

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:58:21 PM

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Thanks boss, anything else you need?

GM Fosters

Can you get Coach Smith for me please?


Hey Coach Smith!

How are you finding working with our O-Line this year? Anyone showing particular promise that doesn't show up in the box score? Or on the flip side- anyone you wish you could get more out of?



Other than Clyde Colbert's morale being a very, very low to the point that his effort is starting to dip, everything is pretty much what we see on paper.

GM Fosters

That's interesting! Thanks for your insight coach.

Any ideas on what's causing the low morale? I'm planning to speak to him but the more I know before hand the better. Other than us in a losing streak currently but that's all going to change!


Losing hurts, especially for guys who want to win a championship as they get older.

GM Fosters

I get you. I'm hoping that should turn around. Our offense has been clicking and working nicely, and I'm going to be sorting out our defence.

How do you feel Rogers and Harris are progressing in their rookie years?



Very well! They're impressive lads and I'm excited for their futures.

GM Fosters

Great stuff! Thanks for your insight coach I'll let you get back to training!


Carly can you get me Clyde Colbert please?


Clyde! How are you doing? I get the impression that you're struggling a bit with morale. I get it, we're in a bit of a losing rut. Don't despair... you're doing fantastically well in the offense both as an individual and a captain of this team. We've got a lot of young rookie talent that is flourishing under your capable leadership.

We've been losing games because I tried to implement a defensive system that just hasn't worked. That's on me, we've made changes and I'm going to be bringing in a lot more talent for the defensive side that will help us to start winning games. I'm still hoping we'll win at least 6 games this year.

Is there anything I can do to help with your morale in the short term?


Sorry man, I'm trying to not let my mood bring anyone else down or effect my play, I just want to be on a title contender.  It's tough to play at my age knowing we're not there yet.

I'm not requesting a trade, but I am letting you know that if you get an offer from a team that is a legit contender, It wouldn't  hurt my feelings if you traded me for assets.

GM Fosters

I can understand that Clyde.

If you can try and keep your chin up for now, play your heart out for the boys here in Michigan, I'll keep an open ear out for any offers that come up from genuine contenders.

That sound fair?



Like i said, if it happens it happens, if it doesn't then hopefully we this thing around quick and win some big games.

GM Fosters

For sure. We sure as hell ain't tanking this season.. we're coming out of this bye week swinging!

I appreciate your hard work and solid leadership that you've demonstrated your whole career!

I'll let you get back to training unless you have any other concerns?


Hello Mr. Fosters, I've been thinking about your request to trade upcoming draft picks, and I feel comfortable enough to extend you an offer of one more year on your current contract to give you that bit of comfort.. I know you would prefer more, but for now I feel this is a safe compromise.

GM Fosters

Thanks Ms Waters... very kind!

I would be delighted to accept.



Very good, lets make the most of it.



GM Fosters

Lock in for the bye week

GM Fosters


1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

We had a bit of an easier one with it being our bye week. Hopefully our lads will come out the blocks firing after a lighter week.

I got some of our star player's contracts renewed and also brought in some serious talent to improve us all across the Defense. I watched the Tottenham/ Orlando game with a vested interest and was very impressed with our 3 new acquisitions in Burrell, Pickens and Turpin who all had cracking games.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, if you had team specific news address it first.

It's great to see our Defensive Rookie Paul Reed chomping at the bit to get more involved in other plays on Defense. That's certainly something I can look into...

There's some big trades going down across HIFL! Always exciting seeing what's going down and hearing what the rumour mill is churning out.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

We play Milwaukee this week, they're having an equally bad season to us and will be coming out swinging. We need to win this game and I'm hoping the moves I've made will improve our defense dramatically.
I think our biggest advantage is the number of threats we have on offense. They have made attempts to improve their weak D-line but I think it's an area we can exploit!


Coach Vol, as I'm sure you'll have heard I've made a trade to try and improve us across multiple positions on Defense.

I heard the comments from Paul Reed, he's clearly enthusiastic and passionate, do we have any idea what he has in mind in terms of wanting a bigger role?



I think he'd like a percentage of snaps at DE to see if he can boost his sack totals and make more money in the long run.

GM Fosters

I'm happy to give that the go ahead, I've brought in Burrell who I was planning on slotting in as our DE1. Dickerson will be our DE2, what percentage of snaps would you be happy with Reed switching with Dickerson? I will speak to Reed in a bit.

I've brought in upgrades at SS and FS too, hoping we'll have really tightened up our defense ahead of the Milwaukee game!



I'd say something like 33% we don't want to over do it.

GM Fosters

Lovely stuff, cheers Coach Vol, I'll circle back later if there's anything else, and I'll leave the lock in changes with Carly.

Carly can you get Paul Reed to come up and see me please?


Reedo! I've heard whispers that you want more playing time on Defense and more of a role across the line?

I'm glad you're chomping at the bit to get more action. What sort of thing did you have in mind? I was thinking we could swap you into DE for the odd play here and there?


You thought it up, or you talked to Coach who talked to me, and knew that's what I  wanted?

GM Fosters

I chatted to Coach Vol about it! You got me. Wanted to make sure we all had our ducks in a row. I'm glad you got a taste for edge rushing!

It was my idea to play you on the edge of our original 3-4 after seeing how fast you are! Like a rat up a drain pipe!

But for sure we can make that happen! You got any other wants, concerns or questions at all for me?



I just want to be feared around the league by every quarterback I see... I want them to be pissin' their jockstraps when they see me on the other side of the line.

GM Fosters

Let's make that happen! First up... RoMar!

I'll let you get back to training! There's a few new lads on defense... try and make them feel welcome!


Carly can you get me Coach Anderson please?


Hey Coach,

With Weiss out for the season and Lidstrom questionable is our best bet to go with Cain Rose at left tackle and Parker Grace at right tackle?

I'm a bit worried about the threat to Rogers... thankfully Milwaukee aren't renowned for their pass rush.


That is definitely our best bet, and yes... lucky for us Milwaukee can't rush through a wet paper bag

GM Fosters


Are any of our back up guards or centres any better as a back up at tackle than Boss would be? Or if heaven forbid we pick up more injuries at tackle?



  McFadden would be a choice if he could pass block, but he can't so no, not really anyone in particular.

GM Fosters

Noted! I will leave it in your hands to pick a body to fill a gap if it so comes to it... I'm hoping it won't though!

I'll let you get back to training, all the best for the coming game!


Carly can you please send up Michigans newest Defensive stars? Messrs Pickens, Turpin and Burrell?


GM Fosters

Gents! Welcome to Michigan!

I have been seriously impressed by how talented you all are and you're probably wondering why you got traded out of the blue from a team you were settled at.

Truth is Michigan is in a slump, we had a big off season last year and we're currently 1 and 6 with a lot of new personnel. We've got a pretty good high scoring offense but with our defence, I got the system wrong, we've changed tack  and by bringing you guys in I'm hoping to take it to another level. I've got big plans and want us to build our game plan around having a bloody mean defence!

I hope you settle in nicely in Michigan, but I also hope you settle in and get up to speed fast. We're playing our divisional rivals this weekend and they're the team we're currently in a bottom of the division dog fight with.

Is there anything you want or need of me, or any questions you have me right now? My door is always open if you think of anything later?



GM Fosters

Thanks lads, I'll let you get back to training,

Michael Turpin if you could just hang back for a few minutes that would be great.

Just a heads up I had spoken to your agent and I am going to give her a call now, I'm going to do what I can to thrash out a new deal to keep you at Michigan for the foreseeable future, hoping that that is something that will be agreeable to you!


Sounds good, GM Fosters. Looking forward to seeing the details.

GM Fosters

I'll let you get back to training, all the best with the upcoming game against Milwaukee, hope you settle in well with the other lads in the dressing room!

Will let you know the details once I've got the nod from Ms Molina!


Carly can you get me Amber Molina on the phone please?


Hi Amber, hope you're well! It's Bruce from the Michigan Monsters. Just calling to get pen to paper on this new contract for your client FS Michael Turpin, starting S16, 13.5 mm a year and 3mm a year in bonus for 5 years... how does that sound?


GM Fosters

Thanks Amber, take care...


Carly can you please get the following depth chart changes to the coaching staff?



LDT1- Darren Glaze
LDT2- Paul Reed
LDT3- Ricky Vega
LDT4- Drew Dugas

RDT1- Paul Reed
RDT2- Ricky Vega
RDT2- Drew Dugas

RE1- Sigmund Burrell
RE2- Douglas Dickerson
RE3- Marcus LaRoche
RE4- Johnnie Richardson

LE1- Douglas Dickerson
LE2-Marcus LaRoche
LE3-Johnnie Richardson

MLB1- Dennis Hatley
MLB2- Tui Lotulueli
MLB3- Michael Parker
MLB4- Bobby Hudson

LOLB1- Tui Lotulueli
LOLB2- Michael Parker
LOLB3- Bobby Hudson
LOLB4- Shakiel Deal
LOLB5- Arthur Ocasio

ROLB1- Michael Parker
ROLB2- Bobby Hudson
ROLB3- Shakiel Deal
ROLB4- Arthur Ocasio
ROLB5- Guillermo Angel

CB1- Matthew Hines
CB2- Herman Schiller
CB3- Brian Wong
CB4- Bobby Wilder

CB2- Herman Schiller
CB3- Brian Wong
CB4- Bobby Wilder
CB5- Richard Wood

CB3- Brian Wong
CB4- Bobby Wilder
CB5- Richard Wood

FS1- Michael Turpin
FS2- Bobby Wilder
FS3- Ralph Slaughter

SS1- Steven Pickens
SS2- Leopoldo Hamilton

To be used on 33% of snaps when Coach Vol deems it appropriate

LDE- Paul Reed
LDT- Darren Glaze
RDT- Douglas Dickerson
RDE- Sigmund Burrell

Changes to O-Line if Lidström isn't fit (Cain Rose to start at LT)

LT1- Mats Lidström
LT2- Cain Rose
LT3- Parker Grace
LT4- John Boss
LT5- Coaches decision

RT1- Cain Rose
RT2- Parker Grace
RT3- John Boss
RT4- Coaches Decision

We are locked in for Milwaukee

GM Fosters


1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)

We got the win! We beat our divisional rivals in a hard fought close game! Paul Reed take a bow! He wanted the chance to show what he could do with reps at DE and boy did he deliver! He deserves the game ball. Surely he's a shoe-in for defensive rookie of the year isn't he?!

Unfortunately an awful lot of our lads took a hammering. Our O-Line has been decimated with Colbert and Duff picking up nasty knocks and being out for a little while and poor Darren Glaze is likely out for the rest of the season. Such a shame as we were just getting the tweaks finalised to our system change on Defense. I want to wish all our lads the best and wish them a swift recovery! I've got every faith in this squad of lads though.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, also what are some of the stats and/or stat leaders that have surprised you at the mid-point of the season?

I forgot to mention earlier, I'm totally stoked that DE Paul Reed won defensive player of the week! Thoroughly deserved.

I don't feel that we caught too many headlines for stats, or at least not ones worth mentioning. Interesting none the less. We know we've not been great as a unit on defense, we've had some fantastic individual performances, but hopefully we'll start to see more cohesion. I feel like our offense is moving in the right direction too. Derek Rogers is having a great rookie year and I think his numbers are only going to get better as we progress. As I mentioned earlier we lost a lot of our O-line to injuries and Rogers only got sacked once, which wasn't credited to any of our players. Versus the 6 sacks on RoMar.

It doesn't look great in Seattle does it?! Trading away the star WR and then losing to a divisional rival. I think Portland are on the up!

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)

We're on an upwards trajectory and need to keep moving forwards, that's probably our slight advantage? Longbeach are on a 3 game losing streak so they'll be bloody dangerous and be up for it. They're a tough side and it won't be easy playing away. The Big Dog is a very talented GM too, they'll have Longbeach on top form and raring to go.

They're also more or less fully fit and we're missing at least 3 starting players. They're rushing attack isn't as strong as ours, I think we'll need to try and be really tight on pass defence, get the lads rushing T-Law to put pressure on him. They've got some fantastic, talented receivers we need to try and shut down. We'll be the underdogs, but I reckon we can upset the apple cart and get a victory.


Coach! Great to get a win, but crikey to lose Glaze for the rest of the season is a massive loss! Especially with a big hole ripped in our O-line too.

My initial thoughts for Defence is do we bump Vega to be our DT2 for the normal set and maybe have LaRoche and Dickerson as DTs for the sets where we've got Reed on the edge?

Or will Vega not be serviceable at all in your opinion?



Our only real sound choice is to platoon Vega and Dickerson when needed, I don't think LaRoche has the strength to hold his own inside.

GM Fosters

It's a bastard isn't it! I'll see if I can bring in a DT to help... we let Milwaukee get a shit load of yards but at least we got the win!

In terms of our O-Line, I know McFadden can't pass block as well as Duff can, but he can hopefully not be an embarrassment. I'm really struggling for what we're going to do at Guard- I'm trying to do what I can to bring someone in on that front too!



We find ourselves up the proverbial shits creek without a paddle.  I don't know how the money works and frankly I don't care to find out, but I do know there are guys on the free agency wire like Andre Jones, Walter Parker, James Jones, or Osvaldo Donnelly who could step in and play for us.

At DT there are still guys like Brad Moanaroa, Douglas Cato, or UDFA gamble like David Miller  who might help... 

Just spit balling some names from my scouting days.

GM Fosters

Thanks for the nudge in the right direction Coach...

I'll leave you to it and see how I get on!


Carly, can you please get me Rookie free agent DT David Miller's agent on the line please?


Hi there! I'd like to discuss your client, David Miller. Would he fancy playing for Michigan for the rest of the year? We'll get him rotating around, get some game time. How would he feel about signing for the Rookie minimum of 350k, and we'll see how he gets on?


Hey dawg, I hear you were mistaken thinking that I was still a free agent, but I got taken in the 4th round of the PFL draft by the Memphis Smokers... and yeah,  we ain't got a win yet, but they're paying me on a 4 year deal, so I'm not available my man, I'm sorry.

GM Fosters

Sorry David! My mistake, wishing you the best of luck with the rest of the season! Hope you can pick up a win soon!

Carly can you please get me the agent of James Jones on the line please?


Hi there, Bruce Fosters from Michigan. Wondering if your client James Jones (G) would fancy a gig coming in as injury cover to try and keep our lad Derek Rogers upright? Looking at 1MM for the rest of the year?



Fuggettaboutit!  You've got a deal.

GM Fosters

Thank you Mr Campenelli... while I've got you on the phone... I've been looking at two of your free agent clients... Michael Arnold (C) and Jeffery Harrington (C)...

I've looked at things and I think I can swing it to be able to pay one of them 1MM a year for the rest of the year... but I have two questions for you if you don't mind....

Firstly... in your opinion...who's the better pass blocker of the two?
Secondly... who's the most hungry to be playing again after some time out?

Thank you Mr Campenelli for your time!



Hey Paisan, time to take some of your money and scout them if you need to know those kinda things!

GM Fosters

Apologies Mr Campenelli,

I would like to offer Jeffrey Harrington (C) 1mm for the rest of this season.



Don't forget the Gabagoul!    Fuggettaboutit!