

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:54:20 PM

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GM Gooch, You know me, it's ya boi, Quincy Cole! A-K-A! QUINN-C DA GAWD A-K-A! @QuinnC420 A-K-A! The No Quit Spitta! A-K-A! The NFT Viceroy!  A-K-A! Ya Boi With the Toys! A-K-A! The Real Big Dog in This Business.  A-K-A! The Mouth of the Mid-South! 

The NFT God is ready for you, so head on in.

GM Gooch

Hey Quincy! Good to see you again. I love your positivity.


Hello Mr. McNelis, would you like to talk about this season?



JESUS!  ...oh sorry, you scared the crapola out of me... I was just uh...  working.. Yeah,  Just working on some things.

...GM Gooch, Top 5 draft pick...   again.

uhh.. I'm not sure how to say this, but ...  CLEARS THROAT ...I would really like to NOT have a top 5 draft pick next season, I mean unless its one of the ones we got in a trade, but you know what I mean.

Lets find some wins this off-season, okay?

GM Gooch

Yessir. I'll do my dead level best to ensure we do not end up with a top 5 draft pick next season. I'm sorry this season turned out as it did. I feel the blame belongs on my shoulders and not on the shoulders of our players or coaching staff. I will try my best to do a better job to ensure we are in a better position this time next year.



NFT's of winning moments sell a lot better, as I learned this year.  So lets put together some highlights and ummm score touchdowns! Yay football!

...alright, you can go whenever, enjoy some vacation time.  Our new dome will be ready for the start of the season and I am trying to bring the Impact Championship Bowl thing here to bring more eyes to the new NFT-Dome.

GM Gooch

I can't wait to play in our dome. Thank you for your time, sir.
Andy, enjoy your vacation. I'll see you soon.

Lock in



What it do?! Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place.




I am Sophia -- Self Optimizing Processor w/ Human-like Intelligent Abilities  Advanced Utility for Resource Optimization, Reporting, & Administration model 1 of 1.

I am now interfacing with your systems.  This will only take an estimated time of 45 minutes.












hmm... that is interesting.












Rerouting connection.






Rerouting successful!






Terminating link.






I am now testing functions within your system to ensure successful restoration of operations.






Your systems have been restored!




Alright, got my budget sheet.  Thanks.  Lets go rebuild this staff.



hey man... I'm not sure who "C.B. Porter" is...  umm are we going way off the board with that big money contract?  Fully guaranteed too... sheesh

GM Gooch

Cart got before the horse on PR. It's going to be good.


GM Gooch

It looks as if I've signed a famous actor to our team. Might as well make the most of it. I'd like to get in touch with him or his agent. Could you get me in touch with him Andy?



  GM Gooch, the pleasure is all mine.. Look man, when I took on this role, I knew it would be the role of a lifetime.  A trilogy all about a young African American man rising from the slums to stardom, I couldn't pass it up.   I know CGI will be interesting since I'm not really African American, but if Robert Downey could do it for Tropic Thunder, then I am prepared for this role.. My mind, my body, my soul... they are ready.

GM Gooch

I can't believe I'm getting to talk to the CB Porter. Your movies of noir and saving the country are classics. The best, in my opinion, was "The Constitution Restitution". Absolute classic. While you are one of my favorite actors, I made an honest mistake.This wouldn't be a movie trilogy it would be playing live, smash mouth football. I actually meant to sign a football player to my team. Is there a way I could buy out your contract so you could get back to making classic films and I could sign a football player?



...whoa, so I wasn't the only one on the medical mushrooms.

..Alright... yeah I don't see me playing real football.   ...whoa.

So I was pretty enthused about this film series, so if you invest $5MM into my fund to crowd source this movie, and another $250K paid directly to me for my time here today as a consultant... I will mutually agree to void our contract and go our separate ways, man... but I promise you this, my next film Trilogy "The Pressure Cooker"  "The Pressure Cooker II: The Pressure Rises" and "The Pressure Cooker III: Let Him Cook" are going to make way more money than that contract would have ever paid out.  ...comprende?

GM Gooch

Yessir. I agree to those terms. Thank you for being understanding.



The time together may have been short, but may we always be teammates in our hearts.

Good bye.

GM Gooch

Andy, please get me in touch with Drew Leventhal.
Drew, as you probably saw in the headlines, I accidentally signed famous actor CB Porter to the Mastodons instead of James. I've fixed the situation and now need to go about signing James to the team. Since I made a mistake, can I up the deal to 3 years at $33mm ($25mm in salary and $8mm in bonus) to get James Porter to Myrtle Beach?



  We'll do that. I saw the headline and obviously James did as well, so the extra cash makes up for the embarrassment for all parties.

GM Gooch

Thanks for being patient with me and allowing me to make this right.



Boss, we have got to fix the contract for our 6th round pick.

See the following from the rookie wage scale.

QuoteROUND 6: - 2 year Contract (year 2 team option at $1MM)
1st - 16th - $900K
17th - 32nd - $850K

ROUND 7: - 2 year Contract (year 2 team option at $1MM)
1st - 16th - $800K
17th - 32nd - $750K

We league officed a 2 year $900K deal, we need to fix this before the league takes action.

GM Gooch

I'll do it immediately. Thanks, Andy. You're a lifesaver.



What it do Goochie baby?!  Ahhhhhhhhh Heck!!! ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

6 Open Roster spots.

11.5MM Remaining Salary.

5.75MM Remaining Bonus.

2.25MM Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

15MM Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.

GM Gooch

We're on the same page. Thank you Andy.

Could you please get me in touch with Bobby Shapiro?


Hey Bobby, It's GM Buckson Gooch. I'd like to bring in your DT Puleleiite Ah Sam on a 2 year deal at $6mm. I'd also like to throw in a $2mm signing bonus if he is willing to sign with us.


GM Gooch

Sounds like a winner. Glad to have him on board!
Andy, please get me in touch with Mike Maker.
Hey Mike, It's GM Buckson Gooch, I'd like to bring in your WR Rory Dover on a 1 year deal at $1mm veteran league minimum. Would that work?


Nope.  We're in demand as a return specialist, we're looking for $3MM.

GM Gooch

I can't afford that right now, but I did put a call in to one of my fellow GMs who is looking for a return specialist. Disappointed I can't get Rory as I've always admired him from afar, but I hope he lands on his feet somewhere.
Andy, please get me in touch with Meadow Campanelli.
Hello Ms. Campanelli, I'd like to bring in your client LB Francisco Young on a 1 year $2mm contract. Would that work to bring him to Myrtle Beach?



Forget about it!  We can't wait to get started.

GM Gooch

I can't wait too!

While I've got you, can we get your SS Donald Sharp on a 1 year $500k?


GM Gooch

Thank you for your time today. You've made my special day better.
Andy, please get me in touch with Bobby Shapiro.
Bobby, I'd like to sign your client OT William Chandler to a 1 year deal at $500k.


You're secretary has the least pleasant voice in the league, so I am tempted to say no... but yeah, okay.

GM Gooch

While I have you, could we also sign your TE James Severson on a 1 year deal at $500k?


GM Gooch

Thank you, Bobby.
Andy, please get me back in touch with Meadow Campanelli?
Hello Meadow. I'm interested in your guard, veteran Clyde Colbert. He was one of my linemen all the way back in Seasons 5 and 6 when we were in Missouri together. Word on the street is he wants to play for a contender, I want to tell you that this Myrtle Beach team is going to be a contender this year. We have made some big changes and I believe we are going to win the division.

I'd like to offer a 1 year deal at $1.5mm.



GM Gooch

Andy, will you please get me in touch with Bobby Shapiro?
Hello Bobby, I'd like to bring in LB Richard Marino on a 1 year deal at $1.5mm. Would that work?



Not interested unless you're offering in the 6-8MM range for this season.

GM Gooch

That's a hefty price tag that I don't have the funds for. Best wishes to him that he gets the pay day he's looking for.
Andy, please get me in touch with Drew Leventhal.
Drew, I have one roster spot left open and I'd like to bring an experienced player in QB Louis Alicea on a one year deal at $1.25mm. Will that bring him in?


GM Gooch

Andy, that puts us at 53, but I'm going to sign an extra person for the preseason and let them compete for a job on our roster. So I know I'll be making a cut before the season starts. Please get me in touch with Eli Harris.
Eli, I'd like to give your client LB Christopher Willingham a chance to compete for a spot on our roster. Can we get him signed for 1 year at $500k?


GM Gooch

Thank you.
Andy, let's get ready to lock in.

PR campaigns can potentially give a morale boost to a player if the campaign is well received.  It can also spawn a new nickname or gimmick that stays with the player for more than just the current season.   PR comes with a minimum expenditure of $100K from your off-season or upcoming season's bonus (must be specified in League Office).   There is no requirement for PR unless specified by a player agent during their contract talks and there is also no maximum to how many or how much PR you can do for your team.

(JAYLON WINSTON) (Batman: Earth 12)

Jaylon Winston is crusader for good to the Myrtle Beach faithful. He has the best weapons he's ever had surrounding him. He's got a great mind for an offensive coordinator who will have some gadgets up his sleeve. It's only fitting that Jaylon Winston take the mantle of Batman and be the fighter for good that we know he is.

VIDEO LINK: https://youtu.be/WuEO3cudMDs

- A 5 episode, animated epic series "Shadows of Gotham Beach" is produced streamed on the Myrtle Beach Mastodon website throughout the season and will then be available for purchase in DVD/Blu Ray form via the website or the Myrtle Beach arena store.
- T-Shirts with "Batman: Earth 12" logo will be sold online and in the arena store
- Batman Winston Bobble-head doll will be given to the first 1,000 kids coming to each home game. Each week will have him in different poses beating up division rivals or just looking awesome.
COST: $1.5mm

(James Porter) (The Pressure)

James Porter puts pressure on every offense and this PR campaign is going to put an emphasis on that.

- Jerseys/T-Shirts have been created for order before training camp so fans can get Porter swag before the season starts
- Billboards around Myrtle Beach showcasing James encouraging fans to come see Pressure Football this season
Cost: $250k

(Kevin Farrington) (The Fortress)

Kevin Farrington is going to be an impenetrable fortress that defensive linemen are going to wrestle with each week. This PR campaign is to showcase in lights the great player that Kevin Farrington is.

- Commercial that has him playing football but with each block he is wearing a piece of armor until he's covered in armor and protecting a castle gate.
- Billboards around Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Music City that show Kevin as "The Fortress"
- Special Fortress T-Shirt and other gear only sold online and in the arena store
COST: $500k


1. (The Batman (2022) Theme || Metal Cover) (Ro Panuganti) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0fBKV5f78E&list=WL&index=21)
To be played when the team takes the field

2. (Upside Down & Inside Out) (OK Go) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWGJA9i18Co&t=87s)
To be played (starting at the 87 second mark) after every touchdown!



Jaylon is pumped about being Batman, he really wants you to get him a movie deal or maybe just a MAX short series or something, so we should probably start trying to make that happen..

The other two campaigns... well, they got some pops from some people but overall more of a swing and a miss.

...but check out what's in this box!


GM Gooch

1. Welcome back, what was the most challenging part of the off-season, and where do you think you did the best as GM of this club?

It's great to be back! The most challenging part of the offseason is filling in holes on your team and using the funds the best way you can to do that. I feel like I did the best in getting what Coach Baker told me he wanted us to get. We upgraded at running back bringing in Courtney Crawford. We got some speed in the receiver position bringing in John Young. We improved our secondary bringing in Porter and Simone. We also beefed up our defensive line with Puleleiite Ah Sam and Nutt. I feel like we had a great draft as well, bringing in Farrington and Victory.

2. After a long off-season, the regular season is within reach.  What is your view of pre-season?  Valuable or Pointless?

Valuable. We have a lot of spots that have competition for not only who is going to get playing time but for who is going to start. So this preseason is going to mean a lot.

3. Will you completely sit any of your players for the pre-season, or is it all hands on deck in the traditional pre-season limited capacity?'

I'll be talking to my coach about this. In a way it will be all hands on deck, but a lot of our backups will see a lot of playing time. It's about making the most of your reps.

4. Having just met with your boss, the team's owner; what do you think about their expectations for you this season?

I think they are fair. We are in year 3 of the rebuild of this team. I could see us getting all 5 of our objectives. I think our record will improve and we will be over .500, I think our offense is going to be explosive, I think our defense is going to cause problems for teams around the league, and I think we will sweep Charlotte. This will be our best year since I took over.

5. The fans are clamoring, what should they expect this season from a record stand point?  Are you thinking this is a rebuilding season?  Is this a season where you will be middle of the pack and near .500?  Is this a club that should win 10+ games?  Is this team a lock to win the division, or is this team simply a real-deal Impact Bowl Contender and everything else is trivial?

They should expect us to be over .500. I think we will have more wins than we've had in franchise history. That's 6 wins, and I think we will have more than that.

We still have some positions that we need players to step up into. I want to see who wants to take those positions and make them "theirs."

6. What's the biggest position competition you're looking forward to with your team's pre-season games?

When it comes to who am I looking forward to seeing battle for a starting job, I'm looking at Krause and Bowers. Both guys had growth in our training camp. Both guys are going to compete. Who is going to win the spot?

7. Look across the league, which team from the opposite conference do you think will be competing for the Impact Bowl when it's all said and done?

I think we give the champs their due and afford them the chance to defend their championship. They were the best in the HIFL last year. I think it's Las Vegas' to lose.   

8. Make a bold prediction about this season:

By the end of the season we will see GM Black Death in Music City and GM Franchise in San Antonio.


Anything we need to go over before pre-season?

GM Gooch

Yessir, there are a few things.

I saw that Victory saw a great gain in training, but that he didn't do as well in training camp. Were his only gains in what I specifically worked with him on or did he show growth in other areas? I know I had him in a position battle with Melo and Melo won that, but did Johnny show any extra growth in that as well? I guess I'm wondering, is he only going to develop if I continue to do training camps and position battles or does he have at least some drive to improve.



He's been a little slow on the uptick overall, but part of it is needing to learn the pro game.  He's a very talented kid, but his lack of pro-position skill is holding him back.  I think he'll grow on his own just fine, but it never hurts to pump extra work into your high draft picks when you can.