

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:52:30 PM

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Beyond frustrating to score 3 in the second half, we've got to be better.

GM Wayne

I feel like we've got the best offense we've had since I got here, so I definitely agree. The game was always going to be a tough test and we didn't execute as well as we could have.

This week should be a bounce back game for us. I hope the squad is pissed about the way the Long Beach game went and are chomping at the bit to get after a division rival.



Absolutely. Nobody is here moping with our tails between our legs.  We're ready to go bite someones bloody head oof.

GM Wayne

Lets fucking get it done then.

Lock In

GM Wayne

"It's funny. The last time I was in Milwaukee the stadium was surrounded by advertisements for cheap liquor and strip clubs. Now it's surrounded by billboards for Metamucil and Depends.

Guess a team changing their GM really does have an effect on the city."

1. What stood out to you about your team this week, any surprise performances good or bad?

We played much better this week as was to be expected. Nothing against the team GM Powers has put together but they aren't currently on our level and so the outcome was about what I expected.

I'd like to see us improve our run defense, as allowing running backs to average over 5 yards per carry isn't great. On offense I'd like to see us convert the opportunities we have inside the red zone into touchdowns rather than field goals. So there's work to do but winning by nearly 30 points over a divisional rival is always going to feel really really good.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

"Imagine being the #2 overall draft pick talking about being better than anyone else in the league when you haven't made a single tackle and your entire notable contribution to the game so far is a roughing the passer penalty.

But then we're talking about someone who plays for GM Eli so I guess what we've learned today is that his delusion is contagious."

3. Talk about your next match up, how do you win this game?

Oakland is a good team even if their starting QB is a shell of his former self. If we play our brand of football we'll win this game without issue.


GM Wayne

Sorry coach. Apparently boxer photoshoots are the new things these days so on my way back from speaking with the media I was sending some snaps from my most recent Tommy John photoshoot to Vanessa Waters for her thoughts.

Wayne shrugs innocently, not revealing if he was being serious or sarcastic.

Hell of a bounce back this week. Might have to change DB from meaning defensive backs to meaning Dem Boyz in honor of my friend Jamin if they keep going out there playing like some hungry ass dogs.

How you feeling about Oakland?


They're a tough team, a lot of attitude in the locker room, should be a tough match up from a mental stand point.  Defensively though their run defense has been weak early on and the pass defense has been strong, so we will hopefully get some early down success on the ground and open things up for the offense.

GM Wayne

I trust that between you and the offensive coaching staff we can figure out how to neutralize the strengths of their defense and make plays to win the game. Though going a little bit more run heavy this week does seem like the better option given what you've said.

Defensively we just need to keep being ourselves, forcing turnovers and making the lives of our opponents miserable.



I couldn't have said it better myself.

GM Wayne

I know they had a rough week last week and I don't like being the rebound so make sure they have another rough one this week.

Lock In

GM Wayne

This may have been the most frustrating loss I've been a part of since coming to Cleveland. Really any game where the box score mostly indicates you controlled the game and yet you still lose is annoying, but I really felt like for the most part we dominated this game.


Except that we couldn't hold onto the goddamn ball. Five fumbles and all of them lost is atrocious. Simply inexcusable. Hats off to the Oakland defense for coming up with big plays when they needed them.

I'm not even going to begin to comment on the news story. You all know what my response is going to be anyway. This is the brand of football that our coaching staff wants to run offensively, it's the brand of football that Justin wants to play offensively and as long as he tells me and the medical staff that he can handle it and they concur? It's what we're going to do. Yes it sucks that he's picked up an injury but John Mares is more than a capable backup and we'll be expecting him to step in seamlessly if it ends up that Justin needs to sit things out this week.

I'm sure Atlanta aren't feeling great after their loss this past week, but I promise that we aren't either. There's only one person from Michigan and one place that I have any desire to see on top of me and it isn't the Monsters in the damn standings. So we need to course correct NOW. Someone tell Rinaldi I'll send him a nice Baklava if he and his squad take care of business this week.



Bloody. Fucking. Hell.

GM Wayne

The cream rises to the top. We'll be fine. Just fucking irritating to not be finishing like I know we're capable of.

I don't think we need to make any adjustments assuming Justin is out this week. Mares has been set as our backup and he plays a similar style to Fields. We're just going to need the other people we're paying a shit ton of money to to do their damn jobs. Especially with St. Paul falling to pieces.

No need for long conversations this week, Coach. Lets just get the job done yeah?

Mares to QB1 if Fields can't go.

Lock In

GM Wayne

1. Talk about the results of your game this week. (if you were on bye, talk about your bye week)

"I'd rather not."

2. After 4 weeks, is the team performing as expected, and where do you feel you need to improve most?

"Haha. Ha. Hahahahahahaha. Ha. HA.

No. And everywhere."

3. We are getting into trade season, are you one who would like to get a deal done before the flurry at the deadline, or do you prefer to wait?   ...Also do you see yourself as a buyer or seller this season?

"I'd like us to buy a fu-... a clue since we currently can't remember who the hell we are."

4. Rumor has it the HIFL and PFL have quietly discussed a trade window, what is your opinion on that possibility?

"I generally go by any rule that says if it will piss GM Eli off we should do it. So it sounds like a great idea to me."

5. How much stock do you put into International Football, is the IFAF something you pay much attention to?

"I pay attention to Cleveland Mustangs football and currently that's turning me into an alcoholic. You think I want to watch football of lesser quality than what we're currently playing? Are you trying to kill me?"

6. Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)

"The season is rapidly slipping away from us and we have a team with momentum and a top young QB coming to our house. It's early in the season but this is as much of a must win game as you can possibly get at week 5."

7. Talk about any other news if you would like (optional)

"As poorly as things have gone here so far this year the only comment I have on other news is thank god I'm not in St. Paul."


You listen to me.  I signed with this team before I was aware of your views of the federation of football I cut my teeth in.  To dismiss thousands of athletes around the world as being lesser than, is enough for me to tell you to take your contract and shove it up your ass.

GM Wayne

I hear you. Was an unfair thing for me to say out of frustration with our early season performances. I apologize.



Apology accepted, but words are not something you can erase, I hope to see you mean this.

In my home we have a saying: "The Gazelle is fast, but sprinting towards the Lion only ends in an earlier demise."

GM Wayne

A lot of wisdom in that saying. I appreciate you coming to me and voicing your displeasure to my face, rather than using social media to do so. I respect that. Thank you.



I don't do the tweeter. You never have to worry about that for me. I am a grown ass man.

Lets go win some football.

...Well a kick in the face would've been a little more subtle way of telling us how you feel.

GM Wayne

I hear you but I doubt it feels any worse than the kick in the face a 27-0 embarrassment at the hands of Atlanta felt.


Maybe you're right, but you wouldn't know because not one of the people in this locker room have ever thrown you under the bus or spoke poorly of you, and frankly its because they knew that if they did, I'd be the first one in their face about it.

Respect is a two-way street, and if you plan on changing the traffic pattern, I'd appreciate a heads up next time.

GM Wayne

The traffic pattern is the same as it always has been, Coach. If what I said was taken as disrespectful to anyone who is part of this organization, that wasn't my intent. I could offer a long ass explanation of what I meant by what I said but I'm not in the business of excuse making.

But if people are upset because I called our shit performances what they are? Then I don't know what to tell them. I'm not going to disrespect our fanbase or ownership by trying to put sugar on a shit sandwich. I believe in who we have on this roster and coaching staff too much to act like what we've given so far is acceptable. They need to know that I both believe we're capable of more, and demand more.


I won't flog a dead horse. Nobody's happy about shitting the bed against Atlanta, the team is tense with Justin being down and expectations mounting.  Think everyone just needs to hit the bloody reset button before we have people tearing into each other; myself included.

GM Wayne

Wayne takes a deep breath and nods his head in agreement.

You know what. When you're right, you're right. Gather the boys, Coach, I'll be down in a minute.

A few minutes pass as Wayne collects himself and then heads down to the practice field to meet with the whole squad.

Gents.. I'm not great at eating humble pie. It tastes like shit, if you ask me. Sometimes, though, it's just what you gotta do. I say that to say that this week when speaking to the press... I fucked up.

Wayne scratches at the side of his head a bit anxiously, quite obviously uncomfortable with the idea of apologizing for anything he says.

I take a lot of pride in what we've built here and I believe in everyone that dons that Mustangs jersey every week. You wouldn't be here, as a part of this organization, if I didn't. I love this city. I love this organization. And to be quite honest I love talking shit to everyone else when we go out on that field and run circles around them.

I say all of that to get to this point. Sometimes we're going to fuck up. Each of us. It's going to happen. At 1-3 there's not one of us in this building that can say there isn't shit we need to fix. I've got my fuck ups and each of you has yours. And the thing of it is, we're better than this. Each one of us.

So here's what I propose. We look at these first four weeks, acknowledge that we each need to be better in our own ways going forward, and then we leave this shitty start in the dust and get to where we know we belong. The top of this division and the top of this whole damned league.

Accountability starts with me. The buck stops with me. So I give you my word.. the bullshit from this past weeks press conference? It isn't going to happen again. Today is day one of meeting, and exceeding, the standards and expectations we've set for ourselves.

Lets saddle the fuck up and be who know we are!

Are you with me?

Wayne steps forward, closer to group of men gathered around him, and extends his fist upward into the air, hoping that the team will rally around him.



GM Wayne

GM Wayne

1. Talk about the results of your game this week. (if you were on bye, talk about your bye week)

A win is exactly what we needed. The boys bounced back from an difficult opening quarter of the season and took a win off a hungry Myrtle Beach squad that had some momentum at their back. As frustrated as I was a week ago, I'm equally as proud today.

2. Talk about any news that involves your team.

If you all are expecting me to disagree with what Justin said you're out of your minds. Coach Blitzer is not only the unquestioned leader in the clubhouse. He's the unquestioned leader in this organization. He's exactly the voice I need. If I go to far with something, he's there looking me in the eye like a man and saying it to my face. That's why as far as I'm concerned Coach Blitzer is THE guy here in Cleveland as long as he wants to be. There's not a better coach, or a better man, in all of HIFL. Just absolutely top notch and I'm glad Justin and the boys see it too.

3. Talk about any other news if you would like (optional).

Thrilled to be able to bring in a player of Bruisers caliber to add another beast to our defense. I appreciate everything that John Rosado brought and the effort he gave, and I would have loved for him to have been able to stick around but you don't let opportunities to get guys of Bruisers caliber on your roster. You pay whatever price is necessary in draft picks and you get it done. The likelihood that any of those picks ending up being someone who can impact the game in the way that Bruiser can, and will, is minimal. Especially in the short term. Sincerely I'm over the moon.

4. Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)

You know how we feel about the Monsters here in this town. I expect us to hurt Brucey's feelings and break sweet Vanessa's heart. It's nothing personal.

5. Anything else you'd like to discuss?

Has anyone done a mental health check on Oldfield? Can you imagine losing to that Cancun squad? God the thought of it makes me want to vomit. Poor guy.



I appreciate what you said out there, truly.  We're back on the right track, close call but it was still without Justin, so I am not as concerned.  The defense is ranking highly across the board, so lets go suffocate Michigan and show them we're still the top dog in this division.

GM Wayne

Division got a little spicier with an old timer wheeling his way back to the league from the nursing home. Lets keep the pressure on by taking care of business this week. No fancy gimmicks needed to get up for this one. The sweet taste of victory of Michigan should be motivation enough, I think.

GM Wayne

Wayne coughs uncomfortably for a moment.

Sorry coach. Stumbled over my words there for a second. Obviously what I meant to say was the sweet taste of victory OVER Michigan.

Words are tough.


agreed.  It's arse kicking time.

GM Wayne

I'm going to say hello to Bruiser and then I'll have an updated depth chart for the lock in.

We'll chat again soon.

Wayne goes through his brief goodbye with Coach Blitzer before speaking to his secretary.

Ms. Halle, would you have Bruiser Elliot swing by my office real quick? Thanks.

Wayne waits for the newest Cleveland Mustang to arrive.

Bruiser mother fucking Elliot. Welcome to Cleveland my man, and at the perfect time in my opinion. I know you're ready to introduce yourself to the fans here in Cleveland by putting the pretty boy QB up in Michigan into the dirt.


You got yourself one bad mother fucker on your hands.  I'm here to crush quarterbacks and put them in the turf.   Dirt Naps Coming their way.

GM Wayne

Hell yeah man. You make Rogers life a living hell this week and the Cleveland fans are going to be getting your face tattooed on them and they'll be naming their kids after you.

Lets fucking get it.

Wayne daps up the big man and then scribbles down some notes and passes it on to his secretary for the lock in.

Quarterback Justin Fields to QB1 if cleared to play
Defensive Tackle Bruiser Elliot to DT1 in all defensive formations.

Lock In

GM Wayne

Let me start by tipping my cap to the Monsters, as much as it disgusts me to have to do that. Rogers played his ass off and we didn't have an answer on defense. Eating this loss at home is a bitter pill to swallow but we'll be better for it in the long run, I think. Because I've got no doubt the boys are as pissed off about letting a 21-7 lead at home slip through our fingers as I am.

With that said, it is one hundred percent a fuck Jerry Roebert and that officiating crew mentality from me. These are the only people on the face of the earth who think they aren't open to criticism, or to being questioned. They're the only ones who think it's acceptable to our star defensive tackle for a late hit after NOT doing the same to Homan after he took a cheap shot on Fields who had given himself up, completely defenseless, on a slide earlier in the game. It's quite simply inexcusable.

You want to suspend me for confronting an official for being shit at his job? Suspend me. You want to fine me? Fine me. But fuck each and every one of them and it will be that until this organization gets as public apology from the officiating crew. That kind of blatant bullshit is enough to make someone wonder if that crew had money on the game.

Wherever you are, Riley, I'm waiting for your call. Consider this my notice of appealing whatever discipline you decide to hand down unless it is met with equal punishment and reprecussions for this officiating crew.

Questions, anyone? I've got all the time in the damn world right now.



What are you doing?!  are you trying to get suspended?  It's not even official yet, come on, don't fall apart on me now.  If you don't tone it down the Big Guy is going to come marching in and who knows how he'll handle this!


Where is that imbecile Crane?!   Send him to put a garnish on this shit sandwich!

YOU!  What was that?!

LOOK AT ME!  If you want to go to war with the PA, the League Office, the Ref association, or the PTA I don't give a damn, but you don't embarrass my organization without letting me know first.  There are procedures and measure we can take to have damage control in place and not make me send that trained monkey out to cover your ass, I have people JUST FOR THIS but they need to know to come to work, damn it. 

Do you understand?

GM Wayne

Wayne lets the words hang on the air for a moment, the tension in the room not going away. Slowly he unties the scarlet and gray Cleveland mustangs tie that he had been wearing, folding it neatly and sitting it on a nearby desk. He then undoes the collar of his shirt, allowing himself a touch more comfortability breathing. Finally, he nods his head in understanding.

I hear you.

Silence fills the space again as Wayne runs both hands through his hair, millions of thoughts about different things going on in both his personal and professional life.

So who do I need to talk to, then. Because I'm not done with this fight. Not by a long shot.


Good. You better not be done, this suspension threat is completely unprecedented, well it was until you went scorched earth on the media.. We're going to be eating a fine, one I will be docking from your off-season paycheck, but outside of that we're not going to lose. 

I. Dont. Lose.

Once that imbecile Crane is back from damage control, he'll be in contact with the league office... as pathetic as he may seem when he's following me around like a puppy, he is one of the brightest legal minds in the industry.

You've seen how he can behave when he's given the power in my stead, and he's even more bold when he's tackling a legal matter, that's why I keep him around.

You focus on winning football games, Crane will handle your appeal.

Anything else?

GM Wayne

That's fine. But I don't want to just win an appeal. I want to burn these fucking referees world down. I want that public apology from them.

Not losing isn't good enough. I want to bury those fucks.


If you want to take things beyond what I provide you, you will be on your own with it and if you get yourself an additional fine, or cost the team money, I will not be there to cover your ass.

Do what you want, but be ready to take responsibility for the consequences of your choices.

My advise is to leave it where it is and let Crane handle it.  The last thing we want is vindictive referees making questionable calls late in the game because a front office executive has made enemies.

GM Wayne


Fine. It's your team and ultimately I'm here to see your vision through.

This shit doesn't sit well with me though.



I understand you're angry, but trust my process. You'll see.


GM Wayne

Alright... Halle, I need to speak with Coach Blitzer now I guess.

Wayne waits for the coach to arrive.

Coach. We've got work to do. Lets start with giving D-Train some help with a committee of some sort. Hill IV might not be amazing but he's got to be better than D-Train gassing out two runs into the third quarter.


agreed. What percentage of work do you want him to get?

GM Wayne

Something like 35% should be fine. I also want to shift the Tuck and Run frequency with Justin from Often back to something like balanced.

I think the growth he's shown as a passer needs to be what we highlight and maybe that will make the times he does take off with the ball more effective.


We definitely can do those things.  Coach Rudino runs a lot of QB designed runs, but we can try to reduce his scrambling.

GM Wayne

Yeah, I agree about Coach Rudino's system which is why I think we also need to rework our percentages.

This was what I was thinking with that.

First and 10 - 40
First and Short - 35
First and Medium - 50
First and Long - 40

Second and Short - 45
Second and Medium - 50
Second and Long - 45

Third and Short - 40
Third and Medium - 50
Third and Long - 60

Fourth and Short - 55
Fourth and Medium - 60
Fourth and Long - 75

Goal Line - 40

Final 2 mins of half (w/ lead) - 40
Final 2 mins of half (trailing) - 65



That works for me. I can make those changes if you make sure to write them in the lock in so it doesnt slip my mind.

GM Wayne

I'll remind you of everything we've discussed regarding strategy changes when I post it, no problem.

How is Bruiser holding up after the ejection bullshit?