

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:55:34 PM

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GM Justin

Good morning Larry. I think you've known me long enough to know that I shoot it straight.  With that said, as soon as I signed my contract with Miami I started thinking about the coaching staff and I immediately knew that I wanted you as the defensive coordinator.  My vision is to build a complete, well rounded defensive and you would be the perfect leader for that group.  However, with the respect I have for you as a player and the year coaching you did in DC last year, I would be remiss if I didn't talk to you about being a head coach.  So I want you to tell me, do you think you are ready to be a head coach now, or would it better serve you to be a defensive coordinator for at least a year to increase your coaching experience first?


If I'm afforded the right offensive side of the coaching staff, I'm prepared to be a head coach.  I have always been a vocal leader, I've always been a guy who was breaking down plays on the field and on the sideline, it's always been that way for me.  Spending last year in an official coaching capacity showed me the little bit I wasn't sure about, but now I feel confident that I'm ready for the job.

GM Justin

With that being said, what would be the direction you would take on offense in terms of the scheme you would like to see and comparable coaches you would envision implementing and running the scheme?



Obviously I spent my whole career in DC and the best years were under Coach Saint.  If we could build an offense as explosive as his with passing options all over the field I think its a great system.  It worked with Christian Sullivan throwing to Crawford, Ramos, Rutherford, Barber, and Jackson; and it worked these last couple of years with Forest, Jackson, Isaacs, Lewis, and AMC.

The ability to always have an open receiver regardless of their talent level is huge.   We turned good players into stars. Bobbitt, Holiday, Randolph, and the list goes on.   I think having a deep bench at receiver is huge to making a strong offense, and then add in a weapon at running back who isn't a one trick pony is important.

GM Justin

On the defensive side I know you're a 4-3 guy, but I'm curious to know if you would be doing the play calling on defense, or would you let your coordinator handle the duties?



I am open to calling plays, but I also believe that with the right DC, especially a more seasoned play caller, we could be better off to let each coordinator handle their own play calling duties. 

I'd still call the shots on what I want called, but let them actually dictate the actual play that is run.

GM Justin

What do you believe is needed for you to be successful as head coach, especially in the first couple of seasons?



A smart OC who can develop a solid gameplan.  Fast defensive talent, and smart drafting from the GM.  That's the vision boss.

GM Justin

Alright, that is all of my questions Larry.  Do you have any for me?


The big question from me is what is our expectation/goal for year one, year two, etc... like what benchmarks are you expecting to see us hit right out of the gates?

GM Justin

It's always Impact Bowl or bust for me.  But I do think setting realistic benchmarks are important.  So I would say, Year 1 - Win Division, Year 2 - Make Conference Championship Game, Year 3 - Win Impact Bowl.



I like it.  Just lets me know we're not coming in to rebuild, we're reloading.

GM Justin

Definitely, reloading.  One final question that popped in my head, we have a top 15 pick in the first round of the draft.  Which way would you go with that pick?



The best Tackle, Corner, or Linebacker available.  Hard to say at 15 who is there but all three spots need work so take the best looking prospect, I'd say.

GM Justin

Coming into the search, I was fully prepared to re-sign Coach Jose and the plan was to go after you as DC.  However, I am willing to take a leap of faith and make you the Head Coach of the Miami Killer Whales.  I'd offer 4 years to match my contract, at $12mm per season, and salary increase of $1mm per season for reaching the benchmarks we discussed.  Let's take the league by storm and RAISE THE BLACK FLAG!


GM Justin
