

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:58:21 PM

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Hello and welcome to Michigan GM Rinaldi, my name is Aria, I am your new assistant. Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place.




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hmm... that is interesting.












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GM Rinaldi

"Well, that was something.

Hi, Aria. Looking forward to working with you for, at least, the next 5 seasons. Thank you for the roster sheet. I'll make good use of it.

Anyway, I believe we have an interview scheduled with Mumbasa today, don't we? Is he in the building yet? If so, please let him know that I'm ready to start this interview whenever he is."



Hey man, its good to meet you.  I appreciate you shuffling your schedule to make this work.  I take it you know a little about me already since I'm your day one target, but what else would you like to know?

GM Rinaldi

"Yes, I was extremely impressed with the season you had with Las Vegas. A top 10 scoring offense with a QB who may as well have been a rookie going all the way to the Impact Bowl and winning it. I assume you're gonna be a busy man during this process so I'll get right to it.

You see, I think a GM's job is to find the right players for his head coach to work with. If a player doesn't fit their system, then the coach can't coach the team to wins obviously. So, looking at the current guys I have under roster, could they work within your system? Are you good with JD Corrales under center, Yung Azul in the backfield, Tyger Lights and Scotty Gorham as your top two receiving options? Or would you want changes in certain positions on offense?"



Honestly, the skills group here is a lot like what we ran in Vegas.  You have Lights in that Pierce mold, Gorham in the SJAX role, and JD's skill set is very similar to what Larkin has built on. 

The key is that Azul is dynamic and can hit a home run if he gets an inch of daylight.  I think This team fits my skills to a tee.

GM Rinaldi

"What I wanted to hear.

Next question. Obviously you're gonna be taking care of things on the offensive side of the ball. If I'm mapping out a budget for your coaching staff, how important is it that I budget enough money for you to bring in an elite defensive coordinator?"


I don't think the coordinator has to be elite, he just needs to know his shit.  If he is smart and knows the game then we can get him position coaches to help fill in those gaps.  I don't think you skimp on defense or else we're in a 50-55 shoot out every week, but I see our offense being good enough to not need a 14PPG defense to win games.

GM Rinaldi

"Music to my ears. I think that's all I really needed to ask you here today, Coach.

I have a few more interviews to get through, do my due diligence and such, but your answers were exactly what I wanted to hear. Thank you for coming in for the interview, Coach Mumbasa."



Appreciate you flying me up here, just warning you though, dangerous letting me walk without a deal.

GM Rinaldi

"I know, but out of respect for the rest of the coaches I'm set to interview, I can't just offer you a deal without hearing them out. Thank you and hopefully we'll talk again soon, Coach Mumbasa."

"Aria, please let me know when Coach Joseph Ito arrives for his interview, if he hasn't already accepted a deal elsewhere."


Of course, Mr. Rinaldi.  I'll let you know as soon as he is available.



GM Rinaldi

"Coach Ito, pleasure to meet you. First things first, congratulations on the Impact Bowl win. I'm sure it was very thrilling moment to be able to call a game like that as the Scorpions defensive coordinator. I have a dream of winning an Impact Bowl one day and perhaps you could be the man who is the head coach of that team when it happens.

Now, I assume you've had a chance to look at our current roster sheet and I like to pride myself on getting guys that fit my coach's scheme. What is one position you'd like for us to get better at besides strong safety and what players that we currently have would you say perfectly fit your defense or at the very least will be very useful for you on that side of the ball?"


Thank you for bringing me in. 

Looking at your roster, I do have a couple of areas of concern.  I like Carrington but I question if Herman Schiller is a fit for my system. I'd much prefer my team pursue a corner like James Porter who is a free agent and is familiar with the complex coverages and schemes I will present.    Corners are asked to play a heavy mix of coverage styles in my system.

I look for highly athletic and versatile linebackers and while Sanderson, Hatley, and Lotulelei are all good players, I think one of them would be better suited being replaced for a more sideline to sideline athlete, someone with more speed to cover space and play in zones or in man depending on the play.

With a lack of defensive end options outside of Moran, obviously there needs to be more attention given there, but the combination of young former first round picks with he and Reed inside is a nice start to a good front.

Having Turpin in the secondary is a great thing, because it allows for us to look to add a capable blitzer at strong safety because you can trust Turpin as a center fielder.

GM Rinaldi

"Thank you for the in-depth answer.

My second question would be that if you became the new head coach of the Michigan Monsters, we'd have to start looking at your budget for your staff. For your offensive coordinator, would you go for someone with a lot of experience, someone with multiple years as an offensive coordinator, or would you prefer to give someone younger a chance at the gig and hope they may have some new tricks that the older coordinators haven't thought of?"


It all depends on how the other dominos fall.  If I could have my choice of anyone to work as my offensive coordinator here with JD Corrales and the offense you have already in the building, I would believe a more experienced coordinator is needed.  Corrales is still young, Azul is very raw, those players need structure and guidance as much as they need x's and o's and I think that comes from veteran experience, however that is not to say that I wouldn't give someone I am familiar with a chance to prove themselves on this stage if I am confident they are the right man for the job.

GM Rinaldi

"Fair enough, Coach Ito. I like the way you think.

Listen, I still have a few more interviews to conduct, so I can't give you a decision just yet. Have to do my due diligence and such. Thank you for coming in and interviewing with us. Hopefully we talk again soon."



Thank you. I look forward to hearing back from you.



GM Rinaldi

"Aria, please let Joan Swope I am ready to see him now."

"Coach Swope, thank you for coming in. I apologize for the rescheduling, but I am glad that you still came to interview with us.

I'm also stunned to see that you're still available for an interview after the first two days. A coach with your pedigree, I would have thought you'd at least have an offer on the table from an HIFL team, but I digress.

Obviously I know that you are more of a defensive minded coach that has achieved a lot of winning seasons. If you were to become the new head coach of the Michigan Monsters, what are some pieces you'd like for us to add to the defense and what are some pieces we already have that you think could work well in your defense?"


I do believe the foundation is set on defense.  Reed and Moran on the line, the entire linebacker corps, and Carrington, Cano, and Turpin in the secondary, Yes.

..Cano is a player I see a lot of myself in and can coach to play better immediately I believe, yes.

The team needs to aggressively rebuild the offensive line.  My success in St. Paul on offense came because of a strong offensive line, yes.  ...the troubles in New Jersey stemmed from losing players on the offensive line, yes.

The majority of this league ignores the line and focuses on the edge rusher.  Sacks are very important, yes. ...but preventing the sacks is equally important, yes?

GM Rinaldi

"Building through the trenches. I like that. I think it's the right way to go.

If I hire you as the head coach, what offensive scheme would you like for your offensive coordinator to use? I know your OC in New Jersey was a spread hybrid guy and that scheme was apparently good enough to land him a head coaching job in Long Beach."



I am not partial to a particular offense, but a good offensive mind, yes.
If I were to choose for this team, a balanced offense because of the speed of Azul and the talent of receivers outside..  Medium passing for Corrales, and a normal tempo, yes.

GM Rinaldi

"I appreciate your answer. I like the way you think, Coach. That's all I have to ask you today, Coach Swope. I have another interview or two but hopefully we talk again soon. Have a good one, Coach."

"Aria, is it possible we can have Hector Houser from the Music City Kings brought in for an interview for the vacant head coach spot?"



We can, but we have to wait until the end of day 3; and after day three teams will begin hiring their coaching staffs meaning we could be late to the party.

Its no problem, but we could miss out on the top end of the coordinator pool.

I can let you know when day 3 ends, if you'd like to bring him in?

GM Rinaldi

"Hmm...no, that's fine. I think I've made my decision already as to who the head coach is gonna be. Just more of a formality interview. I'll be sending the offer to our possible new head coach in a minute.

Can you do me a favor and make sure to call the candidate we didn't go with and let him know and tell him I said thank you for coming in for the interview? Thanks."



Absolutely!   The press is waiting for you to introduce Mr. Swope and talk about what made you go with him over your other candidates.

GM Rinaldi

"Thank your for joining us today, ladies and gentlemen.

Before I begin this press conference about our new head coach I'd like to thank the Pearl Harbor fans for their last four years of support and thank the Michigan fans for their warm welcome. The state of Michigan has a lot of great people and they deserve a great football team.

I started the interview process for a new head coach looking for someone to take over the reins and get this team into the playoffs. In the end, I believe that Coach Swope is the man for the job. He has a wonderful track record when it comes to being a head coach, having a winning record everywhere that he's been. I appreciate Coach Mumbasa and Coach Ito taking time out of their schedule to interview with us and I know they'll be great head coaches in this league.

But in the end, we believe that Coach Swope can and will bring the Michigan Monsters to new heights. I believed we needed an extremely experienced head coach and Coach Swope checks that box more than quite possibly anyone else who was in free agency. I look forward to seeing what he does...and I especially look forward to him kicking the crap out Cleveland every year.

Ladies and gentlemen, I will now like to formally introduce the new head coach of the Michigan Monsters...Joan Swope!"



I am very excited to be in Michigan, yes.

The Northeast Division will always feel like home.  I give thanks to Mr. Tong, Ms. Snow, Ms. Waters, and of course GM Rinaldi.   Yes.


Hey there!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

3 Open Roster spots.

5.5MM Remaining Salary.

1.5MM Remaining Bonus.

0 Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

3MM Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.



GM Rinaldi.  That 1 year offer for Kenny Whitaker, if its still on the table, we'll take that prove it deal.

GM Rinaldi

"Hey, Mr. Harris, how's it going? You were actually gonna be my first call so I'm glad you phoned first.

Listen, I was wondering if you'd be okay with us dropping the $500K in bonus money and just doing a straight 1 year deal at $2MM instead? I know, I know. It's a 20% drop of what we were initially offering but we've unfortunately got a cap we gotta work with."



Hmm...   How about we convert it to an incentive.  5 TDs pays 500K in the off-season?

GM Rinaldi

"That works for us. We will give it to him from our offseason bonus funds."


GM Rinaldi

"Pleasure doing business with you. Have a good one."

"Aria, could you please get me James T. Crain on the line?"

"Mr. Crain, how are you? Calling about you client, Kevin Veal. Looking to bring him in on a 1 year deal at $2MM."


GM Rinaldi

"Pleasure doing business with you, as always, Mr. Crain. Enjoy the rest of your day."

"Aria, could you get me Running Wolf on the line? I believe he is his own representative in contract talks."

"Mr. Wolf, how are you? We are looking to fill in the RB2 spot here in Detroit and were wondering if you'd be interested. I'd be willing to offer a 1 year deal at $1.5MM in salary and $500K in bonus money."


  For too many years the man has tried to under pay my people. I know my worth, and I will not play for those insulting wages. I've rushed for 2761 yards over the last two seasons and  I believe that is more than your entire team rushed for combined during your time in Pearl Harbor.

GM Rinaldi

"A simple no would have sufficed.

Oh, and during my time in Pearl Harbor, my team made the playoffs twice and you and your 2700 yards sat on the couch and watched.

Hope you find the deal you're looking for. Have a good one."

"Aria, could you get me Amber Molina on the line, please?"

"Hello, Miss Molina. We're looking for a backup RB here in Detroit and were wondering if John Reyes would be interested in coming in on a 1 year, $1.5MM in salary and $500K in bonus money deal?"


...after reading Running Wolf's comments about what you said to him during contract talks, I think we'll pass; but at least you have the those playoff memories to lean on. Adios.

GM Rinaldi

"Have a good one."

"Aria, please get me Mike Maker on the phone."

"Mr. Maker, I'm looking to add some depth to my RB corps here in Detroit. Would Jack Salary be interested in coming in on a 1 year deal at $1.5MM in salary and $500K in bonus money or has he agreed to sign elsewhere?"



Jack's lookin' for more salary.  $5.75MM is our ask.

GM Rinaldi

"A bit out of our price range but I understand. He's a good player. What about your client Daniel Coates? Would he be interested in that deal? I know he didn't get too many carries last year so hopefully we can change that for him this year if he signs with us."



We'd do $1.5MM for Coates, but if he rushes for 10 TDs, I'd ask for a $6MM player option.

GM Rinaldi

"So a 1 year deal, $1.5MM in salary and $500K in bonus with a 2nd year player option at $6MM in salary if he reaches 10 touchdowns this season.

Yeah, we can agree to that."


GM Rinaldi

"Have a good one."

"Aria, I think that's it for our offseason. Time to get ready for training camp."


1. "Delusions of Saviour" by Slayer (https://youtu.be/Zo-zaoV2M6M?si=3p3KENK6_IVYFumT)
-This song is used by the Fury when they are making their entrance onto the field at home.

2. "Welcome 2 Detroit" Trick Trick ft Eminem (https://youtu.be/nvg2dDGKgZI?si=Oxed50vPK0eI8g1v)
-Plays after every home win.