

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:51:17 PM

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GM Kirk

After seeing the news pop up on my phone, I think I'd better see Mr. Crowe to settle any nerves he might have and get some marching orders.
Sir, I'm sure you've been watching what's going on and that I've been quite active while everyone else does nothing. Obviously that paints a target on this team, but I'm not worried and I would like to suggest that you shouldn't be either. Losing Jones isn't a problem at all. He was good in the past but has struggled badly this season and was on his way out. There's a free agent who can give us the same production and I just need to cut a bench warmer to get him. Losing Henry would be a bigger issue, but there are guys like Spear, Strong and Griswold in the PFL who have played with Vardy before and Nathaniel Taylor was a WR1 for us the last time we made the playoffs and must be ready for a return. Every time the PFL hits us, they have to pay through the nose and I get money to strike back. I can be your warrior and do this all day, or I can stop and try and lick our wounds after the next wave crashes over us. You're the boss, so I'll march to your orders.



...We will have our vengeance, in this life or the next.   Strike swiftly and strike true.  He he hesitates is lost and he who dares, wins.

GM Kirk

Beautiful. I will return to the battlefield with renewed zeal. Thank you.
Ms. Mormont, I guess we're waiting for the PFL's counter punch. I'm not going to meet with every player who is rumoured to be going to the PFL. If they want to go to that doomed league, that's their idiotic decision and they will be replaced.

GM Kirk

I guess the storm that was coming was a storm in a teacup. Let's get Coach Maxfield back in.
Coach, forget what I was saying about the nickel. I guess we go Southerland and Carnival at CB and one of the safeties covers CB3? Which one?



None of them are ideal fits, but at least we have depth. Mandla, Chris Glenn, Briggs, and Thurston can all play, so we can use any combination of them with our starting corners, but none of our safeties have any corner experience.

GM Kirk

Right, I'll grab a free agent, then. I'll get on with that.
Ms. Mormont, get me Anthony Campanelli please.
Anthony, thanks to those cunts in other GM offices doing nothing in the face of PFL disrespect and aggression, I am in need of a CB. Is Mark Lambert still a client of yours? I can give him $1million to see out the season with us.



GM Kirk

Cheers, Anthony.
Ms. Mormont, assuming I haven't fucked up any league office stuff, here's the lock in information:

Week 8
- Player Rotation: Mostly Starters
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass Coach's decision
- Depth chart & strategy changes:

Hanson plays WR3
Poseidon Antetokounmpo is DT2
Mark Lambert CB3
Michael Parker takes Gamboa's spot at LB.
Burn all of Lucky Jones' equipment in a purification fire.

Lock in

GM Kirk


1. Discuss your game and the results this week.  What stood out?

That was an important win and a tough one. The game pretty much went how you'd expect: they passed the ball well, defended well and lost because they couldn't get anything done on the ground. What stood out to me was the key contributions made by guys you might not have seen doing it earlier in the season. Poseidon announced himself to the league with a sack, Carnival showed we made the right decision moving him up the order with an interception and Hanson made a clutch catch to win the game. I'm pretty happy after this week.

2. What is your take on the PFL/HIFL war?

It's a bit of a damp squib so far, isn't it. I'm sorry to our old friends in Raleigh that they were the ones to suffer at my hands, but they had an obtainable player who hopefully improves us and so they were the ones to suffer from Lucky Jones' impatience. I like the PFL, but if they're going to announce open season on inter-league players, I'd be daft not to take advantage. And I'll keep doing it until a deal is struck to stop me.

3. Where you pro-Gates treaty or anti-Gates treaty, and why?

I play to the rules that are set for me. If the deal had gone through, I'd have accepted it and moved on. As he couldn't get a treaty over the line, I have helped myself to a couple of talented players. It seems insane for HIFL GMs to sit back and let the PFL have their way with us and not respond out of some twisted sense of honour or fear. This poaching is a two way street. The PFL has money, but we have the fans, the talent and the history. The players who play for money will end up in the PFL (and bankrupting it) whereas the ones who like the competition and a challenge will find their way to the HIFL.

4. What was your opinion on the choices of GMs selected for the summit?

I knew it was doomed as soon as I saw the list, which is why I got a head start on the fun. I imagine GM Wayne had a hand in blowing it all up and that was entirely predictable considering his combustible nature. Gates took a bunch of nobodies and GMs who have only been in the league a couple of seasons. How did he expect the PFL to respect them? Without the likes of Jon, Metro, Pancho, Dazz or myself, it was set up to fail. Even Powers would have been a better choice.

5. What do you think of GM Pancho being voted in as interim GM Rep?

The obvious choice for risk-averse GMs. I think there's a distinct lack of imagination in his election but I wish him the best.

6. Discuss the news this week, anything that stood out, especially if it related to your team.

The PFL coming after WRs is unsurprising, but I don't see why any serious WRs from here would want to switch getting passes from the likes of Ortega, Vardy and that guy in Winnipeg for the likes of Shelley and Elias. Two QBs who couldn't cut it here. I mean Shelley makes $35million or something over there. He'd have to pay a GM that much to even get on a roster here. If you're a WR looking at a flop like him making that kind of money, you should demand $100million, and get your contract front loaded because that league is built on sand. Just look at the difference in salary expenditures. If you play for NY or Vegas you will win every week. If not, you'll get your arse handed to you and probably be out of a job or off to a new city before long.

7. It is mid-season, who has been your teams MVP?  Who needs to step up and show you more in the final half of the season?

Vardy. Lucky Jones needs to step up, but he's not my problem anymore.

8. The trade deadline is fast approaching, what should fans expect from your office?

They should probably expect us to lose a couple more players and sign a couple more from the PFL. Other than that, I think we're not going to do anything major.

9.  Discuss this weeks game (if you have one)

The actual football is at risk of almost becoming an afterthought at this point. We're headed to Milwaukee who are a team on a 6 game losing streak and have yet to win at home. That means we have to work particularly hard on staying focused. These games have a habit of tripping teams up and we don't want to let that happen. It's tough to say much more than that until we see the result of this week's PFL raid.

Coach, good work keeping the players focused on the job. I made executive decisions on the roster at the end of last week, but I think we can afford to have a conversation about it now. Let's start with Poseidon. He was an impulse purchase because I thought Raleigh must have spent some money getting him over from Greece, so it was a signing that would actually hurt the PFL's finances. I remember a lot of hype around him and his brothers in the offseason, so it seemed like a risk worth taking even though I don't know a lot about him. How does he compare to Carter at the moment?



He is an upgrade over Benjamin.  Stronger, more agility, faster, better conditioning, almost like a Defensive End's skill set but with the power to play inside and give us pass rush.

GM Kirk

With him, Oakman and Glaze, plus a deep pool of LBs, it looks like we have all the parts for a solid 3-4 defence. I know we have a good record and top our division, but that's thanks to Vardy. Is a change like that too big in the middle of the season? Could Maxfield handle it?



We can, if you want.  We won't know how it works until we see it in action.

GM Kirk

Who would be our OLBs?



...it's your idea to move to the 3-4 so I assumed you had a plan?

If it were up to me, I'd play Brito and Montoya inside, and Cotter outside with Parker, mixing Harris into the rotation to sub for any of the other 4.

GM Kirk

That's what I was thinking, but you see the players in training, so I wanted your professional opinion on who would fit best in those roles. I will use my powers of deduction to conclude from your reply that you are not enthusiastic about the idea. We'll shelve it for now and just have that as a sub package for when Maxfield wants to throw out something to confuse the opponents. With that discussed, I would normally just lock us in for the game, but I guess we're waiting on Pancho or the PFL to make their move.

GM Kirk

Actually, you stay here and we'll double team Henry.

Ms. Mormont, call Andres Henry up to see us.
Mr. Henry, we've all seen the news that the PFL are interested in you. Considering that you're the main man on a division topping team, you're Vardy's favourite option and you just signed a generous 4 year deal in the offseason, I am assuming I don't need to worry about you taking the PFL's calls, right? Coach Bond has got the offense firing on all cylinders and you've been an important part of that. Hasn't he, Coach?



I'm happy here, that's true.  I got a nice contract, that's true, we're in first place, that's true. ...but the other truth is I've got a deal on the table for double my current contract, I can make this full amount of my 4 year deal in 2 years there and hit the market again at 30.  Get one more big deal to set my family up for a long time, all that..  I'm not about much man, I want to play, I want to get paid, and I want my family taken care of.   They're offer checks those blocks, so it is pretty tempting.

GM Kirk

You're forgetting the incentives that you're already well on your way to hitting. So this season is 10+2 but next season will be 12+2, then 14+2 etc. So it's not double the money. Plus with this contract, you have incentive to keep pushing yourself. You'll be scoring TDs at a canter in the PFL, so how hard do you think you'll train and where is that big deal at 30 coming from? If you take their contract, you're not just turning your back on me, but on all HIFL agents and you'll earn a reputation of being a player who can't be trusted. The PFL hands out these huge welcome packages, but once you're trapped there they don't have to give you another. It's a bad decision, but your decision to make.



Hmm... you make a point, but GM Gooch paid Bjarnason a fat check after he went to the PFL, and then the PFL gave him $50MM to come back again.  I don't think you GM's are on the same page to go fully blocking a return to the league.

GM Kirk

I agree about that. GMs here can't agree on what day it is, let alone a coherent strategy. I'm talking about the agents and HIFLPA, though. You'll need them on side to make the return and Bjarnason didn't have to worry about that because he came the other way. The PFL is offering you these deals behind your agents' backs so I would expect any player who takes one to end up on their blacklist. The HIFLPA has come out pretty strongly against players leaving as well. I've said my piece, so it's up to you to decide if the risk is worth the reward.


I appreciate the talk. Gives me a lot to think about.  Check in with me before the end of the week and I'll give you my answer. I don't plan on leaking it to the press first. You'll be the first to know.

GM Kirk

If you're going to stab me in the back, at least you plan to do it to my face... you get what I mean. I can respect that. I've got business to handle, so I check back in later.
Not exactly a resounding success, but at least there's a small chance I might have talked sense into him. Alright, Coach, you can get to practice. Send Maxfield to see me, please.
John, I've been looking over the stats and I'm confused about how we are the lowest tackling team in the league. With guys like Brito and Cotter on the team, I just don't get it. It's not like we're missing a lot of tackles or anything. Can you explain what's going on?



Don't get too lost in the weeds there man.  Our defense is only facing an average of 43 plays per game.   Where Miami is averaging nearly 60 plays per game they're facing.  It's just a tempo thing.

GM Kirk

Alright. Well, I'm thinking of changes. Coach Bond isn't keen, but allowing 28 points per game from only 43 plays faced really isn't good enough. The only part I'm happy with is the number of interceptions. Our DEs are making such little impact on games that they might as well not be there, so I am going to switch to a 3-4. I was wavering on that idea until I had a good look at the stats and now I am convinced it's the right move for us this season. Getting the right profile of DE for you will be my priority in the offseason but we have to make the most of what we have now. A game against the Barons is as good a chance as we could hope for to bed in a new system as well. I'll send the details in the lock-in. You have a lot of work to do, so I'll let you get to it.
Ms. Mormont, I suppose I should speak to Wayne Hodge.
Wayne, I saw the PFL are interested in you. Have you decided what you want to do? I could give you the whole loyalty speech, and obviously I'd like you to stay, but I understand the appeal of more playing time and more money.



I mean, I don't need both my eyes to see I ain't got a single target this season GM Kirk, clearly I am not in the offensive plans.  I think it's best for me to pack up and start fresh.

GM Kirk

I really can't argue with that. You had a good start with us and I really thought you would kick on and nail down a starting role. Sometimes things don't work out. I'll offer you my hand and wish you good luck. Thanks for all the contributions you've made to the team.



Real talk.  Appreciate that support.   Good luck.

GM Kirk

See you around.
Ms. Mormont, get me Eli Harris.
Mr. Harris, the last information I have says you have a WR in New York called Spencer Guest. In one of the rare occasions where a HIFL team can give a PFL player a raise, once Hodge has announced his defection, I will be able to offer a 2 year $5million contract to bring Guest back to the big leagues.



A little piece of advise from me to you.  If you sign Spencer, I can all but assure you you're going to see Andres Henry signing a monster deal in New York to replace him.  Your call, my man.

GM Kirk

In that case, I'll call Anthony about a replacement for Henry and once that's done I'll swing back round and confirm this.
Ms. Mormont, get Anthony Campanelli for me please.
Anthony, I think Andres Henry is as good as gone so I likely need a starting WR. Would Lawrence Gordon like to come back to the HIFL? I can give him Henry's contract once he defects: 4 years, $10million with $1 mm bonus for 1k yards, $1 mm bonus for 70 catches & $2 mm added to his contract each year he hits both targets. Obvioulsy I'd pay out if he hit 50% of those targets this season. In the interest of saving time, if Gordon is a "no" then I would offer the same to Nathaniel Taylor.


They would need pay raises over their current salaries.  Gordon would be looking for 6 years at $20MM guaranteed.   

Taylor would want two years at $25MM per season.

GM Kirk

That's insane. Dunking on PFL chumps has obviously gone to their heads. DGB makes 16 and even Shawn Simon makes less than Taylor's demands. Thanks for your time, Anthony, but I think they are in the right league already.
Ms. Mormont, let Eli know that we won't be following up on Spencer. Also, can you find me a good whiskey and the job page from the local paper. I think I'll need a new career after this week.



I can help with a good Whiskey, but I don't know if they still print newspapers.

GM Kirk

You'd better call up Hodge and Henry first so that I can see if I need a sipping whiskey or a chugging one.
Right lads, I have no more time for ifs and maybes. Are you in or out? Wayne, I thought you'd already made your decision, but I haven't seen the contract news. Did you change your mind?



I'm gone man, just waiting on the paperwork to hit the line.

I've decided to stay. I signed a deal, I'm going to see it through.

GM Kirk

Thank you, gentlemen.
Ms. Mormont, get Mike Maker for me.
Mike, have you got a free agent, undrafted or otherwise, who you think should be on a HIFL roster? I have $5MM and a spare roster spot. Anything I don't spend on the free agent will go to your TE, Alexander Massie, who I would like to extend for another year. So if you suggest a free agent for $1MM, for example, I will give Massie the other 4: so a $5MM, 2 year deal starting immediately.



Give this kid Roger Spears a chance. He's raw, but he's worth giving a chance to. He's a corner.  3 years, $1MM and we'll do the Massie extension too.

GM Kirk

Perfect. Thanks, Mike.
Ms. Mormont, let the coaches know I'll lock in for the game soon. There are a few trade opportunities coming up that I will explore first.


GM Kirk, I have been contacted by Thomas Large. He has suddenly got the itch to play again, you have his rights at 10MM and 1MM bonus for this season... are you interested in bringing him back, or would you mind releasing him of his commitment so he can pursue another option?

GM Kirk

If only this call had come earlier in the week. I can't free the cap for him this season, so I guess I will have to let him explore other options. Get him to sign a short one because I'd be very interested in bringing him back if he continues beyond this season.



You could definitely leverage a trade, even if its simply to release his rights.. just remember this talk when free agency comes around, yeah?

GM Kirk

This is why you're an agent and I'm just a GM. I don't come up with good ideas like that. Consider the favour registered in my ledger.


GM Kirk

Always a pleasure.
Ms. Mormont, I'm still trying to nail down a trade, but if the bus is ready to go before it's done, here's the new depth chart for the defence I want the team to run. Please forward it to the coaches.

NT- Darren Glaze
RE1- Shawn Oakman
LE1- Poseidon  Antetokounmpo

LOLB1- Jeremiah Cotter
ILB1- Bryce Brito
ILB2- Keith Montoya
ROLB1- Michael Parker
(Aaron Harris backs up each position)

CB1- David Southerland
CB2- J'von Carnival

FS1- Mandla Mkhwanazi
SS1- Dan Briggs

P- Colbey Toledo


GM Kirk



What an exciting end to the game. I don't mind telling you that I was sweating in those dying seconds, but that's not the first time Williams has been clutch for us. The Barons played a physical game and gave us everything they had, which you can see in the injury report, so I'm very proud of our guys for showing the heart and determination to fight to the end. Big win. One thing that stood out to me was how much more aggressive we were on defense. We gave up big plays through the air, but we were in their face all game and made big, momentum swinging plays ourselves. I'm impressed with how disciplined we were while playing a new style, and you can see how important penalties ended up being. The one concern is still the passing yards we're allowing. The Barons have shot themselves in the foot a little there because I was close to pulling the trigger on a trade for one of their WRs, but I think my priority still needs to be finding help in my secondary instead.

In other news, I can't believe Vancouver put their starting QB on the trade block. I thought he was having a good year, so it's a shock that their GM is looking to replace him mid-season. If I didn't have Vardy, I'd be looking to pick him up. David-Allen Slinger and Peerless Adams look ready to move on from their teams. I hope they don't get impatient and jump to the PFL. There are opportunities on good HIFL teams that they should explore first. Two great players I've admired from afar and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Speaking of the PFL, I'm stunned that Pancho hasn't sorted that out yet. I expect the apparent insult that's being reported was Pancho laughing at the demand for $32million. Considering the players the PFL has poached, they've had enough compensation for Orlando's transgressions already. The PFL's proposed restructuring looks good and the right move for their financial health, but they will need a calm environment to go through such a massive overhaul. As such, coexistence is in their interests as much as ours, so let's stop all the bluster and find a way to work together. I look forward to a future of mutual respect and competition.



The defensive change will take some adjustments, but I think everyone handled their roles well enough.

GM Kirk

I'm happy how it went in the first week. Some of the players looked much more dynamic and hopefully I can do something about replenishing our CB corps this week. Michigan will be a tougher test but I'm confident we can cope. Our passing was a bit strange this week. I guess Boatwright just couldn't wriggle free. He's struggling a bit this season. Would it be worth switching him to WR2 to hopefully get better matchups for him? Could Henry cope against the better CBs?



I think that might be our best bet, Henry has emerged as our best option.  Boatwright has obviously struggled the last two weeks and hasn't had his best season, so maybe moving him around gets him more open.

GM Kirk

I'll make sure it's noted when we lock in the plan for Michigan.
Ms. Mormont, I've had the GM Rep sending me messages about giving him some money for the PFL payment. I told him we don't have any but I don't think that's true. I'll admit I've lost track of our bonus expenditures a bit over the season. Now feel free to tell me to figure it out myself and I'll get my calculator out, but I don't suppose you have the remaining balance of our bonus funds to hand, do you?