

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:51:17 PM

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GM Kirk

Cheers, guys. You can get back to training. Vardy, stay behind.
Fabian, you're playing great so far. A real MVP effort. But you're still taking a lot of hits so I want to know how you're doing. We've seen the way Oakland are squeezing their QB dry and ruining his health and I don't want that to happen with you. I know you've not been on the injury list, but are you feeling good? Do you need time off this week?


Time off, not unless I'm too hurt to play.  I don't enjoy watching games from the sidelines, it's not my thing.  I appreciate the offer, but I'm feeling good even with the hits.

GM Kirk

I meant this week during our bye. Everyone else will be coming to train and obviously we want you here, but there's no other chance to rest up if you're feeling banged up. If you're good to go, we'll carry on as normal.


I appreciate the offer, but I don't take hits in practice so I'll be fine.

GM Kirk

This is the work ethic I'm talking about. You're a pleasure to work with. I'll let you get on with your day.
Ms. Mormont, can you get Mike Maker please.
Mike, I'm calling to guage where you're at in terms of a contract extension for David Southerland. I'd like to extend him for a couple of years at somewhere around his current deal to see if he kicks on. Is that something he'd be interested in?


GM Kirk, Dave is happy to consider returning, even without much of a raise, but if it isn't going to be a deal that goes up the scales we would prefer to wait until we can hear if there is interest elsewhere.    That being said, what are you thinking at the moment, we'll at least take it into consideration and give you some feedback.

GM Kirk

I'm thinking the deal Winnipeg just signed looks about right. 4 years, $14million.



That is a deal I can agree to.  Consider it done.

GM Kirk

Thanks, Mike. I'll get the paperwork sorted.
Ms. Mormont, next up is James T. Crain.
Mr. Crain, I'm calling about Dan Briggs. I'd like to keep him here beyond the end of this season. Would he consider 2 years at $8million plus $1million bonus, starting next season?  That puts him around what Dotson's making.


GM Kirk

A pleasure, as always.
lock in

GM Kirk



A quiet week for us. I had good meetings with the coaches and got some.contracts sorted for a couple of players. Hopefully the salary cap moves a bit in the offseason so I don't regret getting next season's business started early. Other than that, I was hoping to get a clean bill of health for our next game, but unfortunately we still have a couple of guys with the doctors. It's been like that all season, with little niggles keeping players out but we've muddled through and will do the same against Salt Lake. Speaking of them, that trade means we need to rip up any prep we've done for them and start all over. In a situation like this, all you can do is focus on your own game and make sure you play the best version of it that you can. If we play to our full potential, we'll win. Cheers.

Coach, how did the training over the bye week go?



I feel it went very well.  Some nice progress made when it comes to the teams overall IQ. Glaze is on track to play and be healthy by kick off as well, so we should only be short Branham.

GM Kirk

That's good to hear and I think it's a decent chance for McFadden to get some experience. With Glaze back, do we move Oakman back to DE and play Carter, or keep him at DT for more of a rush up the middle and stick with Casey opposite Gossett?



I think I prefer to move Oakman back outside, Casey has been okay, but I dont think he's done enough to reduce anyone else's role.

GM Kirk

We really need to find a solution to the DE problem in the offseason. Obviously Peppers would be it, but there's no chance we get the #1 pick. Maybe try the 3-4 again. I know it doesn't work in this league, but neither does a 4-3 without a player like Wilkinson or Obaje. Something to think about. Alright, let's get to it.
Week 7
- Player Rotation: Mostly Starters
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass Coach's decision
- Depth chart & strategy changes:
Put Oakman back at DE instead of Casey if Glaze plays.

Lock in

GM Kirk



That was a dominant performance for 3 quarters and then an unacceptable collapse at the end. We let them.score twice in about 10 seconds of play. Has that ever happened before. We will make sure that never happens again, but we still won and we top our division. Vardy always finds a way to score and I was delighted with Cotter's impact on the game. Overall, despite the 4th quarter, I'm a happy GM. Next up we face Music City in a game we have to win to avoid being swept by the division. All the hard work in other games counts for nothing if you keep losing to direct rivals.

As for the PFL stuff, what was Rebel smoking this week. Stupid and reckless. The fire and brimstone coming from the PFL is quite frankly ridiculous, though. They came after contracted players last season and during the offseason but now one careless GM signs a couple of their players, it's suddenly war? They fired the first shots and should be grateful for how restrained most HIFL GMs have been. If they really want war, the gloves will come off and the better league will win... and that's us. Sure, a payday is attractive, but nobody grows up dreaming of whatever the PFL trophy is. Any serious player wants an Impact Bowl. If we lose some of the greedy players and end up with a league full of committed and talented athletes, that won't be a bad thing for our brand. Nobody misses Shelley or Sumner and nobody will miss anyone else who decides to torpedo their career for greed.

There's a place for both leagues, but many have stepped to the king in the past and lost. Detente is best for everyone and one absent minded GM's actions shouldn't see a cold war turn hot. It's bad for business and even worse for players and fans because only one league will survive a war.

Coach, was that 4th quarter against our reserves? If so, I think we should push the score differential up by 10 points before we see them on the field again.



That absolutely was the case, we had a big lead and brought in a lot of reserves.

GM Kirk

That tells us all we need to know about our depth. Let's not do that again until we're up by at least 50. I guess there's not a whole lot to start on this week until we see thr scale of GM Gates' capitulation to the PFL. Did you see the list of guys he took with him to the meeting? Not a single S5 GM, unless Cory was around back then, but he wasn't relevant until he got to Canada so I can't remember. Just a bunch of nice guys and GMs who have only been in the league for 5 minutes. No Pancho, Jon or Metro and worst of all, I didn't even get an invitation. We'll probably have to hand over our crown jewels and half our bonus funds by the end of it with a public apology. How do you and the players cope with this noise? Hopefully not with a bottle of Lagavulin, like I do. Any players whispering about how much greener the grass looks in the other league?



There is always the whispers, they get quiet when the coaches are in the room, but you hear the talk as people see and compare contracts, but at the same time unless our division rep really botches his duties, hopefully we come out of things unscathed, but it is all in Gates and his cronies hands.

GM Kirk

Let's leave all of that to the guys in that room and hope they don't make a pig's breakfast of the whole thing. Big game for us this week. Bigger than I'd like due to losing our other division games. I don't usually ask this, but I don't have stats to hand so, how do we stack up?



We are currently 3rd in scoring, 4th in total yards, 15th in passing and 4th in rushing. 

Defensively, we are 18th in scoring, 15th in yards, 27th vs the pass, and 4th vs the run.

The Kings are 21st in scoring, 21st in yards, 14th in passing and 25th in rushing.

Defensively they are 2nd in points allowed, 1st in total yards against, 6th vs the pass, and 6th vs the run.  They are very much an all-defense team.

Their most points allowed game against DC when they gave up 25.    Their offense is also bolstered by that 49-6 win against St. Paul when they were going through their implosion. 

GM Kirk

Interesting match up. 27th against the pass shouldn't be a surprise but does show how desperately we need to solve that problem. What are the caught against percentages for our corners?



Southerland is at 71% on 42 targets.
Carnival 57% on 23 targets
Jones 75% on 16 Targets
Jackson 83% on 6 attempts

Montoya has 20 targets at 65%
Cotter 73% on 23 targets
Brito 58% on 12 targets

Mkhwanzai 64% on 14 targets and Briggs 75% on 12 targets.

GM Kirk

Jesus, that's terrible. 4 new CBs in the offseason, I guess. Maybe we go nickel like I did back in the day? Brito and Montoya at MLB and our best blitzing CB in the nickel spot?

GM Kirk

Actually, I'll speak to Coach Maxfield about that. I'm sure you've seen the trade with Amsterdam. I liked St. Felix, but Vardy apparently didn't. Let's move Hanson to WR3 and put the new DE in ahead of Casey. Casey had his shot. There might be one or two trades to go. Possibly Glaze and Cotter, but I'm sure you can keep us on track, I'll let you get to training.
Ms. Mormont, get Bobby Shapiro for me, please.
Bobby, I saw the news and I had an idea. I need a better punter and you had one on your books in New York, Colbey Toledo. If he's still taking your calls, I can free up $750k to bring him to the big leagues. I know they are having that big meeting, but I wasn't invited so fuck them. Let's start a war over a punter. Interested?


Let's burn it down.  Deal.

GM Kirk

Burn, baby, burn. Cheers Bobby.
Ms. Mormont, I need to speak to Coach Maxfield.
This week, I want to play a nickel as our base formation and the 4-3 in running downs. I think Brito and Montoya are the obvious LBs, but how should we line up the CBs? Southerland, Carnival and then Jones in the nickel?



Sorry to interrupt sir but the PFL is firing back!  We have just found out that Poe, Lucky Jones, and Oakman are all being offered contracts!

GM Kirk

Send them to see me, I guess.
Lads, I hear that the PFL is after the three of you. Lucky, you're a free agent in the offseason so you might as well wait and test the market. If you're determined to get a big contract, I'll agree not to activate your rookie option to give you that chance.  Poe, you're half a season away from free agency, so why take a deal now instead of waiting for a bidding war in a couple of months? A starting LT is rare in any league. Oakman, I don't begrudge you going for a big payday and I don't have an argument beyond your legacy to stop you, other than the ridiculousness of the PFL's business strategy. Make sure you get that deal front loaded. I won't threaten you or anything, just give you advice: Wait out the season and see how everything shakes out. Two of you are due new contracts and Oakman, you can come see me at the end of the year if you want out. The HIFL cap hasn't been set yet, so wait to see if you can get big deals in a good league before you jump to a bad one. LT, DE and CB are the big money HIFL positions, so bide your time.



Man, Oak and Poe might be sticking around, but Calgary are offering me 3 years at $15MM per season and CB1 duties.. I want that playing time man, its more valuable than a promise of a bidding war in the off-season.

GM Kirk

We were switching to a nickel defence for the remainder of this season, even before all of this, so you're going to get serious playing time anyway. You haven't exactly been a bench player for the majority of your career here, either. Make sure to get your agent involved with whatever you decide. You don't want to burn your bridges there because thr agents are the ones who stick by you while owners and GMs look to the next big thing.



My agent.. man I didnt even think that they didn't talk to him first. 

GM Kirk

I don't know if there's a time limit on these offers, which would be another red flag, but my suggestion is talk to your agent, think it over and get him to speak to me or come to me yourself next week. That goes for all three of you. This sort of situation is exactly why you have agents. If you can all accept that, we can get back to planning for Music City. If we win this one, we're starting to look really good for the playoffs and who knows what can happen once you get to the dance.



GM Kirk

You have things to be getting on with. I hope you make the right decision, but let me know either way. I'd rather hear it in person than see it in the news.
Ms. Mormont, deep in my heart I think it's a coin flip on whether they even stick around for the game this week. I hope they decide quickly so I can start going after PFL guys before Eli ruins all the fun.

GM Kirk

One thing you can do for me while we wait is find out if the Antetokounmpo brothers and Stephen Leake have agents or if they are representing themselves. After the stunt the PFL teams have pulled, I don't want to step on any agents' toes in my retaliation.


I understand sir.. hopefully they make their decisions soon. I'll look that information up for you immediately.



Sir all three are represented by a new agent, someone named Roux Rawlins



Boss, I'm not going anywhere.



Yeah... I decided to stay, for now.


...I... I'm sorry man.

I'm headed to Calgary.

GM Kirk

James, I'll remember your loyalty when I talk to your agent nearer the end of the season. Shawn, I appreciate you sticking around. You're an important part of our defence this season and we can circle back round to this in the offseason. Lucky, goodbye and good luck. Wrap up warm. Calgary is cold as fuck.
Ms. Mormont, let's talk to Roux Rawlins.
Hello. I'm GM Kirk from the HIFL's Charlotte Crows. I heard that you are representing some PFL players and would like to know if you're open to discussing bringing them to the HIFL. I find myself short one CB.


  Oi, GM Kirk.  Widdiyae wanna know then? Am Definitely open to talkin' business, the PFL and us agents arent exactly in a good place right now, ya mae 'av 'eard.

GM Kirk

I had heard something like that. I want to know how happy Apollo Antetokounmpo is in the PFL. Calgary have been nice enough to free up a roster spot and $8million in cap for me. I know that's a lot less than Apollo is making now, but he would be playing in the HIFL with good players and coaches instead of the idiots who tried to make him a two way player and ruin his reputation. I could do 8+0.5 for the remainder of the season and then double that for another year next season. We can add options and incentives and stuff, but really this is a foot in the door and a chance to prove he deserves a big deal in a real league... actually that all sounds pretty pathetic. A 29 year old player isn't going to give up $29million dollars for 8 and the promise of a bright future. I'm wasting your time. Maybe Poseidon, though. I need a long-term DT and he's young enough to have a few big contracts ahead of him.


  Apollo wants to be in the HIFL, but he also wants to be paid like a rockstar.   Poseidon though, oi yer right. You offering me $8MM to bring him to the HIFL for this year and next?

GM Kirk

I guess Apollo is an offseason fight, unless I get that GM Rep job. As for Poseidon, I'd do 8 this season and 12 next.



Ye' know what, Fook em, consider Poseiden on his way to Charlotte!

GM Kirk

Perfect. Thank you. It has nice meeting you and an absolute pleasure doing business. I don't know what the PFL were thinking by ignoring agents.
Ms. Mormont, let the coaches know that I am working some deals to shore up our CB corps.