

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:54:20 PM

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GM Gooch

Sounds good. Thanks for taking my call.
Andy, we are ready to lock in.

Lock in

GM Gooch

Good afternoon everyone. I'd be glad to field some questions.

How do your team spend their bye week?

We worked. You can't take a week off in HIFL.

With a week to assess: How do you feel your team has performed so far this season?

I'm very pleased, we are sitting at more wins than we had last year and it's still early in the season. I'm pleased with how both our offense and our defense is playing. We've been bit with the injury bug, but everyone is working hard.

How do you feel about your game with Orlando this week?

I think it's going to be a good game. Both teams are similar in production in different aspects of the game. GM Rebel has done a good job with this team and they are sitting atop a very competitive division. I believe we have the offensive fire power to overcome their defense and I believe our defense will be able to stifle their offense. But, as always, the team that plays the hardest and makes the fewest mistakes more often than not wins the ball game. If we go in and play 'Don football, I believe we will walk away with a hard earned victory over a very talented Orlando team. 



We're armed with that Dallas first round pick, we planning on making a big trade to push us to the top?

GM Gooch

I will be honest with you, coach. I'm interested in two different players. I know you coach and I GM, but how would James Cunningham fit into our offense? I know he is a spectacular player, but we are very deep at wide receiver. I am concerned that he won't get the targets that he wants and will want out and we will be out picks and players. Do you think we could get him the ball enough that he would be happy?



I'm not Ms. Cleo, but I can see that Kevin Logan has had 35 targets at TE and he's not that good, so I'd assume Cunningham would get plenty of chances in his place.


GM Gooch, Kate from the league office here.   Your recent trade with Dallas has gone through, but your trade has violated the policies of salary and bonus retention.

The S17 CBA states:

  • Retain Salary and bonus: Can Only Retain Salary or bonus when maxed out against the salary cap (can not have cap retained by another team, while your team still has cap room after the trade)

After your trade with Dallas you have 1.5MM in salary available and 4.5MM in bonus available.  In order to have a team retain salary or bonus, your cap should be zero'd out.

There for, you are being fined for the remaining available money you have from both budgets; and as punishment for the violations, you are being fined $500K from your international bonus fund for each of the violations for a total of $1MM from your IBP.

Please league office the following fines:

$1.5MM Salary
$4.5MM Bonus
$1MM International Bonus.

Thank you and good luck the rest of this season.

GM Gooch

Thank you, Kate. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Coach Baker, I pulled the trigger and we now have Cunningham.

It's obvious we put him at TE1.

Are there any other ways we can utilize him? Would he fit in at WR when we go 4 wide or does he not have the position training that that would be advantageous?


I don't know much about him, but I've never seen him play WR, so I doubt its something he should do.

GM Gooch

That's probably a good idea. Thanks for all you do, Coach. Let's go out and pick up another W!

Let's put Cunningham at TE1 in every package.

Move the WRs that were behind Young on the depth chart up a spot.


GM Gooch

Thank you all for being here today. Let's get to some questions. I want to start things off by saying WOW. What a performances from Cunningham. 111 receiving yards and 4 pancakes in his 'Don Debut. I'm very proud of him and his efforts and the efforts of everyone this week.

How do you feel about the game this week?

I'm elated. We had two division leaders clash. GM Rebel is a very good GM that has put together a very good team. It was a great game that we won against a great team. It was a real team effort. Synergy.

We had some real standout performances. Batman Winston throwing for over 400 yards. 5 different players with at least 4 catches. I believe we just have so many offensive threats that defenses are stressing over what to do next. Almost 30 pancake blocks, which SportsCenter is already showing of Batman pancaking someone. Huge games from Castro and Farrington. They combined for 24 pancakes and 1 missed block.

I also want to give some love to Navarrete this week. He's playing off the bench and when he's in the game, he wants to be a game changer. Two knockdowns. Navarrete has a bright future in in Myrtle Beach and we look forward to helping him continue to develop where he can a starter for us one day.

We are sitting at the mid point of the season, would you care to discuss your division and your placement in the standings. Follow up: Are you where you want to be?

We are exactly where I thought we would be, in the fight. In the mix. Right now we are sitting atop the division and it's exactly where I want us to be.

What is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?

The biggest surprise for me is the injury bug we've caught. Injuries are a variable that can ruin the best made plans. That's why having depth is so important in the HIFL. We've had players really step up when called upon. The injury bug has not been fun, but what has been fun is seeing guys make the most of their opportunities to unselfishly help the team.

Many sportswriters have picked Music City to win the division and Atlanta to be the wild card and you sitting at home. How do you respond to that?

I respond by saying it's bulletin board material in our locker room. I have one of the most driven teams in HIFL. Each week someone says something wrong about us, it goes on the bulletin board. We read it when we leave the dressing room to go to practice to make sure our heads are on straight with practice. We read about it when we come back in from practice and reflect if we worked hard enough to prove them wrong.

Who is your MVP at mid-season and why?

I have to go with Jaylon Winston. He's hitting multiple targets a game. He's leading the HIFL in passing yards. Our offense runs through him and he's shown that he has broad shoulders.

How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year?

I'd give Coach Baker and our staff an A+. We made some changes in the offseason, but we have been committed to those changes. We are sitting atop our division. We're on a two game win streak. We have 5 victories this year, that's one victory away from tying the most wins this franchise has ever had in a season. I think our coaches are doing an exceptional job.

How do you think you measure up this week against Music City in a game that means a lot to this division?

This is going to be a defining game for our franchise this week. Can we defeat the form division champions? I absolutely believe that we can. We are hitting a stride on a two game win streak. Our offense is popping. Our defense is stifling. The key to a big victory is to play the hardest and make the fewest mistakes. If we can play as a team, handle our assignments, and do it within the confines of the rules. We will win this game and stay at the top of the division.


Cancun and Orlando. Sinking two of the Gulf Coast's best.   We're proving that we're the real deal.

GM Gooch

I agree. This was a big win this week against a good Orlando team.

Cunningham really took like a fish to water in our offense, didn't he?


GM Gooch

We have a big week this week against a division rival. I'll let you get at it. Thanks for all you do.
Andy, please call in Shaun Day.
Hey Shaun, I've had a team reach out to me that is interested in trading for you. You'd have a chance to start 2 or 3 games. They are a contender.

I didn't know if a 2 or 3 game shot at starting was enough to uproot your family, but I always told you I would talk to you about it if a team came interested in you getting to play.


I appreciate the opportunity. I'd love to get back in as a starter even on the short term.

GM Gooch

Then done and done. I wish you nothing but the best in Pearl Harbor. I'm rooting for you.



That's why you'll always be my favorite GM in the business, my man.

Lets meet in the Impact Bowl!

GM Gooch

Sounds like a plan! Best wishes, sir!
Andy, we are ready to lock in.

Thomas Alexander is QB2

Millard, Bernard, and Johnson all go to the bottom of the depth chart for their positions.


GM Gooch

How do you feel about losing such a close game with Music City?

Oddly enough, I feel good. It's because of what I'm taking away from this loss. We fought back. Some teams will just roll over when they are down, but we are developing a winning culture here at Myrtle Beach and the coaches and players have bought in and were not just going to lay down and lose. I'm proud of the efforts of this team. We lost to the defending division champions in a very close game. GM Franchise is doing a good job with his team and they found a weakness of ours and exploited it. You can guarantee that I'll be looking to remedy that.

How would you grade James Cunningham since arriving at Myrtle Beach?

It's only been two weeks, but I think A+ is the easy answer. He devoured our playbook and has taken to our offense like a fish to water. He is playing great football and I'm glad to have him in a 'Dons jersey.

This week you face perennial powerhouse Winnipeg. GM C4 went on record saying this will be a tough game in your home stadium, what do you think about this game, GM Gooch?

I think it's going to be our toughest game this season. GM C4 has done a remarkable job as a GM and has a nose for finding talent. His team is tough from top to bottom and doesn't have any real glaring weakness. What this game is going to do is let us see how we match up against a powerhouse in the HIFL. I believe we have the fire power on offense to stay in the game. I believe that we have the firepower in our secondary to match up with their high power offense. The challenge I'm going to lay down this week is for our front seven. If we are going to win this game, we have to stop the run. I believe in every player we have in the box and I believe they are going to rise to the occasion.

We have had a few seasons of rebuilding here in Myrtle Beach and I am confident that we have players that, as stated before, have a heart to compete and to win. I believe if we play our game and don't make silly mistakes that result in penalties, that we can win this ballgame. 



13.9 points per game.  ...This Winnipeg defense is the real deal, we're going to have to be perfect.

GM Gooch

It's going to be a tall task for sure.

I just made a trade with Kansas City to bring in Donald Walston at linebacker. I believe he will be an upgrade over Cantrell. I don't know how to put him on the depth chart. I know Van Buren stays in the middle, but should we put him above Steed or put him at LB3?



Tricky question.  Hopefully he's not too confused with learning his 3rd defense in 11 weeks; if he can play his best ball he's able to play as our MLB or ROLB, putting him at LOLB would waste his talent when we go to two LB looks like the Nickle.

GM Gooch

Let's put him at ROLB then and we can hope for the best.

I think that does it for me, Coach. I'll let you get back to what you do best. Thanks for all you do.
Andy, I'm going to go address the team before we lock in.
Gentlemen, we are on track to have the best season in our franchise history. As you know, the road to glory isn't paved with rose petals, it's rugged, it's tough, and it's gonna test every ounce of our grit and determination. It's going to take everything we've got. The success so far this season all goes to you, staff and players, having a never give up attitude. That's working together as a team, and I'm proud of you for it.

This week we play a perennial powerhouse in Winnipeg. We have a great opportunity this week to put a stamp on the HIFL to show that the 'Dons are nobody to sleep on. Winnipeg may be good, great even, but greatness doesn't intimidate us...it fuels us. We thrive under pressure. We rise to the occasion. When that final whistle blows, they will know they've been in a battle, and if we play our brand of football, we will be VICTORIOUS IN BATTLE! Let's go out there and seize it!

This week, we have an opportunity to tie the most wins this franchise has ever seen. Let's go take it. Let's make our mark on the history books of this franchise. I believe in each and every one of you and believe we can win this game. Let's go play 'Don football!
Andy, we are ready to lock in.

Van Buren - MLB
Walston - ROLB
Steed - LOLB

Other players taken go to the bottom of their respective depth charts.


GM Gooch

Woo-Wee, Winnipeg is the real deal. I believe we have a really good team here in Myrtle Beach and they had an answer for everything we did. My hat is off to GM C4 and the work he has done with that franchise. They are going to be really hard to beat out West.

This week we play Lincoln. Lincoln has a good run game and a few weeks ago we struggled to stop the run when we needed to get it under control. I made a move last week that I think will help with that (bringing in Walston) and I still have full confidence in our front 7 to neutralize a team's run game. I believe our offense is going to play well this week and if we can get a few scores up, they are going to have to try to pass it on us instead of run. We are one of the most dynamic offenses in the East and I look forward to what we will be able to do against a team the caliber of Lincoln.


Lincoln will always hold a special place in my heart, but this week the win for Myrtle Beach is all I am worried about.

GM Gooch

That's what I'm talking about, Coach.

I'm concerned about our ability to stop the run and that gives me concern for this week against Lincoln. I'm afraid Music City revealed a weakness that others will exploit.



A legit concern with the league's rushing leader on deck.  Kang has been lighting it up too, Lincoln is averaging something crazy like 205 yards per game rushing over the last three weeks.

GM Gooch

I know we've talked about this, and I'm sorry for asking again, but I know we have our defensive line focused on pass rushing. What would change if we made them focused on stopping the run instead? Is that just a training camp thing or is it a focus thing?



...its a focus on our training and what we work to achieve.  It is not a magic switch we can flip to stop the run or pass if it wasnt working prior.

GM Gooch

I'm sorry for frustrating you, Coach. I'll try to remember these things.

I know we have a big week ahead. I'll let you get to it. Thanks for all you do.

Andy, we are ready to lock in.


GM Gooch


Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll answer some questions.

How do you feel about your game with Lincoln?

I feel great. What an awesome come from behind win. My hat is off to GM Evans. He's a tremendous GM that has put together a great football team. One thing that I noticed, and it's been a trend this season is, our team never gave up. Not for a moment. It was a real team effort. We are developing a mentally strong football team.

I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about the record that was set this week. HIFL Player of the Week Jaylon Winston threw for 610 yards, a new HIFL record. Kudos go to not only Jaylon for some very big IQ plays, but also for the men who caught the ball. Baugh had a great, game winning reception for us. We are deep at the receiving positions and I'm proud as pie of the efforts of all of our players on both sides of the ball.

While Jaylon had his big week passing, your friend GM Lombardi had a big week running. Are you happy for him?

I absolutely am. GM Lombardi is a student of the game of football and I'm sure he's been making changes as the season has gone on to make this happen. I'm proud of GM Lombardi. He's really taken to being a GM.

What is your take on GM Adam Wrong's seat getting hotter in Rapid City?

I'd say the fans need to calm down. GM Adam Wrong has done many great things as a GM. He's going to fix their issues and they will be back to winning. But what this sort of nonsense does is makes GMs not want to go to a city that wants your head on a lance after a bad few games. Lighten up and let the man do work. He always gives it his all. I believe in GM Wrong. I have a lot of respect for him as a peer.

If you had a crystal ball, what would you say is going to happen in your game against the Barons this week?

I'm going to say I'm just glad it's not Top Flight Night GOOCH'S ST. PAUL TOP FLIGHT NIGHT PTSD KICKS IN AND THEN HE SNAPS OUT OF IT...anywho...I feel like this game is going to be a shootout and a high scoring affair. Milwaukee has a lot of offensive weapons and we do as well. I don't know if the Barons are ready for our "never say die" style of football. No lead is safe when we are playing our game. I have full confidence we are going to walk away with a victory this week. It's always a challenge to go against a team headed up by GM Kirk. He brings the best out of players is is a remarkable GM. But, I still feel we win this ballgame.



What a performance from Jaylon.   Phenomenal.

GM Gooch

Greatness. Inspirational to see. He really put the team on his shoulders.

The only change I'm thinking about making this week is swapping Nutt and Lemieux to opposite sides of the line. Might be worth to get a sample and see if something breaks free.


GM Gooch

I'll note it in the lock in. Thanks for all you do, Coach.
Andy, please call in Jaylon.
Tremendous game, sir. I just wanted you to know how proud I am of you. Thank you for all the hard work you put in. I appreciate you.



I heard the big boss is already selling NFT's from the game, pretty dope.  Hopefully if I keep it up my next contract can have a stake in ownership or something, you know?

GM Gooch

That would be groundbreaking! Keep up the great work!
Andy, we are ready to lock in.

Swap Nutt and Lemieux on the defensive line.

Lock in

GM Gooch

The citizens of Milwaukee, the coaches, the player, even the GM are all nice people...but they sure decide to play tough against ol' Buckson Gooch.

Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the big. We could beat them next week, but that's not how HIFL works.

We will shift out focus to KC this week. See how we match up. And game plan.


"What do you say to your young QB after experiencing the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in just a week-long span?"

GM Gooch

Sometimes that's how football is. It can be a feast or it can be a famine. But we continue trying. I still have the same confidence I had in him after the 610 game as I do to this game. He's an amazing young talent that I want to see throwing the ball even more. I'm not scared. I'm confident in him.



I thought you were going to hit them with the ultimate Batman call back.

"Why do we fall?   To learn to pick ourselves back up."

Oh well, anyways.. rough game, we put it in the can and move on.  THat was just a game where it all went wrong.  We look forward and get right against that husk of a team in Kansas City.

GM Gooch

I can't believe I didn't think of that. Brilliant, Coach!

Do you think I need to give Jaylon a pep talk or will he hear what I said about my confidence in him from the presser?



I assume the entire locker room listens to the press conferences, so Im sure he heard you.  Players rarely sulk after one bad game, we have it ingrained in our head since high school to have a short memory and move on to the next game.   When GMs or coaches make a big stink about one game or a short spurt of struggles, it can damage a players psyche more than them just struggling for a couple of weeks.

GM Gooch

I will definitely keep that in mind. Thank you for the wisdom, Coach.

Let's go bear KC!


Andy, no changes.

Lock in

GM Gooch

KC wanted to keep it interesting with us, but we walked away with a victory. A key victory.

The HIFL News just said if we win and Atlanta loses, we can clinch our division. That'll be the first time in this franchise's history. As fun as that is, we aren't looking there yet. We have a big opponent this week with a big chip on his shoulder. This week we go to GM Pancho's Alabama team. They are hungry for a win and do not like being in the position they are currently in. We are going to have to play our best football if we are going to come out victorious. We need our offense to run effectively and we need our defense to contain Ortega and that speedy Alabama offense. I admire GM Pancho and the work he has done for so many seasons in Alabama.

Do I think it can be done? Absolutely and without question. I think we can walk away with a W in hostile territory.



Lets win this division. It is ours for the taking!

GM Gooch

I absolutely agree. I want the division and I want it badly...but we have to beat Alabama this week.

How do we compare against Alabama on pass offense, run offense, pass defense, and run defense?



Let me ask you what you plan to do with that info?

GM Gooch

I just want to see where we stand in the game. I'm not planning on making any changes. I made a change two weeks ago with the d-line, I don't plan on making any others.



Okay Cool.