

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:51:17 PM

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GM Kirk

How about we go the same route as Thurston? $3 million for 5 years, with a player option each season? That way, if I ever leave the team and the next GM doesn't use FBs, he has an out.




Sure, ominous way of putting it, but you've got a deal.

GM Kirk

I have a year left on my contract. There are the elite GMs who can dictate terms to the owners, like Pancho, Metro, Gates and Jon. You can either fall out of that group, like I have, or buy your way in like Cory has. Until Patreon starts accepting alipay, I live and die at the owner's mercy. I'd love to promise Fuscher a contract until he retires, but I've always been a pro player sort of GM. Enjoy the rest of the playoffs and I'm sure we'll talk in the offseason.
Ms. Mormont, ask Vardy to see me please.
Fabian, tough end to the season. How are you feeling? Coach said he thought you might be eyeing a move back to the UK team. Is that the disappointment talking, or a real thing?


Honestly a bit of both, probably more disappointment and frustration if I'm being quite honest.  I'm not ready to be the old timer mentoring some snot nosed little brat coming up from the U20 club back home, I'm not a fucking cunt.

I don't get it though, you bring guys in.  Things look good.  Then game day comes and I'm getting blitzed like the French in 40.

I see you trying, I hear the coaches trying... fucking hell, I see the players trying.   I've tried changing my style but I can't play the prissy short game and enjoy myself.   I want to make plays it's just hard to do from your back.

I guess what I'm saying is I want to be here. I want to win here, but if this year doesn't bring the change we need, I just don't know.

GM Kirk

We tried the prissy short game and even with only 3 sacks and a 70% completion ratio, we got our asses kicked. We won't be doing that again. All I can do is bring in yet another new WR and some more guys on the line and hope the new, new guys make the difference. I'm with you on all the points you made. Let's keep the band together for another year, but if we fall short again, I'll make sure you, me and Bond can explore solo careers.


I'd prefer a more aggressive coach lead in the charge.

GM Kirk

Interesting. Is this about the 4th quarter punt in the playoffs, because we were frankly never in that game so it's a good soundbite for the press but was decisive. Or do you think Bond's been too cautious all season?

GM Kirk

Whatever the case, Coach Bond has another year on his contract, so he's our HC next season unless he walks or bonus funds dramatically increase. You've got to make your decision about your option based on Bond being here. I want you to stay and to build an offence that works for you. In my mind, that's a true WR1, an anchor at LT and maybe a dual threat TE. With the defence basically sorted, getting those guys for you is my full focus in the offseason.



I'll think on it during the playoff holiday.  I'll give you an answer when I get back from attending the Impact Bowl.  Might as well see one live since it's home on London.

GM Kirk

Enjoy the game.
Ms. Mormont, is there a meeting with the boss lined up or are we ready to lock in?



Kirk, it's been a frustrating season, I understand that.   I've heard what you had to say, but I simply point you to look at Las Vegas.  They stayed the course for 10 seasons and it has paid off with a Championship.  Coaches have come and gone.  Quarterbacks have come and gone; but GM Metro found his winning combination and I believe you can do the same, but that happens HERE.  Not some where else on a new project.

Do what you need to do with the roster, but make Charlotte an Impact Bowl Championship winning team.  That's why you're here, and thats why I consider you one of the best.

GM Kirk

We have a HC and QB who would prefer to work with someone else, so it looks like we will have to choose between them. Replacing Bond would be tough because of his contract, but I don't see a QB out there who would be better than Vardy. That's an offseason problem, though. Once we see the results of the next league meeting, we can get serious about this stuff. Not really much to do until after that.



I'll support whatever decision you make, including if that means telling them both to suck it up for a year and be men about it. Whatever you feel is the right decision.  You know you've earned my trust.

GM Kirk

Thanks boss. I appreciate it.
If nothing else, we're ready to lock in.



We are excited to announce we are in the market for a new general manager! Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place.

For interested parties for the GM position please reach out and we will talk!




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hmm... that is interesting.












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GM Lane




Hello GM Lane, I am Danny..  If you need to speak with anyone just let me know. 

We have Coach Hawley here ready to interview for the head coaching position.  Coach Peterson is lined up for our next day and then Coach Ito on day 3 due to scheduling conflicts on day 1 and 2.

GM Lane

Hey Danny! Thank you for all of your work getting me all of the pertinent information so quickly. I can tell you're going to make my life a lot easier.

Bring in Coach Peterson.

Coach Peterson, thank you for coming in today. I truly appreciate your time.
I am blown away by your resume and I want to get straight to the point, we are going to struggle out of the gate due to some bad contracts I'm cutting loose. We will be short on refined talent.

Can you work with said lack of talent?

Can you make sure our defense is a force to be reckoned with so long as I get you the players you need?

Also, what are you looking for in terms of a contract?


Well, an awkward start for sure. I'm John Hawley from Tucson, formerly of team USA...

If you want to talk to Coach Peterson I'm sure you can get him on the phone and I can just fly back to Tucson.
If you want me to answer these questions, let me explain my game.

I'm a talent developer at heart.  Coaching at Team USA for a decade plus, I had to take kids coming up from the U16 or U20 program and turn them into men.  I know what its like to have to mold players into winners.   The Defense is where it all begins, and that is why I will be determined to build a dominant defense from the ground up. I want to suffocate the opposition and crush their spirits.

As far as a contract, I think a 2 year deal worth $10MM per season is a good start.  If you get an extension then Im in line for one at the same time, and if it doesnt work we're both free to do our own thing afterwards.

GM Lane

Thank you Coach Hawley. And apologies to you for the confusion before. As I'm sure you're aware, we had some technical issues this offseason with a Russian hacking syndicate. I believe I'm still experiencing some generic IT issues as a result.

I'd love for you to come on board.

Let's do 2 years $10MM per year.



Perfect.  Send it to the league office and Lets get ready for our media introduction.


GM Lane

Thank you all for gathering here today. As you know, this is a period of transition for the Charlotte Crows. I have taken over as the GM in recent weeks and have had to make many decisions to lead to future success of this team. The best decision I've made is hiring our new Head Coach! Let me introduce John Hawley!


Thank you GM Lane, I am happy to be here with my first chance to be a head coach at the professional level.   For those of you who don't know, I cut my teeth under the legend himself, Matthew Taylor. You might remember his son, James "Turnover" Taylor, but yeah, Coach Taylor taught me everything I know.  From playing aggressive to utilizing and developing talent in ways that others just dream they could. 

I plan to bring that same mentality to Charlotte.  This team has been good for a long time, but they've never been great, and we're going to turn them into a team that is consistently great. 

I don't play this game to lose, so I will be working my ass off to scheme a way to victory no matter who we have on the roster.

A big thanks to Coach Knight for bringing me in last season, it was a great experience and I think it helped me get the looks I needed to prove I am fit for this job.  Now its time to prove that I can lead a group of men to the Impact Bowl.



Sir, are now just waiting for the final HC signings to take place, then we will get more instructions on how to submit our coaching staff budget to Coach Hawley so he can fill out his staff in the next phase.

GM Lane

Thank you, Danny. Once this phase is complete, we will need to make sure we focus on getting Coach Hawley everything he needs to build this team from the ground up. We have a good start, but it is going to take some work.



Especially after clearing those contracts off of our roster, we've gone for quite the reset.



I've got my budget orders, I'll start building my staff and get this rebuild on the road.

GM Lane

Thank you Coach Hawley. I appreciate all of your hard work already.

GM Lane

Hey Danny, can you bring in Coach Hawley?

GM Lane

Coach, I have scouted a CB from overseas and while I like some of the feedback. I'm not sold on his drive and initiative. I am contemplating skipping IFAF to focus on FA and the draft,

Do you have a preference?



I coached the defense for Team USA so I know they have talent worth spending on, but I also don't know the price tag, but I wouldn't complain about adding any of my guys from Team USA either.  In the end, I'm going to coach who you put on the roster, its above my pay grade.

GM Lane

Thanks Coach!

Hey Danny,
Let's bring in SS Jeffery Hughes' agent SF for a brief conversation.

SF, thanks for coming in. It's nice to speak to you for my first time negotiating on behalf of my new organization. Let's get down to it. We want Mr. Hughes in a Crows uniform and we want him for a long time. What would it take to get the job done? I'm looking at 10 years with some incentives for meeting interception and tackle goals.



GM Lane, 10 years is a long time, so I'd be looking to lock Jeff up to a big money deal so he's not cheating himself out of a big pay day.  What did you have in mind for salary and incentives?  I'd rather do a fixed rate salary and maybe some sort of incentive to create an opt out if he hits some major milestones more than adding money and lowering the base salary, but we can talk... what did you have in mind?

GM Lane

Thanks for your candor. I'd like to offer $14MM annually. With a bonus of $2M if he breaks 12 interceptions. And $1MM bonus hitting 75 tackles.

After 8 years he can opt-out if he wishes, if he hits 15 interceptions in the regular season. Of course, all incentives would be paid for that season as well.



Hmm, So 15 INTs in a single season?  Seems a little steep. 

I'd be more comfortable with 10 years, $14MM salary, $1MM bonus per season.   $2MM off-season bonus payment any season that he reaches 10 INTs or 10 Sacks, and $1MM for any season he reaches 75 tackles. 
   And if he has reaches 40 INTs total he can opt on that following off-season.  So if he only gets 5 picks per season, he can opt out after 8 years, and if he does it sooner or it takes longer obviously it adjusts accordingly... 

What do you think?

GM Lane

That's getting a bit steep. I'm fine with most of it as I believe his talent is a game changer. 40 INTs total as an opt out? That seems like you're either underselling your client or you don't understand what we're trying to build in Charlotte. I want him to be a key building block to this team. We have a coach your client is very familiar with and will enjoy playing for.

I for one want to do what is best for my franchise and my players. Let's do this...make it 60 total INTs and he can opt out, but I guarantee you he will want to stay in Charlotte. Do we have a deal?



60 Picks is the current career record in the league.  40 would put him in the top 5 all time.
Only 9 players have a 10+ INT season in the history of the league.

So last chance today before we have to table talks until the next phase...

My first offer with the 40 INT opt-out Option, meaning he CAN opt out after getting 40 ints, not that he automatically does.

OR we can do a straight 10 years at $20MM + 2.5MM bonus per season. 

If you want one of those deals, we will sign now.  If you want to wait and talk again next phase, no hard feelings, and we can definitely do that.

GM Lane

You drive a hard bargain. I agree to the 40 INTs opt out clause. His talent is just too much to ignore.




Send it to the league office. You've got a deal.

GM Lane

Hey Dani,

Bring in coach. I'd like to talk to him.



What are some things you want/need from free agency? Are you content with what you have to work with? I'd love to get your insight.



Hey boss,

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

13 Open Roster spots.

59.6MM Remaining Salary.

20MM Remaining Bonus.

250K Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

30MM Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.

GM Lane

Hello Dani, bring in Roger Espinoza's agent so we can discuss bringing him on.

Hello AM, let's get down to it. I'm prepared to offer Roger 2 years $3.5MM per year to come to Charlotte. We'd love to see him represent the Crows. Please let me know what you think.



First of all, its Amber, Not Am, Not Ambz, not Amba'  ... Ms. Molina if you want to be on my good side.

...as for Roger, we'll take that deal. Vamanos!

GM Lane

Hey Dani,

Bring in Bobby Shapiro.


Bobby, I see Alvin Drummond is looking for a place to play. I'd love to bring him on board. Let's go 2 years $2.5MM per year with a player option for a third year and if he opts in, he gets $3MM for year three.


GM Lane

Hey Bobby

While I have you, I'd like to bring on Carl Beal for two years at $3MM per year.




I'd do 1 year at $4MM or 2 years at $5MM.

GM Lane

Let's do 1 year at $4MM
