

Started by Talon, November 25, 2021, 11:04:14 PM

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GM Bennett

Agreed. I'm game with that.

With that said how we looking against these Woodpeckers? Anything we need to fortify before heading in?



As long as we don't let them get their first win against us we're all good.

GM Bennett

For sure.

How did Tate take the news?



Not great; he didn't quit or anything, but he's clearly not happy, either.

GM Bennett

Figures. I'll try to talk to em Coach...But first when you get down there can you let Nick know I wanna see em?

Thanks Coach and good luck this week!




GM Bennett

MY MAN!!!!!!!

You were balling out there, and got us the win. Proud of you. Glad to see you doing your thing when the opportunity presents itself.



Dap me up baby!  I been the toast of Music City all week, getting love from all the honeys!

GM Bennett

I can't say I'm surprised. The people of Nashville love their sports as much as they do their music. Well shit the whole state of Tennessee is competitive. As long as you killing it out there on the gridiron and showing how much you care for them in the process they'll support you. Even when you down. I'm almost like a walking talking Hallmark story with that kind of tale.

LiAngelo is gonna be out for a couple weeks so I'm gonna be depending on you to bring that Spark for us in the backfield with Kang comes out. You keep taking that bull by the fucking horns my man and run like crazy.

Hell you keep playing like this I'm sure me and ya agent gonna hear from some brands wanting to utilize a guy with your talent and personality.

Don't let that praise get to ya head now my man. Keep pushing and taking care of your business on the field and you'll be just fine in this league.




I'm ready to wild'n Out on the field!  Just keep feeding me the ball! Its my time to shine!

GM Bennett

No problem. Go ahead and get back to practice. Can you send up Barger by the way?

Oh...Hear me on this Nick, before you go crazy with the ladies. Be sure to wrap it up my man. At least until you see an extra set of 3 0's on your contract after this current one expires.


GM Bennett

My man! How did it feel to get out there and slang that thang?




It was quite exceptional.

GM Bennett

Good. We're gonna have you back out there against Louisville. Happy to see you out there doing your thing. Keep up the good work and let's rack up some more dubs my man.

If you don't mind can you tell Daniel I'd like to see em.


GM Bennett

Hey I get it. You're mad at me. You're probably even mad at the coaching staff.

Don't be.

We haven't lost any faith in you my man. I think the world of you and wanna see you shine. I believe you can be great in this league but you and I both know there are still things you can improve upon. We knew when first drafting you, you had some aspects of your game that you needed to see grow. We continue watch you improve and I can't wait to see the finished product.

That all being said, it doesn't hurt to give a kid like Barger a shot either. I'm sure you've seen it. The kid is good. It's good to let him get out of the stables for a bit and let the young thoroughbred run and have some fun.

I want you to let this anger you got inside to help you strive in your development. No matter how you feel about me and the staff right now I'm gonna make sure I see you improve into the QB I know you can be.

I'm gonna be out there on the practice field watching. This is gonna be good for you both. Competition helps you get better and that's what I want.





GM Bennett

Huh...Coulda been worse.

Hey Princess I'll get us locked in here shortly. Was gonna meet with Garry but that can wait.

GM Bennett

Game Eleven vs. Louisville Woodpeckers

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Music ♛ Reigns



GM Bennett

1. Discuss this past week.
Well this wasn't an exciting game by any means but we did come in and get the victory. That is what we are most happy about coming out of this week. Everyone played well. As always the defense was phenomenal, a big reason we won the game especially the defensive player of the week MR. BIG SPLASH CLAYTON MARTIN!!

Ahem, even more so our man Erickson was killing it out there every time his number was called.

It was a good game nevertheless.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)
Robert Marshall finding success at WR/RB is something special. He definitely has the tools to be successful at other positions other than QB. Gifted athlete man.

3. What is more interesting to you the PFL or the IFAF, do you believe either is a true rival or threat to the HIFL?  Who is your favorite player from either league and why?
I'd say IFAF because I like seeing these players from other countries playing the sport. I also like the idea of us having a partnership with these teams to give them a solid shot at being on our rosters.

I don't think they are true rivals per say. I think they are a good alternative for players.

I don't have a favorite player or team in either league at the moment. But I do show a bit of bias to the guys who used to be with us in Music City.

4. The bye weeks are through; five games remain this season; evaluate your team and season, if you still have a shot at the playoffs what does your team have to do to close out the regular season on a high note?
This season has truly turned itself around but even with five games left in the season I think it's too early for us to let up on anything. We have us a solid chance of making the playoffs and possibly saving some people jobs, including my very own here in the Music City. I'm optimistic. I believe in our team and I believe we have what it takes to achieve all of our goals here.

For now we are just taking it game by game and playing the best Kings Football that we possibly can.




Can I get a yeeehaw?!

GM Bennett


Nice job out there, Coach. Wish we did more on offense but we got the job done out there.

First things first, who the hell punched James?



HA! He won't say, I know it wasn't a teammate, so its not some QB drama thing but yeah he's keeping it under the hat.

GM Bennett

Huh...I was betting it was gonna be Daniel. I was ready to take action. I'm not gonna ask about it this week so we can focus on this week's game against Michigan but I hope everything is okay.

Keep an eye on em will ya?

That said how are we looking for this week's game?



Michigan has shown some fight, but we're a division leader.. We want to win this division, we can't afford to lose to chumps.

GM Bennett

It should be a fight to the very end then. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully we can do more offensively this week.

Alright Coach I'm gonna get us locked in at some point today, good luck out there this week my man.

GM Bennett

Game Twelve vs. Michigan Monsters

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Music ♛ Reigns



GM Bennett

1. Discuss this past week.
Last week's game against Michigan was a fun one. Kang & Cannon blew the roof off the place and it was just fun to see. Our defense has been consistently putting on some jaw dropping performances this season and I couldn't be happier. Since I've got here and even in my interview with teams I've went in there saying defense wins games. I might've played tight end in college but I truly believe defense wins games and championships. It doesn't matter how good your offense is if your defense ain't s**t to write home about. Our defense has been God Tier this season in my opinion and I love it. Great win.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)
We were all wondering why James had that black eye...I guess now we do. What can I say? The kid is young and mistakes will be made when you are young so you can learn from em. At the same time the kid is living his life to the fullest. As long as he comes to handle business out there on the gridiron and the personal stuff doesn't effect his gameplay I'm fine. I'm sure everything will get sorted out and he'll be fine regardless.

It will be something that needs to be addressed though, you don't wanna see those kind of headlines in the news about one of your guys ever really.

Beyond that, it's gonna be quite an interesting off season. I think everyone is gonna be watching to see what Seattle and Rapid City does this summer.

3. If you could will your team into fixing or improving one thing, what would it be?
If you asked me this earlier in the season I'd point out a few things. Our defense has been phenomenal this season, they've been great for us.

Offensively, there's a lot that could be done. I think we managed to fix a turnover issue that has been biting us in the ass. We've been pretty solid on offense to say the least. We've done enough to win games. Our run game has been awesome but it hasn't been as consistent as I'd like. I think we could do better in passing situations cause I know we got us some bonified studs in the receiving core...But as long as we have fixed the turnover issue I'm good with how everything has been.

We're winning games and showing how good of a team we truly are. The team we've known ourselves to be. I'm glad others are realizing it out there.

4. You going to win this week?
We're back on the road and heading out to Salt Lake. It's gonna be another test man. They're a tough young team that I see has a bright future ahead of them. They're not gonna take it easy on us by any means so we know what we have to do going up there. We have to play like Kings. Better yet we have to be Kings. We don't win this week's game by being anything less.


Coach! We did it again baby!



We are the MF'ing Kings, if you know what I'm sayin!!

GM Bennett




Ahem...Let's not get too ahead of ourselves Coach. Let's act like we have some dignity for the Lord's sake.

We still got us a few games left and Salt Lake ain't gonna be easy. With some of our guys banged up but I'm guessing gonna be good to go, how are we looking in this next game?




5 Game winning streak and the 3rd ranked scoring defense and 2nd ranked overall defense...   KING ME, baby!

GM Bennett

So what you're saying is...SALT LAKE DOESN'T STAND A CHANCE?!!!???




Kings over Renegades, WHO SAYS NO?!

GM Bennett


Ahem, yeah. Yeah. What they said.

Alright Coach I'll get us locked in shortly but um can you send up James first please?


GM Bennett

MY MAN!!!!

Hey um...So about that black eye your gi---ex gave you. You doing alright?




I mean, its my personal life, and I like to keep it private; but lets just say the brown eye was worth this black eye, you know what I'm sayin???

GM Bennett


Damn her mama a damn FFAAHHHHRREEEEAAAAKKKKK!!!! Nothing wrong with that! Nothing wrong with that at all!! Besides she should be more mad at her mom than you...I don't blame you one bit! Especially if her mom fine as hell!

But yes beyond that I hope that isn't effecting you in anyway when you're out there on the field. Though it is one helluva distraction, you're young and living your best life. Don't let any of that outside B.S. effect you when you here at work. You're a damn stud out there and we see the potential in you to be great in this league. You're getting that shot here In the middle of the season but you've done great so far.

I just wanted to check and see how you were doing everything my man. You need anything just stop by and see me. If I need to play mediator between your ex and ya milf don't hesitate to ask.

And for this week.....You shall be known as James "MILF HUNTER" Barger!!!




Haha, Man I heard about you and that fine Cougar down in Cancun, I don't need you macking on my women!   But for real boss, appreciate you not trying to play teen-movie dad and talk to me about how to satisfy a woman, clearly I got that covered.

Lets ball baby!

GM Bennett

Ahahaha yeaaaaahhhhhh...And she's more than enough woman for me!

No problem! You're a grown man, wouldn't treat you like anything less my man!


Go ahead and head back to practice and let's get ready for Salt Lake City! Kill it out there!

GM Bennett

Game Thirteen vs. Salt Lake Renegades

Player Rotations: Mostly Starters
Play Calling: Coaches Decision
Game Plan: Coaches Decision
Strategy: Coaches Decision

Music ♛ Reigns



GM Bennett

1. What stood out to you about your team this week?
This thing that stands out is that L we accumulated. Secondly we were just making some mistakes out there that we shouldn't on offense. You combine the penalties and turning the ball over, we lost us the game not the other way around.

What do I mean by that? I mean if we didn't make those simple yet costly errors we would've won the game. We lost by a field goal. We should've won that game and we cost ourselves that victory.

2. Discuss any news that interested you. (Cover your news first; then move on)
Congratulations to Michael Meek doing some great things slinging that ball. Happy for em.

Also it sucks to see a gifted QB sidelined no matter the injuries. Multiple concussions is a big concern though.

3. 3 Weeks to go, do you make changes or are you ready to roll with what brought you to the dance?
With three games left I don't forsee us making any changes at this time. Our run game is the best it's ever been. Passing game as it always has been is a work in progress with a lot of potential no matter who it's been behind center. I'm looking forward to finishing the season strong.


Coach, not a big fan of that L we took. We were on a roll my man.



47 yards on the last two pass plays in the final 20 seconds... we fell asleep at the wheel.

GM Bennett

Damn shame. That can't happen again. We have too good of a secondary for that to happen.

We have Portland next week, what are we looking at?




Rainey has been a guy who gives them a deep threat ability at QB; but their running backs are hit or miss this year.. They are a lot like we were a few years ago, still in the building stage and finding who they are.

GM Bennett

If our pass rushers and get to em we might have us a chance of shutting down their offense completely.

Is their defense anything to write home about? I wanna be able to see us do some damage and make up for last week.



I think we can put up points!

GM Bennett

Good, good. Let's turn up the music and have a party out there. Good luck this week Coach!
