

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:58:21 PM

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Team Information
City: Detroit, Michigan
Conference:  East
Division: North East
Team Owner: Vanessa Waters
Team Secretary: Aria Miniwatu

Official Colors:

Blue (#00274C)
Maize (#FFCB05)

Team History:
The Michigan Monsters are an "expansion" team for the HIFL in season 8.  Coming over from the American Premier League, the team has history prior to its arrival in the HIFL.

2012: 4-9
2013: 4-9
2014: 8-8
2015: 10-6
2016: 12-4

Season 8: 2-14-0
Season 9: 11-5-0 [GM Powers]
Season 10: 8-8-0 [GM Powers]
Season 11: 12-4-0 [GM Powers]
Season 12: 12-4-0 [GM Powers]
Season 13: 4-11-1 [GM Powers]
Season 14: 2-14-0 [GM Powers / GM Fosters]
Season 15: 7-9-0 [GM Fosters]
Season 16: 6-10-0 [GM Fosters]
Season 17: 8-8-0 [GM  Rinaldi]

Playoff Appearances:
2012: First Round (APL)
2014: First Round (APL)
2016: American Premier League Champions

Season  9: 2-1 (Impact Bowl Runner Up)
Season 11: 1-1 (Conference Championship Round)
Season 12: 1-1 (Conference Championship Round)

QB - Giovanni Hill - 1 [S9-S12]


GM Fosters



1. QB Derek Rogers- IQ
2. RB William Harris- Agility
3. WR Leonard McClary- Conditioning
4. C Michael Duff- Agility

1. DT Paul Reed- Tackling
2. DT Paul Reed- IQ
3. LB Bobby Hudson- Strength
4. LB Bobby Hudson- IQ


Primary Receiver: Colt Soriano
Running Backs: Committee (Zeke Elliott and William Harris)

Primary Coverage: COACHES DECISION
Linebacker Focus: COACHES DECISION
Player Radio: Dennis Hatley

Playing Time: Mostly Starters

1. Darren Glaze DT
2. Derek Rogers QB
3. Leonard McCrary WR
4. Matthew Hines CB
5. Bobby Wilder FS
6. Clyde Colbert OG



QB- Derek Rogers
QB2- John Carr
QB3- Richard Rainey

RB1- Ezekiel Elliott (Power)
RB2- William Harris (Speed)
RB3- Angel Toler (not to feature in the committee)

TE1- Greg Sprouse
TE2- Richard Mead

WR1- Colt Soriano
WR4- Scotty Gorham

WR2- Leonard McCrary
WR5- Jesus Williams

WR3- Brett Myers
WR6- Lamar Park

LT- Mats LidstrOm
LT2- Cain Rose
LT3- Parker Grace

LG- Clyde Colbert
LG2- Barry Pulley

C- Michael Duff
C2- Douglass McFadden

RG- Elliott Wellman
RG2- Ian Malone

RT- Cain Rose
RT2- Parker Grace
RT3- Timothy Weiss
RT4- John Boss



DT1- Darren Glaze
DT2- Paul Reed
DT3- Ricky Vega
DT4- Drew Dugas

RE1- Paul Reed
RE2- Marcus LaRoche

LE1- Douglas Dickerson
LE2- DaQuan Mack
LE3- Johnnie Richardson

LOLB1- Michael Parker
LOLB1- Tui Lotulueli
LOLB3- DaQuan Mack
LOLB4- Arthur Oscario

ROLB1- Bobby Hudson
ROLB2- Marcus LaRoche
ROLB3- Guillermo Angel

ILB1- Dennis Hatley
ILB3- Bobby Hudson

ILB2- Shakiel Deal
ILB4- Michael Parker

CB1- Matthew Hines
CB2- Albert Cheatham
CB3- Herman Schiller
CB4- Brian Wong

CB2- Albert Cheatham
CB3- Herman Schiller
CB4- Brian Wong
CB5- Richard Wood

CB3- Herman Schiller
CB4- Brian Wong
CB5- Richard Wood

FS1a- Bobby Wilder (splitting time w/ Milliken)
FS1b- Aaron Milliken (splitting time w/ Wilder)
FS3- Ralph Slaughter

SS1- Guy Simpson
SS2- Leopoldo Hamilton


PACKAGE NAME: The ROADBLOCK (for use against teams on 3rd and short plays)

LDT1- Paul Reed

MDT1- Darren Glaze

RDT1- Drew Dugas

RE1- Marcus LaRoche
RE2- Johnnie Richardson

LE1- Douglas Dickerson
LE2- DaQuan Mack

LLB1- Dennis Hatley
LLB2- Bobby Hudson
LLB3- Tui Lotulueli

RLB1- Michael Parker
RLB2- Shakiel Deal
RLB3- Guillermo Angel

CB1- Matthew Hines
CB2- Albert Cheatham
CB3- Herman Schiller

CB2- Albert Cheatham
CB3- Herman Schiller
CB4- Brian Wong
CB5- Richard Wood

FS1- Bobby Wilder
FS2- Aaron Milliken
FS3- Ralph Slaughter

SS1- Guy Simpson
SS2- Leopoldo Hamilton


K- Clarence Peterson
P- Andrew Campbell

KR1- William Harris
KR2- Scotty Gorham

PR1- Scotty Gorham
PR2- William Harris



Play Caller: Head Coach - Everything Coaches Decision 
1st and 10:
1st and Short:
1st and Long:
2nd and Short:
2nd and Long:
3rd and Short:
3rd and Long:
4th and Short:
4th and Long:
Goal Line:
Last 2 Mins (Ahead):
Last 2 Mins (Behind):


Play Caller: Defensive Coordinator- Everything DC Decision 
1st and 10:
1st and Short:
1st and Long:
2nd and Short:
2nd and Long:
3rd and Short:
3rd and Long:
4th and Short:
4th and Long:
Goal Line:
Last 2 Mins (Ahead):
Last 2 Mins (Behind):


1. (Here Comes Revenge) (Metallica)
Used when the offense takes the field after the opposing team scores a touchdown.

2. (The Monster Mash) (Bobby Pickett)
Used after halftime as the team returns to the field.


Heads or Tails = Tails
Receive or Defer = Recieve



1. Welcome back, lets talk off-season.  What was your off-season like, what was your biggest addition to your team, and who is someone you wish you didn't lose?

I want to start and say how incredibly excited I am for this season. We've had a huge turnaround of this side and we're not going to be bottom of our division come the end of the season. Far from it!

I think we've actually had a really good off season. I'm really chuffed with the coaching set up we've got now, weve got a fantastic skill mix and blend of personalities.

We had a cracking draft acquiring some incredibly exciting talent in Rogers, Reed, Rainey, Harris, Duff and Hudson and others! Our free agency was massive acquiring some superstar calibre players in Hines, Glaze, Zeke, Cheatham, Schiller etc- actually I'm totally stoked over Tui Lotulelei having an absolute stormer of a training camp- what a diamond in the rough we found! He'll be a big part of our Defense for sure. I was extremely active with trades too and was able to bring in some fantastic players like McCary, Lidström, Wellman, Simpson, Deal and Dickerson.

I'd have loved to keep Philly Crowell here, unfortunately having a safety that talented was a luxury we couldn't afford when we had such gaping holes everywhere else. I wish him all the best in Vancouver!

2. Take us back to Draft Day, what lead to you taking the player you took with your first pick?

I was chatting with Coach Vol, I'd known about Paul Reed for a while and was keen to get him for our revamped 3-4 defense. But Maxx Vol hinted pretty heavily that I should be looking for a QB that we can not just win with, but a QB we can win because of. It was at that point that I threw the kitchen sink at it to make sure we had the first and third pick in the draft to make sure I got our new franchise QB in Derek Rogers and absolute monster of a defensive linesman in Paul Reed.

3. Coming out of Training Camp who is the player you wish you would have seen on your "most improved list" that you didn't see?

That's a horrible question! Was that you Paxman? (GM Fosters cranes his neck to see where the question came from).  Nah in all seriousness you'd love to see one of your rookies that you've drafted who you know is going to be great once they've got some experience and training under their belt, come out of camp blowing 7 different shades of smoke, but good things come to those who wait.

4. If you were to improve one position on your team with a trade before the season starts, what position do you target, and are you looking to trade picks or players to get a deal done?

I haven't left myself with many picks as I pulled every trick in the book and called in every favour I had this off season. However, we have an embarrassment of riches in some positions, so I would be a fool to not consider offers to let my guys who are bench sitting start for other teams if the offer was right.

I don't think we've got any holes in our team at the moment, we just need to gel as a team and develop that chemistry. Im under no illusions that it's do or die time for me in Michigan. I want to still be here at the end of the year, I want to still be here next year, hell- I want to still be here in 3 years. I firmly believe the blokes I've assembled on this roster can be worldbeaters.

5. How many wins should your fan base expect this year, realistically what should fans expect to see?

A hellova lot more than we won last year... and you can take that to the bank. We're striving to be AT LEAST 8-8 by the end of the year. I really think we can make the playoffs this year, but it will be tough when last year teams had a 10-6 record and still didn't make it. Realistically speaking, I think I'll be given my marching orders if we don't record 6 wins.


Here we are, ready to get into a new season... any questions from camp?

GM Fosters

Hey Coach Vol

First things first, I'm totally stoked about the group we've got together. I think we had a great off season, and your comments were incredibly useful.

The first thing I noticed is that I got the depth chart a bit wrong. Do you recommend any other changes to the depth chart other than putting chewie (Tui Lotulueli) in a starting birth and demoting Carr to QB3?


GM Fosters

What's the atmosphere like in our QB room?

I saw the reports that Rainey is the looking the best currently, but is Rogers still showing the promise and development that we saw in him when we scouted him? He's still going to be our guy going forward in my eyes. We just need him to hit the ground running.


The reality is that while Rainey might look a little better right now, he is likely just benefitting from having more playing time in college.
Rogers has the upside and the arm talent which is why he was the #1 overall pick, Rainey is a starting caliber QB who could even be an all-star, but Rogers at his best could be an MVP and we just have to get him to that level.

GM Fosters

Thanks Coach Vol... I needed to hear that! Hopefully he'll settle into the team and gel with the rest of the offence ASAP. I'm sure the competition won't do any harm for Rogers or Rainey.

I'm super stoked to go and face St Paul Lynx in week 1!

Depth chart changes:

QB1- Derek Rogers
QB2- Richard Rainey
QB3- John Carr

LOLB1- Michael Parker
LOLB2- Shakiel Deal
LOLB3- DaQuan Mack
LOLB4- Arthur Oscario

ROLB1- Bobby Hudson
ROLB2- Shakiel Deal
ROLB2- Marcus LaRoche
ROLB3- Guillermo Angel

ILB1- Dennis Hatley
ILB3- Bobby Hudson
ILB5- Shakiel Deal

ILB2- Tui Lotulueli
ILB4- Michael Parker
ILB6- Shakiel Deal

Lock in

GM Fosters


1. Discuss your week 1 results, what were you happy with, what were you disappointed with?

As a first outing for a completely new team I think we've set a marker. To be able to come back and keep the game close, to a side that's not only the strongest competition in our division but one of the best teams in HIFL I think is a good statement of intent for us. The fact that our boys did everything they could to try and contain Ramos and McNasty and he still ended up getting player of the week shows that we put in a solid performance to keep St Paul within 11 points.

I was very impressed with our guys. Both old new faces and new new faces in our rookies. I think Derek Rogers had a great first game for us he's put up some cracking yardage. We've got to change a few things up, mainly we can't have our rookie superstar QB throwing for 65 snaps when we only rushed for 11... but we'll tweak that in the week.

I was very impressed with Bobby Hudson! Defensive player of the game 5 tackles 2 sacks what a debut! I'm really happy with the boys, I think it's a great platform to be starting on.

2. How do you feel about not having pre-season this year?

I think it's a little bit of a shame given how much turnover we've had... we haven't got any gaps in the squad so to speak, we just need to gel and develop that chemistry that comes from playing games together, winning and losing together. Hopefully more of the former!

3. What did you think of Alejandro McGhee's comments about the Bay Area Sea Lions being able to beat any HIFL club? 

A lot of hot air coming out of that fella... maybe we could see if the league wanted to look into some cross franchise friendliest or exhibition games instead of preseason games.

4. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

I saw the news headline about the Monsters Lockeroom. I'll be honest I wasn't aware of the issue. That's my bad... but I'll get to the bottom of it. With the gift of hindsight Coach Polowski wasn't what we needed here at Michigan Monsters, but I've got every faith in our current coaching set up.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.   How likely do you feel your team is to win this contest?
We play the Louisville Woodpeckers this next week, again we're at home. I have a lot of time for GM Gators and he's improved his side a lot. Patten is very decent QB and they put up a lot of yards in a tough game against Miami last week and they'll be looking to bounce back in a big way. We must be ready for them!


65 Passes isn't where we want to be, we'll have to make some tweaks.

GM Fosters

I agree Coach Vol! The kid did well though I thought. What's our run/pass ratio set to currently and what do you think we should change it to? I saw Harris only got one snap, would be good to get him a fair few more if we can.

Anyone stand out to you for good/ bad reasons that I might have missed?



Nothing major, I thought Reed played at a high level in his debut.

GM Fosters

Good stuff, good stuff. I'll be sure to chat to him in a bit. 

Would a 65:35 pass/ run ratio, suit us do you reckon?



We'll see, just leave it to me to tinker with.

GM Fosters

Ok Coach, sound good! I'll let you get back to training.


Hey Carly, can you get me Derek Rogers please?


Hey Derek! Welcome to Michigan. I'm so glad that I was able to have the first overall pick in the draft to take you. How are you settling in at Michigan? You put in a great first performance for the side. How are you finding our offensive set up so far?


Almost everything is really good, I can't help but think we could've benefitted from using that 3rd round pick on a need and not a guy to try to compete with me and put extra pressure on me right away, but other than that one blip, I'm fine.

GM Fosters

I can only apologise for that Derek. I thought it would be the best use of the pick with our draft board and scouting at the time, and if I'm being honest, it didn't cross my mind that I was putting extra pressure on you. For that I'm sorry.

But if it's any consolation, you're absolutely killing it! Keep it up, you're our first choice QB for a reason.

How are you meshing with our receiver corps?



  Its a work in progress, but I think we're getting there.  Colt is a great guy with a lot of experience with guys like Gio Hill and then Gorham and I have hit it off pretty well, so I like where things are headed.

GM Fosters

That's great to hear! I'll be moving Gorham up the depth chart after the hard work he's been putting in recently.

I'll let you get back to training, go smash it against Louisville at the weekend! If you see Paul Reed on your travels/ on the training field can you ask him to come and see me? Cheers dude!

Hey Paul, a sack and two hurries on your debut is great going! Coach Vol said you put in a huge shift and was very pleased with you.

I was so happy that I managed to move heaven and earth to acquire the 3rd overall pick to bring you to Michigan. How are you finding it so far?


  Things are good so far, feeding the beast inside of me, feeding him quarterbacks and running backs as often as possible!

GM Fosters

Tuck in! Just what I wanted to hear. All the best with this weekend's game against Louisville... Patton is a great target of a QB to put on his arse!

Stay hungry! When you get back to the training field can you send up Bobby Hudson please?

Bobby! Congratulations on a fantastic debut! Well deserved defensive player of the match! 5 tackles and 2 sacks is a great performance, especially for a rookie on debut! How are you settling in to our defence? How is it working closely with Coach Hunter?


  Coach Hunter was a guy I watched growing up, so its awesome learning from someone as great as he was at the position I play.

GM Fosters

Brilliant! I'm glad that you're enjoying working with one of the guys you've looked up to. He's said you're developing well.

I'll let you get back to training, if you could let Coach Hunter know that I would like a word when you see him that would be great.


Hey Coach Hunter. I'm really pleased with the work you've done with installing a new Defense here in Michigan. I wanted to pick your brain on our linebacker corps and who you'd rate from best to worst? I know you said Tui is now our second best linebacker,  but just wondering whether the others fit into that?



  I'd say Hatley, Tui, Parker, Hudson, Meyer, Deal, Ocasio, Angel

GM Fosters

That's great, thank you.

Thinking about our position at Corner now... how does Wong and Schiller compare? Who's better at what? Who do you think deserves to be higher than the other in the depth chart?


Well, Schiller is stronger and more agile, has a higher IQ, but Wong is a better tackler, has a little more speed, but Schiller has nicer hands, they are pretty even across the board though, the main differences are IQ, Tackling, and Hands.

GM Fosters

Ok, that's great thanks Coach Hunter. I'll let you get back to training now.

All the best for our game against Louisville.


Carly can you please get these changes to Coach Vol:

WR1 Colt Soriano
WR2 Leonard McCrary
WR3 Scotty Gorham
WR4 Brett Myers
WR5 Jesus Williams

Coach Vol also to reduce the passing ratio, and increase rushing as he sees fit.

Lock in

GM Fosters


1. Discuss your week 2 results, what were you happy with, what were you disappointed with?

Very happy to get a win. It's been a while and I savoured my first victory here in Michigan... hopefully here's to many more! Louisville put up a hell of a lot of yards against us, thankfully we managed to salvage it and limit them from scoring too many touch downs through great interceptions by Dennis Hatley and Matty Hines as well as the other lads on Defense stepping up when it mattered! Michael Parker had a cracker too picking up defensive player of the game for his 11 tackles, a sack, two forced fumbles and a fumble recovery!

What a game William Harris had! Offensive player of the game was thoroughly deserved. I was stoked to see him get more snaps this week and work really well with Zeke.

2. After two weeks do you feel your team is where you thought they would be, if not what is the biggest area of improvement needed?

I like our trajectory, we're on the up for sure. We've got fantastic players on this team, and no gaps that I can see, we just need to gel as a team and keep developing that chemistry and camaraderie.

3. Are you happy with the play of your quarterback so far? Where do you rank him across the league's 32 starters?

I'm really happy with Derek Rogers. He's shaping up well to put himself in contention for offensive rookie of the year and a candidate for future MVP for sure. He's getting better and better very week as he gets used to our offense and our plays and I think he's got the potential to be a top 5 QB in this league.

4. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

It made me snigger when I saw Ulrich has converted more players to Veganism... fair play to the lad for sticking to his guns.

Good to see our IFAF partnership team France dropping a load of points on South Africa, Allez les blues!

5. Discuss your next opponent and game.   Where is your biggest advantage?

We play Atlanta away this week. They've just come off the back of a close loss to our divisional rivals St Paul. It will be their first home game in their new stadium after some big changes to their franchise so they'll want to lay down a marker... what a fantastic opportunity for an upset eh?

Our biggest advantage is that we're not overly reliant in either passing or rushing, we've got a stellar QB that can read a game in front of him. Atlanta have a fantastic run defence... we'll expect them to do well in that aspect and they also have a great RB room, it's our first game against Adrian McCaffrey... he's not someone I'm looking forward to seeing our boys play against.


Atlanta's defense looks ripe for the picking, GM Fosters.  I'm looking forward the chance to get another big win!

GM Fosters

Hey Derek! Great performance against Louisville. Can't wait to see you against Atlanta. They've got a great run defence but I think you'll smash it airing it out against them!

I'll let you get back to training, but give my best to the boys! If you see Coach Vol can you ask him to come see me? Cheers dude!


Hey Coach Vol

My observation of Atlanta is that their run game and run defense is firing on all cylinders. What can we do to stop their running backs? Should we look at switching our linebacker focus to run support?

Or do you think we should tweak our linebackers to "set the edge"? This is a bit of a new one to me, but could it work? Which linebackers are best equipped to be on the outside/ best to set the edge?



I think they are in their best position to succeed as it is.

GM Fosters

Ok Coach.

Is there anything else we can do to strengthen our run defence? Or do you reckon we should stay as we are?

Atlanta use AMC in the slot don't they... would it be worthwhile to match up Hines to Jacks, and then our next quickest/ agile CB to him in the slot?


They use him at times, but not regularly. We shouldn't change too much for one guy.

GM Fosters

Ok coach, lets keep things as they are. I think that's pretty much everything then? Unless you can think of anything else?

(If not)

Carly can you ask Derek Rogers to come back up to my office please?



I'm so sorry mate, I didn't realise at first but I've twigged that you looked like you had something on your mind! Sorry for being pre-occupied, you can ask me whatever you like whenever you like!

What's on your mind?



Nothing boss, the moment's passed.  I'm good to go!

GM Fosters

Sorry about that Derek, I'll make sure I'm more receptive in the future.

How are you getting on having Rainey in the squad, I know you weren't impressed with us drafting him too. You're obviously our number 1 QB though. Is the rivalry healthy at least?


Healthy enough for me... he can carry my helmet and hold the clipboard all his career if he wants; I was better than him in high school and in college, and I've proved it head to head time and time again.

GM Fosters

Hahhahahahha. Well if there are any changes you want me to make to the roster or any areas you think we can improve in the future, I will be all ears. You're not only one of our captains, but also the centre point this team is built around.



I mean, if you can get a solid upgrade somewhere in exchange for Rainey, we'd all be better for it, maximize his value before everyone realizes he's just a second fiddle to the real star of the show.

GM Fosters

I'll put out some feelers, leave it with me. I've had one offer... but I'll shake the tree.

Are you happy with your O-Line? I tried to assemble a group of blokes that would keep you on your feet and give you as much time as possible.



So far so good, but its only been two weeks. Lets wait and see.

GM Fosters

That is very true. I am really looking forward to seeing you play against Atlanta. I don't think I've got too much more to attend to. Thank you for coming up and speaking to me again. My door will always be open to you.  Best of luck with the game.


Carly is anyone else waiting to see me?


GM Fosters

How have you been Carly?

Can you put some feelers out to the other teams for interest in our QB2 Richard Rainey?



I definitely will!  I've been fine, just kinda collecting myself and figuring out what's next for me...

GM Fosters

What is next for you? You're not thinking of leaving Michigan are you?


Not if I find something here worth staying for, but as it is I'm kinda lonely; but its okay, I'm a hit on tinder, so I'll find someone.

GM Fosters

Chin up Carly you're a smashing Sheila!

Any trades will have to wait until next week... I'm too stoked for the Atlanta game.

Can you make sure Coach Vol gets these depth chart updates?

WR1 Colt Soriano
WR2 Leonard McCrary
WR3 Scotty Gorham
WR4 Brett Myers
WR5 Jesus Williams

Let's go and spoil Atlanta's Day....

Lock in

GM Fosters


1. Discuss your week 3 results, what were you happy with, what were you disappointed with?

I think we put out a good performance across most areas of the game, I'm gutted we didn't get the win. I wasn't happy with the start, being 14-0 down. But the boys dug in hard and we fought tooth and nail to claw our way back into it and lead 17-14. With just under 7 minutes to go we were trailing by 4 points. It always hurts to see an interception, especially a pick six. But in that situation where it's kill or be killed, we want a leader who's not afraid to grab the game by the short and curlies and strive for that game winning pass, and that's why I'm please to say that we've got our guy, Derek Rogers under centre for years to come.

Our running game really took off this week, Zeke won offensive player of the game, quite deservedly with his CAREER BEST STATS, it's impressive to be the stand out running back in a game where your opposition have 3 decent running backs... but even more so when one of them is Adrian McCaffrey... and we all know how good he is. So chapeau Zeke! You had a cracker mate!

The boys on defense did well too. Hatley led by example and you could see how fired up Reed was! We've got such a talented team but we're still bedding in.

2. Have you and your coach made any major adjustments so far this season, if not do you feel you need to after this week?

We've not as of yet. You may have heard some jibber jabber in the last week and thought, "Corr that's just furphy" but I can give the nod and say we are looking through our offers we've had for our QB Richard Rainey. He's a very talented bloke and he's too good to be sat on our bench, so we're looking to get him a starting spot somewhere on another side. We're close to an agreement... watch this space!

3. The league has discussed a potential league-sponsored event to give free agent offensive linemen the chance to showcase themselves to HIFL teams, what do you think of this idea?

I think this isn't a bad shout considering they're dropping like flies! I'm really proud of our O-Line, I think we've put together a really good unit to keep Rogers upright and protected for as long as we physically can, they're great at that, but they're also brilliant at opening up gaps for Zeke and Bilbo Harris.

4. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

It's a shame to see GM Gators stepping away from the HIFL, he's a genuinely good bloke and a right character! I and all of the Michigan Monsters want to wish him all the best with his future endeavours!

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is something about that team that you wish you could emulate?

We play a Pearl Harbour side who have well and truly had their doors and everything else for that matter blown off. They'll be hurting and want to come back hard against us. It'll be a good battle, particularly with the top two prospects in the draft going at it. I fancy us for the win, but we're gonna need to get some solid prep laid down this week. They've got some talented lads on their roster... I think a lot of QBs in the league would be lying if they said they didn't wish they could be throwing to Shawn Simon on the regs.



  It's tough to come up short in that situation, but we have a chance to bounce back if we play well against the Preds.