

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:51:17 PM

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GM Kirk

For the offence, let's go back to basics and play a 60:40 run:pass out of the I and the pistol. We have a 5* FB and our QBs only throw to our top two WRs and the TE anyway but the pistol gives us a second look with a strong run option. It will help Faamoana get settled as LT. As for that trade, I know Cormier is an elite player, but our line is so bad that losing him can't really make it worse. Even if Faamoana lets guys past him, one of our other lineman will already have waved someone through and you can only sack the QB once per play. At least this way we can rebuild the line with those picks. Plus I really like Oakman for when we're in 3-3-5. He's an underrated player and has experience with Brownlee. We're not giving up.


I understand the move and in the end it is beneficial for us to repair our clear and obvious area of need. 

We'll make the offensive changes and make it happen.

GM Kirk

Alright, I'll deal with some contract stuff during the rest of the bye week. I'll let you get on with your work.
Ms. Mormont, I'd like to speak to Steve Rosenhaus please.
Mr. Rosenhaus, I'm calling about Robert Hendon. I would like to offer him a two year extension on his current terms. I think we've shown our commitment to trying to get the best out of him. Over the next couple of offseasons, we'll focus on his conditioning and agility. Obviously he's had a torrid time in the league so far, but we know there's a star player in there and I am determined to help him fulfil that potential.



GM Kirk

Thank you. I'll get the paperwork sorted.
Ms. Mormont, can you ask Coach Patricia to see me, please?
Coach, I just have a quick question about the d-line, then we'll lock in the new depth charts for training this week. I was going to do some more contract work, but I want to make sure we don't waste the bye week training guys in the wrong spots. For the 4-3 look, I think it's obviously Brownlee, Carter, Ammons (rotating with Freeman) and Oakman. When we go 3-3-5 do you want an all beef platter of Oakman, Ammons, Carter or use Brownlee with Carter and Oakman? I favour the second option to get speed on the field, but I'm not sure you can get away with a smaller guy in the HIFL when using a 3 man front (even with a LB essentialy playing as a 4th lineman with a running start).


I think we can do the smaller D-line group on longer down-distances, more obvious passing downs, but use the beefy front if and when we use the 3-3-5 in a more-run based situation.  Just to cover our bases.

GM Kirk


1. Discuss your week 6 results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

The Sydney game caught my eye. They scored 42 points rushing the ball 306 yards and only passing for 93. We talk a lot about the QBs in this league, but Crawford and Mixon just put on an outstanding throwback performance. Marshall didn't do much in the game after all the recent praise for dual threat QBs. I think this game should open some eyes about what is possible in this league. Just imagine what Sydney could do with a decent QB.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

The complaints from Cancun's QB interested me because it just doesn't sound right. Obaje and Cotter are hard hitters who take no prisoners, but they're not dirty. Cotter's reputation precedes him wherever he goes, but I never had discipline problems with him in New Jersey, except a fight with Hagan, who was on his own team. Obaje was my lieutenant on the field and the guy who we looked to to set the tone for our defence. If those two players were playing dirty, it's because they were told to.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

We welcome Salt Lake to Charlotte this week. They just destroyed Oakland and have a decent record so far this season. Vardy is still questionable and we're working some new guys into our lines. It's a tougher task than I would like at this stage of the season. I'm not sure we have much of an advantage over anyone at the moment, so we're going to have to create one by working harder than every team we face. I think our roster is starting to look a little more balanced and I've settled on how I want us to play for the remainder of the season, so our advantages should start becoming clear over the next few games.
Coach, I think we went over the changes I wanted to make last week, so there's not much to go over. Have you seen anything from our two RBs that suggests one should be our main guy, or should we continue splitting carries fairly evenly between them?


I think in tandem they give each other the best chance for success currently.  Crenshaw has unbelievable speed but lacks in other areas he has to polish and Carmona is a very balanced back who can give us bits of everything when needed.

GM Kirk

Alright. There's no point fucking about, so let's get straight to it.

- Player Rotation: Mostly Starters
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass 60:40
- Depth chart & strategy changes

I formation is the main offence, with pistol as secondary option (Plus whatever else the coaches like)
Faamoana plays LT and Hendon is RT
Continue to run  by  committee

Hybrid  defence
Brownlee, Carter, Ammons (rotating with Freeman) and Oakman for the 4-3
Use smaller D-line group on longer down-distances, more obvious passing downs, but use the beefy front when we use the 3-3-5 in a more-run based situation (as discussed).

Lock in

GM Kirk


1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?)

Great result for us. We finally changed the script and won a game comfortably. We didn't do anything flashy, but we ground out the result with good old-fashioned grit and solid football. I was delighted with how often we got into the red zone and I love seeing those single digit yardage TDs. We kept the opposition at arms length, despite them playing well and we played clean, practically mistake free football. We only allowed one sack as well, which is a mini miracle. I'm going give the game ball to Carmona for his two TDs but more importantly for keeping our offence ticking over with his 4.7ypc. There are plenty of players on defence who could also lay claim to it, but establishing the run is going to be key to keeping Vardy healthy and opening up our playbook down the line.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

Obviously, we would like Kyle to stick around for the duration of his contract. He's an important part in making our hybrid defence work, so I'll be talking to him to see what's going on there.

In other news, I think there's a lot of petty stuff out there and mountains made of molehills. I agree with GM Wrong that a QB saying he'd like one of the HIFL's greatest to still be on his team shouldn't be controversial, for example. I'm sure anyone who GMed, coached or played with Hagan wishes he was still on their team, except maybe for Cotter.

Players upset with a coach when they're not producing the goods, as in Atlanta and a few other places, is one of the steps on the road to enlightenment that the players are actually to blame. So we'll keep seeing a lot of that.

I can't say I'm too pleased to hear that Hollywood alleged pedo Experience is likely to return to the field. Innocent until proven guilty works in court, but not the court of opinion or out on the field.

I think  that probably covers enough.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

A big rivalry game. We've been the top teams in the division until our recent struggles and only one of can recover from our wounds this season. We've not been great at home, but beating the Kings could be a real turning point in the season. A W in this one keeps the pressure on Atlanta as well. I think our advantage is that we've been through our rough patch and made the required adjustments while Music City are just hitting theirs and need to figure out who they want to be. If we can play the way we just did and win again, it'll be a huge boost to the lads and show we're on the right path.

Coach, that wasn't a typical flashy Crows performance but it was beautiful in its simplicity. I'm sure it's not how we want to play long-term but let's lay the foundations, learn to do the simple things right and build from there. What's up with Wimpleman? Not getting enough snaps so he's losing interest?



He's getting quite a few snaps really, anywhere from 25-45 per game averaging around 30 a game, I believe part of his... issue... stems from getting closer to the anniversary of that earthquake in Atlanta that inspired him to change his name...  He's a good player in our scheme, if not a bit of a headcase, but if you can convince him to stay, its for the best in my opinion.

GM Kirk

Better send him to see me.
Kyle, I've seen the reports that you are considering retirement. I must say I was shocked. You're an important part of our defence and playing good football. We're very happy with you and don't want to lose you. What's up and how can I help?



GM Kirk, the hardest thing to me is that every time that I'm on the field I'm reminded of the horrors I experienced last season in Atlanta. ...and the only time I feel better is when I think about fighting evil and preaching to the masses.

GM Kirk

I don't feel good about sending you out onto the field if it's bringing back traumatic memories. I used to have a guy in New Jersey who could have helped you through this, but I think he's coaching in one of the other leagues now. You say you feel better when you think about preaching, so maybe we can try something along those lines. I've heard some American sports teams have chaplains in the organisation. Perhaps we can set up a chapel and some seminary classes for you at the stadium so you can preach to the local community in your downtime. As a Catholic, I'd ask that you keep things somewhat orthodox, so no exorcisms or anything that would upset the church or community. Do you think that would help?

GM Kirk

Or the option that's been put to me is to trade you out of the division. That's not my preferred option but I'd understand if you feel that facing Atlanta twice a season isn't the best thing for you after your trauma there.



I appreciate your putting my needs first, I would love to take you up on your first offer to stay here but also pursue my new calling, I think that would be a great balance for me!

GM Kirk

I'll get it all set up. You can get back to the lads.
Ms. Mormont, what will it cost us to set up a small chapel at the stadium and some seminary training for Kyle?



If we spend $750K on the renovations needed to build a chapel on site, then my connections at Duke can get Kyle's tuition on a scholarship.

GM Kirk

Alright. I'll check our finances and then get the paperwork sorted. Can you ask Coach Harris to see me, please?
Coach, I have a couple of things to go over. First, is there much difference between Rogers and Conover at C? I know you like Rogers as a starter, but he hasn't looked particularly convincing and his contract is coming to an end. Conover has another season with us, so if there's not much difference in ceiling or work ethic, I'm thinking of switching them.



Their strength is pretty similar, Conover's got an advantage in conditioning, Rogers has more agility, they are pretty even in speed and quickness, Rogers has an IQ advantage, and while they are very similar in pass blocking technique, Conover is a better run blocker.  I think we could make a switch without much concern.

GM Kirk

Good. I don't plan on bringing Rogers back, so there's no point wasting more time trying to develop him. None of our Centres look like starters, so I think we'll look at FA to get a proper player. My next question is about Porter. What do you make of him? He's looked pretty decent in his limited snaps, but is he a potential heir to Vardy? We've got a good few 1st rounders we could use to get ourselves a future franchise guy, but I'd obviously like to build elsewhere If Porter has a good ceiling.



I see a future starter in Porter for sure.  As a third round pick he is a steal for us, great arm, great accuracy, just unrefined IQ and position skill, but as those develop he'll be more and more of a reliable starting option and as a 3rd round pick he's not demanding or expecting to start so we can bring him along as we need.  Only concerns are that he is not a leadership or team-first type guy, very much your jock-QB diva in his own way.  His work ethic is decent but not stellar, but no red flags that make me think he won't improve, just don't expect crazy jumps in one off-season, he doesn't have that X-factor.

GM Kirk

Honestly, that's what I was hoping to hear, apart from the lack of leadership. I'm in no rush to replace Vardy, so someone we can bring along slowly behind him without causing friction is just what we need. Thanks, Coach. You can take the lock-in info with you for the game against Music City.
- Player Rotation: Mostly Starters
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass 60:40
- Depth chart & strategy changes:

Hodge is WR2 and St. Felix moves to WR3 if Boatwright can't play.
Conover replaces Rogers at C. Rogers moves to C2.

Lock in

GM Kirk


1. Discuss your weeks results

Have you ever seen a team throw two interceptions and give away 150 yards in penalties and still win a game before? Who needs to step up? Anyone in a contract year needs to, because there's not a single one of them giving me a reason to take their agent's call at the moment.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, also what are some of the stats and/or stat leaders that have surprised you at the mid-point of the season?

Don't care about any of that right now, sorry.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

I haven't looked at the schedule yet, but whoever they are, they will beat us 31-27 give or take a few points.
Coach, double sessions and as much cardio as humanly possible for the team this week. I want them sweating blood.

GM Kirk

Also, could you tell me why Lugo had 8 targets while Hodge and St. Felix didn't get any? I thought I was clear about Hodge replacing Boatwright due to his injury and St. Felix stepping into the slot. Did Vardy just completely ignore them?



One thing Music City does well is cover, and Vardy couldn't find anyone open more times than not.  We made the adjustments per your instructions, but somehow Lugo was the guy who managed to get open at times when he was on the field.

GM Kirk

Hodge has gone missing for us all season after being an important player last year. What's up with him? Bad luck or lack of effort?



His effort level has been great, not sure what's gone wrong this year for him but he's only managed 50 some odd snaps in the last few weeks, we can try to find a way to force him onto the field though.

GM Kirk

I'm going to leave on field decisions in your hands. Whatever I've changed, be it formations, ratios or players, the results are the same. I'll let you take the reigns for the rest of the season. Just let me know what you need from me. I've seen lots of players offered around, so if there's a position we need or a player on the trade block you like I'll do what I can to get it done. Otherwise, maybe we just bite the pillow and take it raw for the rest of the season and see what we can do in the offseason if the owner doesn't replace us.


Understand your frustrations, I'll try to find the magic formula to get the guys we want more involved.. Not sure if diving into the trade market is worth it, I see Louisville is shopping a tackle or two, but I don't think they would help us either.

GM Kirk


- Player Rotation: Mostly Starters
- Tempo: Coach's decision
- Run:Pass Coach's decision
- Depth chart & strategy changes: Set everything to coach's decision.

Lock in

GM Kirk


1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?

Sometimes a win can feel like a loss and this was one of those. Our defence looked great, but it should against a team that just ripped itself apart with trades. Our offence looked decidedly average, despite Vardy staying on his feet and slinging the ball around pretty well. We just couldn't get the ball deep and had to fight hard for the handful of points we managed. Considering the number of times the defence got the ball back for us, we should have scored a lot more. I suppose we just have to take the win and move on, but it's frustrating that we continue to play to the level of our opponents. I would give the game ball to Jack Williams. If he'd missed any of his kicks, we wouldn't have won but he was clutch.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, what do you make of the recent GM moves around the league? (Cover your news first; then move on)

I share Coach Bond's feelings about this roster. Individually, everything looks good but we just can't put it all together. I'm in a tough spot now of having to decide if we're buyers, sellers or staying completely out of the trade madness. It doesn't seem like any of those choices is going to make a difference this season because none of my other changes have. We are a young team, so maybe adding a veteran player or two will unlock our potential or maybe we just need time to grow. It would be great if we could find some consistency, or at least some signs of growth. Right now, I'm looking at the expiring contracts and trying to decide if those players deserve an extension to their deals to buy them time to prove themselves or if they should just be let go, because I don't think anyone could argue that they deserve new contracts on more money.

I can't say I'm surprised at the GM moves. Gooch is better suited to a team like Louisville that needs a guiding hand to build them up. I understand his desire to try taking on a team that was on the cusp but his style is more of a slow burn that will suit the Woodpeckers perfectly. The situation in Cancun is disappointing. GM Cure was just starting to show that he could build something and make good roster decisions when his bad habit of listening to his "friends" got him in trouble again. There's a good GM in there if he would just trust his own instincts and lose the numbers of the GMs who keep taking advantage of him.

3. Rate your teams activity level this week when it comes to the Trade deadline, should fans have their notifications on for a big deal, or is it likely to be quiet?

We could be busy or we could be silent. I need to have a good look at who is available after all the chaos of last week. Despite not playing well, we're only a game back from the division lead and we've not been blown out against anyone. I think we're 222 PF and 222 PA so far, so maybe there's someone who can nudge the balance in the right direction in the 2nd half of the season. On the other hand, we're not going to win the Impact Bowl this season so it might be best to start preparing for next season. Watch this space.

4. How safe do you feel you are right now, is your job secure?

I feel pretty secure this season, but less so about next season. We're obviously in a rebuild, but it's slower than I or Mr. Crowe would like. I don't think we're going to hit many, if any, of the owner's targets so we'll need a fast start next season or I could find myself out of a job before you get to ask me this question again. Look at Atlanta, though. Once their young team clicked, they shot up the rankings and made a lot of noise in the playoffs. That could be us in the 2nd half of this season.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest?

Michigan this week. They're a team with a good GM who seems to be fumbling around for an identity. Their record isn't good, but that doesn't seem to mean much when we face a team. I think our biggest advantage is that they are likely to be a selling team this week. They've got some players on their roster who could cause us problems, but who knows if they will still be there in a week's time?
Ms. Mormont, I'm pretty sure I know where we stand but I'll take advantage of the chance to ask you for our financial status anyway.


I have us with $370K in salary and $1.75MM in bonus available.

GM Kirk

Thank you. Can you send Coach Bond in for me, please.
Well, that wasn't very pretty. I think your comments about the team aren't just shared by me but by the fans as well. Usually in a situation like this, I would replace a coach or make a series of big trades, but I don't think any of that would achieve anything and we already have the best coaching team. I'm thinking that we should use this week to make firm decisions on who has a future here and we give them as many snaps as possible until the end of the season.

I think QB and RB are already set, but I'm not sure about TE. Longoria is obviously the better pass catcher, but he misses too many blocks. Moore is a far better blocking TE and ok at catching. Does Sturdivant have enough about him to move forward with him and Moore, or does Longoria have the potential to improve his blocking to a sufficient level if we work on it?



I think David has the ability to block if we invest training into it during the mini-camp period.  He's our best bet to be a solid all-around tight end.

GM Kirk

Alright. I'll see if I can keep him here. Our WRs don't seem to be what we expected outside the top two, but they're mostly cheap and under contract, so not much to talk about. Hopefully one of them decides to step up and make the WR3 spot their own. The o-line is what it is. The d-line is a tough one. Who is worth keeping? I think they are all out of contract at the end of the season. My instinct is just to keep the two guys from Alabama and Carter (back at DT). Ammons was always a long term project, but he's an expensive one. Worth the effort?



Brownlee for certain; the rest I'd leave to your expertise in evaluating value vs. cost.. Carter is a good hand but at what price?

GM Kirk

How is Ammons coming along? What's it going to take for him to be a reliable starter?



He's made strides, but he is still in need of development in either his agility or tackling, along with his conditioning.  He's just not ready to give us enough meaningful stats, I don't think.

GM Kirk

One more thing before I start on contract discussions, how often are we blitzing? Up until the mid-season, our LBs and secondary have 0 hurries, 0 KDs and only 4 sacks. The best defenses like MC and Sydney are far more aggressive. I don't think it's the personnel because they have been effective in the past.


Currently we're blitzing 25% on 1st and 10, 30% on first and short, 52 on First and medium.  42 on first and long.  35 on 2nd and hsort, 56 on 2nd and medium, 55 on 2nd and long, 64 on 3rd and short, 65 on 3rd and medium, 72 on 3rd and long, 74 on 4th down, 72 at the goal line.

GM Kirk

Shit, those aren't low numbers. I guess we're due a fundamental rethink about our defence in the offseason. Now onto contract discussions. The first to sort out is yours. I have two years left on my contract after this, so I was thinking 2 years, $15million starting next season. Selfishly, that will mean I don't have to pay any compensation to take you with me if I'm moved on at the end of my contract.



I appreciate your loyalty and trust.  Consider it signed.

GM Kirk

I'm glad you still have enough faith in the team to stick around. I'm trying to make something happen in the trade market, but it's mostly just expiring contracts (which we have enough of), huge contracts (which we can't afford) or players who aren't playing much better than we've got. Someone like Hines from Seattle is tempting but I doubt the price is right. Other than our lines, which can't be properly improved with long-term options until the offseason, is there one position you'd really like to see us upgrade?



I feel silly saying it because of the players we have and the fact they all look like they should be much better than they have been, but I'd say wide receiver.

GM Kirk

No, I get it. Something just isn't clicking there. Beyond Large and Boatwright, I don't really understand our WR corps. I signed them based on stats, but I don't have a clear picture of their style or specific strengths and weaknesses. Can you give me a rundown of them?



  Hodge is a balanced receiver, not too strong, not too fast, okay hands.. no big stand out trait.

St. Felix is a shifty slot receiver, not a lot of outside speed but quickness and decent hands is his calling card.

Lugo is an old school route runner.  Not fast, but a clean route runner who used to have solid hands but that has faded over time.

Hanson is a great hands guy, take Lugo and give him nearly elite level hands, not fast but a guy who could make waves in the slot and in short yardage.

Foster is poorly balanced...

Large is balanced with solid hands, and so is Christopher. 

We lack a strong possession type receiver to play a physical game and we lack a deep burner with high end speed, most of our guys are very similar in style.

GM Kirk

We might want to shuffle the pack a little. Keep Hodge backing up Large and Boatwright and use St. Felix and Hanson in the slot. Maybe St. Felix most of the time with Hanson in a short yardage package?



  I like the concept on paper, lets hope it actually plays the way we want it to.

GM Kirk

I won't be entirely surprised if it doesn't. Just a couple of pieces of business to take care of and I'll lock in.
Ms. Mormont, I'd like to speak to Mike Maker, please.
Mike, I'm calling about Erich Brownlee. I want to give him a 3 year, $8million contract starting next season. He might not have hit the numbers we were hoping for, but my coaches still like him and want him on the roster.