

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:02:42 PM

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Coombs to RB1

Dobbins Inactive.

Young WR1
Busby WR2



WR1 - Busby
WR2 - Baptiste
WR3 - Dobbins
WR4 - Young



I think we got to give Haywood a chance to shine, he's a front runner for rookie of the year and he'd be upset if he lost it because he didnt play the last three weeks.






GM Mike Powers

1 – What went wrong this week?  I mean, I don't think you can fairly say that anything went wrong this particular week.  We were tweaking our lineups, trying guys on different sides of the field, moving guys up and down the depth chart the entire second half of the season.  We needed to know everything there is to know about the pieces we have on the team currently before we can turn our eye to adding new pieces to the puzzle moving forward.  Our strategy didn't have wins and losses in mind at all, just a search for information.  With that approach in mind, I'd go so far to say that nothing went wrong at all.

2 – The best moment this season was the trade for Dobbins 2.0.  We have the youngest, hungriest core 3 – QB, WR1, WR2 – in the league.  Milt, Dobbs, and Young have had a bunch of games this season together and the sparks were undeniable in our offense.  Imaging the step up after an offseason/training camp/minicamp working together?  I can't wait to see it.

The worst moment?  I mean, we had 3 wins all year.  It was filled with terrible moments.  I guess instead of isolating an on the field moment, I will say how much it hurt to have Frank Cleveland leave us for the PFL.  I tried to be a player-first GM and leave it up to him, but I was really, REALLY hoping he would choose to stay.  Losing your undeniable best player on one side of the ball is a tough pill to swallow.  Good for him for getting paid though, I guess.

3 – Coach Dobbins was the team MVP, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  The man had the same competitve drive in him from day 1 to now.  His work ethic is unmatched, and it is really appreciated by both me and the players.  A man giving his all for a team having a 'lost season' – THAT is the sort of thing that leaders are made of.

4 – I think you know what I think of Coach Dobbs, as I just mentioned.  Our offensive coaching staff all get good marks.  We had flashes of brilliance out there, especially after we added RoDobb to the team.  Our defensive coaching is a bit of a question mark.  We clearly didn't have enough talent to have a strong core, but how much of our defensive failures was that, and how much was coaching?  That will be a big question for us as we go into the offseason.

5 – Oh, I wasn't very effective.  It is clear that I overestimated where this team was post Franchise – I know Franchise finally got a team to the postseason, but we all know he inherited that team.  I should have been more proactive, much earlier than I was.  Add to that the fact that some personal issues kept me away from time to time – my eye was not on the prize.  That mistake will NOT be repeated.

6 – The biggest takeaway from this season was my first REAL taste of humble pie.  I haven't had a losing season before, let alone a season like THIS.  I saw GMs eclipse me in the all time wins categories.  I can no longer hang my hat on my 2 Impact Bowl runner-up seasons – as pathetic as THAT is when you think about it.

7 – This team is missing a lot of things.  Our defense especially needs a big overhaul and upgrade at nearly every position.  We generated next to no pressure on the QB, and that allowed teams to run whatever offense they wanted to on us.  On offense, our running game was inconsistent, as was Milt at times.  Can this all be addressed in one off season?  Of course not.  But we can make a dent in it, a big dent too if things fall our way.  And as we've seen before, flawed teams can go far if they get hot at the right time – Amsterdam making the Impact Bowl recently anyone?

I'll take a few questions if you lot have any.



I appreciate what you said, I was talking to Coach Wright today about his boys and making that push to a 4th straight Impact Bowl, and he said he wished I was there getting the guys ready; and you know what I said?

I told him that on the real, I am looking more forward to getting our boys to a point where we go head to head in the Impact Bowl with him and his guys..

That's where we're going to be.

GM Mike Powers

Well I appreciate the hell out of you Coach, and I have no qualms about letting everyone know it. You're a grinder and there is nobody else I'd want to have at the helm with me. I love your response to Coach Wright. You showed your love and respect to him and that squad, but also showed you got goals beyond what you've already achieved. You showed you're a Baron now, and I fucking love it.

Let's get down to business so that we can get you on your way to vacation island. The 2nd half of the season we tinkered with the depth charts, we flipped and flopped people to the opposite sides of the field. Did we find any diamonds in the rough? Jenkins doesn't look like more than a rotational piece, but Coombs had a few flashes. What do you think?



I honestly see both Jenkins and Coombs more as kick returners right now, one could be a RB3 or a pure speed substitute, but I don't know if they have high ceilings.

I didn't see any hidden gems, but hopefully we find some next time around

GM Mike Powers

In terms of expiring contracts I only see value in re-signing Gene Griffith and maybe Antonio Patterson. Steed would be a nice veteran presence in the locker room if he wanted to return and the price was right. Anyone else make your short list? Busby?


Kirkland, Griffith, and Patterson are the biggest pieces I think.  Busby doesnt fit my offense and the rest are just depth.  I don't think Steed will want to come back for another year if he can find a deal with a contender.

GM Mike Powers

Wasn't sure on Kirkland, but consistency at Center is a good thing to have. Good to know on Busby.

What do you think about your staff? I think I'm going to need to give you a little more money on the defensive budget.



Agreed. I think once we see what we can play with for bonus money to build our budget we can figure out where we need to go.  Be thinking of what type of defense you want so I know who to hire.  Aggression level, things like that.

GM Mike Powers

I mean, my ideal D is an attacking defense that puts the QB on their ass play after play. But finding the players to fit that mild is tough, so the reality is we will probably end up needing a Coach that fits the corps of players we have, post draft and free agency.

Alright Coach, I think that's it for now unless you had anything else? If not, enjoy your vacation, you've earned it.


(If Coach has nothing else)

Can I speak with Drew Levinthal please.


Drew, how ya doing? Good to speak with you as always. Got a couple pieces of business for you. First, your corner Gene Griffith. We'd like to keep him here in Milwaukee, obviously. Can we agree to a 3 year deal worth $12MM per season?



Outside of Top 50 corner average value, I can't sign before testing the market.

GM Mike Powers


Hmm, that's a good point Drew. I'll up the offer to $16.5MM for the 3 years. Deal?



That's more like it.  We'll take that offer.

GM Mike Powers

Perfect, I'll send in the paperwork momentarily. I also wanted to touch base with you on Antonio Patterson. At this point, my offer wouldn't be above the average value. Rather than disrespect you both by giving you that number, I'll just let you know that we're interested. If you're open to a number below the average value we'll talk some more now, but if not we'll make an offer during full blown free agency.



Thanks for the heads up, Pal.

GM Mike Powers

Absolutely. Talk to ya later.


Amelia, I am ready to speak with Mr. Barone if he's ready to see me.



Crashed and Burned this year Powers.  We better correct course and train our asses off to make things right or you'll be flying rubber dog shit out of hong-kong this time next year.

throttle up, hit the after burners, and buzz the tower.

GM Mike Powers

I wasn't aware that rubber dog shit was an imported product. Good to know.

We will absolutely do better next year sir, I stake my reputation on it.


Amelia, I'm done signing players so I am ready to move onto the next phase.


It has been an honor to fly with you Mr. Powers.  I am off to do some world traveling and put my flight skills to the test.   My sister Valkyrie will be taking my place, so you will meet her when the off-season begins.

Onward and Upward!


Hiiiii, I'm Valkyrie Barone, and with my sister gone to do her piloty thing I'm going to be taking care of you!  Just let me know what you need, kay? Here is our budget and roster outlook going into the off-season including what I have down for our draft picks.  Please contact me if you see anything out of place.




I am Sophia -- Self Optimizing Processor w/ Human-like Intelligent Abilities  Advanced Utility for Resource Optimization, Reporting, & Administration model 1 of 1.

I am now interfacing with your systems.  This will only take an estimated time of 45 minutes.












hmm... that is interesting.












Rerouting connection.






Rerouting successful!






Terminating link.






I am now testing functions within your system to ensure successful restoration of operations.






Your systems have been restored!




Got my shopping list ready and budget in hand.  Lets go!


Oh Hi!!

With the free for all starting now, here is what I have on our team sheet.  Please note this does not factor any signings we may or may not have made and failed to league office, so if we have signed a player recently but not yet sent his deal to the league office, I do not count that.   

Currently I have us with:

5 Open Roster spots.

8.63MM Remaining Salary.

-4.25MM Remaining Bonus.

0 Remaining Off-Season Bonus.

0 Remaining International Bonus.

This will be our only roster/budget update for the rest of the off-season, so if you have a discrepancy we need to speak in private and compare sheets and comb the league office to make sure we are on the same page.

GM Mike Powers

Thanks Valkyrie. Can I speak to Bobby Shapiro please?


Bobby, my man. I wanna sign your UDFA TE Edward Muhammad. The standard 1 year, $500K?


GM Mike Powers

Awesome. How about your UDFA WR Richard Gross - same deal?



  You know it, my dawg.

GM Mike Powers

My man. Let's keep it rolling - UDFA LB Thomas Stanley for the same?



  Once you LO the last deal we can talk.

GM Mike Powers


We good to sign Stanley to the standard 1 year/$500K UDFA deal?


GM Mike Powers

Signed, sealed, delivered.

Imma just sign all your UDFAs at this point.  DE Gerald Chapin - same deal?



  Trying to get back on my famous Bobby Shapiro slutty Christmas card list, huh?  You got it.

GM Mike Powers

Love me some Christmas cards. Talk to ya later my man.


Valkyrie, can you get me in touch with the agent for Betty Bulger from the FemFL?


We're interested in bringing Betty on board as a fullback, short yardage specialist. I only have $1MM left in the coffers to offer for the year. Any interest?

GM Mike Powers

Nevermind, I see that she just signed in Music City.


James Crain please.


JTC, your UDFA OT Charles Yazzie. The standard 1 year, $500K?




...you awake over there?



Just a reminder that we need to clear 4.25MM in bonus for S17 to be in compliance before we lock in.

We could achieve that by:

A. Trading or Amnestying Felton Sumner, or offering him some of our 6.13MM in remaining salary cap in exchange for him dropping the 5MM in bonus?

B. Firing Coach Dobbins or Coach Frisk to save 6MM or 5MM respectively.

C. Trading for off-season bonus money from a team that is not locked in like Las Vegas who has 7.74MM in available funds and trying to acquire that money so we can try to restructure some contracts to reduce our bonus hit (maybe a combination of Kirkland, Young, and Perry?)

D. .... yeah I only have those three ideas.

GM Mike Powers

Thank you Valkyrie, and apologies for my absence recently.

Can you get me Scott Forest please?


Hi Scott, thanks for your time. I seem to be in a bit of a pickle....some poor Excel skills on my part has lead to me going over $4MM over the Bonus cap. Now I know my problem isn't your problem, but you and your client Felton Sumner can be my solution and make more money for doing little more than signing on the dotted line.

I'd like to move the $5MM of bonus from Felton's deal to salary. As a thank you for doing that, I'll add the remaining $1.13MM in my budget to his deal. He'll make $31.13MM salary for this season, the remaining years on the deal stay the same.

Can we shake on this deal and make your client some more money, and get me out of a bind?



It's a bad look having to do this during the same off-season we made the original agreement, especially after his whole ordeal in Dallas, but we'll do it to avoid the headache.  You owe me though, Mike.

GM Mike Powers

I completely understand, and note that I owe you one. Thanks Scott.


Valkyrie I'll be working on the lock in info.


GM Mike Powers

Musical Licenses:

1. Flying High Again - Ozzy Osbourne
Plays after each home win

2. Seek & Destroy - Metallica
Plays as the Barons take the field at the start of the game and after halftime

Lock In



Revvin' up your engine, Listen to her howlin' roar!    Metal under tension, Beggin' you to touch and go!

GM Mike Powers

1. Welcome back, what was the most challenging part of the off-season, and where do you think you did the best as GM of this club?

Where did I do the best? Look at the new faces wearing Barons colors! Between Doomsday & Gonzalez in the draft, and Barkley & Sumner in free agency - along with the rest of our rookie and free agency class. We have brought in a serious amount of talent. That is only on the field. On the sidelines, we have the best coaching staff in the league and it isn't even close.

The most challenging part is clearly math. I almost mucked things up with my bookkeeping. Luckily poor spreadsheeting hasn't blown up the season.

2. After a long off-season, the regular season is within reach.  What is your view of pre-season?  Valuable or Pointless?

Valuable, of course. With new faces and a new coaching staff, we need real reps together to build chemistry and to gel. To borrow a phrase from a fellow GM buddy of mine, we need to build synergy.

3. Will you completely sit any of your players for the pre-season, or is it all hands on deck in the traditional pre-season limited capacity?

All hands on deck. Can't build that chemistry with pieces missing.

4. Having just met with your boss, the team's owner; what do you think about their expectations for you this season?

Very realistic expectations, and it is my aim to not only meet them but to exceed them.

5. The fans are clamoring, what should they expect this season from a record stand point?  Are you thinking this is a rebuilding season?  Is this a season where you will be middle of the pack and near .500?  Is this a club that should win 10+ games?  Is this team a lock to win the division, or is this team simply a real-deal Impact Bowl Contender and everything else is trivial?

We're going to be much better than last season, that much is certain. How much better? That is the real question. If we click right away and some good bounces go our way, we could be fighting for a playoff spot. Now don't get me wrong - I am NOT promising anything. I'm just saying that it isn't outside the realm of possibilities.

6. What's the biggest position competition you're looking forward to with your team's pre-season games?

I think most positions are pretty well set for the most part. Maybe some shuffling around to find the best possible offensive line, the special teams players for sure.

7. Look across the league, which team from the opposite conference do you think will be competing for the Impact Bowl when it's all said and done?

How can you go wrong picking Winnipeg? They've been the measuring stick for the league for many years now, even though they didn't win the whole thing last year.

8. Make a bold prediction about this season:

Vegas doesn't even make the playoffs this year.



Here we go.  This is a big year for us to prove we're the right men for the job.