

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:58:21 PM

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He doesnt have the work ethic to do much improving.  He's a DT, he's 321 lbs and he's strong... not much more to really talk about, we should move on.

GM Fosters

Ok sure. Sorry coach- think that's all I need for now- I'll let you get back to training.


Carly could you get me our OC Josh McNeil please?


Coach McNeil! Welcome to Michigan!

Great job working on the offense. Looks electric coming out of training camp and in our first game.

I wanted to ask you about what your background is and what's your forte is in terms of coaching player groups?


I'm a guy who came up coaching quarterbacks, I learned from Max Rhodes.

GM Fosters

Great stuff! I'm going to get you working on a bit extra with Derek Rogers if that's ok?

Great to meet you, and I hope to see more of what we saw in week 1!

Carly can you get the following lock-in details to the coaching staff please?

Please make sure we don't run the Reed package without him.

William Harris to work with Coach Vol
Derek Rogers to work with Coach McNeil
Jamar Moran to work with Coach Roy
Paul Reed to be assigned to Coach Silverberg to help get him to full recovery when he's ready.

Lock in for Myrtle Beach

GM Fosters


1. What stood out to you about your team this week, any surprise performances good or bad?

We were asleep for the first half offensively speaking. I was sweating like a Gypsy with a mortgage at half time when we were 24-0 down.  The resilience to come back that hard in the third quarter and to get the win was fantastic. Chapeau to Rogers for picking the team up and launching that comeback. Our Linebackers really stepped up this week. Hatley, Barajas and Lotulelei really had great games. Ezell stood up and led the D-Line too which was what we needed with Reed out for a while. Soriano and Gorham averaged 20 yards per reception and Sprouse and McLary also helped keep things ticking over. 2 TDs from Harris on the ground rounded out a brilliant second half performance too. The less said about the first half, the better.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)

I have to hold my hands up and say I'm glad it wasn't us in that double punt scenario... we'd have been caught with our trousers round our ankles and our thumbs up our arses too like Pearl Harbour were.

I never would have called Lincoln and RC being 0-2 after the first two games.... It's highly likely one of those teams will be 0-3 after it too. Ouch!

3. Talk about your next match up, how do you win this game?

We play Atlanta this next week. A tough team with a very formidable Defense and a very capable QB with talented young recievers. St Paul who we narrowly lost to in week 1 only narrowly beat them last week... so I feel it's going to be a close contest. They did manage to sack Orion Harris 13 times and that's something we're going to have to try and emulate and get after him.


Coach Vol!

Brilliant come back in the second half. But an absolutely dreadful first half performance... what do you think happened to us? Just caught napping or something else?



Just a rough start.  Two first half interceptions lead to points, and that immediately skews the scoreboard. 

GM Fosters

Fair play!

How do we stack up against Atlanta? Anything you think needs tweaking to give us the best chance of winning?


They've got a tough team, but we just have to be better. Protect Rogers and score touchdowns instead of field goals.

GM Fosters

Let's do it! I trust you Coach Vol! Let's go take it to Atlanta!

Lock in for Atlanta

GM Fosters

Post week 3 press conference:

Scotty Gorham is on fire this year! Him and Rogers have made quite the partnership and he's showing up in the stats! For him to be top 5 in yards is absolutely cracking and testament to the hard work he's been putting in week in week out!

Long may the results and the hard work keep coming.

GM Fosters

For Rogers to be top 4 in passing yards is awesome too! These two lads are a bright chunk of the future of the Michigan Monsters!


Tough one coming up with Pearl Harbor.

GM Fosters

I feel they're going to be a tough game. Anything we can do in your opinion to improve our chances of success?

It's a must win game considering we have Sydney, Cleveland then a bye week coming afterwards.



We just have to play good football and finish our drives.

GM Fosters

Just need to hit the ground running!

I'll let you get back to training Coach Vol.

Carly can you get me Derek Rogers please?


Derek just a quick one- I don't want to keep you from training too much I just wanted to check in. I'm really pleased with how well you're playing and want you to keep up the good work!

Anything you've noticed in training or games that you want to mention/ highlight?



You see the work I'm putting in to up my game.  I'm taking shots I would've second guessed last season.  I'm feeling confident.

GM Fosters

I see it! Good man Derek, keep up the good work. You're killing it out there!

I'm loving seeing how well you're playing and how well you're linking up with Scotty, Colt, Leo and Sprouse!

Best of luck with the game against Pearl Harbour- a good opportunity to remind everyone why you went numero uno in the draft and why Dominic Owen went at 10!



Absolutely man, time to put on a Banger.

GM Fosters

Let's get it done! Forza Derek!

Can you send Scotty G up to my office if you see him at training?


Scotty! Just wanted to say that the league and all the fans have noticed how much effort you've been putting in, keep up the good work! To be in the top 5 for receiving yards after week 3 is brilliant! Keep smashing it!



Appreciate the love, it's just the start though, my goal is to finish the season in the top five and prove I. AM. HIM.

GM Fosters

Good lad! You are indeed!

I'll let you get back to training. Give my best to the boys.


Carly can you send my regards to Paul Reed and that I hope he's ok in himself. Let him know to just give us a shout if he needs anything.



Sure! I am SHE!

GM Fosters

Yes. You. Are!

Let's lock in for Pearl Harbor

GM Fosters


1. Talk about the results of your game this week. (if you were on bye, talk about your bye week)

We lost a close game. We twice held a decent lead and let Pearl Harbor get back into the game.  Maybe something we need to look at doing is managing the clock better. Although I'm not complaining about the about of yards we're putting up or the amount of touchdowns we're scoring- they are both very healthy.

2. After 4 weeks, is the team performing as expected, and where do you feel you need to improve most?

I think our offence is performing fantastically and averaging 31 points per game is brilliant. On the flip side we're also conceding 30.2 points per game on average. We need to try and tighten up and tweak our defence. We can't keep on giving up so many points and touchdowns if we want to be involved in the playoffs.

3. We are getting into trade season, are you one who would like to get a deal done before the flurry at the deadline, or do you prefer to wait?   ...Also do you see yourself as a buyer or seller this season?

Hmm I'm ready to pull the trigger if I see a good deal or if I see something that will improve the team. At the moment I'm looking at our defense. At this stage we're a buyer. We want to be involved in the post season.

4. Rumor has it the HIFL and PFL have quietly discussed a trade window, what is your opinion on that possibility?

Hmm as long as blokes aren't shipping the blokes they overpaid over to a team with no salary cap I don't really have a problem with that? What do you know? Crow bars don't float and it takes a big dog to fuck an elephant.

5. How much stock do you put into International Football, is the IFAF something you pay much attention to?

I follow it... I'm on the lookout for a up and coming team that wants to develop meaningful links with a HIFL team. Our partnerships in the past haven't really bared much in terms of decent players. I can obviously understand that communications broke down a little bit but meh... je ne sais quoi. It wasn't really looking great for both sides in that partnership so I'd understand some teams might be reluctant to work with us. That's on me. We'll do better on that front.

6. Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)

We play Sydney away... there's a few dingo's over there I'm looking to catch up with. The bookies have the stingrays down as the complete out and our favourites. HIFL loves a trier and an underdog so may be worth a cheeky bet on Michigan to get the W this week! Our boys need to go out there and continue what we're doing on offense and maybe try and get a few more stops on D.


Coach Vol,

Our defense is struggling at the moment isn't it. Is it more the pieces we've got aren't setting the world alight or something wrong with our system?

Is everything alright with Barajas- are we getting as much out of him as we hoped?



What were you expecting out of him?    I think Reed being out is wearing our front seven down, and our corners haven't played up to expectations, combine those two and its tough to stop teams.

GM Fosters

I guess he's usually very high in the tackle count, maybe they're just being spread around the team more.

Looking at corners specifically is it a morale problem or a lack of skill that needs developing?



I hear you, but just for perspective, Barajas is on pace for over 100 tackles which would be the his 3rd year in a row with triple digits, just to temper expectations.

I don't think morale is the issue, I think we just aren't getting good play out of the guys.

GM Fosters

Ah ok! Thanks for the insight Coach Vol I appreciate it!

If I was to land a real weapon on defence to improve us... what position would you say is most in need?



You want a weapon, you add a DE or elite DT. 

Corners are hit and miss, you could take the top corner from one team and he doesn't do the same in a new system, but rushing the passer always translates.

GM Fosters

Leave it with me and I'll see what I can do!

In terms of Sydney is there anyway we can maximise our chances of pulling off an upset? They're a very tidy side with a great passing attack, brilliant rushing attack and sturdy defence too!

I noticed they may be without their starting guards, but their backups didn't do too badly from what I saw last week.



We're going to try to find a way to bring them down to earth, the staff is working hard on a game plan.

GM Fosters

Good stuff, glad to hear it.

It's a bugger that Turpin is injured too. Do you think Milligan can step up?


It's quite the drop in talent, but it's his job to be ready.

GM Fosters

Ok Coach Vol, I'll leave you to get the lads fired up for the game ahead.

Coaches decision on any changes that need to be made.

Lock in

GM Fosters


1. Talk about the results of your game this week.

We fought a very good Sydney side and we got a bit of a hiding. They are one of the in-form sides of this season who I think will have a deep playoff run. It's the first time our offense has been really contained.

2. Talk about any news that involves your team.

I saw Scotty having a friendly wager with his twin brother- I think they've got a cracking relationship and are undeniably competitive. I would relish the opportunity to have Dennis play for us alongside Scotty in the future here at Michigan if that ever became an option and if it was what Scotty wanted.

3. Talk about any other news if you would like

A lot of goings on in our division this week. Bennett being traded out of St Paul so early in the season is a shock. It doesn't look like things have been handled very well on his end to have such a catastrophic fall out with  so many key players and agents.

We're at a bit of a cross roads with our division being split with us all at 2-3. I'm a bit stuck between a rock and a hard place. I want to make moves to improve our defence to give us a shot at winning the division, but my hands are pretty tied with not wanting to give up talented players on offense to improve our defense- and not being able to offer future picks to bring in key talent. Just look at Alabama and Cleveland bringing in the calibre of players they just have.

4. Talk about this week (your upcoming game or bye week plans)

We play a strong Cleveland team who have just got their first string QB back and have brought in an elite DT ahead of our game. I'm very happy with how our O-Line has been playing and I'm hoping our boys are going to keep Derek Rogers upright enough still to give us a shot to win this must win game.

I am planning on trying to pull a proverbial rabbit out of the hat or some other place if I can... more to follow on that.

5. Anything else you'd like to discuss?

If any IFAF teams are interested in developing a partnership going forward with Michigan- do get in touch with our secretary. That is something that we are looking to set up going forward.


Carly can you request a meeting with Vanessa Waters please?


Dear Ms Waters,

I know it's very early in the season to be coming to you, cap in hand and trying to discuss my contract situation here in Michigan.

I love this team. I want to bring playoff football back to this side. We're at a crossroads at the moment where I need to bring in some talented players to toughen up our defense after losing Paul Reed for most of the regular season.

I think we have a real shot at winning our division this year, but I need to be able to bring in a piece or two without dismantling our offense and that would involve the need to have the option of giving up one or two future picks.

I haven't done enough in my own eyes to warrant much of a pay rise and I completely get that... but balancing it against not hamstringing our ability to scout players in the off-season and at the combine.

Is there any possibility you'd consider giving me a 3 year contract extension at 3MM a season?

I'm more than happy for there to be some sort of clause where if you feel we're underperforming you can whip the rug out from under me... some sort of team option if you like?


Oh.. GM Fosters, this is really an awkward conversation to have when I'm not expecting it...

Let me think on it and we'll talk again closer to the deadline.

GM Fosters

I appreciate I have blindsided you with it.

If you could consider it and think it over I would appreciate it.

Hope you have a great week.



Same to you.  Lets bring home a win. It's Cleveland week and you know what that means.

GM Fosters

A chance to wipe the smirk off of GM Wayne's face.

I've got something up my sleeve for Cleveland.

Thanks Ms Waters!


Coach Vol,

We got destroyed by a very good Sydney side.

Moving on with Cleveland in mind, I'm going to put a bounty on Fields to try and get as much out of our Defense as we can. 100k for each sack that our boys land on Fields.


GM Fosters

Anything else you think we should do to take it to Cleveland?

Anything standing out about our personnel in a good/ bad way?



We've got the same stats in front of us to analyze, if you're good I'm good.

GM Fosters

I'll do a deep dive next week on our bye.

I'll come down to the locker room and speak to the team ahead of our game against Cleveland.


Lads, this is a big one. We've got an opportunity to get one over against a divisional rival, we beat them the last time we played and we will beat them again. We'll shut their gobshite of a GM up and take the divisional lead at the same time.

As an extra incentive on defense, I will give 100k for every sack on Justin Fields... let's go and destroy Cleveland lads!



GM Fosters

Coaches decision for any changes they think will make a difference.

Lock in for Cleveland

GM Fosters

Week 6 Press Conference

We played a strong Cleveland team and we're delighted to get the win against them on the road. They have an elite QB  who's been slated to be the next Jamie Ortega. It speaks volumes that he won offensive player of the game given that we won, let alone HIFL offensive player of the week.

We had a game plan this week to be a touch more aggressive and I think it paid off. I wouldn't say there was a bounty as such. The boys were stoked for the game with it being a divisional rival anyway and may have been offered performance based incentives not dissimilar to what other teams have offered this season. Just shows you what a professional Justin Fields is to get OPOTW honours- big respect.

Going back to our game, do I feel Rogers was hard done by to not win offensive player of the game? Potentially? We were 21-7 down and Rogers put in an inspired performance to bring us back a lead. Our receiving corps and o-line were spot on. It was a shame that Harris got injured and he'll be missed.

On defense there were some solid performances across the team, huge standout efforts from Barajas, Hines and Tui, of which was a cracking performance for 11 tackles and 2 sacks. A well deserved defensive player of the game award! Thankfully we've got a bye week this week to give some of our lads that are a bit banged up a bit of a breather.

Paul Reed progressing well is great news we hope to have him back at full fitness sooner than we originally anticipated. The rumours swirling around about Maldonado, Hudgins and Rogers all throwing their hats in the ring for discussions of MVP are great to hear. He's playing brilliantly, we all knew what he was capable of when we dragged him and he's continuing to work hard and develop!

We're on a bye week this week. There's a few bits of business to be taken care off and we can hopefully sign a few lads to some contract extensions. Really get ourselves set for another push to top our division and make the playoffs. The week following the bye week is another divisional rival and must win game, so nice to have extra time to prepare for that.


Coach Vol! Huge win there! I'm delighted with the performance.

We're on a bye week this week, I was thinking of a couple of intensive days, a couple of easier days and a team building day. What are your thought on that? So you think there would be something more beneficial that I've not thought of?


Nope, that's fine.  Basically what we do anyways.

GM Fosters

That's grand... that's all I think I've got for now coach.


Carly can you send up Coach Roy if he's free please?


Hey Coach Roy. I wanted to chat to you about our DEs where do you think Moran should be in the pecking order currently? How does he compare with Dickerson and Burrell? How does Burrell look? I'm a bit disappointed with Burrell, I thought he was a bit of a stud when I brought him in- is this not the case?



Well firstly you gotta tempa' dem expectations when you got guys playing without the meat of the line in the middle, hmmm.

Sigmund is a great player, hmmmm.  Not a supa'sta doh, but a great mentor for Moran, mhm.

Good power and speed, still bendin' dat edge doh.. mhhhhm.

Mhmmm, leadership, work ethic, he teaches how to be a good pro in dis defense, mhm, you know.

He's on pace to get the same nine sacks he got last year, so I don't know what to say other than, its hard to defended the run as well when you don't have a high quality DT eatin' dem blocks, hmm?

Moran is already about on the same level as Dickerson and could start if we want to give him the reps, mhm..

GM Fosters

Very good points! Thanks Coach Roy. I think it might be an idea to give Moran more reps than Dickerson at this point.

Looking at our situation at Corner. How does Schiller compare with Blocker and with Cano?