

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:04:14 PM

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Its a tricky situation boss, it's not that I don't like Coach Hunter, or that he isn't a good coach; but is he a great head coach in the HIFL?  I don't know. 

Is he a guy who is going to lead us to an Impact Bowl trophy?   Or is he a guy who is better off as a college HC or maybe a pro OC doing wild offensive things... I mean, a lot of guys just have those questions.

GM Bennett

That's a fair question to have. Especially at this stage of the game. I will say I have the upmost confidence in the Coach but I understand completely where you guys are coming from. It might even be something the man himself is thinking to himself.

We all have questions about this season. We all have some uncertainties of the future of us and the ball club...Sigh...

I believe in every fiber of my being that we have us a good team this season good enough to win it all...Problem is we've been holding ourselves back and I don't get it. We come close and we just get in our own way.

Ahem, anyways I drifted off into something else my bad fellas. Look I hear where you all are coming from. I'm hoping we can continue to play hard every time we step out there to play. If these questions aren't answered by the end of the season we may have to solve them ourselves going into the offseason.

If anything arises before hand I expect one of you to let me know so we can work something out to get done. I'll let you boys get back to practice and hopefully from here on out we can turn things around and get some consistency going forward. Push each other and make each other better.




Will do, boss.

GM Bennett

Game Eight vs. Charlotte Crows

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Music ♛ Reigns



GM Bennett

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss a game that caught your eye)
I'm pretty happy with how our boys did this week. It should be pretty obvious as to why...We took care of business on the opponents home field. It was a tough game, Crows could've easily walked out of there and won so it wasn't like it was a landslide victory or anything. The favors just tipped in our favor this week, that was all.

Damn good efforts on both sides of the ball. Outstanding Kings football but if I were to give the handball to just one player...I don't know I'm torn. LiAngelo had a huge game on the ground for us, huge man. But Thomas did just about everything you can ask for out there on the defensive end except for recording a damn sack haha. It'd be between those two for sure.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, also what are some of the stats and/or stat leaders that have surprised you at the mid-point of the season?
Congratulations to Holt for being the league leader in interceptions. He's proving to be a good investment for our ball club.

I'm proud of Meek over in DC. Glad things are working out for him on that front.

Happy to see Ortega's charity doing so well. Truly inspiring.

Kinda surprised by Dario's bit of news to be quite honest with you.

3. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)
We have Cancun visiting us this week. We're hoping to build off this win against the Crows and build up some momentum. Our guys are a little banged up but we should be good to go against any challenges we may face this coming week.


Coach, first things first congrats on the win this week. That's a move in the right direction I'd say.

Other thing I wanted to talk to you about. So as I said I was going to talk to the captains to see what was up about last week's news story. So it's a bit of a mixed bag to be honest with you. The good thing is that the guys do indeed respect you, so there's no worries there. But there is some uncertainty. As much as they do like and respect you, there is a lingering question in their minds on if you are the right man for the job to lead the team in a Head Coach sense. They're wondering if you are more of a Offensive Coordinator in this league rather than a Head Coach. Some even speculating that you are more suited as that or a Head Coach in College.

With all that in mind, I have the upmost faith in you and your coaching abilities coach. I believe in you. If I didn't I wouldn't have kept my promise and made you the guy. I know we are all facing a lot of doubts this season but if we keep winning? And get to the playoffs? Look some of those doubt may disappear.

Like I'll tell you like I told them...I don't know where our futures are held. Let's try and make the most of what we got going now we'll handle the rest later. Shit, we all gotta answer to somebody when this season is over.



I appreciate you being upfront with me and letting me know what's going on.   It hurts to hear some of that, but I get it.  All we can do is win games and prove doubters wrong.

GM Bennett

Hey, that's all I can be is upfront my man. Let's prove everybody wrong!

How are we looking to build off this win? And are they any adjustments you're seeing so far this season that we just need to go ahead and make?




We go into Cancun and beat the pants off of them!

GM Bennett



Ahem, yeah yeah. That's what I like to hear. Let's just keep our heads up and wrack up these W's, Coach.




Yeah, a loss this week and you might just end up staying in Cancun, huh?  ....sorry, bad joke but you know how it is.

GM Bennett

Hahaha I don't wanna get that ahead of myself. But in a matter of speaking if we don't make the playoffs my summer is gonna be more interesting than usual I suspect.

Beyond that I'll get us locked in shortly. I might wait a bit to see if any GM gives us a ring for a possible trade but either way good luck this week, Coach.


GM Bennett

Hey Princess can we get our man LaVar on the phone real quick, need to ask him a quick question.


My man! LaVar how you doing big fella? Look I just wanted to reach out and see if there was a sliver of a chance SJAX wanted to be a King this season?

Now before you answer I gotta be completely honest...I don't know what the future holds for me here in Music City past this season my man. I'm in the hot seat and if I don't get this team to the playoffs I could be singing a whole new tune elsewhere. I just want you to know that before hand.

That in mind I'm thinking about the now and if there's a chance to bolster our offense I want to at least try. I've been in contact with GM Franchise letting him know of my interest but seeing ya tweet before I even dared to even try to iron something out I knew I needed to reach out to my BBB Brother in Arms, LaVar to see what's what.

Give it too me straight big dawg...Do the MC Kings got a chance to be on that list of teams SJAX is interested in?




My man, if you void the final years of his deal so he can be a free agent this off-season and get his money whereever he wants, I'd bring him here if you make the trade... Your call big baller, call yo shot!

GM Bennett

I'm bout that action. We'll see if GM Franchise is. If not I appreciate you always my man!

If a deal gets done I'll be hitting you up ASAP.




Speak it into existence!

GM Bennett

Game Nine vs. Cancun Kraken

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Music ♛ Reigns



GM Bennett

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss what piece of news was most surprising to you)
This week our Kings had a dominating performance. It was good to see you know? We've had a lot going on and I know some of us are on the hot seat regardless so I don't wanna get too excited. But I am happy with how things went for us out there this week. It was Cancun who has been struggling for quite a while now but nevertheless a win is a win and we are happy to be the ones going home with the W this week.

As for who I think gets the game ball? It'd have to be Sean Burnett, right? My man was carving up their offense and doing just a bit of everything out there. It was great to see, the kid is on his way to being one of the best safety's in the game. With Charles Bishop being here I'd say he's got a good mentor to help him along the way.

2. Discuss any news that interested you, what do you make of the recent GM moves around the league? (Cover your news first; then move on)
It's good to be on top of the division but as I said earlier that stuff don't mean nothing right now. I'm on the hot seat. I know I am. I've known this all season and I'm treating every week win or lose like I am. My job isn't safe just cause we're on the top of the division. We need to make the playoffs this season and make an impact there. I wanna see this team go all the way, I know we have the team to do it and I wanna be here to see them do it. So yeah it doesn't matter how happy I am with this win or where we are in the standings...We've lost 4 games this season. 4 games that we should've and could've won in my opinion. That's 4 games that have left a stain on our organization and 4 games that have cause my seat to get 4 notches hotter. My happiness doesn't matter. Not now. You wanna know when it will? When we find ourselves in the playoffs. And beyond that? When we have the Conference Championship. And hell...You gonna see just how happy ol' Wesley Bennett can get if we win it all. I promise you that one.

As for the recent GM turnovers...I was quite surprised about the GM Gooch to Louisville ordeal. That was...Interesting. Interesting in more ways than one but yeah. That's crazy. All I'll say bout that one.

I think just about everyone including GM Cure seen the writing on the wall. I didn't get a chance to speak to him yet following him being let go but I'm sure he's doing alright. Probably gonna go back and focus on his pro wrestling career and other business ventures he's involved in. He's a good kid, wish things woulda worked out better for him down there in Cancun. Maybe he will regroup and get a job elsewhere but whatever he does and wherever he goes I'll support the young brother.

3. Rate your teams activity level this week when it comes to the Trade deadline, should fans have their notifications on for a big deal, or is it likely to be quiet?
We're listening to offers. We were in the possible running for SJAX after getting the greenlight by head honcho of BBB. But Vegas made GM Franchise an offer he couldn't refuse. Hell much better than I can even do with where I'm at haha. We're listening to offers that's about it. If we get an offer that I think helps us out in the long run then we'll see what can get done. My phone lines will be open for as long as I see possible. But if I don't get hear anything from anyone then it is what it is.

We're not giving up no hand outs out this way either. And we're not doing anybody any favors. That's how I've had to deal with things since getting here, and nothing is going to change. If someone wants to do business with me it's gonna have to make sense for both parties.

4. How safe do you feel you are right now, is your job secure?
My job isn't safe. I've mentioned that a few times tonight. I'm in the hot seat. My job is not safe. I'm on the last season of my contract with the Music City Kings. I don't see a contract extension happening if we don't get to the playoffs. My job isn't secure. I know that much. I'm grateful for everything this club has done for me and has stuck with me in one of the hardest times in my life. I am deeply grateful to them and appreciative. But I know this is a business. I'm gonna handle my business as I know the club will handle theres. As for now my focus is to support this team and fight along with them to get us there to the playoffs so we have a fighting chance to bring the trophy home to good ol' Nashville.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)
We have a bye week this week. I hope that Juan get rested and rehab enough this week that he'll be ready to go by the time we get back. This is time for all of us to enjoy our loved ones and relax. Like I said my phonelines will be open for the trade deadline. I'll keep them open for as long as possible but they will close if I don't hear anything or hear anything worth the Kings' while.


Coach congratulations on one helluva a game. We killed the Kraken this week. Luna wasn't that happy but...I sure the hell was! Glad to see how good everything was clicking. It was a struggling team so let's not get too ahead of ourselves. But yeah it was good to see.



Being on top of the division gives us some cushion and room to breathe, but we have to stay hungry. No backing off the gas, no hitting the brakes.

GM Bennett

That's right, we can't get comfortable. Thankfully we got us a week off and we can step back and relax a little. Do you think we'll have Juan back after this bye week?




Hope so, Chief.

GM Bennett

You and me both.

Have you seen any improvements or changes within the locker room with the players?




Winning cures all, so far being back in first place has got everyone a little less... "distant?" I guess would be the word.

GM Bennett

Well I think a weeks worth of vacation and some more wins will help do us some good in the future for you then Coach. I'll let you get outta here though I'm sure you have plenty planned with the family. I hope you enjoy your time off my man.

In the meantime I'll be sticking around here waiting for some phone calls hoping nobody tries to call with a bullshit offer tryna fuck us over and pull a fast one.




Homecoming at Clemson this weekend, can't wait to go see the kids!

GM Bennett

Heeeeyyyyyy, sounds like a great time! Have a great time Coach!




See you next week, boss.

GM Bennett

Hey Princess, are there any other first rounders that have a fourth year option that we may need to decide on other than Peerless?


GM Bennett

GM Bennett

1. Discuss your weeks results (if you won, who deserves a game ball for their efforts?) (if you lost, who needs to step up to prevent another loss?) (if you had a bye-week, discuss what piece of news was most surprising to you)
Seeing that GM Franchise might potentially be trade to Cancun was quite surprising to see head lining this weeks news. Maybe GM Franchise has what it takes to turn things around down there and build up the franchise. Whatever happens though it should be quite interesting to watch.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)
I totally stand by Thomas and all three of his goals. We might be slotted at number three in defense but in my opinion we are number one. That might be me being a little bias also it's just me having faith and confidence in our guys. We got us a great defense and nobody can take that away from us. And with my job on the line you bet your *** I wanna see this team in the playoffs! I wanna see us possibily go all the way in fact. It's up to us to reach our own destiny...And Destiny Is All!!!

Ahem, but yes I would also love to see Thomas reach his individual goal of being the top corner and number one in interceptions this season as well. I feel as a GM you should support your players in all their individual success. I want nothing but the best for them and I'll do what I can for them to achieve that on and off the field.

Other bit of news I wanted to touch on was...I know the Underground want to win this game but s**t so do we. There's a whole lot riding on the line man and we can't just let up. We need to move forward and win this weeks game no matter what.

3. With the trade deadline in the rear view, what move surprised you the most?
I seen some head scratchers last week to be honest. I think some trades said a lot more of where some GM's are at with their teams. Some may of lost confidence in their team this year and just wanted to focus on the future. I can't speak for them though, this is just me taking a seat back looking at things.

4. Tell us a player on offense and defense you want to see more from in the second half of the season.
I think I need to see a little more from our quarterback Daniel Tate for the rest of the season. He has all the tools to be great in this league and we've seen flashes of it since drafting him and making him the guy here in Thee Kingdom. We definitely need more from him though. He can make plays through the air and on his feet, I'd love to see more of his playmaking prowess. You look at the media and their QB rankings and they don't see it. Not really. They consider him mediocre and have done nothing but question me gambling to take the kid. I know what kind of talent Tate is and what he can be. It's time he showed the world and prove it. Not to mention it doesn't quite help matters when you see the guy you let walk making headlines for however many yards he's thrown and what not. Doesn't help when you lose to em either.

On the defensive side...That's hard cause we got the best defensive in the league haha. There's really not anyone you can really single out on defense. All I can truly say about our defense is to keep being the best defense I know you to be and what you are showing the world. Make the right plays and destroy the opposition on every down. When it's your opportunity to shine, you best take it and shine bright.

5. Discuss your next opponent and game. What is your biggest advantage in this contest? (if you have a bye week, discuss what you hope to achieve this week)
We're taking on the Underground this week yet again. it's gonna be another dogfight...Just hope we can win this time around. Last time we lost because of some costly mistakes and a guy on their defensive having a game of a lifetime. We can't have that happen again. We want to win this division, then we have to beat Atlanta. No ifs, buts or maybes. We have to.


Coach, welcome back from vacation my man! How'd everything go for you?




It was a nice break, but now the focus is back on business.  Atlanta in a division clash, this is where we make our stand.

GM Bennett

After the last game we had against them, we had better come out on top this time around.

What you think about our recent acquisition?



The proof's gonna be in the puddin'

GM Bennett

True enough. Hopefully we can get him involved for the remainder of the season and he can help us out.

I also wanted to know how our man James Barger is progressing.



He's looking great.  High IQ, his accuracy keeps improving, he's a talented kid.

GM Bennett

That's good to hear. Let me ask you this Coach...Do you think he'd be a better option than Tate?




He very well could be.  He's not as "exciting" but he's a smarter cleaner player, I think.

GM Bennett

Damn...I don't know if this is the week to see what that could look like but with you telling me that it might be something for me to consider.


What do you think about use splitting their shifts? Tate will start the half but Barger will finish the game? Would think effect the team's chemistry at all?




We can split reps, but we cant control when they get those reps so it would be more like jusrt letting them both play and that's not usually a good idea.

GM Bennett

I see...since I can't decide on what to do I'ma give you two options Coach.

We go with Tate this week let him show he heard what I said out there in the presser. Let em prove he's the guy.



I flip this coin and we decide our fate on who is gonna play against the Underground by chance.



...oooh now we're talkin' 

GM Bennett

Oh Duncan...You sly dog you....

Heads we go with Tate. Tails, Barger gets a shot.

Best out of three?




You're the boss, boss!

GM Bennett





Well shit....Heads. Sudden death, Coach.





Well Coach...Looks like...


The Rook is gonna get his shot!

I'll let you break the news to the kid. Well let them take turns practicing with the first team and basically let Tate know we gonna try something out this week. If he gets mad about it or whatever tell him to come to my office so we can all talk.

Uh let's try to get in corporate in the offense this week I'll make the necessary roster changes in the lock in.

Let's roll the dice and make it count, Coach! Good luck this week my man!

GM Bennett

Game Ten vs. Atlanta Underground

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision


QB1 | James Barger
QB2 | Daniel Tate
QB3 | Tashaun Pate

WR4 | Garry Hutcherson
WR5 | Homer Nation
WR6 | Frank Thomas

Music ♛ Reigns



GM Bennett

1. Discuss this past week.
This week was a bit of shocker wasn't it? In more ways than just one. We made a switch at QB this week after some consideration and letting our two future star pupils duke it out in practice. Myself and the coaching staff felt it was best to give the kid a shot. Show us and everyone what he was made up. He wasn't a projected Top 10 QB in this seasons draft for nothing. And he just about proved it, I'd think. No he's not as athletic as our man Tate is but similar to Tate we feel he's one helluva a QB. And when you have a vet like Tashaun Pate in the the QB room I'd like to think these two young men got one of the best mentors in the league to help them develop into two future best QB's. That's my opinion anyways.

But beyond that, it was a close and hard fought game. Atlanta didn't give us nothing short of their hard work, sweat, blood and tears. They kicked our asses last time...But we owed them a bit of pay back. And that pay back was a small dose of Nick "BOOM SHAKALAKA" Cannon! Woo! LiAngelo got knocked out of the game and Nick seized the opportunity to turn up the music. That's part of the reason he was given the game ball. We couldn't have won without his spirit, his passion and tenacity out there.

Before I move on to the next question...I just wanna stand here and say I f**king love our defense.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)
I touched on it a bit earlier at the start of today's press conference but yeah it was a bit of a shock for everyone I'd think. Our division rivals were probably prepping for Tate to be behind center and we pulled the rug out from under them sort of speak. You kind of have to change your game plan when you're taking on a pocket passer compared to a guy who can move outside the pocket a bit. Barger was impressing the coaching staff since drafting em and he's made a good impression as of late. We felt comfortable with him getting the start this week and rolled the dice. It was good to see the kid do his thing out there.

Not knowing the future of how things are gonna turn out, I'd just like to say Japan's national team intrigues me.

3. Talk about your plans for this week.
We'll be taking on GM Gooch's new team the Louisville Cardinals eerrrr I mean Woodpeckers. Not a whole lot to say about them this season. It's been a real struggle for them this season. We don't want to end up their first dub so we're gonna have to get after them as if they are undefeated. We're trying to make the playoffs and do big things this season. We don't know what the future holds for us after this season so it's best we make the most of it, I'd say.


Coach! Congrats on the dub this week. we definitely needed it. Barger did a great job out there. Proud of the kid.




Huge win and it suddenly has Atlanta in a tissy!  Add on the way Charlotte is imploding and we suddenly look DAMN GOOD!

GM Bennett

If this keeps up Coach, our jobs might actually be safe! Haha!

So I was looking back at a few game comparing with what James did...Daniel has only had 3 games where he had a QBR of 100 or better. This kid had it going game one. You telling me he's a smarter and safer player was spot on. The kid didn't turn the ball over opposed to Tate. Need to do better of avoiding the sack similar to Tate but the kid went out there and shined.

We got the Woodpeckers this week, I'm willing to give the kid another shot this week to be quite honest with you, Coach. Let him cook a bit more out there. What you thinking?




Yo-Yo'ing the QB is a quick recipe for everyone to be unhappy, so I think we commit to James for a while or we don't we can't play it week to week.