

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:58:21 PM

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I'd be more interested in packages that get me on the field as a receiver than a return man, but I'm down with that.

GM Fosters

Good man! I'll let you get back to training, good luck for Longbeach, I'll chat to Coach Vol about those packages now.


Coach Vol, sorry for the delay in chatting to you. A good performance against Milwaukee and Longbeach coming up. How are we set for that game? I'm more worried about their rushing attack then their passing attack but appreciate they'll be dangerous in both.



Their run game is very talented, but their defense is elite. #1 pass defense vs. our #2 pass offense.  Lets see who blinks.

GM Fosters

I like that... throwing down the gauntlet! Let's do it.

If we had the opportunity to make one acquisition at one position... which one do you think an improvement in would give us the best push for topping the division and beyond?

If you had a shopping list so to speak, right now, what would be at the top of it?


GM Fosters

Gotcha... I'll see what I can do... have been keeping an eye out on that front but will pursue it harder.

Blake Payne mentioned that he wanted to get more involved in some offensive packages. What's your assessment of his abilities?


*sighs* ...He's got good hands, not a speedy guy, not a powerful guy, a small slot receiver who has decent hands, that's about all I see.

GM Fosters

Ok coach, we'll leave things this week and see if we can get him some more game time as of next week, I don't think I'll benefit him or us shoe horning him into a kick or punt returning role right now.

I'll get our lock in details sent in asap for Longbeach.

GM Fosters

If RB William Harris is fit slot him back in as RB1.

If FS Michael Turpin is fit slot him back in as FS1.

Coaches decision for all other changes.

Lock in for Longbeach

GM Fosters



When you are finished, you may move to your first conversation -- if there is a need for a follow up from the media, it will come "before" your next piece of business is addressed.


That was a really  tough game against a truly elite defense, we were unfortunate that T-Law picked the game against us to find his mojo with this Rinku dude- fella.

Spirited performance from our lads, but it just didn't come off. We put up a fair few yards on offense and the lads on D really did step it up too... our defense is leaps and bounds better than last year.

We currently stand at 4-4, second in the divison trailing St Paul at 5-3 and slightly ahead of Cleveland at 3-5. It's so so close in this divison and we really need to string together a few wins, especially with a few massive games coming up. But we are in this dog fight, and it's not about the size of the dog in the fight, it's about the size of the fight in the dog.. and we have that here in spades.

It's unfortunate that we're here at the trade deadline, wanting to make a huge push to bring in a superstar Left Tackle to replace the one we lost, but my hands are currently tied at present. I'll put the other teams in this league on notice that if they are having a bum season and are looking at shifting their Offensive Tackles, get on the ol' didgeridoo and let me know... Michigan will make you an offer... and hopefully a good one....

GM Fosters whispers "Somehow" under his breath.

Next up we play a Charlotte team running a new defense who should have put way more points over Milwaukee and won with a last min field goal. They are a decent team, Kirk is a clever GM, we need to go there and do our fundamentals well, execute our game plan and most importantly pick up the win.


Thoughts on the game Coach?


GM Fosters, I told Coach Vol to wait in the hall, I wanted to chat with you first.

GM Fosters

Hey Ms Waters, how are you doing?



I'm fine, but I must say, your comments to the press have done little to motivate me to offer you a contract extension.  Your passive aggressive comments about yours hands being tied have turned me off completely.   I came into the office this morning with a plan to make you a few offers to retain your services, however right now I feel a bit foolish.

I am the owner of this organization and you are an employee of mine.  For you to try to air your grievances to the press is no different than when your star players complain about your coaches or you to the media, I feel like you should have greater respect for my position than to do that, and quite frankly I am going to have to tell you this right now.

I am not offering you a new contract.   If you really want to stay in Michigan, impress me in the last half of the season and make me offer you a new deal, because right now every time I seem ready to take a turn in that direction you do something to make me think otherwise.

GM Fosters

Apologies Ms Waters, I do massively respect you. I stupidly saw the news reports coming out and let it get my head down. I won't let it happen again.

I love this team of yours Ms Waters, I want to still be here in years to come.

I will do everything I can to prove how much I want to win with this team and bring playoff football back to Michigan.



I hope that you do. I don't want to start over with a new GM, so go out there and keep improving, keep winning, and make this team great.

GM Fosters

We will! Have a great week Ms Waters.

I hope the next time you speak you will be more satisfied with mine and the teams performance.


Coach Vol!

Aside from Longbeach's elite defence and T-Law having a back to his best game, any other observations from that game? On either offense or defense?



We obviously missed Mats out there, plus you've got an angry Blake Payne, he's ranting about being promised more playing time.

GM Fosters

With everything going on I forgot to discuss about getting him on the field more, I'll add him in for more KR/PR plays and is there a way we can get a boost out of using him in a slot package in your opinion?

On the missing Mats thing, unfortunately through my own fault I don't think I'm going to be able to bring in a better LT right now. Do you think Rogers will be able to cope with the increased pressure? I know he's going to eat a few more sacks- I am planning on chatting to him about how he feels about it too.



There are definitely worse offensive lines to play behind, he'll be fine, we just have to consider making our routes shorter and playing a less deep-ball oriented game.  As for Payne, we can get him into some slot packages, maybe a 40/60 share to get him some extra reps and keep chemistry in a good place.

GM Fosters

I trust in you Vol, you're an offensive genius and betting bladdy shit hot on defense too!

I'll sort out our O-Line in the off season and we can revert back to the deep ball of flinging that thang.

If we split the slot package 60/40 with McCrary and Payne we could maybe get some reps for McCrary at WR2 too.

I'm hoping we can keep developing that chemistry. We've got a fantastic set of lads here and I really think we can push for the playoffs.


We can do all that, I just need to know the percentage we want to run each package.

Look at it as

Package 1 - Colt, Gorham, McCrary
Package 2 - Colt, McCrary, Payne
Package 3 - Colt, Gorham, Payne
Package 4 - Gorham, McCrary, Payne

GM Fosters

How does this sound?

70% Package 1 - Colt, Gorham, McCrary
10% Package 2 - Colt, McCrary, Payne
10% Package 3 - Colt, Gorham, Payne
10% Package 4 - Gorham, McCrary, Payne

This way our WRs 1-3 will be on the field for 90% of the time and Payne will be on the field for 30% of the time... when we're using a 3WR set.

Hoping I've got that right?



So only use this percentage set in 3WR sets, is what you're saying, right?

GM Fosters

Do you think it should be across all our sets?



The only one that makes sense in the 2WR sets if if you want to get McCrary more snaps, but if not, then Id just do it in the 3WR sets.

GM Fosters

Let's just do it in the 3WR sets, sorry for getting confused coach.

I saw Cervantes didn't get on the box score for the Longbeach game. Should we look at a rotation at DE going forward (separate to the Reed package) with Cervantes, Burrell and Moran to keep them fresher? Or just leave Burrell and Cervantes to do their thing until they're knackered and then let Moran and Dickerson come in as needed?



Yeah we probably need to tweak our packages, he didnt get any snaps this week after getting 45 last week.

GM Fosters

Can I leave that in your very capable hands? I'll make a note to include it in the lock in details too.

Carly can you see if Amber Molina is free and whether her and Colt Soriano have come to a decision on that contract extension we offered them?



We've decided to sign your offer.  Colt is happy to extend his deal.

GM Fosters

Amazing stuff! That's music to my ears. You have a fantastic week Amber!

I'll get that to the league office.


Carly as we're approaching the trade deadline, can I just check what you've got us down for in terms of salary and bonus remaining at present?



I have us with $2.2MM salary and $3.64MM bonus

GM Fosters

Lovely cheers Carly, glad we got that sorted.

Can you get Blake Payne to come up and see me?


Blake, I'm sorry mate, I had every intention of getting you involved in more packages and in the specials teams but it just completely slipped my mind when I was sorting out the lock in info.

I've spoken to Coach Vol and we've come up with the following:

70% Package 1 - Colt, Gorham, McCrary
10% Package 2 - Colt, McCrary, Payne
10% Package 3 - Colt, Gorham, Payne
10% Package 4 - Gorham, McCrary, Payne

So you should be on the field for 30% of our 3WR sets.

Apologies for not getting it sorted sooner mate, that was my cock up.



Yeah, not like I was in your office last week or anything.


GM Fosters

Best of luck against Charlotte!


Carly can you get me Derek Rogers please?


Derek, I want to say again top top work on the performances you're putting in week after week. It's really impressive. I've got to say I'm sorry for the way things have played out with our O-Line and in losing Mats we're not able to protect you as well as we had been.

It's my priority to sort in the off season, but for now we're going to look to shorten our routes a little in the playbook to buy you more time, and hopefully result in you getting sacked less than you have in the last few games.

We've got a tough test, but if we can win 5 or 6 of our last 8 games of the season we'll get to the playoffs. Can I ask you to help me rally the team and get the boys fired up to make a big run?



I'm not a big rah-rah speech guy, if that's what you're asking, but I can try to elevate the team with my play on the field.

GM Fosters

I appreciate that Derek, I'm not expecting you to give the big speeches here and there, but playing to your high standards and keeping the lads accountable with their efforts in training and matches, and putting an arm around the odd player here and there would do wonders I feel. You're the centrepiece of this team and I need lads like you to help keep the other lads on track.

Best of luck against Charlotte! Give them hell!


GM Fosters

Go smash it Derek!


Carly can you get me Matthew Hines please?


Matty! Haven't spoken to you in a while. Wanted to ask how you're doing? How do you feel the mood is on defence? What's your opinion of our secondary?

I value your input as one of our senior players.


I'm getting on well, I'd be happier if I was making some big plays, but I'm feeling good overall.

GM Fosters

Your stats have been good so far! I feel like we've got a run of games where you'll have ample opportunities to ball out.

Keep your head up and I'm sure you'll make it look like the interceptions are landing in your lap. 

I'm glad you're feeling good. Go smash it against Charlotte!

Carly can you get me Coach Roy please?


Hey Coach Roy! The Cajun for every occasion! Ok that needs work.

Which 2-3 of our starting players on Defence would benefit most from position training in your opinion?



Only two dem boys need dat deya trainings, mhmm, Homan and Moran, da rest are just fine an der dandy mhmmm

GM Fosters

Brilliant stuff coach! I'll get it done. I'm hoping with Reed back fit and Cervantes in the side we can start generating a lot more pressure!



Oh Yeah, MHM, I want dat der pressha on da qwataback too! mhmmm

GM Fosters

Glad we're on the same page. Lovely to chat to you Coach Roy. Could you send up Coach McNeil if you happen to bump into him?


Coach McNeil, if you could recommend two to three (or more) offensive starting players who might benefit from position training, who would you opt for?

Anyone impressing you this year that I might have missed or on the flip side, anyone you want to see more from?



I feel like we provide adequate training as it is.

GM Fosters

Good stuff, I've been very impressed with our offense. You guys are doing a smashing job!



happy you're happy.  Just doing my part to make us a winner.

GM Fosters

On that note, I've just acquired the services of OT Richard Finn from Cancun.

I know we won't have see any tape on him yet, but this year he's got 69 pancakes, 4 sacks allowed and 27 missed blocks. So I know he's not an amazing run blocker, but I'm hoping his pass blocking will be right up there, for that reason I'm thinking of slotting him in straight away at LT, which begs the question- who do we opt for at RT between Jesus Young and Cain Rose?


Hey Brucey, league office on line one, its Kate.

GM Fosters, I regret to inform you that it has been brought to our attention that your recent trade with Cancun for OT Richard Finn is a direct violation of the league's rules against trading injured players.  Mr. Finn was listed as Questionable, which the rulebook stats is not eligible for trade.

As a result, the trade has been reversed.  In addition to the reversal your organization and Cancun must pay Mr. Finn's salary and he is released to free agency.  In this case, Michigan pays 4.25MM and Cancun pays 4.25MM in salary.     The other part of the penalty is a $1MM fine to your bonus cap for this season and a $3MM penalty to your bonus cap for next season.

Now, the reversal of the trade and the 4.25MM commitment to Mr. Finn puts your team over the league's salary cap by $2.05MM, which triggers the leagues penalty for violating the leagues salary cap, meaning you are fined an additional $5MM to this years cap and $5MM to next years cap and the forfeiture of a roster spot for the remainder of this season.

In order to move forward, you must clear $7.05MM in salary from your books and open a roster spot to be forfeited.  You may use your S16/17 off-season amnesty to clear that cap space if you would rather not release or trade a player(s) to comply.



The Michigan Monsters are pleased to announce a new era of Monsters Football.  While we thank GM Fosters for his contributions we are excited to begin the search for the GM who can lead us to a Championship.  After the trade deadline we will begin pursuing our next GM.

Until then I will be handling all trade talks.   Thank you.