

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 10:58:21 PM

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GM Rinaldi

"Well said. It's looking like Corrales may not be able to go this week. Obviously I don't have to ask if we're fine with Matt starting should that be the case. Do we need to go over anything else though before the game?"



Nothing comes to mind.

GM Rinaldi

"Then all that's left to say is best of luck against Vegas."




GM Rinaldi

"Rough loss this week. Do you feel it was a game that proved that Detroit just might not be a title contender yet?"

"Coming in with a tough question right out of the gate, huh? First and foremost, I would like to applaud Las Vegas for their performance. They smacked us in the mouth and told us that we aren't ready to be on their level. Hats off to them, but it's up to us now to regroup and maybe try to change your mind and a lot of people's minds as to how good we actually are. I didn't expect us to be on the level of Las Vegas just yet, to answer your question. However, the goal in the end will be to get to their level eventually."

"Do you feel the injuries played a part in your loss? You were without your starting quarterback."

"I don't want to make excuses. We won a game with our backup last week so we can't boast when we win shorthanded then makes excuses when we lose shorthanded. We just have to hope that we brush this loss off and get right back up on that horse. And this week is the most important game of our season yet. With the trade deadline looming, the result is gonna decided how we go about it."

"Pearl Harbor's GM has decided to trade a couple of the pieces you brought in that made Pearl Harbor a playoff contender last season. Do you agree with the moves he's done?"

"I don't tell other GMs how to do their jobs. That being said, I understand a new GM coming in and looking to change the team towards what they prefer. I did the same here and you don't see GM Fosters complaining about the moves I've made. So I'm not really mad at the man for wanting to change up his team to match his new head coach's style and maybe get players that play the game the way he enjoys it. I wish him the best of luck in his attempt to rebuild the team in his image."

"Okay, let's get to what everyone wants to hear you talk about. It's Detroit vs Cleveland week. A rivalry that transcends HIFL and other major sports. Detroit people dislike Cleveland people and vice versa. So it's only fitting that you and GM Wayne, the GMs of the Detroit Fury and Cleveland Mustangs respectively, don't exactly like each other either. How important is it to beat Cleveland, in your eyes?"

"Cleveland is a garbage city full of garbage people. The buttcrack of the Midwest, if you ask me. My opinion on that meth-head rampant city will never change.

That being said, even if I didn't dislike GM Wayne, I would still think this is the most important game of the season. Detroit fans have spent years hearing the yapping from the people that live in Michigan's toilet, the crap state of Ohio. The last thing we want to do is give them more to talk about. So it's about city pride.

A win also means we're back over .500 and in good position in our division standings. A loss means we not only lose bragging rights, but allow Cleveland and possibly St. Paul make some space between us and them at the top of the division. So it's about the division title race as well.

I personally don't want to make this about myself and GM Wayne, though I'm sure our mutual dislike of each other probably adds to the rivalry. However, unlike him, my head isn't up my you-know-what. I don't make this about me and offend my head coach's home country because I can't ever shut my mouth. I don't insult my players to the media because I have a short fuse. I simply show up, build a damn good team, and hope to bring some team pride to whatever city I'm in. So far, we're building something good here in Detroit and a big win over Cleveland in their house gets us one step closer to getting this city to be proud of this team. To want to brag about being a fan of this team. To proudly wear our team apparel and fly our team flags and whatnot.

It's going to be tough, but I have faith in my guys to bounce back from that ugly Vegas loss and get us back over .500.

That'll be all for this press conference. Thank you for coming out."

"...Well, needless to say, that was ugly, Coach."



...Yes.   It was not our finest work.

GM Rinaldi

"Las Vegas is an elite team and we're gonna probably need another season or two before we can truly challenge them so I'm not too mad about it. That being said, I'd very much like for our team to stick it to that smug SOB that runs the Mustangs. How are we feeling about this week? Anything that needs to be addressed?"



They are showing their lack of faith in their pass game trading for Henry.  He is very talented, but so was Bobbitt.

They have the #1 run defense and #7 run offense, but we match up well with our #7 run defense and #9 run offense.   Our passing game is better and our pass defense is similar with them ranking 14th and we rank 18th. 

I don't think we have to make changes, but we must play better, yes?

GM Rinaldi

"Agreed, we must play better. Okay, we won't touch anything this week and just see what happens. Depending on the result, we'll likely have to have a conversation about what we want to do in the trade market this season.

I won't hold you up anymore. Go and bring this fanbase the win they're all craving. Good luck."


GM Rinaldi

"...Let's get to these questions. Make them fast. I'm not in the best mood."

"Tough loss to Cleveland in a tight game that could have gone either way. What could've gone differently in that game to have turned that result into a positive one?"

"I think scoring any points at all in the 2nd half would have turned the game around. Scoring zero points in a half is shameful and I think our defense has every right to be mad at our offense for not doing enough to win the game. Keeping an HIFL team to under 20 points usually is a win for any defense in the league, but our offense simply fell asleep in the 2nd half and thus allowed Cleveland to defend their house and extend the gap between us in the division race."

"Do you believe you can beat Cleveland in the rematch?"

"Not if our team can't score in the 2nd half again. I think everyone in that locker room knows we let them get away with this one and we can't do that again."

"We are now at the midpoint of the season. You are 3rd in your division standings. Are you where you want to be and what is the biggest surprise for you so far this season?"

"Not one GM wants to be anywhere but first in their division so that's a dumb question. The biggest surprise for me this season? Nothing has really surprised me so far if I'm being honest."

"Who is your mid-season MVP and why?"

"Tyger has been lights out for us, no punt intended, when it comes to getting into the endzone. A TD per game is what you want from your WR1. I also think Reed and Carrington have been great for us. Reed currently has 11 sacks which has him up there amongst the non-Wilkinson league leaders, and Carrington I believe is tied first for most interceptions with Finnegan at 5. They've all been great."

"How would you grade your head coach after your first 8 (or 9) games of the year?"

"I think I'd give him a A-. I think he's done in general a good job for his first year with a new team that's had quite a bit of turnover. I don't know how many guys we actually kept from last season's team, but we must have had one of the biggest roster turnovers in the league. I think if we had lost the DC game, I'd likely had given him a B, but winning a game like that with the injuries we had was impressive to put him in the A tier. He's a great coach and we're happy to have him."

"It's your bye week this week. What are the plans for this week?"

"We're likely gonna talk extensions with agents and I'll be speaking with the coaching staff on what we will have to do in the trade market, whether that's selling or buying.

Okay, I think I've answered enough questions. See y'all next week."

"That loss felt like I got my teeth pulled out of my mouth one by one, Coach."


GM Rinaldi

"With the trade deadline looming, I think we have to be real about our chances. I still think we can make a run, but I simply don't know if there's enough out there in the trade market to really help us go from middle of the pack to playoff team. If I can't see a reasonable deal to be made, then I may pivot towards becoming sellers this year and loading up for next year.

However, you're the man coaching this team so I'd like to get your opinion. Do you still think we can make a run at it or should I cut our losses for the season, move some of our more lucrative expiring contracts, and load up for next season?"



We have to be flawless. We have to go 3-0 vs the division. We have to win at least 3 of the 4 non-division games, and if we win those 6, we are still only at 10 wins.   But it comes down to what else happens in the division. I do not see us as a wild card.  We win the division or we do not make it, yes.



Anything for me this week before we send the players home for the bye week?



GM Rinaldi

"Okay, let's get to it, guys."

"You just had your bye week and did absolutely nothing with it. Did you go on vacation or something?"

"Yes, I took your mother with me. Great lady. Next question."

"Your team sits at 4-5. Do you expect to be sellers or buyers at the deadline? Or would this game against Dallas have to happen first before you decide?"

"I think if we get this win against Dallas, we're looking at a .500 record with a handful of games to go. With five losses, I think we have to be realistic that our playoff chances have slimmed down, but we still have a chance. Whatever I decide on though, I hope that our fans can understand either way as I'm doing whatever is best for the team, even if it may not be the popular decision."

"Do you expect to get any extensions agreed to over the next few weeks?"

"I've gotta think a few things over about certain guys, but we likely will try to work out an extension or two. We'll see."

"Dallas this week. What are your thoughts about playing a team like them?"

"With all due respect, if we lose this game, I can guarantee you we are going to be sellers at the deadline. We're at home, against a team I don't consider to be on our level yet. This should be a win.

Thanks for your time. See y'all next week."

"Okay, Coach. I don't think there's much to discuss about Dallas. It's a must win game. I think I'll at least look into being buyers this season. Outside of another tackle that's worthy of starting, what position do you think we can use an upgrade on?"



An upgrade at WR3 would be great, or a higher end WR2 that pushes Gorham or Lights into a WR2/3 role, Yes.

Also as I am a lover of cornerbacks, I would always love to pair another elite corner with Carrington to make things much tighter, yes?

GM Rinaldi

"Gotcha. I'll keep an eye out and see if we can fill in any of those needs. I have nothing else to talk about so I'll just wish you good luck as per usual."


GM Rinaldi

"Sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen. Was getting a bit of trade business done.

Before you guys ask me questions about the trades we've completed, I'd just like to say that our game against Dallas went as expected and I'm very proud of the guys for bouncing back. That win allowed me to have the confidence to go out there and make some deals that could help us capture the division if they work out. Now, you may ask away."

"David Estep was easily the worst member of your offensive line. Do you believe Eugene Jett can be a much better fit on that offensive line?"

"Being a little harsh on Estep there. However, with all due respect...yes, I believe so, that's why I was willing to sacrifice a 3rd round pick to bring him on. I think Eugene has had a decent season and I'm not asking for him to be Anthony Smith, but if he can just give us enough time for our QB to get the ball to his receivers or create a big enough hole for our RBs to get through and rip a big run, then I consider the trade a success."

"Speaking of receivers, you've surprised a few people with the move for Justyn Ross? Will he be playing as the WR3, WR2, or taking over as the WR1?"

"I found it important to have three great receivers on this offense so the move for Ross made sense to me. I can't tell you where he'll slot into our depth chart, but I don't believe bringing in Justyn is bad news for Tyger or Scotty. In  fact, I think he'll make their jobs a hell of a lot easier by just being out there. I also think JD now has a phenomenal core of receivers he can throw to so I'm sure he's happy about it as well."

"A win over Cleveland makes your division a lot more interesting. How do you approach this game?"

"I would think we approach this game like we're going to approach every game this season; it's a must win. We were very much contemplating being sellers at the deadline, but Cleveland and St. Paul keeping us in the division race with some of their performances gave me a lot of confidence to go out there and make these two trades. Whether they work or not, we'll see, but you can't say we sat back and just gave up the division, at least.

I also have a bitter taste in my mouth from the last matchup against Cleveland so I'd very much like to rectify the last loss.

Any other questions? No? Thank you for your time, ladies and gentlemen. See y'all next week."

"Alright, Coach. I've made moves for an upgrade at receiver and tackle. Unfortunately, I think we're just going to have to deal with what we have at CB. That being said, do you feel good about the moves? Where would you like to put Ross on our depth chart? I assume you would like to just see Jett at RT and Williams at LT."



I think Jett should start on the left side and Williams on the right.   Ross in the slot and back up to both starters, yes.

GM Rinaldi

"Sounds good to me. I'll make the adjustments. I don't think there's much else to talk about so good luck out there, Coach."

Eugene Jett to LT1
John Williams to RT1
Justyn Ross to WR3



GM Rinaldi

".....I have to be honest with you. The last thing I want to be doing right now is sitting here in front of all of you after that embarrassing loss.

People can spin it any way they want, but what happened out there is SHAMEFUL. In your own house, you allow your bitter rival to come in and after you take out their star quarterback, their backup comes in and leads a game winning drive. In your own house, where Carrington nabs another two interceptions to add to his total this season, you can't seem to use those turnovers to put the game. We failed on every facet of the game and it was the most ashamed I've felt after a loss in quite awhile. The division is basically gone now and we just have to hope that we can somehow win at least four out of our five last games and squeak in as a wildcard.

I suppose the biggest problem when you take over a franchise that has had a loser mentality for the last four seasons is that it's tough to break out of that. That is something myself and our head coach will be looking to fix going forward.

I'll start taking your questions now."

"There's a certain section of Mustangs fans who believe that there was a bounty placed on Fields by your team. How do you respond to that?"

"Well, expecting people from Ohio to actually use their brains for once would be expecting the world of them, it seems. To even suggest that is terrible. I like winning as much as the next guy, but I actually like winning with class. I have not and will never place a bounty on anyone's head. Hell, I'd have preferred it if he had played the entire game. Beating a team at their best is a great feeling.

If the Mustangs fans want to point fingers, maybe they should ask why their team's physician seems to be Dr. Nick from The Simpsons. How many injury scares is that for Fields now? Cause we sure as hell weren't the first team to take him out of the game and we very likely won't be the last at this rate.

Next question, please."

"Do you believe there's a chance to still make the playoffs?"

"Yes. It's gotten much slimmer after that loss, but we have yet to be mathematically eliminated so we will pick ourselves back up, brush ourselves off, and go on and try to close out the regular season on a high note."

"You travel to Orlando this week. What are your thoughts on the matchup?"

"I think Orlando is always a tough matchup, especially when they're in their own house. We cannot underestimate them if we still want to be in this playoff race. It'll be a tough game, but I look forward to seeing how my team reacts to the challenge.

That'll be all. Thank you."


"Well that fucking sucked."




It was a game where every third down pass we tried, seemingly was broken up by a defender.  Peterson missing the 49 yard field goal in the late 4th quarter prevented us from pushing the lead to 8.   The sack allowed on the 3rd down before that make it a 49 yard field goal instead of a 42 yard field goal... all of it, the poor punt that set up the Fournette touchdown; missed tackles.. it was a total team failure and being swept by Cleveland should disgust everyone in the clubhouse, yes.

GM Rinaldi

"Agreed. There's not much we can do now but play out the season and hope we do enough to at least give us a chance at the playoffs. Is there anything you'd like to change on the depth chart or just stick with what we got?"



Actually, I would like to flip Harlow and Frazier on the defensive line and see if it can spark Harlow to be more disruptive.

GM Rinaldi

"I'll make a note of it. Now if you'll excuse me, Coach, I have to see about getting an extension done for Carrington. If I don't see you again before the game, good luck out there."

"Aria, could you me Mr. Maker on the phone, please?"

"Mr. Maker, how are you? I'm calling about your client, Clay Carrington. I wanted to see how he would play on a contract year and he's very much impressed me. I'd like to work out an extension. Would you and your client be interested and what are you looking for deal-wise?"


GM Rinaldi, Good to hear from you.

Clay is a big fan of playing for Joan Swope, he's a guy he specifically models his game after, so yes he is very interested in signing an extension.

What we had in mind is $15MM for next season and then $10MM for Season 19.   The additional terms are as follows:

If Joan Swope extends his contract, then we add an additional $10MM player option for S20 and S21.
Additionally, on draft day of each off-season, that next season of the deal becomes fully guaranteed, so that we know Clay will not be dealt once we get to the draft; and lastly, if he is traded during the off-season prior to the draft, his contract automatically increases to a flat 2-year deal worth $15MM salary with $5MM in bonus.

How does that sound?

GM Rinaldi

"Sounds great to me. Swope seems to hold Clay in a high regard as well so we're more than happy to agree to this deal. We will league office it immediately. Pleasure doing business with you, as always."

"Aria, could you get me Steve Rosenhaus on the phone?"

"Mr. Rosenhaus, how are you? GM Rinaldi of the Detroit Fury calling about your client, Jeffrey Tan. We were very fortunate to get a player of his caliber as an undrafted free agent and we'd like to talk about getting him locked up on a more long term deal. Ideally, I see your client taking that leap and becoming the replacement for Gallegos on our offensive line once Harold's deal is over next season. What would it take to keep Jeffrey here in Detroit?"



Rinaldi baby!  The Tan Man will stick around for a 3 year deal worth $2MM per season, I'd just like to make sure you'd agree to give him a fitting pay raise if he breaks out and becomes an all-star,  nothing formal, just making sure he doesn't get taken advantage of if he develops into the player we all hope he can become.

GM Rinaldi

"You have my word that if he becomes the player we all hope he can become, I'll be back at the negotiating table with you, getting him a contract that will be much bigger than the one we're agreeing to right now. Always a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Rosenhaus. Have a good one."




GM Rinaldi

"Orlando did not make it easy for you guys, but you walked out with a good win. How does the win impact your team going forward?"

"I mean, hopefully it gives them enough motivation to keep winning and maybe gives us a chance to get in as a wildcard."

"Does that mean you've given up on the division?"

"I think whatever chance we have at it is slim at the moment so I'd rather be realistic and focus on something that is still within our grasp. A wildcard spot after missing playoffs for so long works just fine for us as well because in the playoffs, everyone is 0-0."

"This week, Milwaukee comes into town for a visit. This is a must-win game, yes?"

"Yes. I think every game at this point with the implications is a must-win. Milwaukee is, with all due respect, probably the worst team we'll play for the rest of the season so we better have our heads on straight for this one."

"Did you have any comments to make about Milwaukee bringing in GM Kirk?"

"Heh...not really, no. I'm curious to see what he'll do this offseason, but we'll leave it at that.

Thank you for the questions. Have a good one."

"Alright, we're back on track, Coach. I expect us to beat the snot out of Milwaukee. They're coming into our house so we definitely don't want them leaving here with anything more than another loss on their record.

I don't think much else has to be said. I know we want to experiment with swapping Frazier and Harlow on the defensive line and we'll do just that. Besides that, I just want to wish you good luck as per usual. Let's get to over .500 again."

Jeffrey Harlow to RDE1
Ethan Frazier to LDE1


GM Rinaldi

"Another win in the books. Detroit remains in the thick of it for one of the wildcard spots. How important is it to go 3-0 in your final 3 games?"

"I thinking going 3-0 obviously gives us our best chance to make the playoffs. If we are to lose any of the three games we have ahead and end up tied at 9-7 with a handful of other teams then we're hoping to have whatever tiebreaker there is send us to the playoffs. We have to rely on others and I'd rather we just take care of our own business instead of needing others to save us."

"Any reaction to there possibly being another expansion team added?"

"Not really. I came in as an expansion team GM so the more teams there are, the most competition. I would say that if we do bring in more teams then we likely need to add more playoff spots."

"You travel to New Jersey this week. How tough is this game going to be?"

"Very tough. New Jersey is a team that is also in this wildcard hunt with us so they know they'd be giving themselves a huge boost to their playoff chances by handing us a loss. They would basically not have to worry about us the rest of the way and more than likely move closer to the top wildcard spot. We have to once again play our very best, just like we did against Milwaukee, to come out of this one as winners.

That'll be all for today. Thank you."

"Great win against Milwaukee, Coach. The focus turns to New Jersey now. I don't know how you feel about the matchup but I'm sure you'd like to show them they made a mistake in letting you go."



This game has been circled on my schedule for a very long time, yes.   

I will keep my emotions in check, but this game is of great importance to me personally.

GM Rinaldi

"Hopefully the players understand how important it is to not only you, but to all of us. It's do or die time. Good luck."




GM Rinaldi

"I'm not going to take any questions, so you all can lower your hands.

There's a lot I want to say about the game I witnessed, but I'm pretty sure if I say what I want to say, I will eat the biggest fine in HIFL history. So I'LL just settle on congratulating New Jersey for taking advantage of our overall stupidity. We have ruined our chances at the playoffs and would need a snowball's chance in hell to get in now so to be quite honest with you, this will be my last press conference of the regular season.

Like I said, I have nothing else to say. My therapist will hear it all, but not you guys.


"Coach, let's try to win the last two games I guess. Maybe our secondary outside of Carrington won't let piss run down their legs in crunch time and maybe our special teams coordinator can get his head out of his ass and learn how to coach our players on getting the ball during an onside kick over these next two weeks. I don't have high hopes on either one."




1. What do you contribute to your teams struggles this year?

2. As a Michigan club, obviously being swept by Cleveland stings, what was the biggest gap between your clubs?

3. How would you evaluate your first year with Coach Swope?


GM Rinaldi

"What do you contribute to your team's struggles this season?"

"I thought we played well in general, just lost a handful of games we shouldn't. We finished with a positive point difference, but losing that game against to New Jersey took the wind out of our sails. Cleveland also barely scraped by against us twice. We had a lot of roster turnover so I expect us to have much better team chemistry next season when we return most of this roster."

"As a Michigan club, obviously being swept by Cleveland stings, what was the biggest gap between your clubs?"

"The biggest gap was us not being able to finish out the first game and us falling asleep at the worst possible time in the second one. They played a full game and we didn't and they were able to squeak out two games by three points each. So I would say that gap? It's not even that big right now and it's about to get a lot smaller next season once we use our two first round picks to make our team deeper than before. Hopefully Cleveland makes a deep run this year because I promise you...we are coming for the division crown next season."

"How would you evaluate your first year with Coach Swope?"

"I'd give it a B. We improved on last season, but we both know we could've ended this season on a much better note than we did. I think this partnership between myself and Coach Swope is only gonna lift this team up even higher in the future.

Hopefully all of our fans believe the same thing."

GM Rinaldi

*GM Rinaldi is sitting in his office, getting ready to let his secretary know that he'd like to speak to his head coach before allowing him to go on his vacation. Before he can do that though, an ESPN notification comes on his phone. Rinaldi opens the notification to see that GM Wayne has left Cleveland to join the expansion team and GM Doug has taken over the Mustangs instead.*


*Rinaldi begins to grit his teeth.*

"That fucking prick left Cleveland?! Are you fucking kidding me?! That son of a bitch! That piece of shit! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

*Rinaldi lets out a guttural scream before he bashes his phone in anger against his desk. Once it's in a million little pieces, he straightens himself out and tosses the shattered parts of his phone into his garbage can. He then pulls put a notepad from his desk and writes on it "Call Tommy V and see if he can get you in touch with the cartel???" before putting the notepad away and locking the drawer. He finally presses the intercom button on his office phone and clears his throat.*

"Aria, could you please let Coach Swope know I'm ready to see him now?"

*Rinaldi leans back in his seat afterwards and lets out a heavy sigh, extremely frustrated.*


GM Rinaldi

"First off, I wanted to thank you for your work this season. We didn't make the playoffs, but we're going to retool in the offseason and get better. My plan is to use the draft and free agency to fix up some of our issues, including seeking out a CB2 for you. Is there anything you have to say before we conclude this? I'm sure you're ready to enjoy your vacation."



It has been a pleasure to serve under your leadership.  I trust you to get us what we need to build back, better.

GM Rinaldi

"Have a good one, Coach."

"Aria, please let me know when Miss Waters would like to speak to me. I'm sure she wants to go over the goals she had for me this season."



Well, from an objectives standpoint it was an awful season.   We were swept by Cleveland.  We were swept by St. Paul.  We did not finish with a winning record, and I don't recall any particular efforts to boost fan support.

However, we did increase our points per game, we also reduced our points against while JD Corrales had a season worth of receiving comeback player of the year votes and we got the sweep in what is the final season of the Milwaukee Barons.   ...our 8-8 record prevented a losing season, so while I am not thrilled, I am not angry.   I see this as a stepping stone, but I expect my expectations to be met next season.

I hope you have a plan for raising fan support this off-season, even if it means spending bonus money to do so.

GM Rinaldi

"I do have an idea in mind. Hopefully I won't have to spend too much bonus money on it but I do plan on getting something done to raise fan support."



As long as it's not gold chains for the first 10,000 fans in the building, I trust you to do the right thing.   *snickers*   I'm kidding of course.

I trust you do take care of all the business we need to handle and to build a winner.  The players I have spoken too appreciate your work and love playing for Coach Swope, so I am happy with our overall direction.

GM Rinaldi

"I have no doubt in mind that we will build a winner. Appreciate you taking the time to speak with me and giving me a vote of confidence in spite of how year 1 went goals-wise, Miss Waters."