

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:54:20 PM

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GM Gooch



That's what I'm talkin' about!!!

GM Gooch

Pleasure doing business with you.
Please get me in touch with Coach Baker.
Another close game Coach. I don't like losing, but we are playing competitive football. We are just a few pieces away from turning these into wins, in my opinion.



Feel like we had this conversation at the top of the week, but yeah I still agree.  We're a young team building a culture, it takes time.

GM Gooch


I'd like to install a new package to start this week. I want to call it Big 3.

QB - Winston
RB - McGehee
WR1 - Manchild
WR2 - Pyle
Slot - Dobbins
TE - Logan
LT - Bogan
LG - Pena
C - Larsen
RG - Luong
RT - Rosser

I know we have some injuries, so back-ups would play in those spots.

I want Pyle getting some reps at WR.

I'd like to run this 25% of the time. Do you see a glaring issue with this package other than the risk of playing a guy out of position?


GM Gooch

Let's go get this win, Coach!

Install Big 3 this week:
.QB - Winston
RB - McGehee
WR1 - Manchild
WR2 - Pyle
Slot - Dobbins
TE - Logan
LT - Bogan
LG - Pena
C - Larsen
RG - Luong
RT - Rosser

Run this package 25% of the time

Lock in

GM Gooch

While the result was not in our favor, we will hold our heads high knowing that we gave it our all and left everything on the field. We may not have won the game, but we showed sportsmanship, determination, and true grit throughout the entire game. We showed character. We showed a fire to compete. I'm proud of this team, even in the face of defeat.

It takes courage to face defeat and to acknowledge the other team's performance, and I want to express my sincere appreciation for their effort. GM Stark is a very talented GM and his team, who is better than their record, came out to play today. While the taste of defeat is bitter, when we are winning, these bitter tastes will make the sweet that much sweeter.

Despite the outcome, I am proud of every member of our team. We trained hard, we worked together, and we gave it our best. The season isn't over. There will be other games, other opportunities, and we will use this experience to motivate ourselves to keep improving and keep pushing ourselves to reach our goals.

It's been said that the only flowers that some men get are on their casket. I want to pass out some flowers today in appreciation to some people on my team and around the league -

We made a big deal signing for our franchise last week with Austin Manchild. I see he's already in the news wanting to buy a mansion. I'm sure Lavar and his financial advisor are working with him to ensure he finds the best place for himself. I actually took a tour of the governor's mansion a few months ago. Amazing place. Price tag was more reasonable than I thought it would be considering it's a historic site. If Austin gets it, I hope he will invite me over, I'll bring the BBQ. Austin Manchild has impressed me since I saw him at the ComBBBine. He can play multiple positions, but I feel like he has really settled into his role as a wide receiver and our WR1. I'm extremely proud of Austin and look forward to seeing him continue to grow. I'm glad it will be in a Mastadon's jersey.

I wanted to take time to brag on Jaylon Winston. He's shown great resolve this year. Many young QBs get frazzled when they hit the big time, but Winston has taken to the pros well. He spreads the ball out well and many of our receivers have had the ball in their hands because of his play. I made the right pick this year. He's a diamond.

As you may have noticed this week, we put Pyle on the outside some. I think he has the tools to do some special things on the outside, and as we are rebuilding, I want to give him the reps to get a chance to do that. I believe he is a special player that we are going to see big things from.

GM Eli down in Cancun is in a similar boat that we are in Myrtle Beach. He's working on rebuilding the team. GM Eli is an honest man that you can trust when you do a deal with. Privately I've talked about GMs you can do business with, but I wanted to state in public my admiration for GM Eli and state that I trust him to do the right thing when in trade talks.

GM Jon is back and that is good for the league. GM Jon has proven himself to be a legend GM and his coming back elevates the league in the eyes of the fans.

Worley and Zeke going to Lincoln is a big deal. A real big deal. Lincoln is better than their record indicates and now they've injected a backfield that is known to make a difference. GM Evans may have just changed the face of the West with this move.

I'm personally pleased to see Marcus Mariota starting again with the Renegades. I drafted Mariota back in my Missouri days. He was respectful and determined. We went to the playoffs with him at QB. I've followed his career since I left Missouri and came back to the HIFL. Glad to see him still playing at a high level and expect nothing less from him in a Salt Lake jersey.

I want to wish Jamie Ortega a speedy recovery. I know he will be out for a while longer, but he's done so much for the league. He's a first ballot Hall of Famer. He's a hard worker and human highlight reel.

Years ago, professional wrestler Triple H tore his quad and he was out of action for 7 or 8 months. Music City Kings linebacker Shaq Carrier tears his quad and he's out 2-4 weeks. Carrier has always been heralded as one of the toughest linebackers in the league, but this is impressive. I'd like to wish him a speedy recovery as well, even if he plays for a division rivalry.

I'd like to give a shout to Lincoln Pride owner Timothy Meer for something he said last week. Lincoln started 0-4 and he publicly went to bad for for GM Evans. I remember my final year in St. Paul starting the year 1-5 and wondering what the year would hold. We ended up going to the conference championship game. I'm glad Barbara Snow showed patience to me and I believe it paid off. With the deal that GM Evans made, that I previously mentioned, it's great to see an owner not only not trade a GM, but to get out in front of it and say his job isn't in jeopardy is refreshing...and what happened? They picked up their first win this week...and I imagine many more to come.

I remember watching Alesana Tuilagi play in Samoa. He's a wrecking ball that can carry a football. I read in the news this week that Orlando fans aren't happy with how he's playing. I think they should be patient. Tuilagi is a winner. Tuilagi is a rock star...as a matter of fact, that's what he was called in the scouting report I got on him years ago from the Samoan camp. He's such a unique player. I know GM Rebel will make some adjustments to get things going with him again. Tuilagi is worth his contract. He earned that contract. Something just isn't meshing, but it will get fixed and he'll return to form...wrecking ball that can carry a football. That's pretty accurate.

Last but not least, GM Dario...every time that dude runs on the field to kick a field goal it makes me happy. He trains his butt off to make those kicks. He runs his team and practices to be the best he can be. That's pretty remarkable.

I think I've handed out enough flowers for today.

Let's talk about this week. This week we play a very, very strong Vancouver team. They are sitting at 4-2, but in some cases they don't play up to their potential. If for some reason they decide to overlook us this week, we could take advantage and pull out a victory. As I say every week, don't underestimate our team. We have heart, passion, and drive. We are a few pieces shy from being extremely competitive. I'm proud of this team and look forward to the game this week. We get to play host to Vancouver and I hope our fans come out, ready to be loud to throw off the Vancouver offense. We will do our best to play our best for you all this week!


Well, at least we won't be having to worry about signing any fine-checks.

..holla if you hear me.

GM Gooch

GM Gooch


Hey Andy, will you call in Coach Baker?


GM Gooch

We got behind early in this one. Do you think some of that had to do with some of the injury hand we've been dealt?


Not really.  Look at our drives in the first half.

1.  FG
2. Punt on 4th and 5
3. Punt 4th and 12
4. Lost Fumble
5. Punt on 4th and inches

So we go into halftime down 17-3 but drive 3 ends really because of a costly holding penalty.

Drive 4 ends on a lost fumble from McGehee and then drive 5 only stalls into a 3 and out because we were just inches short of the line to gain.

We got beat 3 times in the first half for big plays in the air.  32 yards to Wilson.   26 yards to Witness. and then in the 2nd quarter 63 yards to Wilson.  The rest were very short gains and small chunks. 

The big difference was our secondary not being able to stop those big plays.

GM Gooch

Thank you for all that information. That is very helpful.

So it seems it is of the utmost importance that we improve at corner either via the draft or free agency if we are going to compete. Would you say that is a fair assessment?

Do you see any growth in our current corners. The last coaching administration had high hopes for Berry Blue that he would really grow into good player for us. Do you see the same potential in him?



Blue could become a solid CB2, but that's probably his ceiling.  Milligan is in a similar boat, but he is so just not happy being here, he's not giving his all in practice because he's just waiting for free agency.

GM Gooch

Is Milligan giving it his all on the field and just loafing in practice or is his effort low in games too?

I'm actively trying to move him, and so far I've been rejected at every turn.



He's not played very well, not sure if thats effort or talent, but either way we would all benefit from a clean slate I think.

GM Gooch

I've got to fix our secondary with talent or we are going to have this problem forever. But that's been overstated by me.

Let's talk about our plans at Wide Receiver/TE. I just sent Dobbins to play for his father in Milwaukee, and we brought in a 2nd round pick and Chang Lam.

I like Lam's look a lot.

Here is what I'm thinking. I want to go ahead and make the move of sending Pyle to WR. I plan on doing it. Why not do it now and let him get used to the role. Can we work it out that we always have (except for substitutions of course), Manchild/Pyle/Lam on the field.

In 2 WR sets, I'd want Manchild/Lam on the outside and Pyle at TE, but on 3 WR sets, I'd want Manchild/Pyle on the outside and Lam in the slot. I think these are 3 guys that we can build with around Winston.

What do you think of this plan?



Easy, as long as you specify in the lock in.

GM Gooch


We have a lot of line backers. Do you think we have the guys in the places they are a best fit? I wouldn't want Van Buren to be best at LOLB and have him at Mike, etc. Etc.



We've got it under control.

GM Gooch

Good deal. I trust you. 

Anyone out there giving really good effort in practice and being a good example?


I'm not the flowers guy, I'm gonna leave that to you boss.  We've got ball to handle.

GM Gooch

Sounds fair. Thanks, Coach. Let's surprise the world this week.
Please call in Corey Pyle.


GM Gooch

Hey Pyle. What's it like being a pro?



I've been a pro for 6 weeks man, you've been GM'ing for like a decade.  I thought you'd know what it was like to be a pro...  I guess I was wrong about you.


So basically its like this:

4:20 a.m.: Alarm goes off.

4:30 a.m.: Leave the house.

8 a.m.: First sip of coffee.

10 a.m. - 6 p.m.: film, meetings, practice, walkthrough, treatment, and film.

11:30 p.m.: Go to sleep.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

GM Gooch


I misspoke, I should've said how are you enjoying being a pro. But here we are.


I know you may not be very excited with me right now, but I hope that this news will make you pleased with me again. I plan on building a large part of our offense around you. I want to move you out to Wide Receiver. I was going to wait to do it, but I think the time is now. You have amazing abilities and I want to take advantage of those and put you in the best position to succeed. I've talked to Coach Baker, and the plan right now is when we are going 3 WR, you'll be on the outside at Wide Receiver. When we are in 2 WR sets, you'll be at Tight End. That means you are on the field for Winston to throw to as much as possible. I drafted you early because I know you are a threat to other teams because of your size, strength, and speed.

I just wanted to give you a heads up that we are starting this plan this week. I want to see you blossom into a superstar. I hope this makes up for my question that started this conversation.


GM Gooch

Great. I'm sure you are going to do great. I'm excited to see you flourish.
Andy, please get me in touch with Francisco Bien.
Mr. Bien, I'm sure you are aware, but I just made a trade to pick up your client WR Chang Lam from Milwaukee. I believe he fits a very specific need we have here in Myrtle Beach and I would like to help him develop into the player I believe he can be, but I believe that will take time, so I have a creative contract idea. Instead of just doing the extra year option that his rookie contract dictates. I'd like to keep him here on a multi year deal. 4 years, this year being $6mm (giving basically a $1mm bonus for this season), and the next three years getting $11mm. If he just picked up the option, he'd get $5 for the rest of this year, and $9mm next year.

I say all that to say, I plan on investing in Mr. Lam. He is going to be on the field a lot. I want him to have ample time to really gel with our quarterback, Jaylon Winston, and I feel like he could play a part in the turning around of this franchise.

If you aren't interested in this deal, I still plan on utilizing him and picking up the option on his contract and we can have discussions again next year, but I hope we can secure him long term.

I'd like to offer him a 4 year deal,


You've got yourself a deal, Jefe.

GM Gooch

Thank you, sir.
Please call in Edward Milligan.
Hey Edward, thanks for coming in. Word has gotten to me that you aren't happy here and that you aren't trying. That's not acceptable here in Myrtle Beach, so I'm going to go ahead and grant your release and let you go on about your career and hope you find the best in your future endeavors.



GM Gooch

Andy, will you get me in touch with Bobby Shapiro?
Bobby, I have two open slots on my team and I have two of your clients that I'm interested in bringing in.

First thing, I'd like to bring in your CB Charles Arnold. Would 1 year at $750k bring him to play the rest of the season with us?



No.  But he would would sign for $2MM

GM Gooch

You're right. I'm sorry for the lowball offer. He is worth $2mm. My apologies. I'll send that in to the league office and be glad to have him on the team.
Andy, please call Mr. Crain.
Mr. Crain, it's the BBQ man. I'm interested in bringing in you client, CB David Chong to Myrtle Beach. I'd like to offer a 1 year deal at $2mm.


GM Gooch

Most Excellent.
Please call back in Coach Baker.
I decided to let Edward go if he wasn't going to try. Hopefully that sends a message that even if we aren't winning, that professionals are expected to try.

We have picked up two new corners. I know they haven't been in practice for long, but I'd like your feedback on how they match up against our current group of corners. Anyone stand out as better than any other?



I wont know until we see them for a week or so without scouting them.

GM Gooch

I knew I got them shorter in the week, but I figured it was worth asking just in case.

I mean this when I say this, Coach: Thank you for all that you do. I knew I hired the right coach for this rebuild. These losses may be bitter, but it will make the wins we get that much sweeter. I believe we will look back at this week as one that some good moves were made. Let's go prove the world wrong and get that W against a very good Vancouver team.

Change the package use % from 25% to 50% for Big 3 (installed last week).

Big 3:

QB - Winston
RB - McGehee
WR1 - Manchild
WR2 - Pyle
Slot - Lam
TE - Logan
LT - Bogan
LG - Pena
C - Larsen
RG - Luong
RT - Rosser

For all packages that have 3WR, I want Manchild at WR1, Pyle WR2, and Lam in the Slot. For all packages that are 2WR, I want Manchild at WR1, Lam at WR2, and I want Pyle at TE.

New QB depth chart: Remove Mathias, Dak is now QB2, etc.

New Depth chart at CB:

CB1 - Chong
CB2 - Gonzalez
CB3 - Blue
CB4 - Arnold
CB5 - Falcon


GM Gooch

First of all, I want to say how proud I am of each and every one of our players. They gave it their all out there tonight, and even though the score didn't end up in our favor, we showed heart, determination, and sportsmanship. I was proud of our team that even when the score was separating, we kept fighting and not giving up. That is the type of culture that winners develop and I'm glad to see it.

Losing is never easy, especially when you know you gave everything you had. But what's important is how we, as a franchise, respond to defeat. We can choose to hang our heads and give up on the season, or we can choose to use this as motivation to come back stronger and better prepared next time. This week we face a hungry Salt Lake team that wants a victory as badly as we do.

I know that this team is capable of great things and we knew that this season was going to be a season of challenges as we continue to build into a winning franchise. The most important thing is that we continue to grow as a team and continue to push ourselves to be the best we can be so when those winning times do come, we will be the most cohesive, complete team that we can be.

I would publicly like to thank this team and our coaching staff for their hard work and dedication this season. It's never fun to lose. But we show fire every week and we are getting better and better with each passing game. I just want to say how proud I am of this team and their efforts from top to bottom.

Coach Baker, I'm happy to see Winston seems to taken like a duck to water to the offensive system this season really spreading the ball around. I also liked that Manchild, Pyle, and Lam all had touchdowns. Haas and McGehee had pretty good days even if McGehee only had 2 touches. What do you think our offense really needs to be a powerhouse? Better linemen? A speedy back? A power back?

GM Gooch


Sorry Coach, I've gotta catch the press before they leave. In my depression, I didn't address the Orlando, PFL, HIFL News. I'd better go back down there and do that.


I'm so sorry to keep you waiting on an answer to the main question you all have. How do I feel about the Orlando, PFL, HIFL drama. I believe we need to work together so this doesn't happen. The PFL has always had the money, while HIFL has always had the best football players. I hope the leagues can work together to respect each other and work as separate entities that won't rob each other of players. I did get into a bidding war with the PFL over Bjarnason, but that was during Free Agency. I do not agree with Orlando signing PFL players during the season. I hope the leagues are able to work together.

Again, I'm very sorry I didn't address this before I left. Taking another loss has my head cloudy. It's been a challenging season. My team would agree with that. I believe we show promise in areas, but I know we are deficient in others.

Does it worry me that the PFL could offer more money to take away some of my players? Absolutely it does. I feel like there are players on my team that have a sense of loyalty to this franchise and to me, but for the money that the PFL can throw around, I understand if a winning PFL franchise offers a huge contract to a player and it's too good to be true. I believe the salary cap is something the HIFL is going to have to look at for us to continue to compete with the PFL.

Are there any questions?


GM Gooch

Yeah. I messed that one up.

Statistically, how do we match up with Salt Lake?



Similarly. We're both in the bottom of the stats outside of run offense, where we are both in the middle of hte pack.



DUDE, the PFL is offering Bjarnason a contract!!

GM Gooch

I'm not surprised. Will you call him in so I can talk to him?
Mr. Bjarnason. I've been a fan of yours for a long time now. I set up the camp that got HIFL eyes on you, signed you in Long Beach, and helped develop you as a player. I regretfully got fired, and did all I could do get you traded to me...and the next thing I saw, you were off to the PFL. But Free Agency happened. I'm on a practically brand new team. I was going to need time but my goal was to build the defense around you. I drafted some defensive tackles with some upside that we could develop over time that would take away double teams from you. We brought in linebackers that aren't afraid to hit to keep other linemen honest. I have more plans to keep building this team around you for years to come. You are one of my favorite players. I hoped our working together would establish mutual loyalty, but I understand that can only go so far. If you don't mind me asking, how much are they offering? I'd like to see if I could compete for it.


I've been called by 3 teams in the PFL. Offers of 40MM, 45MM, and 50MM per season.  The money is nice, but the competition is lesser.

GM Gooch

With the way our salary cap is structured, I can't match those deals. But I desperately want you to stay on this team. I put you on a fully guaranteed contract for a reason, I wanted you to have confidence that I was going to build around you. I can see you becoming a Defensive MPV if not an overall MVP in Myrtle Beach with the tools you are developing. I can beg you to stay and play here and be a part of something special, or I could encourage you to get more money....If memory serves me correctly, your agent is Drew Leventhal. I would reach out to your agent and watch those numbers to up. That's why the PFL is only going after you, they aren't taking the serious things an agent would balk on into the equation. Please, if you've ever respected me. Talk to Drew. Let him help you you the biggest deal possible. If you can't be with me, I want to see you making bank.


I always wanted you here. I stretched a lot to get you here and I thought I made a deal we were both happy with. I know we are low on wins, but we are getting higher and higher in experience and working together. I wanted you here in Myrtle Beach until you retired and after that, I'd pay money to keep you on board doing Make a Wish foundation visits and setting records with those. I would've liked to have you on the sideline as moral support for our players, or join me in my box just so we can talk football. I wanted you to be Mr. Mastadon.

GM GOOCH wipes away another tear, this one not hidden

The HIFL owners have us by the balls. We have the same salary caps for what feels like 3 seasons while the PFL does stunts like this. Myrtle Beach can only offer you loyalty, but it doesn't look like we match that max contract of $50mm that you are being offered. I don't now where this puts us.