

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:51:17 PM

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  Well I see you've made some moves.  Lets adjust the roster and get locked in.



GM Lane

Hey Dani, bring in the press!

Well, let's address the elephant in the room, we made some moves. The coaches and I felt it was for the best.

We won another game and that simply boosts our morale. We may have played a backup QB, but we played hard. We fought. We had grit. All of the values our coaching staff has instilled in this team. I appreciate all the hard work put in by our team and our coaching staff. It's not easy when you lose a few games. We're ready to get after it and win some more. We may get knocked down, but on the way back up, we're going to bite kneecaps off.

Dani, bring coach in.

Hey coach! Great work and great game plan. I know we don't want to celebrate too much since we were playing against a backup QB, but this is still HIFL so a win feels good no matter what. I'm looking to make more moves. Any thoughts on moving Hawkins? Any other contract year players you don't see coming back after this season?



  I've got no issues, I'm coaching the 53 on my roster, if you move them or bring new guys in, I'll be coaching them.

Back up or no back up, we took out a division rival, we'll do it again when we play them week 16 too.


GM Lane

Hello Dani, bring in Mike Money Maker.

Mike, I'd love to discuss Douglas McFadden and Christopher Boatwright. I'd love to extend both of them for three years. For Boatwright, I'd love to keep him at $10MM per year. And for McFadden, I'd like to offer him $3MM per year.



  You caught me in a good mood, so I'll entertain your offers, but word to the wise; Its bad form to make offers for more than one player at a time.

With Boat, he's not interested in re-signing right now. He wants to see where the season goes before he decides if he wants to hit the market or not.

For McFadden, 3 years at 3MM per season is right where he wants it, so we'll sign that one.



Let's circle back later.


GM Lane

Hello Dani, bring the press in.

Well, I have to say, I'm actually glad to see all of you. The Charlotte Crows aren't dead like many of you predicted. That was a dominating defensive performance for the most part. All credit to the coaches and the players for showing out this week. If the media would stop being so desperate for people to believe a team is dead because there is a new staff and some grumblings about player strife in the locker room. If you have a question about the locker room or anything else, instead of speculating and trying to create division, just ask me. In all likelihood, I'm going to tell you where you can stick your question, but sometimes I will give you some inside information. What goes on in our franchise is the business of the people that work here.

I will address the rumors around WR Andres Henry. He is seeking to be traded to another franchise. That is perfectly fine and we wish him well in his future endeavors. I have no doubt he will do well wherever he goes and we will continue to grow stronger with our without him.

We're very happy with our personnel and we know that we aren't far off from being the best team in the league.

Hello Dani,

Bring in Anthony and Meadow Campanelli to discuss the future of John Bear



  Mr. Lane, How are you doing?

My father apologizes, but he is still not quite ready to return to the family business, so what can I do for you?



  ...Lets circle back another time. I've got other work to do.



Assuming we don't have anything to talk about since you went straight into contract talks? 

I'll be at the practice field.


GM Lane

Thanks coach. Sorry for being so dismissive.

Dani, bring in Meadow Campanelli again.

Nice to finally meet you. I stepped out of the office last week due to some personal items. What would it take to get John Bear to stay? Let's skip the massively inflated contract and go to the deal that is good for both parties.



...I'm fine skipping negotiations.   The only deal I will accept right now for John Bear would be an immediate raise to $12MM + $3MM bonus for this season and $15MM + $3MM bonus for S18 and S19.

If that's not to your liking, then Forget about it.

GM Lane

I'll review and get back to you next week. Thank you for the clarity.


GM Lane

Hey Dani...bring coach in.

Hey coach...let's make sure Bobbitt is in the lineup for the next game. I'm evaluating the possibility of beefing up the D Line and resigning Carl Bear. Which is more urgent for you? We should be able to compete a little more than originally thought. Strong on the back end of our defense. We need to strengthen our D-Line, and having a guy like Bear around for a while would be beneficial.



I'm not sure if you're talking about Carl Beal or John Bear, but Bear is probably our best lineman so if we can keep him obviously it's a good idea.

What's not a good idea is to blow off the press, so lets make sure you handle that business or we'll end up being fined for skipping press commitments.


GM Lane

Thanks, coach!

Dani, bring in the press.

At the mid point of the season, discuss your division and your placement in the standings: are you where you want to be and what is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?
Our division is a mixed bag. We can compete, but we have a lot of work to do. The biggest surprise is not being in last and that's because of the stellar job our coaching staff and players have done.
Who is your MVP at mid-season and why?
I've liked our discipline as a whole, but as far as individuals. It would have to be Mike Underwood or Clay Toledo. Both are doing exactly what they need to to make our team win. Underwood has been picking off passes and playing solid defense. Toledo keeps flipping the field when our offense struggles.
How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year?
I would rate, on an A-F scale, a D. We are growing and have the potential. We have an issue with our passing attack and our pass rush. If we can fix those two things, we're going to do well for a while to come.

GM Lane

Hey Dani,

Can you bring Meadow Campanelli in to discuss John Bear's future.


Hello Meadow,

I'm open to the deal. Since we're halfway through the season, we will go with at $1.5MM bonus for this season and agree to the rest of your terms.



Its my terms or no deal, $12MM+3MM effective immediately.  $15MM+3MM in the future years.




Okay, tell you what, two weeks in a row we haven't reached a deal.  So I am officially ending negotiations.  We will go to free agency in the off-season. 




Any changes for Winnipeg? We've got to fly shortly.

GM Lane

Coaches decision...lock in.

GM Lane

Hey Dani...bring the media in.

Well, that was a rough game. Not converting on third down, giving up too many sacks, giving up over 400 through the air killed us. You can't win a game when you do that.

We're still a work in progress but I have full faith in our coaching staff.

Dani, bring in coach.

Hey coach, for our offensive approach, why is Vardy passing for so little yardage. Do we need to tweak our approach?



We could change our pass game to focus more on deep or medium passes, but it could be a combination of our receivers not being game changers and our strategy being "balanced"

GM Lane

I love the balanced approach, but we need to stretch the field a bit more. I'm not west coast offense proponent, but check down or touchdown may help. Or integrating some plays that highlight our receivers abilities. Let's integrate more medium and deep passing, but I want it to be efficient. For the defensive side of the ball, I believe we will have to beef up our line through the draft and FA. Any depth chart shuffling you think we could benefit from on the defensive side?



Deep yet efficient is very difficult without an elite QB, but we'll do what we can.

We don't have a ton of guys stashed on the roster who are earning playing time,  like you said, we need to address the line with an overhaul in free agency and the draft. 

Trade deadline is coming, so I guess its up to you whether we sell off a ton of assets for picks and cap flexibility or if we keep scratching and clawing for a playoff spot; but barring a miracle, I don't see this team being able to go far in the playoffs, so a playoff spot would just be for clout.

..I **HATE** saying that because I don't like to settle for anything less than the best, but there are just things we can't fix until the off-season either.

GM Lane

Hey coach. I understand where you're coming from. I'm making moves for us. We need our newest players out in rotation. I'm working to set us up for success over the coming seasons. I'll follow up with you shortly.



I feel like teams would be stupid not to make calls about Boatwright, but then again... teams have proven to be stupid in the past.

GM Lane

Calls are being made for sure. We have some negotiating to do. For now, we're going to lock in.

GM Lane

Dani,bring in the media.

Well, as you can all see, we are working on moving some pieces around. We feel it's better to move now rather than try to ride it out and maybe get a few more wins. We are well aware that our performance on the field isn't what a lot of people hoped for but, the coaching staff and I know what we need to do. We are going to make sure the proper moves are made so we can bring a championship to the Queen City.

Dani, bring in Gary Lefthand.

Hey Gary. We're very glad you're playing for the Crows and we'd like to extend you. We'd like to offer three years at $4.5MM per year. If you give up no sacks, it's a $500k bonus.


I'm actually very happy with that offer.  Not far off from what I was hoping for.  Lets sign.

GM Lane

Thanks, Gary! We're so happy you're a Crow.

Hey Dani, bring in Meadow Campanelli.

Hello Meadow. I'd love to discuss LB Keith Montoya. I'd like to offer him a 5 year deal with $8MM per year.



GM Lane, Keith's biggest priority is his long term security, so if you would make it a 7 year deal instead, then we'll take the offer.

GM Lane

Let's do 7 years. While you're here I'd like to discuss Manuel Corbett if you have time. I'd like to keep him in Charlotte as well. I want to give him 3 years at $3MM per year with a $500k bonus for reaching 10 sacks each per season.



Manny is looking at free agency, so he is not interested in an extension. I'm sorry.

GM Lane

No worries. He's going to miss Snooze and the immaculate breakfast cappellini. Pleasure doing business with you,.

Hello Dani...please bring in Drew Levanthal.

Welcome to the Queen City, Drew. I'd love to talk about DE Cameron Casey. I'd like to extend him 2 years $3MM per year. Thoughts?



I'm sorry pal, but Casey isn't interested in returning.  His morale is in the dumps and he hopes to find a new home next season.

GM Lane

His morale would improve if he stayed. We have big plans here in Charlotte, but I hear you. While you're here, I'd like to talk about Jeff Carmona. He's pretty instrumental into our future plans. 3 years $8MM + $1MM bonus for leading the league in rushing.



  We're close there.  Jeff will resign for $10.5MM per season, you can split that as 8MM and 2.5MM in bonus, or anything else you like as long as its a legal breakdown, but we're looking for $10.5MM per year.

GM Lane

Sounds great. We agree. Pleasure doing business with you.


GM Lane

GM Lane

Hey Dani...bring the media in.

Hello everyone. NOt much news other than we've been continually bit by the injury bug during this rebuild. We have made some moves to put the coaching staff in a better position for long term, sustainable success rather than just one more shot at the playoffs with a slow and painful rebuild. I'm proud of the roster we have and the coaching staff we have. We have some serious growing to do, but we can do that. Very proud of this team.

Hey Dani,bring in coach.

Hey coach. Other than the obvious desire to win football games, is there something you'd like to do to raise morale of the team. This is a tough season and the rebuild is in full swing. We have some picks, we've unloaded some contracts of guys who wouldn't even come back anyway. No dogs or fireworks.


I don't think there is much time between games for us to do anything special. The team is in a funk, but if we can just see a few go through the hoop to remind them of how we CAN score, it would be a big help.



That being said, we dont have much to go over, so no reason to drag it out unless you have business to handle.

GM Lane

You make a great point. Let's lock in.

GM Lane

Hey Dani, bring the media in.

I don't have much for you. As the season nears it's close, we are looking forward to next season. Kudos to our players and our coaching staff.
I will address the comments from Herbert Bobbitt. I understand his frustration, but apart from that, everything else will be handled in house. Thanks.

Dani, bring in Herbert Bobbitt

Thanks for coming Herbert. I hate to see you frustrated about the ball not coming to you. I'm glad you have that competitive fire. Keep up that desire to be the best. What we can't have is lashing out at other players. Especially publicly. I'll speak to Vardy as well. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss with me?


I just want the freaking football coming my way. I'm not saying I need it every play, but let me help the team be competitive, man.

Vardy is a bitch ass, I think he's not throwing me the ball just because I keep telling him I want the rock.