a hybrid guy, but what does hybrid look like to him?


I think the perfect offense in this league is a strong armed QB with big, fast receivers.  A fast but powerful running back or two; and a line that can hold up for them.  Tight End isnt useful enough to matter outside of blocking as an extra lineman.. 

Defensively, a 4-man front with speed rushers on the edge; a big run stopper inside and a powerful pass rusher inside; athletic linebackers like Brito and Montoya.. The secondary is an enigma to me, but speed is paramount.

GM Kirk

Alright, that makes things easier. I don't want to think about this season anymore so you can head off on holiday. I'm going to have a stiff drink or two.
Ms. Mormont, ulness there's something I've forgotten about, I think we can lock in until the offseason.



Welcome back GM Kirk,

I currently have us with $68.10MM in available salary cap and $10.75MM in Bonus funds for S16.  Our bonus may flex depending on how you decide to handle our coaching staff.

I have us with 24 open roster positions at this time. 

I have our s16 draft picks as follows:

1st - CHA
1st - BAMA
1st - MIA
3rd - CHA
3rd - DC
3rd - BAMA
4th - CHA
5th - CHA
6th - CHA

We have all of our own draft picks for S17; and all of our own picks for S18.

We do not currently own any tax money, so our off-season bonus money is free to use how we see fit.

Our available off-season bonus money currently is: $5.25MM ($4.5MM from your GM Contract + $750K from your S15 budget rollover).

I have our off-season team sheet copy here. Feel free to edit/use it if you would like.  If you have questions or disagree with my notes please let me know and we will get to the bottom of it!

GM Kirk

I'd better speak to Bond about the coaching situation.
Coach, I don't really understand the new coaching rules but I'm told it's your job to sort out the staff. What I would have done is hired DeAngelo Neuman as OC and if Patricia's contract is voided, I'd go after John Mayfield at DC. Brilliant captains for me in NJ, they know how to play my brand of football and I had a great relationship with both while we were Dragons. As for position coaches, someone like Mississippi Slinger seems like he'd suit us considering the cannon and gunslinger mentality he had, but that level of coaching has always been your purview. I'll trust you to have a better handle on those coaches than I. So, how much do I need to give you to get those coordinators signed with a top team around them?


Outside of making sure we call John by his proper last name of Maxfield, I don't see any issue bringing Neuman and John in as our coordinators. 

We can bring in Slinger as our QB Coach but it will be pricy since he's a head coach at the college level; to get all three and still have a respectable staff across the board we'd be looking at:

$8MM on offense and $8MM on defense.

To field the absolute best I can, make it $9MM and $9MM; or we can toggle with a 9/8 split in either direction; however you prefer.

GM Kirk

Yes, let's make sure to call him Maxfield. John and DeAngelo are absolutely my top choices for coordinators. Slinger came to mind because of how he played the game. Is he the guy you would want, though? I know QBs are your specialty. If we're having to convince him to give up a HC job, I want to be sure he's the right guy.



He definitely brings another aspect to the coaching room; I wouldn't mind having him there to help with our QB's deep passing skills, so I think it is a smart investment.

GM Kirk

We'll go 9/9 then. No point compromising any coaching positions just to save $2million. I'll league office the budget and let you get on with hiring the staff.


GM Kirk

Ms. Mormont, I'm not going to offer contracts to any of our RFAs and I won't be placing tenders on them, either. I will contact a couple of players who are going to be UFAs, but I also need to talk to Amber Molina. It's not good news.
Amber, I want to give you notice that I am going to use the amnesty clause on Sam Rose before I league office it. He was supposed to be the foundation stone of our 3-3-5, which is why I gave him the contract he's on, but that formation doesn't work. It's nothing personal... he played great... but I need that cap space to build up the rest of the team and staff for next season. I'm sorry it didn't work out the way we expected.